Seductive Vibrations Book Fiv...

By HeatedErotica

410K 9.8K 526

**WARNINGS!** Strong sexual content included. Relationships in this story are based mostly on BDSM lifestyle... More

Book Four Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Five Quick Information
Book Five, Chapter One
Book Five Chapter Two
Book Five Chapter Three
Book Five Chapter Four
Book Five, Chapter Five
Book Five, Chapter Six
Book Five Chapter Seven
Book Five Chapter Eight
Book Five Chapter Nine
Book Five Chapter Nine
Book Five Chapter Ten
Book Five Chapter Eleven
Book Five Chapter Twelve
Book Five Chapter Thirteen
Book Five Chapter Fourteen
Book Five Chapter Fifteen
Book Five Chapter Sixteen
Book Five Chapter Seventeen
Book Five Chapter Eighteen
Book Five Chapter Nineteen
Book Five Chapter Twenty
Book Five Chapter Twenty-One
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Three
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Four
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Five
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Six
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Thirty
Book Five Chapter Thirty-One
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Two
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Three
Book Five Chapter Thirty-four
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Five
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Six
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Forty
Book Five Chapter Forty-One
Book Five Chapter Forty-Three
Book Five Chapter Forty-Four
Book Five Chapter Forty-Five
Book Five Chapter Forty-Six
Book Five Chapter Forty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Forty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Forty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Fifty
Book Five FINAL!
Book Six Start
Book Six Chapter One
Book Six Chapter Three
Book Six Chapter Four
Book Six Chapter Five
Book Six Chapter Six
Book Six Chapter Seven
Book Six Chapter Eight
Book Six Chapter Nine
Book Six Chapter Ten
Book Six Chapter Eleven
Book Six Chapter Twelve
Book Six Chapter Thirteen
Book Six Chapter Fourteen
Book Six Chapter Fifteen
Book Six Chapter Sixteen
Book Six Chapter Seventeen
Book Six Chapter Eighteen
Book Six Chapter Nineteen
Book Six Chapter Twenty
Book Six Chapter Twenty-One
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Three
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Four
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Five
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Six
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Seven
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Eight
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Nine
Book Six Chapter Thirty
Book Six Chapter Thirty-One
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Two
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Three
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Four
Book Six, Final! The end!
Next books in the series

Book Six Chapter Two

2.5K 100 10
By HeatedErotica

Getting out the car I walk in, grabbing my bag, simple and easy as I have not even unpacked. Walking back out I place it in my car, Alena beginning to drive, following behind her I watch, I feel relieved that no one is trying to hurt her, and this whole-body guard is a precaution. 

Driving to the house it feels weird, getting out I walk to her car, opening her door for her and she smiles.

"Thank you, Adrian" I nod smiling.

"No problem Kit..." My word stopping, hoping she didn't hear it, she didn't. I need to be more careful; I can't be going around calling her kitten again! We walk in; a young woman sat with the children, the girls are so big now. 

They get up running over to Alena and cuddling her straight away. Standing looking at me, Marcus following them, again cuddling Alena and looking at me.

"Adrian, this is Jo, she is the babysitter, she is here most days watching the kids while I work" I nod.

"My friend, Georgina will be around later, she is coming with her husband Liam, Liam is Jackson's brother" I nod, not sure what to say, this feels far to weird been back here.

"Grab a drink Adrian; I am just going to see Jo out" I nod, sitting at the table I used to sit at, but not getting myself a drink. 

This is wrong, I am glad I am here, yet at the same time the worry of if I had died, who would be sat here right now? Watching, Alena shows the lady out, she smiles at me on her way past, Alena closing the door after.

"So, once the children are asleep, I will go over the schedule with you, I don't expect you to be with me 24/7 that is not right so don't worry" I nod, not too bothered. She walks over and gets the children bringing them over.

"Katie, Isabella and Marcus this is Adrian, he is going to be staying here till daddy gets back" They stand staring at me, like they would any stranger, the girls not recognising me at all either. 

Sitting I watch as she gets food ready, the kids sitting and eating, Alena sat working while eating. 

