Camila Cabello Imagines

By camrenjaurello1213

210K 4.9K 610

The title says it all! Can't promise they're any good, I try my best! Enjoy! ⚠️WARNING CONTAINS⚠️ ✔️Same Sex... More

Under Cover Love
Under Cover Love Pt. 2
Miss. Cabello (GirlxGirl)
Insane (GirlXGirl)
Insane Pt.2 (GxG)
Bad Mistake (GirlxGirl)
All These Years
All These Years Pt. 2
All These Years Pt. 3
Secrets We Hide
In Love With My Best Friend
No Regrets
Fixing It All
Stockholm Syndrome
My Boyfriends Mom
Long Time No See
Long Time No See Pt. 2
Coming Out?
Sexual Desires
Sexual Desires Pt. 2
New Year
Careful Who You Fall For
Never Be The Same
Heal The Pain
Eternal Love
Find You Again (GxG)
You're My Past, Present & Future

Past Always Haunt

3.7K 93 15
By camrenjaurello1213

A/N: I've been bingeing Son of Anarchy and got inspired...Leave me be!! But still low key doesn't really match the plot at any point..Camila G!P
Y/N's POV *Not proofread*

"Fucking bitch! This is your fault!" Screamed a rugged man as he was pulled by three male officers, tugging at the handcuffs around his wrists. He continued to yell at the woman who was brought in as well, probably his girlfriend or wife.

"My fault?! You were the one with your dick in some cheerleader!" She yelled back as I continued to read over a case file, my feet propped on my desk.

"I hope I never get a lady like that." I heard my partner comment as he approached, I looked up at the Canadian and smirked.

"Then just don't cheat on her and you won't bring out the crazy in her." I laughed with a knowing look on my face and glint in my eye.

"Never." He winked at me causing me to shake my head. I put my feet down and stood before patting his cheek.

"Better not or I'll cut your dick off myself." I smiled innocently at him before glancing around and saw everyone busy, I leaned forward and pecked his lips quickly and pulled away just as fast. "Now come on handsome we have a killer to catch."

He smiled bashfully before following me as we left the precinct.


"Fucking shit!" I hissed as the doctor cleaned the flesh wound. Looking down I saw the water down blood drip down my bicep as he continued to stitch it up.

"Hold still detective, I'm almost done." He told me causing me send him a glare and he just chuckled.

I looked over to the door when it opened and saw my favorite Canadian walk in, my smiled dropped when I saw the look on his face.

"Shawn? What's wrong? We caught the killer. Granted I got shot, but we caught him." I laughed but stopped when he didn't even crack a smile.

"It's your brother." He said softly, instantly my heart stopped and dropped to the pit of my stomach. "Babe, I'm sorry. He was murdered."

Right there. Right there and then, my world came crashing down around me and it felt like nothing existed anymore.

Oh Corey.


I stared at the semi worn out white house, the house I grew up, the house that was my home for eighteen years before I moved out.

I felt a hand come in contact with my back and I glanced over at Shawn and gave a small smile. "You okay?"

I just nodded, not knowing how to answer. I was conflicted, between my brothers death and Shawn being here with me.

I grabbed his hand and interlocked our fingers and led him up to the front door, I didn't knock. No, you don't knock when it comes to family. I walked in with my boyfriend in tow, I could hear everyone talking in the backyard.

"Set the bags down there." I told him, pointing to the corner by the stairs. He nodded and did as I said before I continued to lead him to the backyard where everyone was, when one died in our big family. We'd have a cookout, a wake so to speak, in their honor.

The second we stepped out back, I saw my parents talking, though they had smiles, you see the pain behind them. It's what my family's good at, putting on fake smiles and acting like we're okay.

"Y/N!?" I heard the scream of my childhood best friend, everyone turned their heads towards me and my parents gave genuine happy smiles this time when they saw me.

I felt her body collide with mine as her tall body, hovered over my small frame. "Girl! I have missed you." She smiled as she squeezed me in a tight hug.

"I've missed you too Dinah-Jane." I chuckled hugging her back.

"Alright. Let my babygirl go before you squeeze the air out." I heard my mothers soothing voice call out.

