Seductive Vibrations Book Fiv...

بواسطة HeatedErotica

411K 9.8K 526

**WARNINGS!** Strong sexual content included. Relationships in this story are based mostly on BDSM lifestyle... المزيد

Book Four Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Five Quick Information
Book Five, Chapter One
Book Five Chapter Two
Book Five Chapter Three
Book Five Chapter Four
Book Five, Chapter Five
Book Five, Chapter Six
Book Five Chapter Seven
Book Five Chapter Eight
Book Five Chapter Nine
Book Five Chapter Nine
Book Five Chapter Ten
Book Five Chapter Eleven
Book Five Chapter Twelve
Book Five Chapter Thirteen
Book Five Chapter Fourteen
Book Five Chapter Fifteen
Book Five Chapter Sixteen
Book Five Chapter Seventeen
Book Five Chapter Eighteen
Book Five Chapter Nineteen
Book Five Chapter Twenty
Book Five Chapter Twenty-One
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Three
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Four
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Five
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Six
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Thirty
Book Five Chapter Thirty-One
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Two
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Three
Book Five Chapter Thirty-four
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Five
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Six
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Forty
Book Five Chapter Forty-One
Book Five Chapter Forty-Three
Book Five Chapter Forty-Four
Book Five Chapter Forty-Five
Book Five Chapter Forty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Forty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Forty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Fifty
Book Five FINAL!
Book Six Start
Book Six Chapter One
Book Six Chapter Two
Book Six Chapter Three
Book Six Chapter Four
Book Six Chapter Five
Book Six Chapter Six
Book Six Chapter Seven
Book Six Chapter Eight
Book Six Chapter Nine
Book Six Chapter Ten
Book Six Chapter Eleven
Book Six Chapter Twelve
Book Six Chapter Thirteen
Book Six Chapter Fourteen
Book Six Chapter Fifteen
Book Six Chapter Sixteen
Book Six Chapter Seventeen
Book Six Chapter Eighteen
Book Six Chapter Nineteen
Book Six Chapter Twenty
Book Six Chapter Twenty-One
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Three
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Four
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Five
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Six
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Seven
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Eight
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Nine
Book Six Chapter Thirty
Book Six Chapter Thirty-One
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Two
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Three
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Four
Book Six, Final! The end!
Next books in the series

Book Five Chapter Forty-Six

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بواسطة HeatedErotica


aking up to the sound of the door banging, I jump up, Alena stood at the door looking at me full of terror, I jump out of bed grabbing my phone.

"What has happened?" I look through the texts, what the hell has happened.

"I will ring him, you grab the girls I will meet you downstairs and let you know what he says" She nods turning to leave, no that isn't a good idea.

"No, stay here, let me check downstairs is okay, wait for me to call you" Walking downstairs, I check everywhere, everything is still locked, the alarm is still on.

"It is safe Alena" I call up to her. Walking into the living room I call Jackson, he isn't back so whatever it is, isn't good.

"Marcus" He answers immediately.

"What is going on? Alena is freaking out this morning" He stays quiet for a minute.

"Someone has been in the house and the business. One of the workers went into the cleaning room, they saw a trail of blood, we obviously called the police there was no body, and it is animal blood. The blood is all over Alena's wedding dress, whoever it is, has been in the house and taken it" 

I sit nodding, what the hell has been going on.

"I will be home soon, don't let her leave your side Marcus" I don't know what to say, but I know I need to tell Alena.

"I won't, see you when you get home" I hang up walking to the table, my hand patting the seat next to me. She turns off the cooker, walking over she sits opposite me, she looks so ill.

"One of the staff went into an old room, it is used mostly for storage, but also cleaning stuff, leaving she noticed a trail of blood" Stopping I take a breath and carry on.

"There was no body or anything, don't worry, it is confirmed, it is animal blood, no doubt from a butcher or somewhere" She nods waiting, I don't know how to do this part.

