
Por Jadahx_

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What is love with lies? Mais

Roll Call
🚨New story alert🚨


3.8K 141 91
Por Jadahx_

*Excuse the spelling errors*

November 7th: 4 months 1 week


Chris inhaled the smoke, allowing the intoxicating feeling to take over his lungs. His eyes laid low due to the drugs in his system. He grasped the bottle of Hennessy, taking a quick swig and shaking his head at the feeling of the alcohol. He looked down at the random female that was going to work on him. He watched her head bob up and down his shaft before taking a pull from his blunt again which was almost done.

"Alright you're finished." He grumbled, pushing the girl off of him. She scoffed and gathered her things before walking out. Chris was happy that she left out without a fight. Most of the girls he brought home always did.

"The fuck you got going on?!" Chris diverted his eyes to Trey who was waving the smoke out of his face while walking into the room. He let out a little cough and looked at Chris as if he was crazy.

"You blowing my high man." This was a routine for Chris for the past 6 days. As soon as he left the hospital that night, he went to the club. He got drunk off life, brought home a couple women, and repeated that process daily.

He was doing it as a coping mechanism. A lot was going through his mind. From the new found information that he had two babies on the way then also the fact that he was getting blamed for his ex girlfriend being abused. It was messing with his head heavy, the fact that she knew his past and all of that yet had no problem blaming him for something that had to do with domestic violence.

Not only that, but Yasmine went to some blog and ran with a whole other story on what happened. She painted on some type of makeup to support her claims that he punched her and blacked her eye then busted her lip. She put a bruise on her arm for it to look like he grabbed her. She also enhanced her ring on her neck so it would look like more than what it really was. She posted some picture with a long caption that read:

'I have truly been contemplating on posting this, but I feel that this should be shared with the world. On October 27th, my life changed drastically. As most of you know, I worked with Chris Brown as his personal assistant. Throughout my time working for him, I had a descent experience. He did come onto me at times and he was at times very much passively aggressive. On the morning of October 27th, I invited him to have a conversation with me. Throughout the whole thing, he was very much aggressive and rude towards me. I mentioned something about his ex and he came charging at me. He began to choke me and out of instinct, I punched him to save my life. From there he began to beat me as if I was some animal who did him wrong. I am not putting this out for sympathy, I just want to share the type of man that this really is.'

Once Chris read that, he had no other words. The way the world responded to those allegations were just as he expected. His album sales dropped drastically, nearly as low as they dropped for graffiti. Chris felt like out of nowhere, his life flipped down to a low point that he thought he wouldn't have gotten to in a long while.

"We need to start working on this case. You just sitting here ain't doing shit but-."

"I DON'T CARE!" Chris screamed. He put his head in his hands and took a deep breathe. He felt tears form in his eyes, he hadn't cried knowingly in what felt like years.

"I don't care." He whispered again, to himself this time. Suddenly he just broke down crying. He fell to his knees and lowered his body to rest on his feet as he continued to cry. Trey dropped to his knees also and crawled over to his friend. He embraced him in a firm hug where Chris just continued to cry. Trey never in his life seen Chris in such a state. During the Rihanna situation, Trey and Chris were not as close.

"Listen to me, look at me Chris." Trey grumbled, roughing up his best friend and grabbing his shoulders. Chris's head dropped as the tears never slowed down. "This isn't you man, it's not. This not the way you go about this type of situation at all. We about to fight this case like we've never fought before. Nylah and I are also gonna fight Brooklyn, fight for you and Brooklyn like we've never fought before. Who the fuck are we?! Who the fuck are you?! We don't ever back down from a fight that we know we can win. We Virginia niggas right here from the good old south. They taught us how to fight down there cause you had to fight to survive. You are Christopher Maurice Brown and you don't go down like this. You understand me?!" Chris yelled while shaking Chris's shoulders. He only nodded but that wasn't cutting it for Trey. He shook Chris's shoulders again.

"Lets go fight this." He mumbled, immediately soaking up all tears. A wide smile spread across Trey's face.

"Well we got us some work to do brother." Both of them went downstairs to see a woman standing there in casual outfit with some folders.

"Chris, Bernice, Bernice Chris" Trey introduced the two and sat down watching them introduce themselves to each other. Chris couldn't deny that the woman was beautiful, but he didn't understand why Trey thought it would be a good idea to bring her over.

"Alright I'm gonna get straight to it because I do not waste time over here. I have one job and that's to win you this case which I am confident I can do. Now first step, stay your ass off of social media. If I see you on there saying anything about that case then I will drop you as a client so fast because you have one job. Second step, I need you to give me any lick of evidence that you have or think you have that might help your case. Being that you have a history of an incident of violence and because she used different makeup and stuff to create her bruises, you are looking bad right now big fella. Third, I need you to stay focused. Starting with taking your eyes off of my ass every time I pace this room. I am happily married and I do not have time for you boy. Are you with me before I move on." Chris sat there in shock with his mouth slightly opened. Trey hit the bottom of his mouth and he quickly cleared his throat and adjusted himself in his seat.

