Rocked (Rock & Romance II.)

By carte_blanche_milady

367K 18.3K 1.8K

Hazmat is the biggest band in the world - on top of every chart, with sold out concerts and their own line of... More

Chapter 1. - Grand Entrance
Chapter 2. - Playing the Game
Chapter 3. - Dare
Chapter 4. - Blind Desire
Chapter 5. - Morning After
Chapter 6. - Honest Deceptions
Chapter 7. - Cognition & Behavior
Chapter 8. - Cat's Out The Bag
Chapter 9. - Enigma
Chapter 10. - No Sleep for the Wicked
Chapter 11. - Historically Correct
Chapter 12. - Dangerous Games
Chapter 13. - Claiming the Prize
Chapter 14. - Cats Out The Bag
Chapter 15. - Stripped Bare
Chapter 16. - Bootycall
Chapter 17. - Carpet and the Drapes
Chapter 18. - Later, Red
Chapter 19. - Late Night Confessions
Chapter 20. - Conflict Resolution
Chapter 21. - Week of Shame
Chapter 22. - Key to My Thoughts
Chapter 23. - Caught Red Handed
Chapter 24. - Birthday Behavior
Chapter 25. - Birthday Presents
Chapter 26. - Birthday Transformation
Chapter 27. - Birthday Party
Chapter 29. - Birthday Queen
Chapter 30. - Out of Left Field
Chapter 31. - New Beginnings
Chapter 32. - Controlled Seduction
Chapter 33. - Off-Chance
Chapter 34. - Intruder
Chapter 35. - Painting the Town Red
Chapter 36. - Fitting Right
Chapter 37. - Something Bad
Chapter 38. - No Good Deed
Chapter 39. - Dysfunctional
Chapter 40. - Firecracker
Chapter 41. - No Sinner Like a Young Saint
Chapter 42. - The Devil and I Get Along Just Fine
Chapter 43. - Fall Like Rain
Chapter 44. - Temptation
Chapter 45. - Allured
Chapter 46. - Yes Games I.
Chapter 47. - Yes Games II.
Chapter 48. - Yes Games III.
Chapter 49. - Happily Ever After
Chapter 50. - Soul Crusher
Chapter 51. - New Day
Chapter 52. - Legally Bound
Chapter 53. - Unexpected Direction
Chapter 54. - Shoot Me I.
Chapter 55. - Shoot Me II.
Chapter 56. - Pieces of a Puzzle
Chapter 57. - Irrevocable Shift
Chapter 58. - Backstage Pass

Chapter 28. - Birthday Song

6K 365 39
By carte_blanche_milady

A/N: This is the last birthday chapter, I promise! Or is it?! ;) & this one is dedicated to Cray-CrayReading ! Thank you for the love & for demanding that Ash makes this all up to us.



My forehead pressed against the cool wood, my hips and breasts sandwiched between the door and him. I sucked in a breath when a giant, calloused hand slipped under my skirt and pulled at the hem of my panties. "The only reason I'm not ripping this off you right now is because you have too many hungry men eyeing you out there."

"Are you one of them?" I breathed, hissing when he pushed his fingers deeper into my flesh like he wanted to crush me between those capable hands.

"Fuck yes, I am!" Ash groaned. "And it seems that so is my brother."

"And what are you going to do about that?" I challenged, hoping like hell he would take the bait. I was a tipsy, horny mess that was dragged around and shown off all day long when this was how I actually wanted to spend my birthday.

Getting ravaged by a man who made me lose my everloving mind when he took control.

Ash growled behind me and pressed his hardening cock against my ass, but didn't say anything. "Are you going to leave me disappointed?" I breathed, tilting my head so I could look back at him.

"Are you wearing my present, red?" He asked instead, changing the subject.

I rolled my eyes. "That money is for the good of humanity, not my wardrobe."

I felt, rather than heard him chuckle. "That's not the present I was referring to."

My breath caught. "Are you out of your mind?!" I yelled, spinning around in his arms. It wasn't lost on me that Ash allowed the movement and anticipated what I would do next.

Which was why he was able to catch my hand before it connected with his cheek. He grabbed my wrists in one large palm and pressed them above my head as he leveled his head with mine. "Are you going to pretend that the idea doesn't turn you on now, red? I thought we were passed that."

