
By Jadahx_

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What is love with lies? More

Roll Call
🚨New story alert🚨


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By Jadahx_

August 24th: 3 weeks 4 days


Ms.Wright stirred her cup of coffee, watching the sugar dissolve as Brooklyn sat across from her just staring. Since the two have been in the office for the past half an hour, Brooklyn has yet to say anything. It wasn't Ms.Wrights place to speak for Brooklyn either, Brooklyn asked to have a session and Ms.Wright was only there to deliver advice.

"Are you going to speak Brooklyn?" The coffee causing a burning sensation to the throat of Ms.Wright as she stared at her client. Brooklyn made eye contact and twisted her lips as she thought of a way to start up their conversation.

"He has someone new." She finally spoke into the silence. This caused Ms.Wrights ears to perk, as she was now curious for what Brooklyn was going to say next.

"...and I don't like that." Brooklyn finished which had Ms.Wright raising an eyebrow as she took another sip of her coffee. She wasn't expecting them to have this type of conversation so early into their therapy sessions.

"So what I'm hearing is that you're being selfish?" Ms.Wright questioned which immediately triggered a defensive Brooklyn. She sat straight in her chair, ready to put up a good protest.

"I'm not selfish, I just feel that it's wrong he's with someone else already. He cheated on me and did me dirty. So I don't think it's fair that he gets to move on while I'm still here confused on how I even feel."

"Stop using that term 'confused' cause your not at all confused. You know that you still love him and you know that you don't want to move on. What you're confused about is why you still love him and why you don't want to move on because he's treated you so terribly. There's nothing wrong with that though, there's nothing wrong with still being in love with someone who hurt you because that's all you know. Explain to me the early stages of you alls relationship." Brooklyn braced herself, not ready to go into that part of their relationship. She knew that in order to get the proper help she needed, she had to reflect on that part of her life and talk about it.

"Well in the beginning, we were just fucking around basically. He had many other girls and I was aware of that. He just treated me better than the others so I would always give into whatever. I was 19 and he was 21 when we met, so pretty young. I never really had the proper guidance to lead me in the right direction, so he was always just fucking me over. That was until he basically dropped everyone after about a year of us messing around and he said he really wanted to be with me. I didn't take him serious until he sat me down and actually told me how he felt. So then we started dating."

"How was the relationship besides the cheating and lying and the other stuff." Brooklyn smiled as she reminisced on their relationship.

"Though the time we've been together was the most stressful point in my life, it was also the happiest if that makes sense. We were always so happy and it was like we were living in a damn fairytale every single day. He treated me so good when he wasn't off doing God knows what. That's why I fell in love with him." Brooklyn's voice cracked but she refused to cry. It was truly getting annoying at this point and she knew everyone around her was over it just as much as she was.

"So you're telling me that before the relationship even started, you were letting him do whatever. As in being with other females without really a care in the world." Brooklyn sat there for a minute, thinking about what she was really being asked. She was stumped on a way to respond to that accusation.

"Well not really but-."

"It's a yes or no question Brooklyn. It's either you were allowing that or you weren't, but I think I know the answer." Brooklyn was starting to feel intimidated. She felt like the room was getting warmer and her breathing began to get a bit unsteady.

"I- Uh- y-yes." Brooklyn lowered her head in defeat as Ms.Wright did a slow nod with a smirk covering her face. Not because she was happy about Brooklyn's situation or had any ill thoughts. She just felt that she unlocked a key point in this relationship.

"So, were there specific times where he would cheat and how many times has he cheated?"

"He would cheat whenever he was on tour or if I was away for long periods of times. He's cheated 3 times, including the most recent time." Ms.Wright quickly scribbled down that very important note. She felt like she was finally starting to get a lead into the problem with Brooklyn and Chris's relationship.

"I think you know what's really going on now Brooklyn." Brooklyn hesitated before nodding her head. Ms.Wright leaned back into her plush seat and motioned her hands to point to Brooklyn.

"Explain to me what you just found out, explain what's really going on with y'all two." Brooklyn took a deep breathe before responding.


