Wolf Queen {1} Mikaelson or L...

By hailsnikita

224K 6.6K 5.1K

After being kidnapped, Isabel Donovan a high school student is forced to endure the supernatural of her world... More

Isabel Donovan
Wolf Queen *werewolf addition*
A Few Months Ago☽0☾
The Masquerade Ball☽1☾
Important People☽2☾
The 60's dance☽3☾
The Backstory☽4☾
Knocked Out☽5☾
Stefan Makes A Deal☽6☾
Baby Wants Out☽7☾
Baby Lockwood
Messed With Momma Wolf☽8☾
Meeting The Youngest Mikaelson☽9☾
The Necklace☽10☾
Wolf Queen |2|
First Successful Hybrid☽11☾
New Me New School Year☽12☾
The Dead Returns☽13☾
Caroline's Funeral☽15☾
Original Trouble☽17☾
Figured Him Out☽19☾
Bloody Birthday☽20☾
Death of A Witch☽21☾
Mission Get Klaus: A Fail☽23☾
Wolf Queen |3|
Church Attack☽25☾
Remembering the covers of Wolf Queen
He's Back☽26☾
Moving out☽28☾
Date With The Devil☽29☾
Kidnapped By Hybrids☽30☾
Winter Wonderland☽31☾
Feeling Hollow☽32☾
To Be Loved☽33☾
Softening Heart☽34☾
Having Hope☽35☾
Temptation To Darkness☽37☾
The Last Dance☽39☾
French Girl☽40☾
Raise Your Spirits☽end☾
Aesthetics☽extra/Kats letter☾
Bonus Chapter
Little Bit About Me

Homecoming Nightmare☽14☾

3.7K 135 43
By hailsnikita

"Tyler? I-I need you. My-My mom showed up and I really need you," Isabel said as Tyler picked up his phone.

"I'm always here for you, you know that," he said instantly, no questions asked as he heard the distraught and saddened tone in her voice.

The blonde sniffled as she looked up in the air and wiped at her eyes. "Thanks, Ty."


"Portland is fantastic." Klaus told Stefan from over the phone. "Once you get over all the whiny music and healthy looking people, it is literally a breeding ground for werewolves."

"Your father is dead." Stefan blurted out, catching the hybrids attention.

"What did you say to me?" Klaus asked taken aback with the vampires words.

"Oh, my mistake." Stefan retracted. "Not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?"

"Well, first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened." After Stefan told the lie of Elena daggering Mikael after he came after her, Klaus said, "I wanna see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself."

"Well, he is here." Stefan told him. "Come by whenever."

"If you are lying to me Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So, answer with your life: Is what you are saying the truth?"

Stefan remembered when he saw Elena driving the dagger into Mikael's heart before saying, "it's true. I saw it with my own eyes."

"I wanna talk to Bel." Klaus demanded first.

"Isabel isn't with us right now. Taking care of Rose at the moment. We didn't want to disturb her."

The hybrid sighed. "Fine. How about Rebekah?" Klaus asked.

"That's not a problem. She is right here."

Stefan handed over the phone to Rebekah who took it easily.

"Hello Nik." She greeted with a pleased tone.

"Rebekah, love." The hybrid started. "What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with the dagger?"

"It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good." Rebekah lied. "I miss you. I'm miserable here."

"I'll be home soon." He promised.

"Good. I'll see you then, brother." She hung up the phone and turned to the others. "He bought it. He's coming home."

"Now- was that easy or what?" Damon asked the group with a large smirk.

"Let's just get this over with." Elena sighed.


"What happened?" Isabel asked seeing the fire brigade and the water flooding the place they were meant to have the homecoming at.

"The gym is flooded," Tyler told her.

"Oh, come.!.On!" Isabel groaned. "We worked so hard on it."

"Sorry, Iz."

"Well what the hell are we supposed to do now?"

