pimp | jmb ✔️

By hrtflms

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"you're a blessing birlem" [ BOOK 2 ] More



884 35 8
By hrtflms

✔️ edited


i was suddenly woken up by loud shouts coming from downstairs. i sat up from my bed and rubbed my eyes. looking over to see what time it was. "who the fuck is up at seven in the morning." i mumbled. i walk out of my room and head downstairs.

"good morning miss, would you like some breakfast?" a semi old man walked up to me, his hands were behind his back and a huge grin was plastered on his face.

i look at him confused. "isn't it too early? i only woke up because i heard shouting."

"oh that." he chuckled. "mr. birlem and mr. rowland got into a heated argument."

i was about to say something else until i heard glass shatter downstairs making me jump. "aren't you gonna do something?"

he shook his head. "i learned to never get in the middle of an argument or situation that involves joey, he'll make you regret it." he walks up to me, patting my shoulder before walking back upstairs.

i wander around the house confused. the noises had stopped and all i could hear were whispers when i approached a room which made me feel more confused.

"what are you doing down here?!" i heard a voice behind me say.

i scrunch my face up before turning around slowly. joey stood in front of me with his arms crossed and an angry expression on his face. "i was just-"

"being a chismosa?" he interrupts.

i shook my head. "no of course not, i hate those." i start backing away slowly away from him. i stop when i feel my back hit against something.

i back up a bit and see hunter standing there with his brows raised at me. "sorry." i mumble.

hunter eyed me up and down. "cute pj's." he says before walking back inside the room, slamming the door behind him.

joey looked at me and sighed. "what am i gonna do with you?"

i shrugged. "feed me? i'm actually kinda starving." i pout as i clutch onto my stomach. he rolled his eyes and walked past me. he opens the door and slams it after he gets in.

i head back upstairs to my room. i walk inside my bathroom and take a quick shower. after getting out i wrap a towel around my body and head back in my room, looking around for my clothes from yesterday.

"here, wear these instead." i hold onto my towel tightly as i see joey walking in with clothes in his hand before setting them down on my bed. i take a look at them and pick the black hoodie up which was a bit too huge for me. "the hoodie belongs to me, the leggings and shirt used to belong to row- my ex."

i smile a bit knowing that he still had her clothes. she must've mean a lot to him to still keep her stuff around. after the love of my life died i threw everything away because i couldn't handle keeping his stuff around knowing he was gone.

i nod and look at him. "thank you."

"breakfast is ready by the way, just in case you're still hungry." he says before he walks out of my room. i quickly get dressed into the leggings and shirt then slip the hoodie on and make my way downstairs.

i walk into the dining room and see angelica on her phone while santiago was just bothering theo. theo ends up pushing santiago out of his seat making me fall on the ground. i wanted to laugh, but i figured it wouldn't be a good idea.

"good morning." i smile at them.

angelica eyes me up and down with a judgey look. "why are you wearing my dads hoodie and my moms clothes?"

"i uh didn't really have anything else to wear so he just gave me them?" i told her, thought it came out more like a question instead of an answer.

"they're obviously boning already." theo whispered making santiago roll his eyes and slapped his head.

"dad wouldn't do that." santiago says.

"why not?" theo stood up. "from the pictures i've seen, she resembles rowan a lot." he brushes past me and grabs a framed picture, he hands it to me then sits back down.

i look down at the picture and widen my eyes as i see the resemblance. we both have black long hair and kinda the same body type except for the part where i was a tad bit flatter than her. i looked at the person next to her, it was joey. his arm was wrapped around her neck with his head leaning slightly against hers. their eyes were barely opened . guess they were faded or something. "damn she's beautiful." i mumble before setting the picture down.

"maybe that's why he hates you." angelica smiled at me, but it was obviously fake.

"guys be nice. delia take a seat and eat." leo and roman walk over to the table. i take a seat next to roman and watch the chefs come in with the food. they set the plates in front of us and pour the orange juice or coffee, depending on what the person wanted.

"damn you guys live lavish." i chuckle.

"you can thank romans father for that." leo picks up his fork and shoves a forkful of eggs in his mouth.

"except she can't because he's in prison." roman shook his head and ate his food. joey walked in the room and walked up to angelica, kissing her head lightly then ruffling santiago's hair before taking a seat. he picked up his wine glass and drank his juice.


after breakfast i excused myself and head back into my room. i sat there and thought about how mad i was at my father for giving delia my moms old clothes. what made me angrier is that she really did resemble her, it made me miss her even more. sometimes i still even reminisce the day my father told me we lost her. i was only three years old, but for some reason those words still stayed in my head all these years. every year just gets harder and harder when instead it's suppose to get easier. i know my father feels the same way because he hasn't been the same. he changed a lot. i know he lost a piece of himself when he lost her.

within the first year without my mom all he did was try to drink and smoke her away, it didn't work. the second year he got depressed and stayed in bed all the time and shut everyone out. by the third year we almost lost him.

*flashback* (trigger warning!!)

three years after rowans death

i walked down the halls and searched every room for my father. i couldn't find my dad anywhere. i eventually became worried and walked over to my uncle roman. i tap him lightly.

he turns around and looks at me with a smile. "what's up angelica?"

"where's my dad?" i looked at him concerned.

his smile fades away, worry washed over him. "he isn't in his room?" i shook my head.

"i can't find him anywhere, i'm worr-"

"oh my god, joey!" i heard uncle mark shout from upstairs. uncle roman and i looked at each other before running up the stairs. roman searches every room while i make my way over to the bathroom. i stopped and dropped my book on the floor at the sight of mark holding my father back.

my fathers had a knife in his hands that was covered in blood. his eyes were red and teary. he started shaking uncontrollably under uncle marks arms trying to get out of his grip. "please, i just wanna be with her mark.." he whispered in between sobs.

"i can't live without her!" he shouts. "just let me die, please! i can't do this anymore, i need her!"

"oh my god angelica!" roman covered my eyes and led me away from the bathroom. "sophia, keep her away from the bathroom, i'm calling 911."

sophia wrapped her arm around me and led me into her room. she shuts the door behind her and bends down to my level. "it's gonna be okay angelica, he's gonna be okay don't worry. uncle roman and mark will take him to the hospital."

tears start to form in the corner in my eyes. "is he gonna die?"

she shook her head and hugged me tightly. "of course not baby, we'll get him to the hospital where they'll fix him up."

but then it hit me, my father can't be fixed unless my mother was here to help him through it.

flashback over

"princess, are you okay? why are you crying?" i looked up and saw my father standing by the door way. he rushed over to me and cupped my cheeks. "don't cry princess, what's wrong?"

"i almost lost you too dad.." i look at him.

guilt washed over his face. he frowned and hugged me closely. i placed my head against his chest and start sobbing quietly. "i almost lost you three years after i lost mom." i muffled against his chest loud enough for him to hear.

he pulled away and wiped my tears away. "i'm so sorry for that princess. it was a long time ago and you were too young to see that, but i'm better now." he nods, gazing into my eyes. "i've been taking my meds and going to therapy. i promise you that's not gonna happen again."

i sniff and look at him. "you promise?"

he nods again. "i promise, princess."

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