Part time thief

Bởi SashaSpittle

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(F/n) came from a wealthy family of artists but decided to go out into the wide open world on her own, to mak... Xem Thêm

Chapter 1- the beginning
Chapter 2- fitness is a b**ch
Chapter 3- unexpected Date
Chapter 4- hard worker
Chapter 5- why so serious?
Chapter 6-thief!
Chapter 7- to be a gentleman
Chapter 8- two faced
Chapter 9- limits
Chapter 10- first mission
Chapter 11- the pain of an artist
Chapter 12- a mans lust
Chapter 13- friendly competition
Chapter 14- well that came unexpected
Chapter 15- stranger danger
Chapter 16- assassins are jerks
Chapter 17- help me
Chapter 18- that little bit of hope
Chapter 19- found you
Chapter 20-'s complicated
Chapter 21- friends
Chapter 22- home sweet home
Chapter 23- goodbye my friend
Please do not skip!!!
Chapter 25- Never a moment of peace
Chapter 26- Christmas cheer
Chapter 27- Hajime's story
Chapter 28- plans and invites.
Chapter 29- one game, two kisses
Chapter 30- Aneko the professional
Chapter 31- masks mean more.
Chapter 32- bad parenting
Chapter 33- a garden walk
Chapter 34- words linger
I'm sorry
Chapter 35- a son has a duty
chapter 36- words are hard
chapter 37- A Job?
Chapter 38- going solo
chapter 39- a recovered memory
chapter 40- a confession
chapter 41- drama queen
chapter 42- what type?
Face reveal!
Chapter 43- Misunderstanding
chapter 44
chapter 45- attempted murder
chapter 46- obsessive love
Chapter 47- Walking on thin ice
Chapter 48- a storm is coming
Chapter 49- Traitor!
Chapter 50- Run b*tch Run!
Chapter 51- I am not a traitor
Chapter 52- Here we go again
chapter 53-Plagued thoughts
chapter 54- Run rabbit run
Chapter 55- fight!
Chapter 56- Riki to the rescue...again
Chapter 57- Blind
Chapter 58- so close and yet so far away

Chapter 59- A fight to the death

201 5 6
Bởi SashaSpittle

Goro laid Riki down on an old couch. Her blood already staining the cream fabric into a dark crimson. She heavily breathed, eyes unfocused as a whimper unwillingly escaped her. Riki was dying. They all knew that. At this point she needed an ambulance, and fast. Goro fished his phone out of his pocket, but Riki weakly placed her hand on his and shook her head.

She whispered, "no ambulance...the police are after you and I am an will not end well."

"Don't be an idiot! You're dying." Goro moved to dial the emergency number and with her last bit of strength, Riki grabbed the phone and threw it onto the concrete wall. "Why would you do that!"

"Go help (y/n) and bring Hiro here...please." Riki could barely keep her eyes open and Goro realised that she was ready to say her goodbyes. His heart twisted as his stomach plummeted. Throat tightening and eyes prickling. He knew Riki since she was young. He worked for her. They even shared a bed, spending the night together all those years ago. She wasn't the love of his life. But she still had a special place in his memories. With the growing understanding that she was not going to make it, Goro leaned down and kissed her head. He pulled away, placing a hand on her cheek and finally left to get Hiro.

The pinkette was immediately by Riki's side. He sat down on the edge of couch, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. His voice wobbled as he choked out, "I hear you broke Goro's always were a stubborn one."

"It's not stubbornness, it's common sense." Flashing him a feeble smile, Riki grabbed his hand and kissed it. "You be careful now, I won't be around to fix your problems."

Tears rolled down Hiro's cheeks as he curled in on himself and squeezed his eyes shut. He shook his head. Not wanting to believe Riki was about to leave him. His sister. His annoying, stubborn baby sister.

She spoke once more, "Hiro...please look at me."

It took a few attempts, but he finally did. Her face was dangerously pale and eyes becoming more and more distant.

"Riki, I am so sorry. I should have protected you more. I'm your big brother and I let you walk into danger. It's all my fault...please forgive me." Hiro tried wiping away the flowing tears, accidentally wiping blood on his face. "You always refused my help, even when you were a child. I just wish you let me help you more."

