TROUBLE © 2019 |Editing|

By yorokobiaaii

143K 6.1K 307

Welcome to Kantaphat University. 😎 More

Hunter's Moon.
2. New Moon
3: BLUE MOON.|edited|
4: "FOOL" MOON. |edited|
5: BLOOD MOON. |edited|
6: SOTUS. |edited|
7: CRAZY MOON. |edited|
8: Piece of Cake |edited|
9: The Sweet Ride. |edited|
10: Red Moon |edited|
"The Ghost?"
12: Book of the Damned. |edited|
13: Fate. |edited|
14: Asclopius. |edited|
15: The Moon. |edited|
17: PhaForth |edited|
18: The Gang |edited|
Chapter II |edited|
1. Mate |edited|
2. Cozy |edited|
🎉Happy Birthday Khun Ying 👑🎊
3. ForthBeam |edited|
4. Reap what you Sow |edited|
5. Distance |edited|
6. Restart
7. Trouble
8. Surrender
9. The Biggest Fan
10. Dreams and Reality
11. Reason's & Doubt
12. Yes or No?
13. Sky burning Stars.
14. M.U
15. The Admirer
17. Follow your Heart.
EXTRA (fin)
18. Conflicted Heart
19. Conflicted Heart
20. Dearest Moon
21. The Chosen Moon
22. T.Y
23. The Keeper
24. Closer
~Mr. Red~
Extra: Restless Heart.
6 Moons (Extra)
1. Yearning for your Love
2. Heart of the Matter.
3. Lam's Place
4. Lam's Place II
5. Barricade
6. Giving up on you
7. Dumbass

16. Wonders of the Moon

1.6K 82 8
By yorokobiaaii

A/N: getting there. 🙈💕💕


Forth's POV:

You saw it right? How that girl flirted with Beam? Are you sure you're not going to tell him what you really feel?

Are you sure you're satisfied with just.. being a friend to him? A drinking buddy?

"Tsk. Why do I have to think about those things when i have to prepare for this stupid performance.?"

"Nong Forth! Be ready you're next."

"Yes P'." Tsk this is it. After this competition everything will be over, And so this feelings.. maybe.. who knows?

3hrs ago.
Faculty of Medicine:

"Argh!!! This is embarrassing! Do I really have to sing and dance on stage?" Ai'Pha is always calm and relax whatever the situation may be, but this is different. Everyone's attention is on him and he doesn't like it.

"Oh come on Phana! Don't tell me you're chicken out now? Besides you're the #1 candidate, Just do it and win the competition, alright?" Then Ai'Kit tap his friend's shoulder and gave him two thumbs up.

"Don't be so sure, remember that Ai'Forth will be there too." And Beam is still confident that forth will win the title tonight.

"Which reminds me of our bet, Beam. Don't you remember? I told you before that if I become the Campus Moon, you'll be my servant for the whole Year." Said Phana and smirk when he saw the shock on Ai'Beam's face.

"You can't be Serious?!!!" That bet is ridiculous!!

"Ofcourse I am. I'll show you that Phana Kongthanin can win against Forth Jaturapoom, and when that happens, you'll do anything I say., Is that clear?"

"Geez Ai'Pha! Aren't you done with your #AntiForthBeam campaign yet?" Ai'kit can't believe how their boss can be so hardheaded sometimes.

"Oi Kitty! What do you mean by Anti ForthBeam campaign? Where that came from?" Beam can't help but wonder if there's something wrong between Ai'Pha and Ai'Forth.

"Don't ask me Beammie, even I can't comprehend what your future employer is thinking."

"That's enough chitchat you two, let's go I don't wanna be late." Although the calltime is 5pm and the competition will start at 6:30..

"But it's only 4:30 Pha~ we can still relax a bit. Not to mention we're not really involve with all of this, right Beam?"

"Indeed, why don't you practice a little bit more Pha~ while Kit and I will go to the canteen, I'm Hungry.."

"Again? But We just ate Padthai earlier! Are you nourishing a child in your womb or what?" Ai'Kit knew that Beam loves to eat but sometimes he can't help but wonder where Beam putting all those foods in his body, cause the guy still looks fit.

"Ai'Kit, the creature inside Beam's womb is not a Baby, but a Anaconda." And that earned Phana a Smack on his head.

"Oi!!! You have the nerve to hit me now huh?!!" Then Phana pinched both of Beam's cheeks.

"I don't care you jerk! Let's go and leave that idiot kit! I'm tired of accompanying a guy who's treating his friends as servant's." Then Beam walked out of the room, sulking.

"Oi Beam!!" Phana was surprised cause his friend really left him.

"Don't worry Ai'Pha, he's grumpy cause he's hungry that's all. I'll go and follow your son.."

"Wait Kit, make sure to come back here before 5pm alright?"

"Yes Boss." After all, they need to support their friend no matter what.

"And make sure that Beam won't get too close to him today, do you hear me?"

"No, and stop your ridiculous campaign already. If ForthBeam is meant to be then so Be it." just learn how to accept that Phana.

