Save You Tonight

By RedVelvetCake

124K 2K 254

Alaine Saunders has dedicated her life to Luna's restaurant. She grew up with unsupportive parents and was in... More

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chatper Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.
Chapter Thirty-Nine.

Chapter Twenty-Two

2.4K 35 5
By RedVelvetCake

I stared, in horror, in dismay, in shock. Basically an entire package of emotions. I looked away immediately, hoping to find a distraction anywhere else. I couldn't help but fidget with my hands, I placed the empty drink back on the coaster in the bar, wishing Mark would tell that girl to go away. I needed everything in my power to get away from here as fast as possible, if I risked seeing Niall, I knew for sure he would tell Harry. Even worse, Harry is actually here. My stomach turned, oh how that would make my night go to complete and utter shit.

I walked into the crowd of dancing people, meshing together, hopefully I could find Rose and make up an excuse, I'm sick. The heat is unbearable. Anything, I just wanted to get out of here. A bunch of girls pushed me back and forth, what kind of rude people do that? I bumped into someone, quickly apologizing but to see it was only Rose, she laughed and led me out of the crowd. As we went back to the bar, Mark had disappeared.

"Rose... can we leave?" I asked.

"Why? What's wrong Alaine?" she asked, worried now. I shook my head, hoping that when I smiled at the dancing crowd would wave away any hint of fear I displayed on my face unconsciously.

"Just havent... clicked with anyone. Mark is with some girl, I'm not much a dancer, many factors add up to my leaving." I shrug. She looked down, I regretted ever asking her to leave. I didn't want her to get sad, but she snapped her fingers and perked up.

"I'll get you a drink! You haven't tasted our beautiful drinks yet! Stay here." she said, moving down the bar. Oh Rose, you're such a nice person. Would you call me insane when I told you I'm hiding from Harry and the rest of One Direction or try to understand my feelings like a normal person? I sighed, giving up on the thought and not wanting to bring it up. I looked over to the other end of he bar to almost choke at what I was seeing.

Niall was talking to Rose, oh my gosh, they were speaking. One more inch and they could be so close to me. Not only that but he would recognize me. I had to get out of here, someway, anyway, but quickly. I looked back at them, seeing as Niall takes her hand out to the dance floor, Rose was effortlessly perfect in the way she motioned with Niall, I couldn't stop staring, both of them standing out in beauty. I took the chance to make an escape for it. Maybe I could call a taxi, I just have to call Rose tomorrow to let her know how I got home.

I slipped out nicely, not even saying goodbye to Edward, avoiding Zayn and Perrie, and out into the parking lot. I went up to Rose's car, sticking a note on the windshield wiper. As I was dialing for a cab I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Alaine what are you doing out here?" Mark said.

"Just, calling a cab. I'm tired. Parties aren't really my thing." I half smiled, hoping he would agree since all high school I did nothing but stay at home. He would believe me, he hasn't known me personally for long, but he knows about me.

"Yeah, I know you aren't. Need a ride home?" he offers.

"I couldn't possibly..."

"Well you can now. Come on, hop in, just tell me where to go." he walks over to a black car, which I strangely dig. He never told me much about his car. I heard it beep as it unlocked. I could save on money by taking his offer... plus its just to the campus. Nothing big about where I live. He opens the passengers door for me and I slip in. The car smells like new, I love that smell. He gets in and starts the engine, not waiting a bit before pulling out.

"So, where are we headed to?" he asked.

I flashed him a smile, not sure what he meant by "we". I look back out the window, seeing a flash of people screaming, and then a bush of curls. I blink twice to see that what I just saw was indeed Harry. He was entering the club and right behind him, was that... Caroline. My gut felt like leaping out, he was such a liar about everything. What was the point of sending me a lot of calls and messages if he was still with Caroline? I felt used, all over again. I couldn't bear to see those two together anymore, I turned back around, feeling a sting of tears forming in my eyes.

Suddenly I didn't want to go home anymore. I don't want to go home and cry, because I'm sure that's what I will end up doing. I swallow back a bunch of hysterical feelings, wishing I was anywhere but here.

"I'm... pretty hungry. What about you?" I turned to Mark.

"Really? I am too, just too afraid to say anything. I thought I would sound like a fat butt." he laughed. "I know this great place with some great steak. If you're down to go along, I would be happy to escort you home still." he grinned.

