♛Confession's Confusion♛ (Jik...

By FuyuRain

1.2M 86.6K 62.3K

❝I won't tell anyone, I promise.❞ -J. JK. ❝I changed my mind. From now on, if you won't obey me, I will do s... More

♛Chptr. 1.1: The start of a new beginning♛
♛Chptr. 1.2: Uncontrollably Fond♛
♛Chptr. 2: Where are your manners?!♛
♛Chptr. 3: A Text from him♛
♛Chptr. 4: Hatred in my veins♛
♛Chptr. 5: His blood and His phobia♛
♛Chptr. 6: Mr. Jeon♛
♛Chptr. 7: Confession's Confusion♛
♛Chptr. 8: Secrets to keep♛
♛Chptr. 9: Secrets to tell♛
♛Chptr. 10: A hunch♛
♛Chptr. 11: Was I caught?♛
♛Chptr. 12: Be my boyfriend♛
♛Chptr. 13: Eyes on the prize♛
♛Chptr. 14: Two-faced bastard♛ [F]
♛Chptr. 15: Who could it be?♛
♛Chptr. 16: New Toy♛
♛Chptr. 17: A dog fight♛
♛Chptr. 18: Rage all over you♛
♛Chptr. 19: Intentions♛
♛Chptr. 20: Jibooty♛
♛Chptr. 21: Under the Lamppost♛ [F]
♛Chptr. 22: Warm bodies♛
♛Chptr. 23: Got me Jungshooked♛
♛Chptr. 24: The First Blood♛
♛Chptr. 25: Who did it? ♛
♛Chptr. 26: Bloodstains♛
♛Chptr. 27: The Enemy Inside♛ [F]
♛Chptr. 28: I don't need you♛[F]
♛Chptr. 29: Suspicions♛
♛Chptr. 30: A little bit of rain and sadness♛
♛Chptr. 31: Letter in the club♛[F]
♛Chptr. 32: Painful as you go ♛
♛Chptr. 33: Soothing touches ♛[F]
♛Chptr. 34: Boyfriends♛
♛Chptr. 35: Bloodbath♛
♛Chptr. 36: Jimlous♛
♛Chptr. 37: Motives♛
♛Chptr. 38: Protecting the boy♛
♛Chptr. 39: Change of plans♛
♛Chptr. 39.2: Don't Skip♛
♛Chptr. 40: Let me take care of that♛[F]
♛Chptr. 41: Tortures and Wrongdoings ♛
♛Chptr. 42: Crazy Kim Seokjin♛
♛Chptr. 43: The Call of the Void♛
♛Chptr. 44: Running Away with You♛
♛Chptr. 45: I don't want to♛
♛Chptr. 46: Because Silence means Yes♛
♛Chptr. 47: First out of Our 50 First Dates ♛
♛Chptr. 48: Opportunity to Kill♛
♛Chptr. 49: That Certain Hesitation♛
♛Chptr. 50: What's His is His ♛
♛Chptr. 51: He blushes♛[F]
♛Chptr. 52: Away and Together♛[M]
♛Chptr. 53: In the Hands of Another♛
♛Chptr. 54: Loving Park Jimin♛[M]
♛Chptr. 55: He didn't mean it♛
♛Chptr. 56: The Real Game♛
♛Chptr. 57: We would be okay...♛
♛Chptr. 58: Pay for it♛ [M]
♛Chptr. 59: Do something♛
♛Chptr. 60: That Odd Feeling♛
♛Chptr. 61: Under Danger♛
♛Chptr. 62: What Lurks in the Shadows♛
♛Chptr. 63: Pleasures and Quarrels♛[F]
♛Chptr. 64: Too late♛
♛Chptr. 65: He is dead...♛[M]
♛Chptr. 66: Will Everything Be the Same?♛
♛Chptr. 67: The Sweet Side of Park Jimin♛
♛Chptr. 68: Behind That Smile♛
♛Chptr. 69: When the Clock Strikes♛
♛Chptr. 70: April 03 20XX♛
♛Chptr. 71: What He Deserves♛
♛Chptr. 72: In His Next Life ♛
♛Chptr. 73: That Frail Voice ♛
♛Chptr. 74: Killing Me♛
♛Chptr. 75: That's What Friends Are For♛
♛Chptr. 76: Jimin's Real Enemy♛
♛Chptr. 78: Find Me and Get Fucked♛[F]
♛Chptr. 79: Déjà vu♛
♛Chptr. 80: Accomplices♛
♛Chptr. 81: Long-Forgotten♛ [F]
♛Chptr. 82.1: Foreplays and Wild Rides♛ [M]
♛Chptr. 82.2: Foreplays and Wild Rides♛ [M]
♛Chptr. 83: Where the Hell is He?♛
♛Chptr. 84: Abducted♛
♛Chptr. 85: A Walk in the Past♛
♛Chptr. 86: It's enough♛
♛Chptr. 87: The Man Behind the Scenes♛
♛Chptr. 87.2: Read Between The Lines♛
♛Chptr. 88: From Dusk...♛
♛Chptr. 89: ...Till Dawn♛
♛Chptr. 90: Bultaorune (It's burning up)♛
♛EPILOGUE: Welcome to the House of Murderers: "Truths Over Lies and Goodbyes"♛
♛EPILOGUE: Welcome to the House of Murderers: "Truths Over Lies and Goodbyes"♛
♛More Things...♛

♛Chptr. 77: Gunshot♛

11.1K 794 1K
By FuyuRain

3rd person's POV

Jimin got out of the hospital after a week. He still has his bandages over his right arm, legs and on the side of his head. They were all driving towards Jungkook's mansion when Jimin noticed the road they were taking. 

