
Par Jadahx_

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What is love with lies? Plus

Roll Call
🚨New story alert🚨


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Par Jadahx_

November 1st: 4 months 1 day


Brooklyn and Bri both walked into the hospital and made their way to the front desk. The lady looked up at both women before popping her gum and leaning back.

"How can I help you?" Brooklyn and Bri looked at each other, not liking the attitude that whoever this lady was was giving. Brooklyn decided to try her best to ignore it and still gave the lady a warm smile.

"Brooklyn Smith, I have a check up for 10:00." Brooklyn thought it was pretty clear the reason for her being here. Why else would she be in the maternity ward of the clinic? The lady at the front desk nodded before handing Brooklyn the papers that she needed to fill out. Her and Bri walked over to the waiting section before both taking seats.

"I ain't like her attitude. Popping her gum all up in people faces and shit. I should've snatched that shit out her mouth." Bri grumbled causing Brooklyn to laugh and shake her head. She furrowed her eyebrows at all of the papers that were given to her. This was her first appointment besides the one where she found out she was pregnant.

"Did you have to fill out all this shit when you was pregnant?" Bri looked over at all the papers before shaking her head.

"No ma'am, this look like a lot and I could never." Brooklyn spent the next 10 minutes reading pointless papers and filling out the same stuff repeatedly.

"Brooklyn Smith." She silently thanked God once her name was called. Her and Bri got up and walked over to a dark skin lady who had a long frontal on. She had glasses and a double nose piercing.

"Hi I'm nurse Malcom and I'll be checking your vitals and stuff. So follow me and we'll take your weight along with your blood pressure." Brooklyn nodded and followed the doctor to check her vitals and Bri went into the room.

"Should I take off my jacket and shoes?" The nurse stood in thought for a second before telling Brooklyn yes. She rolled her eyes in her head, hating the fact that she had to take everything off to put it back on.

"Ooouuu you have a bump on you girl." Brooklyn giggled and looked down at her baby bump. It seems like it was growing double almost everyday. It definitely wasn't poking out like that four days ago when she was with Chris. If it was, she would be having to answer so many questions that she truly wasn't prepared for.

"Alright so you are exactly 170 pounds. That is a gain of 12.4 pounds since your last visit. You can just sit right here so I can check your pressure." Brooklyn's eyes widened. She knew that she was gaining weight because the belly was growing, but she didn't think she was gaining that much. It had only been a month and she was starting to get concerned.

Her eating habits didn't change much, it wasn't like her appetite suddenly became excessive. She could agree that she was eating a bit more that before, but again it wasn't that much. She put her worries aside, not wanting to stress due to her not wanting to harm the baby.

She was always so concerned about making sure not to harm the baby. Though she was still a bit on the fence with this whole pregnancy thing, she always wanted the absolute best for her child. Her main goal was to deliver a healthy baby boy or a healthy baby girl.

"So are you planning on having a gender reveal or would you like the gender in this appointment." The doctor asked once they made it into the room. Brooklyn pursed her lips and looked over at Bri who was already looking at her. Bri gave her a shrug and Brooklyn smacked her lips, knowing that her sister was the worst person to ask for advice ever.

"I- you can tell me the gender. I'm sure i'm not going to have a gender reveal." Brooklyn wasn't sure but she definitely wanted one. As soon as she found the right time to tell Chris about the pregnancy, she would be able to plan those types of events. She had this ongoing vision of what her baby shower and gender reveal would look like ever since she was young. Yet she she was way too anxious to get the gender so she wouldn't be able to wait.

"Alright so has there been any concerns?" Brooklyn sat and thought for a minute before looking over at Bri once again. But again, the bitch was extremely helpless and staring down at her phone typing away. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and crossed her legs while folding her arms.

"One of my main things is my weight gain. My diet hasn't drastically changed so I'm not too sure why I've gained that much in such a short period of time. Another thing is that I've been facing occasional cramping and little pains here and there. Oh and I noticed that I don't really have morning sickness like that. I'm not complaining but I thought first time mother usually had more morning sickness than an average pregnancy." Brooklyn had definitely been doing her research on all things pregnancy. The day after she found out, she was already buying books and having fun on google.

"So with your weight gain, we're gonna see on the ultrasound what's up with that. It is a bit much for one baby so we're gonna check that. The cramping and pains is another thing that we're going to look into. With morning sickness, that shouldn't be much of a concern because that specifically depends on who the woman is. Some have lots of sickness while other have a different amount of sickness. You're sickness depends on your body and who you are." Brooklyn smiled and nodded. She got up and walked over to the medical bed and laid back. She unzipped her jacket to reveal her fairly large stomach.

"Bitch when you're stomach grow like this?!" Bri yelled. She definitely wasn't expecting to see that big of a baby bump on her sister. Brooklyn giggled and rubbed her growing stomach.

"Alright so it's going to be a bit cold. We're looking for the gender and we'll be able to hear the heartbeat." Brooklyn suddenly felt a wave of excitement. She shivered a bit when she felt the gel touch on her stomach. She could hear random sounds as the doctor moved the ultrasound device across her stomach.