Riki drew in a shallow breath as her own tears trailed out of her eyes.

"You was and always will be my brother. I just wanted to make mum and dad proud. But most of all...I wanted to make you proud. You were this amazingly confident guy, that everyone looked up to and I used to be a quiet and clumsy child. I wanted to match you. In the end it just turned into a competition between you vigilante group and my assassins. But know this Hiro, I love you very much. I've never said it. But I really do love you. Don't blame yourself for what Rei has done. I want you to move on. To live life. Find a wife and settle down. Raise some kids that their aunt Riki would be proud of. Smile, enjoy life. Tell (y/n) you want her in your life, your feelings for her are so painfully obvious. Don't mourn me...celebrate my life." Her voice became slurred and trembling muscles slowly relaxed. "I'll be watching over you always...I promise."

Those was her last words. Her body went limp and her head fell to the side. Hiro stared at her, muttering No's, before erupting into wails as he cradled her in his arms. Rocking back and forth. Blood staining his shirt.

From the other room, (y/n) could hear this and she instantly knew Riki was gone. Her heart wrenched in her chest. She soon made a decision. Rei will die. As she mustard all the strength she had to take a life, the wails stopped and Hiro stumbled out the room. He was covered in blood and trails of tears stained his face. In his hand was Riki's sniper. His face twisted with grief and rage.

", how is Riki—"


Blood, brains and shattered skull splattered up (y/n)'s arms and face. Vomit threatened to spill out of her stomach as she abruptly stood, arms stiffly held up. She didn't know what to say. To do. To feel. It was all so sudden and quick. Maybe she should comfort Hiro? But then again. The way he looked was terrifying. His eyes were empty. Head heavy and tilted to the side. The sniper in his hand disregarded and dragged along the floor. He slowly walked over to Rei's headless body, staring at what he had done. With a slow release of breath, Hiro then looked at all Rei's men. Standing there. Unarmed. Wide eyed.

"Leave." He said with a flat tone and when no one made a move he lifted Riki's sniper and growled. "Leave!"

They all glanced at one another and then left the room, not ready to die that day for a dead man.

"Hiro..." (y/n) didn't know what to say to him.

He flashed her a broken smile, "go. You need to finish what we started. Riki would want that."

(Y/n) carefully nodded her head and made a move to leave. But as she passed Hiro, she couldn't help but stop and wrap her arms around him. Her hug was tight and reassuring. All the warmth and comfort she could gather was put into the embrace. Hiro hugged her back, burying his face into her neck as his shoulders shook. She felt hot tears on her skin. At that very moment, Hiro felt like a fragile object that could break with a single touch. He was on the edge of despair, so close to falling into a never ending plummet. Then again. (Y/n) had no clue what to do. What if she said the wrong thing? So instead of using words, she held him tighter and soothingly stroked his back. She would never let go if it meant he wouldn't fall off the edge. This message was conveyed perfectly to Hiro. He felt unbelievable gratitude to (y/n). In his eyes she was the light at the end of the tunnel he had just entered. Maybe he should ask her to stay in his life. Just as Riki said.

With a smile he pulled away, eyes still full of tears and he allowed her to continue to the other room. He was soon alone with Rei's body. That man stopped being a brother the day he showed himself in Rome. Hiro had shot a complete stranger and he did not mind at all. Grunting, he crouched down. Watching the body, unblinking. It's done. He'll be sent to the deepest depths of hell. He and Riki are free of Rae. Their half brother. A man they once loved.

(Y/n) trailed into the unlit room, seeing Kaichi and the others standing around a couch. Riki's body was laid across it, a white cover draped over her. Sat beside her was Goro, his face grim, as Hajime placed a hand on his shoulder. A heavy sigh escaped Goro and he looked up at (y/n). She flashed him a small smile. 

"She was a good woman." (y/n) spoke up and everyone slowly nodded their heads.

Goro replied, "she us get to the last work. She wouldn't want all her years of work to go to waste." 