Dinah pulled away just as my parents walked up to me. "Hi mama. Hi pa." I smiled softly before they both brought me into a hug.

"We've missed you." My father's deep voice whispered as all three of us hugged.

"I've missed you both too." I whispered back before Dinah's voice cut through again.

"Who's this tall glass of good lookin." She asked looking Shawn up and down biting her bottom lip, causing him to chuckled nervously.

"This is Shawn. My boyfriend." I introduced wrapping my arm around his waist and his over my shoulder.

"Oh." Dinah frowned with a scowl on her face now. She glared at him before glancing me causing me to give her a knowing look. Her eyes rolled before she huffed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." He said with his charming smile, holding his hand out. My father was the first to shake it, while my mother gave me a knowing look.

"Nice to meet you as well." My dad smiled shaking his hand, but I could tell it was a very firm handshake when I saw Shawn clench his jaw and the muscles in my father's arm flexed.

One would normally say something but I knew better, never get stern or give a warning tone with my father unless you were my mother. My father was a feared man and my mother had sass and could easily be feared.

"How'd you and my daughter meet?" He asked with a look I knew. If he didn't approve, then my boyfriend of two years would be in pieces at the bottom of the ocean and to never be found again.

I wasn't joking.

"Dad behave, please." I pleaded, I loved Shawn and I didn't want him ending up dead because of my crazy family.

"It's alright babe." Shawn smiled at me, "I'm actually her partner back at the twelfth precinct. Have been for the last three years, sir."

"Where you from?" He continued to questioned.

"Canada, sir." He answered with a proud smile, causing me smile as well. He's actually handling them better then I honestly thought he would. But my small happiness didn't last long when a familiar voice filled my ears and still sent a pleasant shiver down my spine.

"You were never one for Americans." Her voice still held that rasp with her accent slipping through as well, "Were you, reina?" The old nickname bringing back so many memories between the two of us.

I looked over at her and instantly regretted it, even after five years of being gone, her style never changed. Sure I was use to it but then again I wasn't, it was the fact she always wore a sports bra and her shirt unbuttoned that got me. Her stomach still toned and defined with those abs I use to run my nails along. Her jawline still sharp and my lips would spend so much time tracing. Those plump lips that once worship every inch of my body, that could have me tremble. Those deep chocolate eyes I would get lost in for what seemed like forever. Even her tattoos that somehow had me drooling over her.

Dinah's elbow in my side woke me from my reverie, only for me to realize that the brunette was looking at me as well with a small smirk. I looked at my best friend only to see her smirking at me as well. "Don't start." I whispered low enough for only her to hear.

"Camila, mija. It's so wonderful for you to join us." My mother said breaking the thick tension that built around us.

"I couldn't miss it. Corey was like the brother I never had." She smiled sadly as her and my mother hugged and whispered in one another's ears.

"Come on Shawn. Let's have a beer and talk." My dad said giving a rather hard pat on my boyfriends back, the Canadian gave me a nervous smile and I just shrugged. I couldn't help him now. He just better say his words wisely.

"Quite the hombre you got there mija." Mom said with a quirked eyebrow.

"Give him a chance ma. He's a nice guy." I said with a pleading look.

"Honey. He's a city boy, guys like him don't belong in a place like this. Especially with women like us." She told me and even though I rolled my eyes and huffed, I knew she was right.

"I know. But I don't plan on keeping him here."

"You haven't told him about your past, have you?" That quirked eyebrow returned with a judging look.

"No." I shook my head, "And I'm not going to. I worked so hard to get all of it off my record just to be able to become a cop. Everything's been sealed and I want it to stay that way. He's not gonna find out, entendido?" I asked looking at all three, specifically at Camila. Knowing her ways, she would drop at the opportunity to ruin my relationship. Especially with the pissed off look she's had she figured out he was my boyfriend.

My mother and Dinah nodded hesitantly but still agreed none the less, while the brunette rolled her eyes with a big huff. "If he loves and cares for you then it shouldn't matter. If doesn't like it then he can get lost, with my gun up his ass and me pulling the trigger."

"Camila." I warned, her features soften and sighed.

   "Fine." Her eyes rolled again, "I won't tell the puta."