I looked at the side mirror, catching Harry going in with her. Smiling at all the fans, almost as if nothing was even the matter. He was happy. He was totally happy he got what he wanted from me and back with the one person he really wanted to be with.

"That'd be great Mark." I said, saying goodbye to Harry, in silence.


He finally took me home late, not even caring what time I got back to my dorm. I unbuckled my seat belt as he parked right in front of the college dorms, I laugh at something he said, I almost forgot why I was sad earlier.

"Thanks for the steak Mark, you're right, that is the best I have ever eaten!"

"I know! I'm glad I could take you out." he grinned.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Hey don't you have a dorm here?" I asked, reaching for the door handle.

"I used to, but then one of my friends said he needed a roommate back at his flat not too far from here, so I agreed. Plus I thought it'd be fun to live somewhere else than this dorm. My old roommate was too weird anyway." he waved his hand at the building.

"What do you mean weird?" I asked.

"He would have this shrine to a girl he liked, candles, pictures, you name it! He really scared me. I thought he might be into that whole voodoo thing. No way am I getting close to that stuff!"

I laughed, he's so different but he's still the same. In high school, he was always staying away from Halloween parties, anything to do with the supernatural Mark always avoided it. But I think it might be from all the pranks people used to pull on him during those types of holidays. I lean in and kiss him on the cheek.

"Same old Mark, glad to see you're never going to change. Thanks for dinner, see you." I said, stepping out of the car and onto the side walk. I waved him goodbye until he left, his face nothing short of a super grin. I didn't notice it, but I had one as well. I walked into the front of the doors to get inside. Pulling out my keys trying to unlock the door was harder than I thought. The lack of light was horrible. I shoved the key into the keyhole and turned it.

The bushes next to me moved. I jumped back, turning to them in horror. My heart felt like it almost burst into flames, I inched closer, maybe it was an animal, because there was absolutely no wind right now. More bushes moved as I inched closer, but they got far away, I looked in dismay. Was something running away? I heard steps hit the pavement and sprint. I shoved the door and ran inside, locking it and panting.

Footsteps? Why the hell did I hear footsteps? An animal cannot make the types of sounds shoes can. Unless it wasn't a animal...

"Excuse me?" I screamed, at the sound of someone else's voice besides my own. The girl behind the desk screamed with me, I put my hand on my heart, trying to calm myself down.

"What happened?!" she said, taken aback.

"I'm so sorry. I just thought I was alone here..." I trailed off.

"I'm here until eleven thirty, you might want to keep that in mind. All doors are locked after that, not even your set of keys will get you in." she said, a little too harshly.

"Yes, I will remind myself that." I nod, making my way to the elevator and to my dorm. I shut my door with the lock, double checking it was for sure locked. I took a step back from the door and turned to shut the blinds of my window, not wanting anyone to see that I lived here. I turned on my lamp by my bed and my desk. That was sufficient light for me.

I changed out of my clothes and into my pajamas, looking at my computer I saw I had messages from Skype. I clicked on them, noticing right away that they were from Harry from earlier today. One message said:

Alaine, I beg of you please answer my calls. I just want to talk.

Another one said:

Alaine, I'm tired of playing this game! Answer me already! I know you're there, stop acting like a child and answer me.

How stupid, he knows fairly well I am not a child. For heaven's sake, he was the one who decided to cheat on me with some old woman! Those are stupid games! How maddening.

Fine, I give up Alaine. You win. I wont bother you ever again.

So I guess this is why I saw him with Caroline. I felt my heart clench up, I had made him go with her. I shut the laptop and crawled into bed. I will not let this get the best of me. he's moved on and there's nothing I could, there's nothing I will do. He hurt me, I didn't hurt him. Well maybe I did by punching his face but I will not regret that either. I'm not going to feel sorry for Harry, he doesn't deserve my pity.

Oh Harry why? We could have been happy together. What made you so different than what you were in Seattle? What made you change? Why did you change? And most importantly, why did you have to change me?


MY FELLOW READERS, I APOLOGIZE FOR THE LONG WAIT FOR THIS UPDATE, & ONLY UPDATE FOR ONE CHAPTER ): i have a lot of homework, this years gonna beat me up! i'm glad you all have patience tho, i lost fans and that depressed me because i felt like i failed you all ): i wont give up on my story, promise, even if at the end i only have 1 fan, i will be happy c: thank you guys for the 11,000+ reads and 200+ votes, you guys are amazing. hope you enjoy it, update this weekend okay? thank you so much

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