I opened my mouth to respond, just to snap it shut again. I didn't want to lie to him, so instead, I hissed. "It's a wonder that you don't trip over your huge-"

"Cock?" Ash guessed, with a cocky grin on his face.

"Ego!" I corrected. "You have an unhealthily huge ego."

"You're right." His voice lowered as his head inched closer to mine, our noses touching as he glanced into my eyes with those soulful, black orbs. "A huge ego, and a huge cock - both of which I'd like to get stroked by you right now."

The need to kiss him and give him exactly what he was asking for was only overshadowed by the urge to knee him in the balls. "You asshole!" I breathed, choosing to hang onto my anger, rather than give in to a passion I knew would be mindblowing. "You have two bimbos out there, waiting to do just that."

Ash laughed, the deep sound echoing in the small room. "For someone so brilliant, your judgment is really off sometimes."

If I've had good intentions before, they were out the window now. How could the same man who I've let fucking cuddle me this morning, and who left me thoughtful presents - and by that I was referring to the donation, not the butt plug - be the same asshole in front of me, who has no issue insulting me while whoring around with not one, but two different women on my birthday?!

"My judgment really must be off, because I'm still here with you," I said somberly, pulling on my hands. "Let me go!"

He must've seen something in my expression because Ash huffed but took a step back. "It's your birthday, red." He said finally. "But we're not done here."

I turned on my heel and without looking back, walked out the door. It barely closed behind me, when I smacked into London. "Ginger! I've been looking all over for you!" She said, looking relieved to see me, before casting a suspicious glance at the room I've just exited. "Is everything okay?" She asked slowly, and I prayed to whoever was listening that Ash had the common sense to stay put for another couple of minutes.

"All good! I just-" I glanced around. "I got lost on the way back from the bathroom."

Another lie. I should chalk it up to the other dozen I've told in front of my best friends over the last few months.

"Are you ready to head back?"

"Yes, of course." London nodded, still glancing behind me as I slipped my arm through hers and started walking us back toward the booth. "The strippers were a little too much, weren't they?"

I laughed. "Yes! Yes, they were!"


Luckily, there was always tequila to ease the sting of watching my fuck-buddy sitting across the table from me between two girls who looked like they were fresh off some expensive runway. Following London's helpful insight, we switched from straight shots to margaritas for me, and beer for Jesse.

"It's a good thing we have a car waiting. I don't think I could find my way to a rideshare app on my phone right now." Jesse murmured. "And the night is still young!"

On my left, Albie leaned closer. "He's right you know. You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in public."

I bit my lip and thinking about the evil against one shoulder and the angel against the other. Albie was sipping on what looked like sparkling water while carrying on a conversation about the downsides of radiology with Francine. On my other side, Jesse was pounding shots and planning his next stagedive with his rockstar bandmate.

The two worlds these guys represented could not have been any more different, and yet I was a part of both. An intelligent, educated, carefully pedigreed woman, coming from the world of prestige and science, who enjoyed being tied and fucked by a man with nipple rings when no one was watching.

"Are you still dieting?"

I swung my head so fast to the side, I got dizzy. "What did you just say?" I asked, aware that I was raising my voice at Albie, but couldn't stop.

He shrugged and held a hand to cover his face from the onlookers of the table as he whispered. "I know you wanted to lose weight before - hence the whole vegetarian diet and everything. I don't think these cocktails will do you any good in that regard."

"What are you insinuating?" I asked, slowly as I glanced down at my outfit. The tight, white shirt and snakeskin skirt were doing me no favors in masking the generous curves I've hidden beneath, and while it was nothing I'd ever have picked out for myself, the pieces definitely grew on me. I felt fashionable, and even a big sexy just a bit ago in that little closet by bathrooms.

That was until Albie's eyes slid over my outfit as well. "Come on, Gianna. You always look great. But this is a little too much, don't you think? It's so unlike you."

I exhaled, lifting my chin high. "Maybe it is. Or maybe you just never knew what I really liked."

If anyone at the table had any doubts about whether or not Albie and I have slept together before, now there was none. The silent attention of everyone at the booth was deafening, and I was sure my skin was turning just as red as my hair when thankfully, Arielle Mikhailov took the microphone.

"I hope everyone is having a good night so far!" She smiled, and a couple of people cheered - no doubt fueled by the open bar. "While I think our DJ is wonderful, I think we are ready to take it to the next level."

"Oh, God." I groaned, afraid of what might come next.

"Do I have a volunteer to start off karaoke?!"