"I am not sure how to say this, but Alena, your wedding dress was there, Katies wedding dress on the floor covered in blood, or what looks like it" 

She looks at me, her face turning white, her hand gripping her throat, she runs upstairs, I can hear her being sick. I can't go up, the girls are down here, I look around, unsure what to do, I want to go comfort her, but at the same time the girls are sitting at the table waiting for breakfast.

"Alena, are you okay? I can't come up and leave the girls" I stand at the bottom of the stairs, the door opening Jackson walking in looking at me.

"Where is she?" Jackson looks around for Alena.

"She is upstairs, she's been sick for over twenty minutes, I couldn't go up and leave the girls" he nods rushing upstairs, I finish cooking for her, giving the girls their breakfast, Jackson walks down tapping my shoulder.

"Happy birthday bro" I laugh at him and shake my head.

"It isn't a birthday without a blood bath hey" He nods laughing, trying to lighten the mood.

"Alena wants you, she wants to say happy birthday, she isn't happy she forgot" I nod walking upstairs to her room, standing at the door looking at her. She looks awful, truly awful.

"Happy 70th you old bugger" She laughs, walking over I sit on the edge of her bed.

"Cheers babes are you feeling better?" She nods her head, clearly a lie.

"Enough of me, that drawer there, open it your present is in it, I will give you it now before everyone comes tonight" I get up walking over, I open the drawer taking out the gift.

"Are you sure he is okay with this?" I look at her, meaning this whole situation that is unfolding with us three.

"I am not even sure how I feel about last night, if he was actually okay with it or not" I know what she means. I look at the gift, the ring is beautiful.

"You hate it don't you, you're using Jackson as an excuse, it is so hideous your right" I laugh walking over to her I sit down smiling.

"No Alena, I love it, but I am still not sure about Jackson" I look down at the ring, unsure what Jackson will say about it.

"Honesty, I think he is, I saw his face last night, and it is as if he has realised I won't walk away from him, before he was convinced I would now he knows I won't he doesn't seem as worried. Anyway, I bought that when you said you were leaving before all this, so it doesn't matter, it was something to remember me by" I put it on smiling, I have memories to remember her by.

"Like I would need a ring to remember you, there is no forgetting you Alena" Smiling I get up to walk out.

"Wait, tonight is cancelled" Oh my word, this could actually be a good day, I mean, sure I am surrounded by people, but a party would be worse.

"Good, about time you saw some sense woman" She pulls a face at me and laughs.

"It may be cancelled at the club, but it is going ahead here, Jackson is sorting it out, only a few of Georgina's friends will be coming though, so you still get to celebrate it for a change"

 Well, my happiness was short-lived, I nod giving in, she could get me to do anything she wants.

"Hey, how does it feel to actually be with people on your birthday for a change?" Turning I walk back to her, I never even spent my birthday with Maria.

"It feels strange, it felt nice when I woke up at five with you in my arms, but in all it feels strange, what you really want to know is why I don't spend my birthday with anyone right?" 

I know that is her real question, she wants to know why I don't have people around me on my birthday.

"Well, yeah, see I don't mind spending mine with people just not actually celebrating it lol" She laughs, and I understand her, I just would rather be alone for mine, but this year she has me wanting to spend it with people.

"My birthday is not a day to celebrate, my dad left us when I was young, not an issue I grew up without a dad and it didn't matter, I still became a worthy man" Smiling I wink at her.

"I was deployed, I planned to go home a week after my birthday, on my birthday, I got the message about my mum passing, she didn't pass on my birthday, but it took a week for someone to find her, and another week for the message to get to me" 

Her hand strokes mine, as I relive that birthday, the one that made me hate every birthday since.

"I never celebrated a birthday since, never spent it with anyone usually that day I spend alone. Two weeks she lay there without me knowing, she was buried before I got back as well, I didn't even get to see her one last time" She looks at me, her face all full of sympathy.

"Anyway, you get some sleep, I will help Jackson with the girls and to sort out tonight, you really don't look well" Laughing, she nods, I walk downstairs Jackson looking confused and like he is drowning.

