Let me love you. ✔

By GabriellaCurls

96.3K 4.8K 8.3K

This cover is made by the lovely @mauachka. Thank you, hun. The wind picked up, sweeping my hair around his... More

1 You dumbass
2 Always the wingman
3 My best friend
4 Mister Navarro!
5 Friendzone
6 Give me a chance.
7 Cooking for forgiveness
8 I'm not boring
9 only lies
10 Good memories
11 Come clean
12 Breaking a heart
13 Under the stars
14 To tell or not to tell
15 Doubts
16 Dresses , Dresses
17 Axel and Gemma
18 Alita Fallon
19 Playing your game
20 Awake Nightmare
21 Real Love
23 Poison To The Brain
24 The Devil Himself
25 Crash, Boom, Bang.
26 Sharing
27 Thats My Man!
28 We need to trust.
29 Do we need distance?
30 Lust And Speed
31 Fake Apologies
32 Silk Ribbons
33 A Week With Matt
A Week With Nova
Queen Hartley
Cold ,so Cold
Opening Gifts
Happy New year?
Squeak Cheeks
Good Surprise , Bad Surprise
Hot Blankets and Tea
Weak In The Knees
You're Funny
Pass Please
49 Rumors
No Sleep
Caller's ID
Oh Baby
The Cold Shoulder
How To Act
Feeling different
For the show
58 My Bathrobe
I'll Kill You
Zombie mode
62 I'll take care of her
Real Contact
I Love you, goodbye.
Out Of Love
I'm being tested
I hate myself
You owe me
I'm Dreaming
Do I believe and want to know
Oh Don't You
Never again
When you expect it the least
Mistakes and wedding cakes
79 After you
I Love You
81 Epilogue

Worlds Apart

826 45 82
By GabriellaCurls


It's been three weeks since Jaimy and Hannah got married and went away on their honeymoon. The lucky girl was surprised with a vacation to the Maldives. She texted me beautiful pictures and I can say that I'm pretty jealous of her and her husband, with the white beaches and blue oceans they are swimming in. They deserve it and there are only three days left before normal life will swallow them back up.

She didn't bring up Jaimy's kissing another woman at his bachelor party. I guess he didn't tell her yet and maybe he never will. I'm not going to think about it anymore. It's not my confession to make and constantly thinking about it makes me stressed out. Which isn't good for me, nor our baby girl.

Our baby girl. We are doing just fine, her and I.. Matt wasn't able to come back for the sonogram and I know he feels terrible about it. It's fine, though. Just two more weeks until he is home and I will leave this house full of memories behind me to make new ones in his.

Every day I pack something, as I promised. The house already felt empty without Hannah and with each piece that goes into one of the moving boxes also a piece of our history disappears. She became a much bigger part of my life than I ever could have imagined walking into this house a little over two years ago.

Two years, unbelievable what happened in that short amount of time. She is such a strong woman. Not only mentally, but also physically.

A smile appears on my lips when I think back to all the threats she made. She would have kicked Dallas and Matt multiple times in their precious jewels if it was to her.

But all joking aside, she let me believe in myself again. She pushed me to make the most of my life and I hope I'll eventually find the right words to explain how much she means to me.

I realized that I would love for my daughter to be as strong as her. And that gave me also the clarity that I don't want to become Matt's assistant. I want our daughter to learn how to survive this mad world on her own, of course with a little help from her parents. That she doesn't need a husband or wife, who knows, to accomplish her dreams. How can I be her example when I don't have my own life and depend on Matt having enough roles to live from.

Don't get me wrong, I would never leave his side if I don't have to. But that's not a healthy relationship either. You have to have your small moments without your other half to keep it exciting, to keep longing for each other. And what if, for god sake I pray not, we don't have a happy ever after? That means I have nothing to fall back on.

People say, don't think about that, nothing in life is certain. That's right, nothing is. But if I can make sure we always have money to fall back on, even if we do have our happy after, I will.