"Too bad that's going to happen." A males voice. One that made (y/n) stomach drop and face instantly blanche, she didn't have enough time to react before she was grabbed and pulled against his chest. A gun pressed against the side of her head. Daichi. (y/n) could recognise his voice, his smell from anywhere. All of the guys shot to attention and glared at the silver haired male. He wore his crazed smile, with wide eyes and heavily breathed. A sickening feeling of him smelling (y/n)'s hair made her fight against his grip, but he crushed her against his chest. 

He growled, "you're not getting away from me this time." 

How stupid could (y/n) be? She remembered what Rea said. His words forgotten amongst the shock of the sudden shot to his head. He had a man in the other room.She wanted to kick herself.

"Daichi! Let her go." Goro clenched his hands into tight fists, one foot forwards as if he were ready to charge. 

"Move a finger and she dies." Daichi warned and purred as he rubbed his cheek on (y/n)'s, "it will not bother me if you die...I will be able to keep my innocent (y/n) forever and ever. I am done chasing your corrupted version, I hate you for it. It wasn't just the angels that took her away, it was you too. You took my (y/n) away and I can never forgive that." 

He's truly gone insane! (y/n)'s eyes widened at his words and she tried thinking of a way out. Anything that would mean she and everyone else can come out of this alive. Think! Come on! There must be some way out. She raked her brain for anything and the first thing that came to mind was what she chose immediately. Mustering all her courage, she whispered, "Daichi...thank're here to save me. This whole time, they've kept me away from you and conditioned me to stay with them. Save me please." 

"What?" Daichi twisted her around and stared deep in her eyes, as if he would find the truth hidden within her irises. She tried her very best to appear innocent and afraid, that she viewed him as her saviour. "(y/n)? My (y/n)?"

The artist nodded her head. 

He suddenly burst into a huge grin, eyes brimming with tears, "I will save you." 

"Where are you taking her?" Hajime interjected just Daichi began walking away with (y/n), but she raised her hand to stop him. She cast a look towards him as if to say not to worry. She had a plan. A crazy one that would most likely get herself killed. Her chances of survival were extremely low. But at least the others will be safe. Just as they were leaving the room she mouthed a farewell to the men and that was when they realised she too wasn't planning on coming back. Goro felt the world stop as he saw her smile. The defeated look of a dead woman walking. He reached out a hand towards her, yet couldn't say the words that danced in the tip of his tongue. 

Don't leave me.

Daichi led her out the Estate and took her on a walk around the garden. It was beautiful. Peaceful. But wouldn't be for long if (y/n) went through with her plan. She asked if they could check out the lakw. Her excuse being that it would be their first walk together as a couple who will have many walks like this forever. He lapped it up like some kind of starving dog being thrown the scraps of dinner. Step by step, they drew closer to the lake. Its glassy surface shimmering silver as the suns glow rained down from above. Ducks and swans swum on the surface, disrupting the stillness of the water. (y/n) led Daichi closer to the edge of the bank, raising an arm at the wildlife and pointing them out to him. He held her close smiling like the old Daichi. It was as if the old Daichi came back. His face was calm, with a genuine smile that slightly curled at the tips of his lips. It was as if he were a normal man. Not an insane murderous psychopath. Now was the time to act. But she found herself hesitating. Maybe it was because it seemed like they travelled back in time. Before she knew about the darker side of him. It got her thinking. If she had never met the Angels. If she never went on this crazy journey to find her Grandfather's last work. Then maybe, just maybe, might have finally realised Daichi's feelings and fell for him. It would have been expected really. She'd known him since they were children. he was her best friend that knew everything about her. He saw the good, the bad and all other sides of (y/n) and yet he still could say he loved her. 

Why did things have to turn out this way? 

"Daichi?" She said innocently, looking up at him with warmth she once showed him before all this mess started. He glanced down at her, flashing a larger smile that seemed so old and genuine. It tugged at her heart, but she persisted. "I want to commemorate this by painting something. I'm gonna take a picture as a reference." 

"Okay." He let her go and (y/n) took a few paces back, pretending to grab her phone. 

