Soulmate Bonded: Jungkook xRe...

By minxy_keys

4.8M 220K 262K

Humans have soulmates. One touch and a bruise will mark them as bonded. They begin to need each other for ene... More

(Chapter 01) We found our destiny; DNA
(Chapter 02) I'm so sick
(Chapter 03) Of this fake love
(Chapter 04) I'm so sorry
(Chapter 05) But it's fake love
(Chapter 06) I wanna be a good man
(Chapter 07) Just for you
(Chapter 08) But I Don't Know Me
(Chapter 09) Who are you
(Chapter 10) Why you sad
(Chapter 11) I Don't Know
(Chapter 12) Take my hands now
(Chapter 13) You are the cause
(Chapter 14) Of My Euphoria
(Chapter 15) When I'm with you
(Chapter 16) I'm in utopia
(Chapter 17) Won't you please stay in dreams
(Chapter 18) Boy With Luv
(Chapter 19) Jamais Vu
(Chapter 20) Please give me a remedy
(Chapter 21) A Melody
(Chapter 22) Memory
Chapter 23 (Honestly)
(Chapter 24) So give me a remedy
(Chapter 25) I won't give up
A Yoongi short story for you (Chapter 26)
(Chapter 27) No, Never.
(Chapter 28) I need to heal my medic
(Chapter 29) Game Over
(Chapter 30) Over, over
(Chapter 31) I didn't have anything
(Chapter 32) The world was too big
(Chapter 33) And I was too young
(Chapter 34) Now I can't imagine
(Chapter 35) Who I used to be
(Chapter 36) I now can feel
(Chapter 37) I became Me
(Chapter 38) Now I am myself
(Chapter 39) You make me begin
(Chapter 40) Smile with me
(Chapter 41) I can't withstand it
(Chapter 42) When you cry
(Chapter 43) I could cry instead
(Chapter 44) feat. RM: Is this Love
(Chapter 45) feat RM: Sometimes I know
(Chapter 46) Although I can't
(Chapter 47) Cry with me
(Chapter 48) It feels like dying
(Chapter 49) When you are sad
(Chapter 50) feat RM: Sometimes I don't
(Chapter 51) If you are hurt
(Chapter 53) feat RM: I'm only human, human, human
(Chapter 54) feat RM: You soften my sharp edges

(Chapter 52) It hurts me more than my own pain

57.1K 2.8K 3K
By minxy_keys


Hey Soulmates <3

Hope you are all doing fabulous.

I am so sorry for being slow to update.

I have been super busy lately with work and life, AND I recently moved!

Thank you all for your support and patience.

I'm so blessed to have the sweetest, kindest readers.

2020 is just around the corner!

I hope that all my readers will have a Merry Christmas, and a healthy and happy New Year.

Please take care of yourselves!

Lots of love,


PS: Leave me a highfive here!

Or a right foot. Up to you.


Dec 11, 2019




Jungkook leans in, his breath against your ear, the smile slow in his voice,

"Baby, is this all it takes to make you shy?"

You blush a furious shade of scarlet, and your eyes immediately dash to Jimin,

who grinning something mischievous.

"Maknae, are you sure you want me to be a part of this?"

Jimin's eyes are still lowered to his spoon, but the sly smile and the suggestion in his voice make your breath hitch.

Jungkook's mouth tightens.

"You can leave," he replies.

Jimin smirks and gets up,

but he winks at you as he leaves,

and Jungkook scowls.

You are starting to get a feeling lately that Jimin messes with you just to mess with Jungkook.

Scratch that.

You know Jimin is using you to mess with Jungkook.

And you kind of get it.

The maknae is so bold and tough that sometimes his hyungs need to take him down a notch.

And he really does rise so easily to bait.

"He's just teasing," you murmur,

patting Jungkook's cheek as he stares darkly after Jimin.

"I know, but-" Jungkook frowns, his jaw squared.