The door opens, Georgina and Liam walking in, this is the moment, if anyone will notice it is now, they both look at me then at Alena.

"Who the hell is this?" Georgina's voice loud as she stares at me, I want to laugh but I won't I need to be Adrian, not Marcus.

"My new fella" We all look at her shocked, and she laughs.

"The guy Jackson told me I had to hire, seriously you two what do you take me for?" She shakes her head, and they look at her, Georgina going to say something but changing her mind.

"Anyway, this is Adrian, he is going to be here a lot until Jackson gets back" I stand up, I should introduce myself or at least say hello. Holding out my hand I smile at them.

"I am Adrian" They both shake my hand, Liam staring at me for way to long, he needs to stop.

"Can you two sit with the girls while I show him where he is sleeping?" Liam nods sitting down, Georgina's whisper not so quiet.

"You're letting a stranger stay?" Alena shakes her head, no doubt something she will talk to her about later. Following her upstairs she points out the rooms, the girl's room is now baby Marcus's, upstairs is a loft and the girls, her room is the same. 

The room I sleep in the door closed, expecting her to say that room, she walks past it to the next guest room pointing to it as my room.

"That is the safe room; I will give you the code for it. The other two rooms with codes are private" I nod, putting my bag in the room I follow Alena downstairs, I don't feel at home here, or right walking around freely anymore. 

Getting downstairs I sit at the table, Georgina looking at me, she begins walking over to where Alena is.

"Is it just me, or do you recognise him as well from somewhere?" My body freezes up, Georgina of all people?

"No, but it is weird, I get a sense of safety and calmness around him, hence me picking him" I don't think they know I can hear them.

"Just don't let this be another Marcus please Alena" Georgina is clearly concerned for Alena.

"It won't be, I love Marcus, I knew him, and he is a stranger. Now can we stop talking about it please?" Alena looks at her smiling Georgina nods. Sitting down Liam starts talking to me, I can't believe he married Georgina, and I missed it, yet it doesn't seem like they have kids yet.

 Alena goes to get the kids in bed, Georgina going up with her no doubt talking. Sitting Liam talks away to me.

"I will admit it; it is strange seeing another man in this house" I nod.

"I understand, people will be used to just the husband been around, and things changing can be unsettling" He nods at my reply.

"She needs a lot of help" I laugh at his words, he looks shocked at me, and I shake my head.

"Sorry, it just sounds wrong, she seems so in control, like she has everything sorted" She does, so why does he think she needs a lot of help?

"She makes it look that way, without going into detail, this is the first time Jackson has left her since an incident that nearly cost him his life, so she is on edge and not coping" I nod, not sure what he is getting at, I can't do much.

"Just a warning, that is all" He smiles at me and I turn seeing Alena walking downstairs, my eyes taking her in. She is fine; sure she looks on the edge which would be expected but nothing compared to before, she is coping better than before.

"Right, so you two are free to stay or leave, Adrian are you okay sitting for a bit and getting to know each other?" She looks at me, and I smile, I would love to catch up, not that she will know that is it to me.

"Totally fine, I would feel a lot better if you knew more about me" She nods sitting down, Georgina and Liam looking at us.

"We will leave you two to it, I will see you tomorrow Alena, any issues call me" Georgina looks at her then at me, I see Liam's eyes flicker down to my wrist, my heart stopping, the watch, he looks at me like he is assessing who I am, but then gets up and leaves with Georgina. 

This watch is getting put away first chance I get.

"So, tell me more about you Adrian" I nod, getting comfy ready to tell my story, well the Adrian's anyway.

"I joined the army at eighteen, I met my wife, or rather ex wife at twenty, we married a few years later. The stress of my army work pulling us apart, and we got divorced around four years ago. My mum passed away last year, my dad a few years before that. I don't have any siblings" 

She nods looking at me, clearly buying the story.

"Well, there is not much to tell about my life, I am married to Jackson, we have three children together. I was brought up with my dad, my mum and me are still working things out. Georgina is my best friend, and I have a sister" I nod, Jackson's mum? I forgot about her bracing myself I ask the question.