"Oh my it looks like-."

"Is that two babies?!" Bri yelled out, cutting off the doctor. Brooklyn snapped her neck to the screen and there was for sure what looked to be two babies floating around. Her mouth dropped and she placed a hand on her forehead, feeling a bit dizzy.

"T-two, that means t-twins." Brooklyn was still trying to come to terms that she was having one child with Chris. Now she was finding she was about to give birth to two of his children. They were just gonna have to dig her casket because because she officially thought it would be her last day on earth.

"Yes, you're having twins. And it looks to me like...they're two little boys!" The doctor exclaimed and Brooklyn poked out her lip pouting. She had no problem with her baby but she couldn't lie and say she wasn't praying that she would be having a girl as her first child.


"I'll talk to you later bitch!" Bri yelled out before pulling off. Brooklyn did a slight wave and made her way towards Kyle's front door. He claimed that he wanted to talk to her about something.

She rang the doorbell and bounced her leg, patiently waiting for him to open the door for her. Brooklyn looked back to make sure all of his cars were there in which they were.

"Where this nigga at." She mumbled to herself. There was a breeze outside and she wasn't dressed for the occasion. After what felt like hours, he finally opened the door. Brooklyn reached up in attempts to give him a kiss, but he moved away. Brooklyn raised an eyebrow and slowly nodded her head before walking in.

"So what's the issue?" Brooklyn was always very straight to the point. She never bit her tongue for anyone nor did she ever act stupid. If there was an issue, she would always address it.

"You being a hoe is the problem." Brooklyn pursed her lips, a bit taken back by his derogatory choice of words. She sighed and crossed her legs over each other, leaning back very unbothered.

"I'm just gonna try and act like you drunk. Now like I just said, what's the issue. We're gonna this time try to address the issue without all the added disrespect." Kyle bitterly chuckled and Brooklyn sat there staring at him.

"You wanna go behind my back and fuck your abusive ass ex." Brooklyn closed her eyes and counted to ten in her head. Whenever a person said bad things about Chris, it always triggered something in her. Just as she was starting to feel guilty about her actions.

"Watch your fucking mouth nigga first of all. Second, what the hell are you talking about?" Brooklyn watched as Kyle typed something in his phone. Suddenly she heard loud moans and what sounded like skin slapping.

"Fuck Chris, right there baby."

"What happened to all that big shit you was talking Brooklyn." Loud moans continued to come from Brooklyn with inaudible words. Brooklyn widened her eyes, hearing her and Chris across the phone.

"Yeah, your dumbass accidentally answered the phone while you was being a slut behind my back." Brooklyn laughed hysterically at the words. She just knew that he couldn't be talking to her that way.

"Listen here nigga, you better watch ya fucking mouth." Though Brooklyn was talking big on the outside, in the side she was crying her eyes out. She knew that a slow depression would be approaching her soon, but she was still going to stand tall and defend herself. She watched as Kyle pulled out his phone again and put the camera on Brooklyn.

"Y'all see this bitch ass hoe right here? Caught her fucking her abusive ass ex boyfriend." Brooklyn gasped and felt tears begin to well in her eyes. She couldn't believe the way she was suddenly being humiliated to the world over one mistake that she made.

"A hoe just gonna be a hoe I guess." Tears came down Brooklyn's face and she just sat there. She was frozen and numb to what was going on.

"Aye, Chris look at this." Chris looked up from his phone at Trey approaching. He squinted his eyes trying to figure out what exactly he was looking at. He knew it was someone's live and there was a girl crying on the screen

"What's that?"

"Brooklyn's nigga out here doing what he call exposing her. He on here calling her a hoe, saying y'all was out here fucking and shit. He really disrespecting the fuck outta her. Them people in the comments ain't happy either, they calling him out and shit." Chris snatched the phone and looked for himself at exactly what was going on.

"You slut ass bitch! You think fucking that bitch ass nigga gon get you a come up or some shit! All that nigga gonna do is beat your ass you dumb bitch." Chris clenched his jaw as he watched Brooklyn cry harder. She looked up and you could see her extremely red face. She was quickly typing something on her phone, Chris assuming she was calling someone to pick her up.

"Why are you doing this?" Chris's heart broke hearing Brooklyn pleading for the camera to get out of her face. Kyle only chuckled and moved the camera closer, just to antagonize her. Due to hormones that nobody else was aware of, her mood switched quick.

"I told you to get that fucking camera out of my face. You a pussy ass bitch ass nigga for this shit, I hope you know that! Who the fuck are you to do what you call 'exposing me.' Yeah, what I did was wrong but you have no right to come on here and do this bum ass shit." Suddenly the camera was hit and the screen went black before the live ended.

"Oh hell no!" Chris and Trey both turned around to see Nylah struggling to put on some shoes. Her little nose flared and her lips held tight to each other.

"Where you going?" Chris assumed she was going to get Brooklyn but he still for some reason thought to ask.