She called out, "I want you to turn your back and hold your hands up in the air as if you're excited, don't look back until I tell you to." 

"Sure thing!" Daichi did as she said and left himself completely open to her. A lump formed in (y/n)'s throat as she spotted a rock as big as her hand by her foot and she quietly picked it up. Her heart thrummed violently in her chest as she slowly approached Daichi from behind. Hands shaking, but resolve unbreaking. One step at a time. Closer and closer. She kept her steps light and silent. Toe to heel. Lips pressed tightly together to stop a whimper escaping. Soon, she and the angel's will be free of another mad man. All it will take is one good swing. (y/n) lifted the rock as she got close enough to hear Daichi breathe, but faltered when he spoke up once more, "I'm glad we're together now. I'll make you the happiest woman to ever live, just like I promised when we were kids." 

An image of Daichi when he was a child flashed in her mind. His round, chubby cheeks. Joyful smile and his voice...sweet and innocent as he called her name. Her best friend and partner in crime. They played pranks on her family. Running in the winding halls giggling and holding hands. She knew that the child was gone and in his place an insane man. But there was still that spark of hope that maybe he would pull through. Christmas came to mind. Their small celebration that they shared. But she had to put that all behind her. 

"I'm sorry Daichi," she whispered, tears welling up. 

"Huh?" Daichi turned his head towards her, but could not react before she slammed the rock against his head. Blood splattered up her arm and he fell limp and lifeless into the pond. (y/n) dropped to her knees, covering her mouth with her hands as sobs ripped through her. She repeated over and over again apologies to her old friend. It was true that one must listen to your gut. Because she knew that something bad was going to happen today and not even a hour after arrival, people have already died. This was not just an innocent journey to find her grandfather's last work. It was cursed. People were harmed. Killed. Kidnapped. Ruined. All for the rumour of the wealth it would bestow on you. This surely not what her Grandfather wanted. He would be turning in his grave. Unable to rest easy with the blood that now stained his legacy. 

Suddenly a hand shot out of the water and grabbed (y/n)'s wrist. Flinging her into the deeper part of the lake. The freezing temperature came as a shock to her system as the water engulfed her whole. Panic forcing her to claw to the world above. Just as she broke the surface, (y/n) saw Daichi standing at the shallow end. Blood trickling down his face from the wound she caused. He stared at her, the old Daichi melting away as the new one came back to the surface. 

"Daichi...Please...let's talk-" 

"Shut up." He interrupted her and waded into the lake. When he reached her, he could still touch the floor. But (y/n) couldn't, she had to tread the water to stay above the waters surface. Daichi still towered above her. His form blocking out the sun, turning him into a faceless silhouette. Instantly, (y/n) knew that she was going to die. There was no way he'd let her get away with this. Still. There was that part of her that wanted to live. To fight. To see the angel's again and that one particular angel that she found herself thinking of in that moment. Its true when they say in your last moments you think of what's most important to you. She realised something ground breaking. Something that made her courage thrive. She'll return back to him and tell the vigilante member what exactly crossed her mind in the moment she stared death in the eyes. 

"Daichi..." (y/n) tried to buy some time, so she could find a way of escape. Not a word said, Daichi grabbed her shoulder and a growl came from deep within his chest. His nails dug painfully into her skin, drawing blood. (y/n) winced against the pain, hissing though her teeth. 

He slowly and dangerously said, "you would murder me? The man who has spent years waiting for you to just turn around and love me? You are a despicable and evil never deserved my love...nor do you deserve to live." 

Then with one push, Daichi held (y/n) under the water. She kicked and flung her arms out. Body driven into pure instinct mode as all coherent thoughts left her mind. Raw animal panic took her and she acted like a rat being held against its will. (y/n) tried biting, clawing, hitting, kicking. Daichi ignored each clumsy attack and watched the mass of white bubbles erupting on the surface of the lake. Suddenly, her foot connected with his groin and he released her as he yelled in pain. The female returned to the world of air and inhaled it violently. She didn't waste any time to start swimming away, screaming without even a clear thought of escape. Just adrenaline and instincts, both telling her to get away. (y/n) clawed at the water, kicking her legs with as much power as she could command. But Daichi soon recovered and caught up with ease. He grabbed a hold of her foot, yanking her back and the water rushed past her head. Once again she was submerged under the water. Yet this time, Daichi was directly above her. Using his entire body to keep her down. He growled and yelled, commanding his strength to his arms as he found himself struggling to keep her down. 