Although Matt is accepting my choice not to become his assistant, he still wants me to quit. I understand his worries, but I'm not quitting. This job is important to me, to keep me occupied and in touch with my friends. I'm going to stay at the Wakefield Brothers until I finish my education.

Yes, you heard me right, I'm going back to school, night school. No, not right now. After this little bun came into this world. I'm going to cut back on the hours when she is here.

My belly became too obvious to hide for Mister Carrick. I knew that I had to face him and he reacted like I thought he would. Like a total dick head! I got my claws out and we came to a nice agreement that works for both of us.

I hear you think, what is she going to do when she finished her education? Well, I will become the co-owner of Comfort spy. Surprise! To me too, to be honest. My father couldn't be happier that his company will stay in the family.

First, I will work from home and create my network. My father will introduce me along the way, while I'm studying, to his clients in LA.
At least I know two of them already.

Dallas joked that he could come work for me and that we should quit on the same day to tick off Carrick. He's just as much a fan of Carrick as I. Who knows what the future will bring for Dallas and maybe there will be a possibility of him working for me. But first, he has to take his own life into his hands and make the most of it.

He went on a date with the bridesmaid I pushed him towards. It was okay, he said. There won't be a second date. That's fine, though. It shows that he is moving on and tries to find his happiness. Normally, it's not with the first girl he dates. But he will find her, no doubt about it.

Last night I was thinking. If I could freeze him, literally. And by the time our daughter turned twenty-five, defrost him. She would have the perfect life partner and I wouldn't have to be afraid she will end up with a douchebag. I'm not sure Matt is going to agree with it, though.

Yeah, I know. Sometimes my mind runs wild.

A lot will change in the next years and it's scary. But most of all, it's exciting. That after all the hurt if been through, I'm finally building a future for myself. With the man of my dreams, with the friends I made and the love growing inside me. What else can I ask for?


"Are you happy babe?" Matt asks, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my ridiculous large bump with his hands.

At first, this little girl wouldn't show up but now I wish she would stop stretching me out. I have to push her aside when I want to sit down or else I can't sit, nor breathe. I let my eyes wander, just a few more weeks and she will be laying in her crib.

Finally, her room is finished. In terms of furniture, everything was ready months ago. I kept on moving everything around. Then the color on the walls wasn't right, the picture frames the wrong size and I became worried she would rather have a bear than a bunny.

Matt just painted the walls again and again and again. It took me on too many trips to find the perfect chandelier and the right size frames for the pictures of a furry bunny. And all without complaining once. I do not understand.

But now it's the perfect classic baby nursery. The walls are taupe and the furniture is white with wooden details. Next to the crib stands a big love chair with a fluffy footstool and I can't wait for us three to cuddle up into it. On the floor, I put two rugs, one in a round form and a half over it, a fake sheep fur one. It feels so soft to your feet and I'm sure she can't hurt herself laying there.

"Yes, I'm happy." turning myself to Matt. "Thank you for being so kind, caring, understanding, and helpful."

He smiles and I can feel myself blush with his words, "Anything for the most important girls in my life."

I groan when she kicks me against my bladder, killing this moment between us. Matt laughs when I waddle to the bathroom and curse under my breath.

"Babe, she is going to disturb us for the next twenty years of our lives, better get used to it." he laughs even harder when I give him the finger before I disappear behind the door.

Matt thought it would be nice to invite all our closest friends over for a BBQ on the beach. Sort of the last night out, as just us, without kids. It's a nice idea, but I rather not had it two days before my due date.

To my surprise, he insisted on inviting Dallas too. Dallas hesitated for a while. He knows that Matt is aware of what happened the night we almost took it to another level than friendship. And I can imagine he felt uncomfortable facing Matt. Matt took it upon himself to make sure he was coming and called him to bury the hatchet.

It warmed my whole being when he did that. He couldn't make a bigger gesture to let me know he forgave me. That he understands that Dallas is an important person in my life and that he accepts him as my friend.