"Were you not listening to that fucking live! I ain't with that shit man forreal." She mumbled to herself still getting her stuff together. Chris jumped up also, being that he wanted to go over there too.

"I'm driving, just give me the address." Nylah stopped what she was doing and just stared at him. She slowly nodded before tossing him a random set of keys. Chris walked out the door, looking to see which car the keys were for.

"Brooklyn!" Chris yelled whole banging on the door. He didn't hear much from outside of the door. Neither him or Nylah able to see through the windows due to the drawn curtains.

"Just kick the door down or something." Chris looked back at Nylah and nodded. He told her to back up before he brought his foot up and kicked in the door as hard as he could. Just like that, it went flying backwards and it hit the ground.

"Brooklyn!" The two looked through the house, making sure to be careful of everything around them. There was broken glass, a broken TV, some knocked over plants, along with other broken and damaged things inside the house. Yet there was no sign of Brooklyn or Kyle.

"What the fuck." Chris mumbled while looking at the trail of blood leading upstairs. Nylah's eyes nearly bulged out of her head seeing the blood also. Her heart immediately began to race. It wasn't a ton of blood but it was clear someone ended up leaking. Chris and Nylah both began to rush up the stairs after hearing soft cries. They both reached the top of the steps to see Brooklyn sitting there crying while clenching her stomach. It looked like she had bruises on her face and she was sitting in some blood. Without saying anything, Chris scooped Brooklyn up in his arms.

"Drive her car, she's riding with me." Still in a state of shock from seeing her best friend the way the she just seen her, Nylah only nodded before grabbing her keys. Chris carefully placed Brooklyn in the car. Words could not describe how he was feeling at the moment. Anger surrounded him and he tried his best to just control his breathing.

"I need you to tell me what happened baby girl." Brooklyn wanted nothing to do with Chris after this. She simply ignored him and just stared out the window. He raised an eyebrow and looked over at her again. Assuming she just didn't hear him, he asked her the same question but a bit louder.

"Brooklyn I asked you what happened-."

"What the fuck do you think happened?! He put his fucking hands on me and I fought back. All this because I cheated on him with you. I swear this is all your fault and now my children are potentially gone because of you!" Chris nearly choked on his spit from everything he was hearing. Brooklyn definitely dropped a lot of bombs in that one statement.

"First of all, what babies? Second off, you can't possibly be blaming this on me." He chuckled in disbelief. Hearing how crazy that sounded for him to be blamed for something he only took part in. Brooklyn rolled her eyes and got out of the car once they pulled up to the hospital. Not even giving Chris the opportunity to park.


"Is this dad?" The doctor asked Nylah who was sitting next to Chris in the waiting room. Chris was only still there because he wanted to further get closure about the questions floating around in his head.

"The dad?" He questioned before looking over at Nylah. She only nodded and Chris turned back over to the doctor, nodding his head also. The doctor gave a warm smile to Chris who was still confused as hell.

"So, Brooklyn is doing fine. As far as the babies, they're also good. The bleeding was because they weren't too happy in her stomach so they were moving a lot. She needs to try and stay stress free so that they don't get disrupted to the point where a miscarriage can occur. They don't like to feel their mommy upset." Chris stood, trying to process everything that the doctor was telling him.

"I'm sorry I'm kind of just finding out about all this. She's p-pregnant?" The doctor made an awkward face before slowly nodding. Chris's mouth slightly gaped but he quickly shut it.

"Yes, her records that were last updated this morning actually. She's pregnant with two twin boys. If you would like to see her, she's up and fine to talk. I could give y'all some privacy." Chris looked over at Nylah who was looking down at her phone. Feeling his stare, she looked up at him.

"You go, I'll just see her tomorrow. I think y'all got to talk." With a deep sigh, he gave her a hug and followed the doctor to the back. The more he walked, the more he coached himself to take a calm approach to the situation. He would hate to be all loud and wrong by approaching her hostile.

"Knock knock." The doctor made their presence known before opening the door. She led Chris in before walking out, closing the door behind her.

"When were you gonna tell me?" He asked low, avoiding eye contact with Brooklyn. She uncomfortably moved around in the hospital bed and laid her head back.

"I don't know." She mumbled, playing with her hands.

"Man what's up with you? Why you doing this? I'm over here trying to help you and you're acting like you don't even wanna talk to me." Chris wasn't gonna act like he wasn't hurt because he was. He felt as though things were looking up for them, but turns out her was the only person in the boat.

"Because this is your fault! I told you that I didn't want to do this with you yet you continued!" Chris stood in utter shock. He twisted his lips and looked up to think.

"Did I rape you? Did I do anything to you while you were not completely sober? Did I restrain you in any way? Did I tell you that you had to do anything with me? The answer to all that is no. You continued to pursue me as if you weren't in a fucking relationship so miss me with the bullshit man."

"Just get out." She said while raising her hand up. He blew out a breathe of air and chuckled. He chucked up his deuces and left the room. Brooklyn sat for a minute before breaking down into a fit of tears. Everything clouding her mind of the days events and what just happened with Chris.

Hey yallllll, comment vote and all that other shit!!

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