You take a moment to look at Jungkook's face.

He did look rightfully defensive, and his serious attitude made your smile fade away.

Thinking back, you do shiver slightly at the way Jimin seemed so comfortable insinuating whatever he was insinuating.

Even as a joke.

He was so casual, so slick about it.

It was a side of Jimin you'd never seen before.

He had always been so thoughtful, sweet and gentle...

That this surprises you, a lot, actually.

But everyone has multiple sides, you suppose.

And suddenly you remember one time you were all eating together...

When Jimin leaned over and said something to Namjoon, while giggling about it himself.

Taehyung, who also leaned in to catch the joke,

shook his head, rolling his eyes, and said "pervert."

So maybe it wasn't so strange that Jungkook got so riled up around Jimin.

Maybe he knew what Jimin was like.





He didn't want Jimin and Jimin's jokes around Soulmate.

The fact that Jimin had even joked at a 3-way made Jungkook bristle.

It wasn't funny.

Not to Jungkook.

Jimin's soft voice drawls out the most shocking things sometimes, and while Jungkook usually laughs with his hyungs...

Soulmate isn't a joking matter.

Jimin's jokes better stay away from her.

She giggles.

"Because you make it so easy to tease you! Look at you, all worked up!"

Jungkook sighs and shakes his head, like he was shaking it off.

But he knows she didn't quite understand Jimin's undertone.

"Yeah, I guess," he replies.

And then his phone is vibrating, a perfect save to get him out of this situation,

and he glances at the screen, 

a brief arc touching his lips as he answers.


"Yo!" Jungkook brings the phone to his ear, grinning.


The other voice laughs.

"Yo! Yu! Gyeom!!!!" Jungkook shouts playfully, his voice so loud that it booms across the room.






Your eyes spring open like saucers.

You scoot closer to Jungkook, if that was possible.

Jungkook smirks at your excitement and lowers his phone,

he taps on the screen, putting the call on speaker.

"How are you, Jungkook?"

the amplified voice asks, friendly.

"I'm good... hey, I um, I met someone. I'm with her now."

He grins and looks you in the eye.

Your heart skitters.

What is he saying?

Why was he talking about you?

Is he even allowed to talk about having a Soulmate?

"You... met someone, like, you have a girlfriend now?"

The shock in Yugyeom's voice was clear.

"Yeah, but I can't really talk about it, you know, company policy."

"Uh, yeah, wow, what's she like?"

Jungkook lifts the phone to your mouth.

"Say hi," he smiles.

"Um... h-hi," you squeeze out.

"Oh, hi! Hi, I'm Yugyeom!"

The other guy recovers quickly.

Jungkook snaps his wrist away before you can answer.

"We can't really talk right now, just text me, OK?"

"Yeah, sure, sorry to catch you at a bad time, keep in touch," Yugyeom answers smoothly,

as though Jungkook did this to him a lot.

Which he probably did.

Jungkook runs his thumb across the power button, ending the call

and his eyes turn into crescents

as he laughs.

"It's official. I told someone outside the company."

You bite down on your lip.

"Is that allowed?"

"What isn't allowed... is that you're not allowed. To NOT come to me in our dream."

He grabs your hand, still smiley.

And you smile too,

the warmth spreading through your chest,

and maybe that's why you have the dream again so soon that night.


A light breeze sifts through your hair, and you open your eyes.

Golden light hits you,

on the horizon,

in the field around you,

and outlining someone standing before you.

He's not looking at you,

he's looking up at the sky,

and you stare at his profile for a second,

before you realize who it is.

You stare, because he can't be real.

And then slowly,

as though he can feel your eyes on him,

he lowers his head and turns to you.

Just looking at him takes your breath away.

He is so beautiful.


Why are you standing here,

and of all people, with Jungkook from BTS?

Are you friends?

Surely you'd remember if you were friends with him.

The way he is looking at you though...

Like he is so familiar with you...

As though...