"Just die!" He roared, and wrapped his hands around her throat. Choking her with everything he had as a way to quicken her death. And yet she still fought. (y/n) dug her nails into his arm and applied as much pressure as she could. She clawed through his skin, deep and gruesome as remnants of flesh was wedged in her nails. He let her go and she returned to the surface. Gasping for breath. This time though, she flung herself and Daichi. Biting his ear and ripping her head away. She tore his ear off and blood sprayed in her mouth. The metallic taste strong on her tongue. Daichi screamed in pain and grabbed a chunk of her hair and yanked as hard as he could, pulling her under the water, and then punching down with his free hand. The blow landed directly on her nose and a sickening crunch reverberated in her head. Pain bloomed in the centre of her face as she witnessed her own blood curling into the water like tendrils of smoke. She quickly yanked her hair out of his loosening grip, losing a chunk in the process, and swam towards the bank. Just as she reached it and stood up on her two legs, Daichi wrapped his arms around her waist and slammed her back into the lake. Her body sunk to the floor with the strong impact and her head collided against a rock. All her senses were sent into shock. A loud ringing replaced her hearing and her body lost the sensations of touch as splinters of black disrupted her vision. It felt like her body was floating in air and it gave her a moment of unusual peace. (y/n) may have been determined to survive, but she wasn't completely foolish. There was no way she could win against Daichi in a fight. Their levels of strength were too unbalanced. Daichi could overpower her easily. A few stray bubbles slithered out of her parted mouth and she slowly gained her sight. The surface was so close, yet it felt so far away. She fought so hard that she barely had the energy to swim. 

"(y/n)! (y/n)!" A familiar, aged voice called out to her from a distant echo in her mind. "Keep fighting! Stay alive!" 

Grandfather? She thought of the withered old man. Him sitting on the garden swing, sketching out pictures of whatever came to mind. He'd smile at the prancing girl and place her on his lap, instructing her on where to draw a line and where to smudge it to create shadows. Her grandfather that she loved so much, looked up at her as she stood from a distance watching him and her younger self. He looked so panicked and distraught. 

"Swim! fight! Survive!" He suddenly yelled, his voice now a trembling roar in her mind. "Win!"

(y/n)'s eyes that were barely open, widened and a new found strength rushed through her veins. She suddenly propelled herself out of the water, catching the bank and pulling herself out of the lake. Her arms shook under her weight, yet she still dragged herself out. (y/n) bellowed out a war cry before finally coming fully out of the water and onto the safety of dry land. She didn't waste any time and stumbled up to her feet, with a rock in hand. Daichi charged towards her. The lake water slowing him down with its resistance. She waited and waited, until he was close enough to see the white of his eyes and his hand reached out to grab her once more. (y/n) released a shriek that threatened to tear her throat as she swung the rock at his head with as much force as possible. A crack sounded out and Daichi fell onto the bank, still alive. She immediately kicked his head as he crawled onto land. He flipped over on impact and gurgled with the blood in his mouth. There was a moment between the two as his cyan eyes met hers. They were the eyes of her childhood friend and they were full of betrayal and pain. He reached out a hand towards her, still gurgling. But (y/n) kicked his side, hearing another crack come from his body. Over and over again she kicked and stomped on him. Ignoring his cries. All empathy. All love. Everything she embodied was gone that day as she stomped on his head repeatedly. She stopped as soon as his dead body stopped twitching and then screamed, "you sick fuck!"

Bloody, bruised and terribly injured, (y/n) sat next to Daichi's body. She tried catching her breath, with ragged panting. She was alive. Despite it all. (y/n) was alive and Daichi was dead. This time however, she didn't care. He could rot in hell for everything he did to her in the past and that very day. 

(y/n) won.

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