Wolf Queen {1} Mikaelson or L...

By hailsnikita

224K 6.6K 5.1K

After being kidnapped, Isabel Donovan a high school student is forced to endure the supernatural of her world... More

Isabel Donovan
Wolf Queen *werewolf addition*
A Few Months Ago☽0☾
The Masquerade Ball☽1☾
Important People☽2☾
The 60's dance☽3☾
The Backstory☽4☾
Knocked Out☽5☾
Stefan Makes A Deal☽6☾
Baby Wants Out☽7☾
Baby Lockwood
Messed With Momma Wolf☽8☾
Meeting The Youngest Mikaelson☽9☾
The Necklace☽10☾
Wolf Queen |2|
First Successful Hybrid☽11☾
New Me New School Year☽12☾
The Dead Returns☽13☾
Homecoming Nightmare☽14☾
Caroline's Funeral☽15☾
Original Trouble☽17☾
Figured Him Out☽19☾
Bloody Birthday☽20☾
Mission Get Klaus: A Fail☽23☾
Wolf Queen |3|
Church Attack☽25☾
Remembering the covers of Wolf Queen
He's Back☽26☾
Moving out☽28☾
Date With The Devil☽29☾
Kidnapped By Hybrids☽30☾
Winter Wonderland☽31☾
Feeling Hollow☽32☾
To Be Loved☽33☾
Softening Heart☽34☾
Having Hope☽35☾
Temptation To Darkness☽37☾
The Last Dance☽39☾
French Girl☽40☾
Raise Your Spirits☽end☾
Aesthetics☽extra/Kats letter☾
Bonus Chapter
Little Bit About Me

Death of A Witch☽21☾

2.7K 92 54
By hailsnikita


Caroline, Isabel, and Elena walked through the gym hall which was being decorated for the 20's Decade Dance. Caroline carried a clipboard and was in charge of the preparations since Rebekah went missing.

"So, Alaric is trying to pull himself together, why is that a bad thing?" Caroline asked Elena and Isabel who had been telling her about Alaric's current state in the Salvatore cellar.

"I just...I wish there was something I could do." Elena confessed.

"Being locked down there just doesn't sit right with me. I feel bad." Isabel explained before picking up a nearby chandelier and holding it up for Caroline to see. "Where do you want me to hang this thing?"

"You know what, if Rebekah wanted to hang this monstrousity she should have shown up to do it herself." The blonde vampire took the chandelier from Isabel and passed it to a random student walking by. "Just no!"

Caroline looked over and saw Matt and Jeremy hanging up stars on the ceiling. But she didn't seem pleased with how they were handling the stars.

"What are you doing?" She shouted up at the boys. "You can't just hang them! They're supposed to trickle down."

"Trickle, duh!"

Isabel laughed at her brother as the boys attempted to do as Caroline said.

"Look at them all bromancy," Isabel said, keeping her eyes on the boys. "It's quite adorable."

"Yeah I asked Matt to help Jeremy readjust," Elena said. "He got him his old job back at the Grill."

"That was sweet of him," Isabel said.

"Jeremy has got a lot on his mind," Elena told them. "The whole thing with Alaric has got him really stressed out."

"You sure it has nothing to do with witnessing you and Damon getting hot and heavy in a skeevy motel?" Caroline asked the doppelgänger.

"I'm sure Jer appreciated that by the way." Isabel added sarcastically.

"I didn't tell you that so you guys could torture me with it." Elena grumbled.

"Aww, what are friends for?" The blonde vampire asked sarcastically. "So who are you bringing to the dance?"

Elena wrapped a feather boa around her neck before she asked, "what do you mean? I thought you, Bonnie, Izzy, and I were going as girl dates."

"Hm, Bonnie has a date," Caroline told the two.

"Nice." Isabel nodded.

"What?" Elena asked at the same time Isabel said something.

"Jamie called and wanted to see her so she asked him."

"Hmm." Elena pursed her lips.

"So here's a thought, why don't you ask Stefan?" Caroline asked curiously. She smiled mischievously, obviously trying to get Elena back to what Caroline deemed as 'normal.'

"I can't ask him on a date, I just made out with his brother." Elena disagreed immediately.

"All the more reason!" Caroline exclaimed in exasperation. "Look you're supposed to be figuring out what you want, that's what Stefan wanted you to do, right?"

"It's only fair Elena." Isabel agreed with her blonde twin friend. "And asking him would be helping your decision a little."

"Yeah, but-"

"Uh-uh." Isabel stopped her from continuing. "No ifs and or buts."