"I- um yeah." Chris smiled a little at the way she talked. The way she spoke business was something he grew interested in. He wasn't going to try anything being that she already made boundaries clear. Chris truly just wanted to win this case so then he could work on Brooklyn. He didn't care what she said, actions spoke way louder than words, which is something that Brooklyn taught him herself.

"Perfect! Alright pretty boy so in this here folder, I have some images. Before I share them, let me lay down some rules for you. Rule number 1, do not question me, I question you. I am the lawyer and you are the client. Rule 2, stop looking at my ass. I know it's fat but stop, it's weird especially because I have 3 kids and a husband. Rule number 3, anything that I say goes. If you cooperate with me then I make everything easier for not only you but also for me. Are we clear on the rules Mr.Brown?" She turned around and smirked at Chris who still looked at her with his mouth slightly dropped. Trey hit his mouth again and he cleared his throat before nodding.

"Yes ma'am." Trey chuckled and shook his head. He never seen Chris put in check so easily by a woman and it was truly entertaining. Especially because Bernice wasn't on that other shit and she meant 100% business.

"Beautiful! Now the last thing I want to say before he actually get started is, I am not only a lawyer. I am also an undercover love doctor. Okay not really, but I am amazing with relationship advice and reconnecting partners. Trey has told me so much about you and Brooklyn. Trust and believe I am on that too light bright. Now, I hope you are excited to work with me as much as I am to work with you." Bernice smiled and Chris eagerly nodded. She clapped her hands in excitement before grabbing the folder once again. She scooted between Chris and Trey on the couch so that all three could look through the folder together.

"So right here I have some images that would be amazing in court and- by the way the court date is on November 15th and once we win, we're suing for defamation and suffering. But that is besides the point pooh." Chris sat there with literally no words coming out. All he could do was sit there with a goofy grin on his face. He didn't know how but his mood did a complete turn from Bernice being there.

"Anyways, this picture right here was one taken on October 29th and it is surveillance of her walking out of the supermarket. She is makeup free and it is obvious because you can see the pimples and stuff on her face. She may use the excuse that the date is not correct, but we have a screen recording of her going live that day on her car. Same hairstyle and same outfit except she has on makeup in this. We also can use the video surveillance from in the room that day."

"Wait but I did choke her and that would be shown." Bernice put her hand up to shut Chris up. He raised an eyebrow and slowly lowered Bernice's hand down.

"Don't do that boo cause I will break your little arm next time. Have you never heard of editing? Just because it isn't necessarily legal, that doesn't mean we can't still do it. When you are a lawyer, your job is to win the case. No matter how I try, I am winning this case for you. Do not question what I do because I got this, just relax." Chris sighed and leaned back in his seat. He did shut his mouth after that certainly.

"So I know a guy that knows a guy who is amazing at that editing stuff. Once we get that, we'll have us a good piece of evidence to carry us through this case. I am telling you right now, as the days go by we got this. In terms of the way the media is handling everything, don't even worry about all of that."

"Wait a minute, I think I have some evidence that we can use. I can run and go get it."Bernice tilted her head before nodding. Chris shot up and jogged upstairs.

"So do you actually think we're going to win this thing?" Trey asked before stretching out his arms. Bernice looked over at him and chuckled, that chuckle turned into a long hysterical laugh.

"Baby do you know me?" She smirked. Trey also smirked before nodding his head and caressing his goatee.

"Where is it, where is it." Chris mumbled while looking around his room for his phone. He smacked his lips once he finally found it halfway under his bed. He crouched down and grabbed it before jogging back downstairs.

"So she's been texting me on some fuck shit." Chris mumbled while unlocking his phone. He went in and scrolled through trying to find her name. He scrolled up to read the first message in the conversation

Yasmine November 3rd

Listen here bitch, I do not have time to be playing with you. You are playing with fire and I swear you are going to lose. Read 8:57pm

Leave me the fuck alone man, you are on my dick for what? Sent 8:59pm

It doesn't take much to put on some makeup and come up with some little sob ass story that the world will believe. All you had to do was agree to my proposal and this would not be happening. I will see you in court hoe and I hope you come ready. Cause as soon as they see my "bruises," it is over for you. Read 9:05pm

"Are you fucking joking?! Here I am pulling out these damn pictures that are barely clear, when you've had this all this time?! We still have to go through with the editing because the whole chocking mess is still there. But as far as that case, we are bound to win. It is in a little bit over a week so we do not have way too much time to prepare. Just clear your head and I do not need you out here stressing tink." Bernice pinched Chris's cheek before standing up and doing a dramatic spin.

"Hello my name is Bernice and I am a love councilor. I have heard lots about your relationship with Ms Brooklyn and I am here to help. Now lets start with me hearing about the status of you and her relationship." Chris let out a low chuckled before shaking his head slightly. He twisted his lips and clasped his hands together.

"So she kind of hates me right now." Bernice did a dramatic gasp before turning towards Trey. He sat there whistling and looking off as if he wasn't paying attention to the conversation.

"The devil is a lie! This gon be harder than I thought lord." Bernice said to herself before plopping down on the couch.

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