"Me!" One of the girls Ash had his arm around jumped to her feet and waved her thin arms in the air. "I'll go!"

"Great!" Arielle pointed at her. "Come on up! And while she is making her way through the crowd, whoever wants to go next can come sign up with the DJ! Enjoy!"

By the time Arielle stopped talking, the girl reached the stage, and started singing an old Spice Girls song. Jesse threw his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. "Are you going to get up there?"

I laughed. "No fucking way! My voice is..." I trailed off, but luckily Callie finished for me.

"Horrible! The absolute worst thing you've ever heard!" She laughed, and I noted the way her hand caressed Fitz's knees while she spoke. "And I'm saying that with all the love in the world!"

I rolled my eyes. "She's right."

"Well then-" Jesse nodded across the table. "-she fits right in with Ash. Go sing a duet!"

To that, the remaining girl nuzzled closer into Ash's side. "Will you really sing something for us?" She whined, in a voice that she probably thought was cute, but it might as well have been a nail on a chalkboard to my ears. "I'd love that so-so much!"

Ash's brows lifted, his black eyes boring into mine. "Sure. Why not." He leaned forward, effectively removing his arm from the groupie's shoulder. "But only if the birthday girl will join me."

I huffed. "No fucking way! I'm not getting up there-" I pointed at the stage. "-with you. You'd make me look and sound awful. And I really need no help in that department."

"One song, Ginger!" Jesse urged me on. "I need to hear that horrendous voice of yours!"

Meanwhile, the girl on the other side of the table continued whining. "Please, Ash! I'll do anything..." She said, batting her false lashes at him.

I could only imagine what that would entail. Nothing that I wouldn't do... I reminded myself, before taking a large swing of my drink to quiet that annoying inner bitch who was jealous of that beautiful girl draped all over my man.

"Make the song good, and I'll consider it," I told Ash, whose eyes snapped back to me. He nodded, rising from his seat.

"The way you two eyefuck each other across the table is making me sexually frustrated." Jesse groaned, blissfully keeping his voice low enough so only I could hear.

"Do you think your golden skinned beauty is falling in love with your drunk ass right now?" I questioned, with a lifted brow.

Jesse's whole face broke into a giant, confident grin. "No doubt!" We laughed, as he waved the waiter over and ordered another round for everyone.

"Hey, do you think-" Albie, on my other side started, but I lifted a finger to quiet him. Because he was now standing on the stage, looking every bit the rock legend I fantasized about.

All tan, smooth skin, covered in black ink. Dark, ripped jeans over thick legs, a black shirt that might as well have been a second skin, because his nipple rings definitely showed through, and long, cascading glossy hair that moved along with him.

Anticipation built in my tummy as I watched him, wondering what he was going to sing. Was he going for a Hazmat hit, or perhaps venturing into a classic karaoke song? Holy shit, what if he was going for something unlike him - something funny, or girly perhaps?

Then, the first couple stings of a rock hit begun playing, and Ash flipped the mic in the air from one hand to the other like the expert he was as his dark gaze found mine across the room. A devilish grin spread across his features as he began singing 'Fat Bottomed Girls' by Queen, his raspy, deep voice owning that song and that huge body of his swinging to the rhythm.

My stomach squeezed, my heart skipping a couple of beats as the most famous singer in the world serenaded me on my birthday.

Because that was what this was. Ash Wolfhart's version of a love song, just for me.

And I melted.

Jesse laughed next to me. "The fucker is smooth, I have to give him that." He murmured, as London reached over him and clasped my hand.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but that's actually very sweet of him." She smiled at me, thinking this was an act to make me feel better about what Albie had so loudly declared earlier.

But there was nothing sweet about Ash. In fact, this was his ploy of loosening me up so I'd give in. He wanted nothing more than to get into my panties, and holy fuck was I going to let him....


A/N: So on a totally bummer note... I learned early this last week that the company I work for is being bought by a bigger one. It won't officially and fully go through until September, which leaves me & the rest of the wonderful average office workers in jeopardy for months -- and learning something like this really puts a bummer on one's mood. I've been so stressed, lost, and upset this week, I haven't had the strength to write until today. I apologize for the spazzy updates, I'm just truly in a funk right now mentally.

With that said, I love you guys, & I love these stories! So be sad not, I am bouncing back! ;)

Twitter: cb_milady

Instagram: grettypop

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