"Look, I've watched The Bachelor, okay? Fair is fair." Caroline stressed. "It is Stefan's turn."

"Yeah and you're not biased or anything," Elena said sarcastically, giving her a look.

"I'm sorry, but Stefan is your epic love. And I'm not going down without a fight," Caroline said stubbornly.

"He's the one, Elena. He's done everything for you and more. I have to admit he seems like the better choice," Isabel said. "Then again. I don't like Damon very much. So I guess I am biased."


Isabel was drinking some water while watching people dance and walk around when she noticed Tyler and almost spit out her drink from the shock.

He showed up dressed in a 20's outfit and shook two of his friend's hands casually as if a dangerous hybrid wasn't looking for his hybrid ass right this moment.

Isabel rushed over to him with wide blue eyes. "Are you crazy?" Her hands fly up a little and she placed the outer part of the base of her thumb between her brows with her thumbs facing outward for a second. "If Klaus sees you..." she trailed off taking her hands away from her face.

"What's he gonna do?" He raised an eyebrow, his jaw tightening in anger. "Draw you another picture?" He mocked.

"Ty, this isn't a joke!" Isabel stressed while narrowing her eyes slightly. "And you can't be acting like a kid right now."

"I can pretend I'm sired if I have to." Isabel huffed as she avoided his eyes. "But I'm not gonna hide while he's macking all over you."

Isabel let out a breath annoyed with him. "Tyler, you do not need to be jealous of Klaus."

"I am jealous, but I'm also competitive. So hang on," he said while wrapping his arms just above her butt. "I'm about to sweep you off your feet."

Tyler easily swept Isabel off her feet and spun her around making the fringe on her dress swing along with them.


Isabel slow danced with Tyler after he asked her for the third time. She was reluctant at first but she didn't want him to be suspicious so she opted for slow breathing through her slightly parted lips.

Tyler stopped dancing when he noticed Klaus watching them over his right shoulder. The thoughts of Klaus trying to get with his girl overwhelming him and causing him to frown slightly.

"What is it?" Isabel asked before looking in the same direction and seeing Klaus in a white suit.

"Where've you been mate?" The hybrid asked, walking towards them and through the other kids, slowly.

Isabel let go of Tyler letting out an annoyed breath through her nose as she faced her parabatai. "I just got back in town."

"That's funny, I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place," Klaus said calmly, keeping his face blank. "You don't mind if I cut in, do you?" He asked getting closer.

Before Isabel could say yes or no Tyler noticed the look on the curly blonde's face and said, "no, it's fine."

Tyler handed her off to Klaus who immediately pulled her deeper into the crowd. "Why do you always have to prove you're the Alpha male?"

"I don't have to prove anything, love. I am an Alpha male." Isabel rolled her eyes at him but he couldn't find it in himself to find it annoying, instead he found it quite adorable. Isabel took a quick glance at Tyler before sighing and letting him spin her into his arms. "You know, you would've loved the 1920s, Bel. The girls were reckless, sexy, fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped."

"Hmpf, and I don't suppose that ever happened to their dance partners?" She asked sarcastically with a teasing smile. Surprisingly with him her mind drifted from Tyler and the overbearing thoughts that she wished so desperately would leave. But she also knew it wouldn't last forever. "Too bad for me then."

"You should be nicer to me, love. I'm leaving town tomorrow." Isabel pulled her head back as she stared at him with furrowed brows. "I'd invite you and Rose to come with me but we both know you're not ready to accept my offer." Isabel looked over Klaus' shoulder to see Tyler watching. She looked back down at her feet before looking back at Klaus and paying attention to him. "Perhaps one day, in a year, or even in a decade you'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer." Klaus' blue eyes stare deeply in her own and she can't seem to tear her eyes away from his.

"You mark my words. A small town boy, a small town life, it won't be enough for you."

"And you are?" She asked.

"I can give you a lot more then he ever could. And I'm willing to wait for you to realize that." He leaned closer so his plump lips were touching the shell of her ear which elicited a small shiver from the blonde werewolf. "However long it takes."


"What was that?" Tyler asked once he found Isabel standing in the corner.

"I don't have time for this right now, Ty." She told him. Really she just didn't want to be near him for a while but she couldn't tell him that or he'd keep asking questions.

"No, yo-"

"Isabel." Isabel turned to see Stefan with a panicked look.

"What?" She asked hoping whatever it was he wanted would get her away from Tyler and the smell that seemed to follow him.