After staring at the place in disbelief for a little bit and talking to Caroline with Tyler over the phone, Isabel called Elena and filled her in. "So, does that mean I don't have to go?" Was her first question.

"You wish!" The werewolf exclaimed.
"No, Tyler is moving the party to his house."

"Kegs and beer pong for Homecoming?" The doppelgänger asked, amused. "That's...different..."

"Just...please say you're still coming?" The wolf asked. "Pweety pwease?" She pouted with a small smile.

Elena laughed, remembering all the times the two got in trouble because Isabel had asked her to do something and she added the childish pretty please which always caused the brunette to cave in. "I'll see you there."


There's a rock band playing in the garden of the mansion while everyone from the school danced and enjoyed the night.

Caroline and Isabel enter the house with Bonnie, the two blondes in shock of the big party that was supposedly set up in short notice.

"How did he plan a better party than me so fast?" Caroline asked. "What? Is that a band outside?"

"Who are all these people?" Bonnie asked not knowing who most of them are.

"This is weird. And not the good weird. Where is Tyler?" Isabel asked scanning the crowd but she can't see over anyone but she does see Klaus walk on the stage while the crowd cheered.

"Good evening everyone! I wanna thank you for being here with me to celebrate! It's been a long time coming!"

"So much for Homecoming..." Katherine trailed off as she and Matt show up.

"This is weird!" Matt told the girl who posed as Elena. "Us being here together..."

"There's your sister. She doesn't know anything. Act normal." Katherine told the human.

"Hey...Klaus is here." Isabel told her brother and 'friend.'

"What?" Matt asked acting like he doesn't know. Isabel would have normally been able to see through her brother but her mind was too preoccupied to notice.

"Yeah. Apparently our sired hybrid-friend Tyler thought it would be okay to let his puppy master throw a stupid party!"

"I've learned not to be surprised by anything Klaus does. I'm gonna go find Bonnie," 'Elena' said before walking away.

"What's going on? And what are you two doing here together?" She asked with furrowed brows. "Thought you were supposed to be here with the youngest Original blondie."

"Plan's changed," Matt said instantly. "I need a drink."

"Okay. That was weird." She told herself as her eyebrows dipped down and she made weird hand gestures. "And I'm talking to myself. Which is even more weird. I need a friend." She muttered.


Klaus stood hunched over a table, playing beer pong when one of his female hybrids came up to him with a faux worried expression.

"You have a visitor." Mindy told her hybrid master.

"Well, tell my visitor I'm on the brink of victory here," Klaus said while focusing on his game.

"He said his name is Mikael."

Klaus looked disappointed and threw the ping pong ball into a cup. "Then we mustn't keep him waiting. Move everyone out back. I'm gonna have a little chat with my dad. Tony, you know what to do." Klaus walked to the front door to see Mikael standing a few feet in front of the mansion.

"Hello, Niklaus."

"Hello, Mikael." Klaus greeted the man he use to think was his father. "Why don't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot you can't." He taunted.

"Or you can come outside if you want." Mikael suggested.

"Or I could watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb," he said cockily although deep down he was terrified of him.

A group of hybrids gather behind Mikael on the lawn though the vampire vampire hunter didn't seem fazed. "They can't kill me."

"True. But it'll make a hell of a party game." He held up his hand and rubbed his fingers together softly. "All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce."

"The Big Bad Wolf." Mikael mocked. "You haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward. You only forget. They may be sired by you, but they're still part vampire. And they can be compelled by me." Mindy walked up behind Mikael and pushed Katherine to Mikael while a male hybrid kept hold of a dazed Isabel Donovan.

"Come out and face me, Niklaus. Or they both die." He threatened the hybrid with the two people he needed most. The only things he seemed to care about most.

"Go ahead," Klaus said with slight hesitation as he looked over Isabel's form. To stall the vampire hunter he had to call his bluff so he said, "kill them."

"No, Klaus." 'Elena' begged, struggling in the mans grip. "He'll do it."