The two of you were familiar with each other.

Your mind whirls in confusion.

Suddenly you realize that Jungkook's arm is outstretched,

like he's reaching for you.

And your hand is lifting of its own accord,

until your fingertips are just inches from his.

Why would you do that?

You definitely don't know why he would want to hold you hand.

He doesn't even know you.

Does he?

You hesitate.

The scene begins to spin.

Your body starts backing away from him.


you want to say,

because it feels wrong to leave like this.

Wait... please, just wait-

It spins faster,

you're backing away from Jungkook,

his hand reaching for thin air.




You gasp awake,

jerking into a sitting position,

you hand twitching out for something-

tears in your eyes

as you search frantically for something you lost-

Jungkook stirs beside you,

in the darkness,

sitting up,


his eyes already lifting to your face.

"Hey," he whispers,

his voice hoarse with sleep.

You turn to him,

sick with guilt as you realize what just happened,

throwing yourself into his arms.

"I'm so sorry," you choke out.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know why I can't-"

"Shh, it's alright,"

Jungkook moves his body into you, enveloping you into his chest.

"It isn't supposed to be easy."

"I wish I could, just, if I could, just remember, then I would, I would reach for you-"

you stumble over the words,

your face buried in his shirt.

"I know. And I wish I could remember everything between us too.

But you forget in the dream. I forget in real life.

That's just how our bond works. And it'll be alright.

We'll be alright. We'll figure it out."

He pats your back soothingly, lowering his face to kiss the crown of your head.

"We knew it would be difficult.

But we'll grow more confident about us, and then you'll be able to do it.

Alright? Just give it more time."

He gently leans back,

brushing his index finger across your cheek,

wiping away the tear that escaped,

and sighs.

"How can I go when you're like this?"

You pull yourself together.

He was leaving tomorrow for a few days of traveling and award shows.

"You have to go," you answer, "The MMA and MAMA are both a big deal."

"I can't leave you when you're like this," Jungkook says,

his voice low, the sadness imbued in his tone.

"I'll be fine, really."

You wipe your eyes, finding the strength to not weigh him down,

finding the strength to put him at ease.

You wrap your arms around his neck.

"I'll be strong while you're gone. Please trust me."


And it was easier said than done.

Jungkook's been so busy lately with rehearsals for his awards performances, you've barely Healed at all.

Just an hour here or there,

in the car or studio,

and it slowly drained both of you, until you were exhausted.

And then he left for the awards.

For the last few days, you felt yourself grow weaker.

Every morning when you woke, your body felt weak and frail.

You brush off the thought and try to focus on your steps,

putting one foot in front of the other.

Jungkook is coming back tonight, and you'll Heal.

Don't be so weak. You'll just make him worry.

Wind blows your hair out of your face

right as you hear the click of a camera shutter sound.

You turn.

Standing just a few feet away from the complex gate are two men.

One with a camera and the other pointing his phone at you.

You falter and take a step back.

The man with the phone pans his camera back too.

He was... filming you??

You bring your hand up to cover your nose and mouth,

sliding your key over the gate sensor and shoving your way through the complex gate.

They don't try to follow.

They just smirk,

holding their arms up high to keep you in line of sight of their cameras as you run,

sprinting through the courtyard,

turning corners,

taking the driveways

until you are long gone to them,

but you don't stop,

you sprint until you can't breathe

and there's a stitch in your side,

all the way to the Bangtan apartment.

You weren't wearing a mask.

You should have been wearing a mask.

Your face has now been filmed,

and you can't take it back.

You know you've just ruined Jungkook.





Wow, it really took me some time to photoshop the golden light into those photos.
But I felt like I owed it to the dream scene, which is so important.

I also tend to touch up Jungkook to make him look fitting into the story, things like body positioning and lighting.
I don't mean to offend him or anyone else, I hope you girls won't mind.

If you liked this story please let me know by voting.
It means the world to me.

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