"Esther's back." Her eyes grew wide at his words.

"Well? What are we waiting for?" She motioned him to walk and started to follow him. "We'll talk later, Tyler." She told her baby daddy over her shoulder.

"Jamie is trying to find her with a locator spell and I was hoping you could help us take her down."

"I can try." She smiled but it wavered slightly.

She and Stefan arrive to hear, "she does this all the time, right?" Jamie, Bonnie's sorta boyfriend, ask.

"What's taking so long?!" Klaus asked impatiently. "All boundary spells have a loophole."

"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier," Matt said entering the room.

"Matt, Isabel, and I can leave, we can stop Esther ourselves." Jeremy offered. "We just gotta find out where she is."

"It's suicide, Jeremy," Stefan warned.

Klaus rushed over and grabbed Jamie by the throat and started to strangle him in the air. "Suicide would be disappointing me! Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy."

"Let him go!" Bonnie yelled out.

"Not until you get us out of here," Klaus responded defiantly.

"Nik please let him go." Klaus drowned out everyone as he looked at Isabel. Upon seeing the pleading look in her puppy dog looking eyes, Klaus released Jamie with a huff. "Thank you."


Alone, Bonnie grabbed a map from the wall and placed it on the teacher's desk and turned on the table lamp before Isabel entered.

"I'm so ready to get back to the house." She muttered walking up to Bonnie's side. "I'm guessing you and your Romeo can't wait to get home as well?" Isabel smirked as Bonnie face flushed.

Before she can defend herself a Salvatore and a Mikaelson walk in with Damon saying, "here. Jeremy made a little Gilbert blood donation for your locator spell."

"I have to do this with you all lurking over me?" She asked.

"You're still mad at me for what happened to Abby. Let me apologize. I'm sorry Elijah and Isabel forced us to turn your mother into a vampire to save Elena's life. Didn't exactly have a choice."

"I was doing my job. And I didn't tell you to kill her mother." Isabel defended herself. "That's all on you."

"And there's always a choice. Whenever you make one someone else suffers." Bonnie spat.

Klaus, growing more impatient said, "let's cut the dramatics and begin, shall we?"

Bonnie did as Klaus said and poured the blood onto the map and started chanting. "Phasmatos Tribum Nas Ex Veras, Sequita Saguines, Ementas Asten Mihan Ega Petous." The blood formed a circular pool but it didn't move like the Original Witch had wanted it to. "Esther is fighting me."

"Esther couldn't possibly have this much power," Klaus said before realizing something. "Unless she's channelling something."

"Like a hotspot?" Isabel asked thinking about when she and Elena went hiking and she used Elena's hotspot so she could listen to music.

"Get the team ready." Klaus rushed. "I know where she is."


Isabel, Matt, and Jeremy surrounded Esther, pointing a throwing knife, rifle, and a crossbow at the witch.

"Don't move!" Matt yelled, holding the rifle up.

"Freeze. Put your hands up!" The blonde wolf had always wanted to say that after years of watching Blue Bloods, Criminal minds, and more. She held the throwing knife and made sure it was aimed for the head.

"Where's Elena?" Jeremy asked, holding the crossbow. The look of determination on his face showed how worried he was for his older sister.

Elena walked outside and yelled, "Jeremy!"

"Let her go." The brunette boy demanded.

"How foolish of you, to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you. But if that is your choice." Esther used her powers and made Jeremy, Isabel, and Matt turn their hands and point their weapons at each other.

"Matt!" Jeremy panicked. "Matt drop your gun!"

"I can't! I'm not controlling it!" He yelled back.

"Matty I can't stop it!" She cried out as her hand was pulled back ready to strike Matt dead in the heart.

"Esther stop it!" Elena cried out worried for her friends and family.

Alaric's temporary old self stumbled out from the Salvatore tomb and stabbed Esther from behind. The Original Witch dropped down, the spell stopping as she died.

"Oh my god. Where's my ring?" Alaric cried out in panic. "Tell me what happened."


Stefan, Damon, Isabel, Tyler, Caroline, Matt, Bonnie, Jeremy, and Meredith who was crying all stood around the tomb with candles scattered about. Elena walked out and went to Stefan's side while Alaric stayed back and looked at everyone with a small smile. He teared up as he closed the gate solemnly.

Isabel forgot about everything for a moment and leaned against Tyler as tears welled up in her eyes.

She had to say goodbye to another parent figure once again.

"Can we just go back to Rose?" She mumbled into his ear not wanting to stay any longer.

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