"So, is it just Liam and Georgina close by here? Or will others be visiting, grandparents maybe?" She shakes her head.

"My dad and step mum might come time to time when I am here. Jackson's mum died eight months ago; it is still working it's way through us" I nod, feeling like I want to cry. Helen was an amazing woman; I should have been here to say goodbye, she was like a mum to me many times. 

I sit looking at her, her eyes catching mine, and I feel the struggle to look away, my eyes looking down trying to avoid her seeing too much into me.

"So, this is my schedule, as I said, I don't expect you to be with me 24/7 at work there is security on the doors, however despite that, there have still been some trying to cause problems."

"So, the kitchen is there, that room is the kid's playroom, and living room. This is the code for the alarm; every door stays locked, every window stays locked. Only the front door is used" She slides keys across to me, along with the alarm code and safe room code.

"Anyway, I am turning in for the night, you are welcome to stay up, or go to bed" She smiles going to shake my hand, the awkwardness of it and she blushes. I smile at her, a slight laugh escaping my lips.

"Sorry" She puts her head down, clearly embarrassed.

"Not a problem, nothing more beautiful than a blushing woman" Okay too far, I shake my head, she nods and walks off. 

This is going to be bad; I need to forget who I was, no jokes, nothing. Taking the watch off, I walk up to the room; I wonder if everything of mine is still in that room? I carry on walking past; I am glad Jackson saw my profile it means he didn't recognise me. 

Sitting in bed, I open the laptop; I can't exactly call the team, I can't risk Alena over hearing. Opening a chat I start typing, asking for updates on how everyone's tasks are going. Updates are flooding in, sending a list of all the names at Alena's businesses, I have them check each person.

 Mary is the key person her, her husband is Cole is the one we need to catch, some how yet he never gets his hands dirty, that is why he is using his wife. Cole is known as Spider. Years of trying to get proof he is behind a lot of bad stuff, all turned up empty because no one close to him was used. 

Now though, his wife is, and I wonder just how loyal she will stay if things go sour. Finishing up I climb into bed, this feels weird been back here, and right now all I can think about is Marcus, how is it possible he is mine if less the hospital got the dates wrong? I know he will be well looked after here, well-loved and have everything he needs and more. 

Waking up I can hear one of the kids screaming, getting ready I walk downstairs, Alena there trying to cook in the kitchen; the girls sat playing quietly, Marcus screaming clinging onto her leg.

"Sorry Adrian, not the best way to wake up" Her apology sincerer, I shake my head at her.

"No need to apologise, honestly it is to be expected in a house with children. Is he okay?" He looks upset; she is trying to cook while he clings on to her.

"He is fine, just adjusting, he is used to Jackson waking him and bringing him downstairs to play for a bit every morning. I guess a new routine is proving hard for him to get used to" 

I feel like I should help, but at the same, I am not sure what someone would do in my position, the position where I should not know her. 

Looking at her though, I should offer some to help, getting up I walk towards the kitchen and smile.

"I am happy to help; I can try to keep him occupied if you like?" Maybe that is wrong; maybe I should have offered to cook rather than sitting with Marcus? She looks at me, assessing whether or not to let me.

"You can try, I doubt you will be successful, Liam tried yesterday morning, and he stayed right there, connected to my leg" She laughs shaking her head, and I feel for her. 

I grab two cars, sitting at the table I look around me, how do I get him to sit with me without physically getting him? Alena is cooking, slightly looking at me waiting.

"So, I wonder if anyone here wants to come to play with these cars with me" I sit waiting and nothing, maybe she is right, getting up I walk towards her, kneeling down looking at him. He now looks at me for once, taking me in fully and stopping cry. Alena's eyes glance down towards us in shock.

"Doyou want to come to play?" He looks atme, then up to Alena clearly deciding ifI am worth letting her go for or not. Hisarms slowly unfold from around her leg, walking back to the table he followsme, sitting with the cars I pretend to play, not entirely sure how you play. 

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