"Chris, you got an email from a lady named 'Cara Wright' and she's a local therapist." I looked over at Yasmine with confusion coating my face. I signaled for her to walk closer with her laptop so that I could read the email for myself.

Subject: Therapy session

Dear Mr.Brown

My name is Cara Wright and I am one of the top therapists in the LA area. I have had a client, Brooklyn Smith, and we've had two sessions. Over these sessions, she spoke to me about you twos relationship and she revealed to me some things. She also informed me that it would be great if you attended our next session because we've talked about some important information. Please respond ASAP to inform me if you will be there.


"What do I respond?" Yasmine asked as she pressed the reply button. I sat there for a minute, contemplating on if I should go to this session or not.

"Tell her I'll be there." Yasmine gave me a weird look before typing out the email and sending it. She got up and walked out of my room without another word which I made a mental note of.

"Your girl walking out of here like she angry and shit. Fuck wrong with her." Trey chuckled as he entered my room. I dropped my phone on my bed and did a dramatic groan.

"Nigga, where is your home?! Do you even own that shit anymore?" Trey scrunched up his face and pressed his head into his neck.

"I'm only here to give your ass some advice cause you been acting like Boo Boo the got damn fool." I jumped at him and he did the same thing back without hesitation. He took the initiative to sit on the chair which I had next to my bed and start scrolling through his phone.

"They want me to perform at the BET awards next month. But it don't really make sense cause I don't think I'm nominated." Trey looked up at me before typing something into his phone. He then showed me the phone and it was the nomination list for the awards. I scrolled through with my eyebrows furrowed and saw that I was indeed nominated for 5 awards.

"How your assistant ain't inform your ass that you nominated. Hell, why your bitchass manger Ant ain't told you shit?" I shook my head and punched him in the chest.

"Watch your mouth nigga." I stood up and did a long stretch before walking out of the room.

"Babyyyy." I whined after bursting through Yasmines office door. She looked at me with a little pout before crossing her arms. I cut my eyes at her, not in the mood for anyone's attitude.

"Can you leave?" I looked at her like she was crazy before looking around her office. I looked past her, above her, behind me, even out the hallway.

"This my house, fuck you mean can I leave?" I don't know if she actually had an attitude, but I wasn't in the mood to be trying to figure out. She stared at me, a bit taken back by my response.

"You don't gotta be rude, damn. If you just gon be rude I can leave." I chuckled at the slight ultimatum she was giving before pointing to the door. She gaped her mouth, surprised at my unexpected response. Without another word, she gathered all of her things before storming out.

This was normal for me when it came to females. They always expect me to chase after them and that's not the type of nigga I am and I've never been that type of nigga. The only female I have ever really chased after was Brooklyn and that's cause she's different. Her and I were actually in a real committed relationship with each other. Hell, we still are basically together in my eyes anyways.

"I know you fucking lying!" I heard Trey yelled. There goes my curious ass, going to see what he yelling about this time.

"What happened-." Blood instantly began to boil in my body as I watched Trey and Yasmine standing around one of my newest paintings which was of Brooklyn. I was going to give it to her for her birthday but I was staring at blue paint splattered all over it.

"Chris I am soooo sorry! I was just walking out the house and my purse knocked the paint I swear!" I wasn't trying to hear any of that right now. Art was one of my possessions besides music. Though to some this wouldn't seem that serious, but I was seeing nothing but red slowly.

"Aye you need to get the hell out cause this nigga bout to go hulk on your ass." I wasn't looking, but I could hear Yasmine scurrying out of the house quickly. I had to go to my room and just sit there to calm myself down.

"Shit!" I yelled out while punching a hole in the wall. It was the simple fact that I was basically done with the painting. All I needed to add was the gloss coat and the painting would've been done. Accident my ass, the only way she could have hit that is if it was on purpose. That painting wasn't anywhere in the route to exit my house.

"Fuck that bitch." I mumbled to myself before leaning back to fall into my bed.

Hiiiii, comment and leave feedback! (Sorry that this chapter is so short)

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