Jaimy and Hannah are the first to arrive and I must say, married life looks good on her. She smiles from ear to ear and Jaimy can't stop looking at her in awe. I dragged her up to the nursery and we shared a little tear of happiness.

We walk down the stairs and I come face to face with Chriss, yeah!

His eyes go wide and his grin turns evil. "Wow, you're so big!" to get smacked on the head by the last person I would have expected to see tonight. Okay, maybe not the last, that would have been Alita, but Liv-Marie is a good second one.

"Chriss! You have no manners," she tells him.

I smile satisfied when he pouts at her and cringe when he kisses her. They're a couple? Of all the people in the world, this little girl with big blue eyes and blond angel curly hair is the one that tamed him? Its heaven and hell are colliding.

"You look beautiful Nova, don't pay attention to my big-mouthed Chewbacca." ruffling up Chriss his hair.

I bite my lip with her nickname, while Matt just laughs at him right in his face, leading them to the terrace. Well, the world has gone crazy.

Dallas is the last to arrive and finally, we can eat! The ambiance is peaceful, everyone is laughing, sharing stories, and enjoying the food with the amazing view of the sun settling into the sea.

The little one inside me is having a real fight with all my organs around her. You can see my bump move with all the fighting she does. "Jeez, could you calm down, down there?"

Hannah crouches in front of me and places her hands on my belly. Her eyes go wide when she feels the boxer inside me. "Poor you!"

I snigger. "I know!"

She calls Jaimy to make him feel the movements too and before I know it I have four pairs of hands touching me. Yes, even Chriss couldn't resist. I look at Matt for help, but he just comes to stand behind me to kiss me on the cheek. Ass!

"Okay, okay! Everyone, move out of my space or I will burb into all of your faces." and I'm not kidding.

They laugh and sit back on their chairs. I take a deep breath and look next to me. He's the only one that didn't dare to touch me. "Do you want to feel, Dallas?"

He startles and looks directly at Matt, still standing behind me. I reach out, take his hand and place it on my bump. She immediately reacts to the warmth of his hand and kicks. His whole face lights up and he looks at my belly as if it's the most incredible thing he has ever felt.

I look up at Matt and whisper thank you. My gaze stayed on him and he panics when my eyes go wide. "Babe? Are you okay, what's wrong? Why are you looking like that!"

"My water broke!"

Matt disappears into the house and comes back with my bag. Dallas turned all white in front of me, Hannah is yelling that she is going to be auntie, while Jaimy tries to make her stop waking up our neighbors. Chriss and Liv-Marie are the ones that stay calm and help me up to get into Matt's car. Jaimy even offers to drive us, but Matt is sure that he will be fine.

He had to promise to call them the moment it's born, though. Or else Hannah wouldn't let him go.

After an exhausting seventeen hours, I finally gave birth to our little girl. She's the most precious thing I've ever laid my eyes on.

Matt leaves the room to make the promised calls, while the nurse cleans our girl. She weighs her and checks if everything is fine. They lay her on my chest and I admire her beauty.

Matt sits back next to me and takes her little hand in his. I can't help myself and cry, looking at this amazing man. He's meant to be a father, every fiber in his body radiates it.

He gently wipes away my tears. "Love." kissing me on the forehead. "You're amazing." and looks back to our girl. "Are you still happy with the name?"

"Yeah, it's perfect."

The nurse helped me into the shower and I find Matt sitting in a chair with our girl in her first outfit, snuggled up against his big chest when we come out. The sight of it is beautiful.

He gives me a big smile. "She has your eyes. We are gonna need to lock her up!"

Our first moment as a family is short-lived when Hannah peeks her head around the door. "Is this the room of my little niece?" barging in with a huge stuffed bunny and Jaimy on her heels?

They look at her in awe and Matt's eyes lock with mine. I shake yes and he says. "Jaimy, Hannah, meet our daughter Nola Grace."

Hi loves,

What do you think of her name?

Don't forget to vote.

Xoxo Gabriëlla

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