"Um, Jungkook? This isn't the way to your house?" He questioned with a contorted expression although Jungkook only answered him with a smile.

"Oh, you'll see later Jimin-ah!" Taehyung squealed in excitement, can't wait to tour Jimin in their destination. They shared conversations with each other over the long ride, not even noticing that hours already passed by.

They soon arrived at this mansion, larger than before if that could even still be possible. Jungkook parked his car and they all get their bags to head inside.

"Wow..." Jimin exclaimed when he saw the interior of the house. This is definitely a definition of luxurious and awesomeness. The mansion has vaulted wood ceilings, beautiful walnut floors and a little touch of classic furnishings.

"Is this your house too, Jungkook?" Jimin stared at his boyfriend in utter shock but then Jungkook just smirked, more amazed at Jimin's reaction.

"It is! This is his real place and as you can see, this gets more hidden since we usually do our training and stuff here--" Jungkook glared at Hoseok for spouting too much.

Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi shake their heads, already knowing that what Hoseok meant was that this is Jungkook's 'playhouse'. Wherein Jungkook plays as the 'murderer' whilst any random human being could play as the 'murdered one'. So basically this is more like a place for tortures.

"Yeah, Yeah! You'll have fun here Jimin-ah! I could teach you how to slaught--"

"What do you want to do now Jimin?" Jungkook started, not letting Taehyung finish anymore. Jimin's eyes lightened as he almost jumped whilst squealing. 

"Teach me how to use weapons Jungkook!" Everyone's eyes widened as Jungkook's body almost fell on the ground.

"What?! Jimin, no! I wouldn't teach you things that would harm you!" Taehyung and Hoseok got excited but with one single glare from Jungkook they stopped and looked at the ground instead. 

"Please Jungkook? Can't it be just a one-time thing? Please~" Jimin displayed his cute eyes. It took Jungkook a lot of courage to reject it so he still said a firm "No Jimin, and that's final."

Jimin then pouted as he stomped upstairs even though he doesn't know what's up there. Jungkook began to heave a very long sigh as he touched the bridge of his nose.

"I can't believe my brother just came out of a tragic accident." Jin said in a laugh. "He still had so much energy."

"Yeah, I even expect him to hate every one of us for knowing that we all lied to him but would you look at him." Namjoon snickered.

"If I were him I would absolutely rebel and decide to not see anyone of your faces." Yoongi added with a blank stare.

Suddenly, a pitter-patter of footsteps was heard coming from upstairs and there they saw Jimin, all happy and giggly.

And he was fucking holding a gun in his right hand!

"Found it! I knew you would hide something like this in here!" Jimin said in a giggle.

Everyone stared at Jimin with a shocked gaze, their eyeballs almost leaving out its socket. 

"J-Jimin, you might w-want to put that down." Taehyung commented, already waving his hand to Jimin to stop the oblivious one that what he was holding was an actual gun and not something you could play or hold not unless you have experience in using it.

Because when handled carelessly...

"This isn't real right? I mean, I just found it in one of the rooms and--" BANG! 

One of the picture frames that was attached to the living room's wall on the first floor got shot to everyone's surprise. Jimin's hand almost shake as his eyes widened too.

"Holy shit! This is a real fucking gun!" He yelped and he observed the gun in his hand in amusement. Never in his life would he imagine that he would be able to hold a gun and be able to load and actually shoot it. 

"Why do you have to be such a troublemaker, Park Jimin?" Jungkook shut his eyes in tiredness and he sighed very loudly.


Jin, Namjoon, and Yoongi already went home promising to stop by every once in a while. And Seokjin warned Jungkook that if this time something would happen again to Jimin he wouldn't think twice to take Jimin with him.

On the other hand, Jungkook was having a talk with Taehyung and Hoseok about what they were planning to do later tonight.

"Jungkook are you sure about this? What if you get caught?" Taehyung spoke his concern.

"Taehyung is right. It wouldn't be easy to get inside that mansion, and he isn't too naive himself. You might get killed too you know?" Jungkook smirked from what he heard from Hoseok and Taehyung.

"I've been doing this for years and never have I ever got caught neither got shot because of what I do. And he isn't any different, I've been dealing with people like him and they ended up dying in my hands."

"But he's different Jungkook! He's a Yakuza clan leader! You know how powerful Yakuza's can be! They were blood for blood and once you killed just one of them you would be hunted forever!" Taehyung voiced out in panic.

"I don't care. They could hunt me all they want and they would end up in their death beds." Hoseok and Taehyung sighed since Jungkook looked like he can't be stopped. They were a little bit frightened too since they need to distract Mr. Park's men outside in order for Jungkook to get inside.

But Taehyung and Hoseok had another worry too.

"But... what about Jin-hyung... and Jimin too. What would they say if they knew?" Hoseok questioned. Jungkook's expression faltered.

"I am doing this for them as well. That Park was someone they shouldn't trust. He could be their future murderer for all we know and I wouldn't let that happen." Then a knock on the door interrupted their conversation. The door opened and they looked at Jimin who walked in confused to see Taehyung and Hoseok in Jungkook's room.

"Sorry, did I interrupt something?" Jimin asked shyly.

"Nope." Taehyung responded, popping the 'p' in his word.

"Yeah, we were just about to leave actually. Um, what brought you here Jiminie?" Hoseok asked with a very bright smile.

"Oh, Jungkook would teach me how to protect myself." Jimin claimed with his eye smile as Jungkook scoffed.

"I already told you Jimin, I wouldn't teach you a thing about this." Jimin huffed but he rolled his eyes.

"Then should I get the gun myself--"

"Fine! Geez! Jimin seriously don't you fucking touch a gun ever again!" Jungkook yelled as the three giggled. 

Jimin really has a way of getting what he wants and damn he was doing it right!


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