  I rolled my eyes threw my arms up before walking inside to grab a drink. I was going to need something strong if I was going to survive the next two weeks.


  It was getting dark and everyone was still here, it might seem weird to most but we didn't really mourn the ones who died. We celebrated their lives, not stand around and mope about them being gone, no we partied for their life they spent.

  I sat on the roof, with a beer in my hand and gazing up at the sunset, looking down every once in a while at my boyfriend who conversed with everyone. A lot of people loved him while others didn't really like him. That's because they're old fashion and believe we shouldn't mix "our kind" with none Cubans or at least Mexicans. Had to be one of the two to make them happy. Shawn was actually the first person I've been with that wasn't one of my own.

  "Always the one to sneak away from party's." I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, I listened as she climbed out of my old bedroom window and came to sit next to me.

  "Wanted to get away." I shrugged, "Got tired of everyone asking if I was okay or that they were sorry for my loss."

"You look good." Camila said softly as she swiped my beer and took a hard swig. I rolled my eyes knowing nothings changed, I grabbed the extra one I intended on drinking after this one and handed it to her.

Her eyes ranked over my body and a small shiver ran down my spine, "You really look good." Her voice hoarse as she gave another hard swig to her beer.

I didn't know what to say, so I just looked away and down at my boyfriend who was talking to one of my cousins who looked like she had a instead madly crush on him. She was eleven, it was to be expected for her to go on later that she was madly in love with him and how he'll leave me for her and they'll get married.

"I'm not happy that you're with someone else." She started, "And It might be the alcohol talking, but knowing me, it's not. But I love you, I still do. I'm not stopping or giving you up. You will always be my Reina, you're mine." She growled at the end, my body felt fuzzy.

The three shot of tequila and the four beers slowly catching up, I stood and made my way into my old bedroom. Memories flashing of the all the times Camila and I snuck around in here, I wiped my face and slid my jacket off.

"You were shot?" She asked as she stood behind me.

I glanced that wrap on my arm that guarded my stitches, "I'm a cop. What do you expect? Besides you act as a f I've never been shot before." I shook my head as I turned only to be face to face with her. Our noses touching, her breath on my lips.

"You don't know how much I want to kiss you." She confessed, "It's been so long, I miss the feel of you in every way." Her hand came up, cupping my cheek. "Your lips on mine, my hands across your body."

  My breathing became heavier as she ghosted her lips across my cheek to my jawline, they stopped right at my ear. Flashbacks hit, reminding me of all the times she moaned into my ear, gasping when she liked something I did in bed.

  "The way you wrapped around me, clenching, making me thank whatever gods there were for creating you and putting you in my path." Her hands gripped my waist and pulled me flush against her body, a gasp escaping me at the sudden move.

   My hands subconsciously grabbed her biceps, firm and hard as they were before. "Karla." I whispered as her lips ghosted mine, "We-" my words were cut off when we heard a knock on the door.

  "Babe?" I heard Shawns voice, the brunettes grip tightened as a low growl came from her.

   "Maldita perra llamándote así. Pensando que eres de él. You're mine, not his." She growled looking into my eyes, a wave of heat ran through my body to down below.

(A/N: Don't come for me! I used Bing translate!! But here's what I was tryna say: "Fucking bitch calling you that. Thinking you're his.")

  Before I could react, her lips attached to my neck, harshly. The way I liked it, the way Shawn would never. The knock came again and her biting and sucking became harsher and I let out a low moan.

  "Let him walk in. Let him see that you're mine." She hissed as the door handle began to wiggle, her hand ran up my thigh before unbuttoning my Jean shorts and slipping her hand in. "He'll never please you like I do." Just then the door opened and there stood my boyfriend, his face horrified and angered.

  I pulled away, opening my mouth to explain. But nothing came out, I became confused at the words that left my boyfriends mouth.

"Are you okay, reina?"

I shook my head and blink, only to see myself and Karla in my room. Her brows furrowed as she watched me, concern written in her face.

That's never happened, I haven't thought about her like that in years. What is happening to me?....

A/N:Y'all it might a lil sucky but I'm tryna get back in the hang of I haven't wrote in a few months..I'm a lil rusty...but we'll get there...either way I hoped you enjoyed.

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