"I will watch the girls today, you sort all the other stuff out" he looks confused at me.

"No, it is your birthday you can't be expected to do that" I shake my head, getting the girls out the chairs, I take them in the room giving him no choice in the matter. Jackson busy all day planning tonight, sorting out the work issue still and worrying over Alena. 

The day passing quickly, I get the girls in bed as Jackson is still struggling to get everything sorted. Walking back down I take the laptop off him.

"Have a coffee, relax for five minutes, and I will do this" He nods, walking to the kitchen, I look at the CCTV he is going through of work, trying to see if we can see Roxy or Jake at work when it happened. 

People arrive to set up the party, bringing food and drinks in, Jackson comes back over to take the laptop, putting my hand up I stop him.

"No, drink the coffee and have five minutes" I never thought on my birthday I would be with people, celebrating it and working, but apparently Alena has changed me in so many ways. Sitting in the living room after we wait, unsure if we should wake Alena or not. 

She comes downstairs, she looks worn out, far too worn out for a party. Walking towards us Jackson stands up stopping her.

"No, food now then you can" He looks at her and she walks back towards the kitchen, he did right she needs to eat something. Georgina walks in with Liam not long after Alena cuddling her and saying happy birthday.

 The house is filling up with guests and I can't help but feel on edge, the team walk in, Troy goes to Alena and hugging her. Alexander and Joel walking to me.

"Happy birthday, imagine that, we are actually saying it on your birthday" Joel laughs and they both hug me, standing talking they go on about a new mission after New year's. I walk around socialising, standing by the kitchen Alena's sister walks over to me smiling.

"Hi, I am Freya, Alena's sister" She smiles shaking my hand.

"Marcus, Alena's friend" I can't exactly say the truth how would we describe this relationship anyway. Standing we talk and she is so much like Alena then you would think. 

Yet she isn't Alena, standing I talk to her, being polite, her hand stroking my arm, she reminds me a bit of Georgina as well, I see Georgina and Alena walk upstairs, Jacksons hand on my back.

"You're in shit mate" He nods towards Alena, and he shrugs his shoulders, laughing walking away, getting up I walk upstairs, I plan to find Alena and find out why she is pissed off with me, walking to her room I hear her talking to Georgina.

"I thought you had all decided to stop with it now? Why do it if you had all decided no?" Georgina sounds confused, I am guessing this is about the other night.

"Marcus would do that and walk away after he did do it and walk away, because he loves me" Alena's words, making me smile, she knows I would walk away now if she asked.

"Then last night, Jackson told me he wants to keep Marcus involved, and basically the reason he freaked out was he was convinced I would leave so yes Marcus is back involved" 

There is a brief pause, and this feels wrong listening to her conversation, but something has happened since guests have arrived.

"So, what is the issue, if you're all happy, what is making you look like you're not?" Why is she so sad? I don't understand it either.

"Seeing Freya and Marcus together, I know it is selfish he deserves to find someone and move on if he wants, but the whole thought of him moving on makes me hurt, seeing Freya then with her hand rubbing up and down his arm made me angry, I wanted to pull her away and tell her to stop" 

What the heck, I fight the urge of walking in, I wouldn't go with Freya ever.

"I can't have them both I know that, but I don't want to lose Marcus, and I know for a fact if he got with Freya then we would cease to exist, because we couldn't do anything, then" 

Right now, I don't want anyone else, I don't want Freya and I never will.

"I don't think he would, you know, him and Freya I just can't see it, I know you're worried he will, but I can't see him going there with him sleeping with you" Georgina talking sense making me smile.

"We will find out tomorrow, Jackson is asking him about a double date with him and Freya" I fight back the laughter at Alena's comment, Jackson is causing shit and he knows it.

"Okay, that is messed up, he isn't your ex but still you two have a past, and still present. Why would Jackson ask him that anyway?"

