
By bxdgxls

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Requests will be written!! No matter what kind. More

💘Happy Jeonghan Day💘
Halloween Special


278 4 0
By bxdgxls

(A/n; Idk how I had the courage to write that but here ya go)
Warning! A little smut intended!

Gosh, how you hated school. The only thing it had ever done to you was giving you bad experiences with toxic friends and teachers who weren't able to teach you a subject. Your parents didn't believe in you either, they usually only made you down. Life truly was awful that time. And you had actually wished it to put itself together again.

But after a while of being in that "I hate everything" phase, something happened to change your life. A boy walked into your life. A handsome, caring, kind and gorgeous one. The person you had fallen for. He was that little beam of sunshine shining through this sheet of clouds also called your life. Everytime he would cheer you up on a bad day. Soon he wasn't only a friend to you, soon he confessed. He loved you back the same amount.

[23rd April 2020]
One word; Physics test. Like assumed, you failed it. Who thought it. Being that naturally annoyed human being you were, the only emotion you could feel after the test was anger and sadness. You thought you disappointed your family again.

Your boyfriend for 4 months already was sitting a row behind you. While you sat with your best friend, Jeonghan's seat neighbor was his 'bro'. Joshua was his name and he was one of these few people you liked. Jeonghan always addressed Joshua as 'bro' since they sometimes behaved like siblings after all.

"I give up now. No, no, I'm not gonna be upset about this test now.", You whispered loudly to your friend. She just laughed sarcastically "Won't happen anyways.". She tried to cheer you up but didn't really succeed in doing so. To top the bad day off, the diva a few rows behind you began throwing little pieces of paper at you. As the third note touched your back you groaned and opened one of them. "You won't ever succeed", "Jeonghan doesn't love you anyways", "Just kill yourself, you're useless". Those were the words written on there. They honestly made you tear up. You threw them on the floor next to your chair and stood up to ask your teacher for allowance to go to the toilet. Of course you could go there so you just left the class, almost crying already.

While you were gone Jeonghan whispered to your best friend that she should hand him those notes. With a sad look she gave them to him. His facial expression immediately turned sad when he read them. Anger was also an emotion he felt that moment. Jeonghan whispered something to Joshua, a plan. Joshua smirked as his bestie finished telling him the idea. But before Jeonghan did anything else he looked around to see Sophie, the bitch which wrote these insulting words. Your boyfriend gave her this death glare making her laugh. But Jeonghan wasn't stupid, he knew exactly what she was scared of the most; of getting embarrassed in front of her clique.

Suddenly Joshua stood up "Miss professor, I gotta go to the toilet!". She just nodded, being pretty kind that day.

Joshua quickly went to the entrance of the girls bathroom and aggressively knocked at the door. His only hope was that you'd open the door and come out but you didn't. You were inside, still crying. The boy got an idea all of a sudden; since it was lesson no one would see him enter the bathroom. So he just opened the door, the first thing he saw was a crying Y/N. The boy sat down on the floor next to you and let you rest your head on his shoulder. "You know that this is not true at all.", He said, staring at the white wall. The courage to nod wasn't available in your brain in this moment. Joshua firstly let you cry your heart out followed by making jokes. He actually managed to make you laugh. And finally the plan could go on. He sat up "Sophie's biggest fear is to get embarrassed. Should we just prank her? The whole class would laugh about her then!". Without any hesitation you smiled as an agreement.

Joshua had a friend who always played pranks at school. He also always had some tips and advice. That boy gave you dark red paint and told you what you should do. And so you quickly ran to your class and placed some paint on her chair. Cuz who would look at their seat before sitting down? Nobody. The paint was just the color to fake her period, what a luck she was wearing a white jeans.

After you had finished that you went back to physics class. The teacher complained about you being gone for so long but you kinda ignored that. You couldn't wait for Sophie to sit down on her chair later.

Suddenly you felt something touch your back again. Notes were thrown at you. Taking a deep breath you opened them, thinking they'd be insults from Sophie again. But as you opened them nothing was like expected. "I love you so much it hurts", "You're the most important human to me", "You're mine". That's what was written in them that time. Logic was, Jeonghan had written them. In the last one it said "Tonight I'm gonna show you that you're mine ;)". Especially this one made you blush but all of them conjured a smile on your lips. You turned around to see your boyfriend smiling at you in a cute way.

[17 minutes later]
Finally you could hear the bell ring. Joshua and you quickly went to your next classroom to see Sophie sitting down on the paint. Not even one minute later she entered the room. The girl was laughing with her friends when she sat down. Not noticing it she had to stand up to get her stuff. Suddenly everyone who stood behind her bursted out into laughter. As she passed you and Joshua, you couldn't but yell out "Sophie! Wait! Don't ever wear a white jeans again while being on your period!". Already you could see her face turn red and she ran out of class. Joshua and you finally had the opportunity to celebrate this so you almost screamed through the entire class.

Suddenly someone hugged you from behind, of course Jeonghan. He again smiled as he put his hands onto your hips. "Don't ever believe what she says. Of course I love you. And of course you are the most important to me. You are the best what could happen to me.", Jeonghan whispered into your ear making you smile but also feel flustered at the same time. You got even more flustered as you could feel his crotch touching your lower back. Before getting turned on you freed yourself from his hands and faced him. Still you couldn't do different than to smile. Suddenly Jeonghan pressed his lips against yours and leaned his back against a desk nearby. First being that normal kiss, after not even a minute becoming a more intense one. Joshua smiled at you two and spoke to his bro "Woah, slowly. You're still in front of class. Everyone is staring at you already.". Jeonghan just smiled what you could feel on your lips as well. His hands suddenly creeped up to your ass and grabbed it. It made you yelp in surprise. Soon after that you guided his hands to your thighs letting him receive a dirty smile from you. But Jeonghan knew something that he rarely did. Kissing your neck. You loved that but he almost never did that. Jeonghan played wild like that so he pinned you against the next available wall. The boy pinned your hands back against the wall to stop you from using your hands, he had the control. Still continuing with leaving little love bites on your neck you could notice your suddenly heavy breathing. Also Jeonghan began sweating and breathing in an uneven way.

The bell rang, everyone else left the class, next lesson was about to start. You shortly pulled away from the kiss "Shouldn't we attend Maths?". Well, nope, not that fast. Jeonghan smirked and locked his eyes with yours "Coming late a few minutes won't hurt anybody.". Earning a giggle plus a cute smile from you he continued kissing you wildly. A moment later he suddenly touched some personal zone, your womanhood. His touch made you yelp again. While he pulled you out of your jeans you unbuttoned his shirt or at least tried so. Again his cold fingers touched that critical zone, making a little moan escape your mouth. His hands seemed to creep to the hem of your underpants and slipped them down a bit. Also his shirt was undone, finally. He did something you were totally not expecting, he slid one finger inside you and started moving in and out. It made you moan a little louder. About two minutes later you were already close, although it was extremely rare for you to come that fast. Jeonghan suddenly smiled, stopped everything and put his shirt back on. Leaving you standing there with surprise written all over your face. "Why, Jeonghan, why?", You asked still out of breath. He quickly gave you another kiss "I said I'd show you that you're mine when we're home. That was only the beginning.". You kinda accepted that. Quickly you dressed yourself again and went to Jeonghan who was waiting at the door. Hand in hand you walked to the maths lesson hosted in a completely different classroom.

1613 words

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