"No, thats impossible I'm telling you. Go ahead now and I'm sure Beam is waiting for you."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say." There's no point of arguing with his friend since Kit knew that Phana won't accept it that easily. "Is he inlove with Beam or what? Aish!! That Nong really needs to return in Phana's life or else, Beam will be in Trouble."

Faculty of Engineering:

"Listen to me Forth, we're not pressuring you to win the competition, being part of the top 5 candidate is already an honor to us. So, just enjoy the event and relax alright? We'll be there to support you later."

"Kong is right, besides. Either you win or lose, you still have to join and participate in the closing ceremony, so you guys need to get ready, we're not going to make it easy for you."

Well, Forth understood what Kongpob and Arthit is telling him, after all.. Sotus is more important to all engineering students than any Competition, but still.. he can't help but to get nervous.

"P'Kong, please don't ask me to do something like this again." Although they really don't ask him directly, the Hazers simply chose to tricked him.

"Don't worry, this is the last. Besides, going against the Moon of Meds is quite challenging don't you think?"

"Right you are P' especially now that Ai'Pha is determined to win, but don't worry . Lam and I will be there to support Ai'Forth."

"Don't be so cheeky Nong Park. The whole Sotus Gang will be there to support our Moon."

And now Forth isn't sure if he will be grateful or happy after he heard that.

"Go on you three, we will follow you shortly.."

"Yes P'Arthit. We'll go ahead na P'Kong.."

"Alright, good luck Nong Forth."

"Thank you P'." The trio paid respect to Arthit and Kongpob and to the other hazers, then went to the auditorium to get ready for the Moon and Star Competition.

"So who are the host for tonight?" Kit is trying to divert the attention of Beam who's been busy looking for the other Moon who haven't arrive in the venue.

"I don't know, they said it's a secret, so.. Where's Ai'Forth?" They already arrived in the auditorium and Forth and Phana suppose to share the same Dressing room yet the other Moon isn't there yet.

"Relax will you, I'm sure your husband will be there in a minute." Beam glare at him after what he said but kit doesn't care. Beam can deny his feelings all he want, what important is he knows what's really happening to his friend and that's all that matters to him. After few minutes, Kit received a message from Phana, saying that Forth is already with him in the dressing room. But Kit kept it to himself cause he's enjoying the worried expression of his friend.

Time goes by, and the auditorium now are jam-packed since all the Students are there to watch the annual Competition, and everyone gets wild when the host's finally arrived at the venue.. and they are ..


"P'MARIIIIOOO!!!" Beam scream the actor's name to the top of his lungs.

Oh well, Ai'Kit forgot the fact that Beam is a huge fan of the Tai Superstar .

"Poor Ai'Pha and Ai'Forth. Beammie already forgot about your existence guys. Tsk. Tsk." Kit said to himself while watching his friend enjoying the glorious moment of having his idol in their University. "Aish Beammie! Calm down will you? We're here to support our friend and Ai'Forth, not Mario Maurer!"

And Beam immediately paid attention to his Friend after hearing that name.

"Forth!! Ai'Forth, where's Ai'Forth? He's not here yet? But the competition is about to.."

"Relaaaax relax Beam!! He's already here. Phana told me earlier and I'm sure those two are now getting ready."

*sigh "I thought he's gonna back out.."

"What? Are you insane? Besides we both know that he can't do that or else their whole Gang is gonna kill him."

"Hello and Good evening everyone, My name is Mario Maurer.. and I'm Davikah. Welcome to Kantaphat University's MOON AND STAR COMPETITION 2016!"

And everyone rejoice cause finally, the most awaited event of the year is happening, right here right now.

After their brief introduction (tho they doesn't have to do that cause they're insanely famous) the host introduced the judges and so the Dean of the University. After that, they started to call the candidates one by one.

"Beammie what's Phana's number again?"

"Four, he's next." And all the girls started screeching when the Moon of Medicine appear on stage.

"Aish!! It's too noisy I can't even hear what Ai'Pha is saying." Kit is getting annoyed with the girls behind them..

"Let them be, besides that was just a simple introduction." And now Beam is getting nervous cause upnext is the guy that he's been waiting to meet tonight..

Su Su Na Ai'Forth.

On the other hand.

There are two Senior high students lurking outside of the auditorium.

"Argh!! Faster will you? And.. shiiiit!! They already called him! Now we're late!!"

"Relax okay? Atleast we can still watch his performance later, besides that was just the introduction and You better thank me for this. I had to date a girl half heartedly just so you can support your crush and get a chance to watch tonight."

"Fiiine! As if you're not planning to take the entrance exam for the next school year? And Your mom also told me that you're gonna try to get into Engineering faculty. Are you sure you can survive the Sotus there huh?"

"Well ofcourse! Unlike you who wants to get into the faculty of Arts and Science just to be near your dream guy!!"

"Oi! What's that suppose to mean?"

"What I mean is we're late and we better stop talking nonsense cause we already missed the opening, let's go!"

"Aish!! Wait for me, Mingkwan!! "

"Hurry up!!" Then the two students hurriedly went in to watch the competition that will also change their lives soon, more than what they're expected..

"You better win tonight P'Pha, and next time we'll meet.. I won't run from you anymore and I'll show you how important you are to me. Because I love You, My dearest Moon. "



(Published: Feb.22,2019)

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