"Well, that is my fault he noticed I was concerned with Freya and Marcus and said he deserves to find someone permanent and would I really stop them, I told him to do it because I thought it would make him see I don't, but I never actually wanted him to agree" 

Alena sounds hurt, and I would never go on a double date with Alena and Jackson, ever.

"Look, let's be honest, Marcus won't go there I know he was in an open relationship with his wife, and everything but I honestly don't think he would do anything with Freya, let alone agree to go on a date with her. Just stop trying to think it, yes, eventually he will find someone new and you will need to get over it, but it won't be Freya, she might try, and I mean, who wouldn't, but there is no way he will let it go further than friends" 

Georgina is talking sense.

"Come on, on let's get back downstairs" Georgina clearly wanting to get back to the party

"No, wait, while we have time, how are you and Liam getting on, in the bedroom I mean?" I move back, not wanting to hear this. They walk out of the room, I look at Alena, and Georgina looks at me then her.

"I will wait downstairs for you" Alena looks at her shocked.

"Are you crazy?" She stares at me waiting for me to explain why I think she is crazy.

"I mean it Alena, I may be into a lot, but no way in hell would I sleep with your sister, no chance family is off limits, and right now, I wouldn't be able to get with someone else, I am too caught up on you still" 

I can't believe she would think that of me. My hand raises up, stroking her cheek.

"Right now, I am happy being Jacksons little sidekick, I don't want anyone else Alena, I am happy to be there only when he and you agree" 

Turning I walk downstairs, Jackson walking past me, poor Alena, she has it coming from all angles tonight. Walking back downstairs, I sit with the team, Cane also joining us. Spending the night together we sit and talk about the mission coming up, everyone going home, Jackson goes to bed. 

I get up and go to bed sometime after three. Waking up I go downstairs, Jackson sat with the team, they are talking, walking in Jackson looks at me and I know what he has done.

"Don't you fucking dare Jackson" I sit down, everyone looking at me confused.

"They know everything Marcus, I am taking your place" He is crazy, totally crazy.

"Do I have to remind you of last time? The last mission you went on and how close you came to losing Alena?" He can't go on this mission.

"What about Alena? What if whoever is causing all this shit hasn't been caught, you're going to leave her here alone?" He says he loves her, yet he knows going on a mission will break her and he is seriously considering it.

"You will be here, I am taking your place, you can protect her more than me, and it isn't like you don't love each other" I shake my head looking at the team, they know everything I am guessing.

"Oh, come on, what are you all idiots? So, fucking what how I feel about her, I can't fucking fix her when you go and get yourself locked up again or killed. You lot will have to pay if anything happens to him you realise that right? For even allowing this shit to take my place" 

With me sending that letter removing myself I have now lost my title, Troy has taken it, so it is up to him now, and I can't believe he would be so stupid to agree to this. Georgina walks in, sitting with Freya, Liam walks towards the door and we all stop talking about the mission, I don't understand how he can do this to Alena. 

Sitting the day passes quickly, Jackson walks upstairs, coming back down. I will try again later, I will find a way to stop him going, or at least I hope. The day passes quickly, Alena ordered a take away and we all sat eating it. Everyone going home, Alena and the girls in bed, I go to Jackson and sit down.

"Don't leave her Jackson" He just shakes his head.

"She will be fine with you, and maybe playing families with you will make her realise who she loves more" What the hell is he talking about?

"Seriously, you're that fucked in the head you want her to play families with me and your kids? Do you not realise something Jackson, you fucking lied to us both saying you were fine with it" He laughs at me shaking his head.

"I didn't lie, that was the truth, but seeing her hurt last night by the thought of you being with someone, made me realise sooner or later she will need to pick one person" 

I can't deny that, at some point I might find someone, and then she will be hurt but doing it this way is just cruel.

"I can't save her Jackson, you have no idea how bad she was when you were gone, I can't save her from that" Sitting we argue all night, giving up I go to bed, unable to convince him to stay.

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