"If the doppelgänger dies, this lot will be last of your abominations. And if the wolf dies you have no one to be there for you anymore. Maybe I should just kill her out of mercy for being stuck with you."

"No..." Isabel breathed out softly while trying but failing to get out of the hybrids arms.

"I don't need them. I dont need any of them. I just need to be rid of you."

"To what end, Niklaus?" Mikael asked exasperatedly. "So you can live forever, with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you any more, boy! What do you have other than those whose loyalty you forced? No one." Mikael glanced at Isabel before looking back at Klaus. "No one."

Klaus's eyes started tearing up at the thought of having no one, even his own parabatai doesn't seem to like him much. Or at least it seemed like it at times. "I'm calling your bluff, father. Kill them."

"Come outside and face me, you little coward. And I won't have to." The man sneered hatefully.

"My whole life you've underestimated me. If you kill them you lose your leverage. So go ahead. Go on. Kill them. Come on, old man." He egged on roughly. "Kill them. Kill them!"

Mikael laughed at the boy in front of him. "Your impulse, Niklaus. It has and will forever be the one thing that keeps you from truly being great." Mikael stabbed 'Elena' with a dagger, pulled it out, letting her fall to the floor. He looked at the hybrid holding Isabel and gave him a signal to kill her in the one way he knew would hurt Niklaus.

The hybrid let his claws extend and kept a grip on her with the other. He ran his claws down her arm deeply causing blood to flow down before stopping and placing his hand on her stomach. Mikael looked at Klaus with a smirk as he saw the distress on his face. The young hybrid wasted no time in digging his claws into her stomach and his thumbs into her sides slowly crushing her ribs.

"Ah!" She screamed out in pain as blood stained the side of her dress and ran down her arm. The male dropped her to the ground and she cried out as more blood pooled around her and soaked her once beautiful blush pink dress. Even though it stung to try, she kept trying to heal herself of the wounds.

Mikael laughed as Klaus looked on shocked. Damon used the shock to his advantage and sped up behind Klaus, twisting him around and stabbing the white oak tree dagger into his stomach.

Katherine stood up from the floor after healing with a victorious look on her face.

"Katherine..." Mikael said in surprise.

Katherine smiled at him as she pulled out two wolfbane grenades. "Kaboom." she smirked while she threw the grenades at the hybrids.

Meanwhile, Damon was about to stake Klaus, when Stefan knocked him off of Klaus and held him down making sure the stake was not in his brothers reach.

"What are you doing?!" Damon asked furiously.

Klaus took the stake, jumped at Mikael and drove it through the mans heart causing him to burst into flames.

"What the hell did you do?" Damon asked as his eyebrows pinched together in shock and anger.

"He's earned his freedom." Stefan stopped clutching Damon, stood up, and faced Klaus. "Thank you my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free." Klaus un-compelled Stefan.

Stefan looked back to where Damon was, but no one stood there anymore.

Klaus vamped to Isabel's side and picked her up with one arm as he bit into his other one. He noticed her eyes fluttering and heard her heartbeat slowing down significantly. He laid her on his lap and placed a hand over her ribs and begins to feel pinpricks in his arm as he took the pain away so she was more comfortable. Once the werewolf relaxed and did not seem to be in pain he bit into his wrist and shoved his wrist on to her mouth to make sure she healed faster.

"Come on, Bel. Please don't leave me. Please." He pleaded with the blonde in his arms not caring whether she could hear his words or not. "I still need you."

He felt her lips start to move on his skin and he managed a small smile.

"There we go, love." He kissed her forehead before taking his wrist away so he could pick her up. Once she's safely in his arms -bridal style- he took her back into the mansion so she could rest.

So a cute moment with Klaus and mama wolf.

And Mikael came and went pretty quickly. Thank god. He hurt Izzy and that was just not okay. Then he had the balls to have a hybrid hurt her. Tonight was just not her night.

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