Seductive Vibrations Book Fiv...

Door HeatedErotica

411K 9.8K 526

**WARNINGS!** Strong sexual content included. Relationships in this story are based mostly on BDSM lifestyle... Meer

Book Four Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Five Quick Information
Book Five, Chapter One
Book Five Chapter Two
Book Five Chapter Three
Book Five Chapter Four
Book Five, Chapter Five
Book Five, Chapter Six
Book Five Chapter Seven
Book Five Chapter Eight
Book Five Chapter Nine
Book Five Chapter Nine
Book Five Chapter Ten
Book Five Chapter Eleven
Book Five Chapter Twelve
Book Five Chapter Thirteen
Book Five Chapter Fourteen
Book Five Chapter Fifteen
Book Five Chapter Sixteen
Book Five Chapter Seventeen
Book Five Chapter Eighteen
Book Five Chapter Nineteen
Book Five Chapter Twenty
Book Five Chapter Twenty-One
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Three
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Four
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Five
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Six
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Twenty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Thirty
Book Five Chapter Thirty-One
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Two
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Three
Book Five Chapter Thirty-four
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Five
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Six
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Thirty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Forty
Book Five Chapter Forty-One
Book Five Chapter Forty-Three
Book Five Chapter Forty-Four
Book Five Chapter Forty-Five
Book Five Chapter Forty-Six
Book Five Chapter Forty-Seven
Book Five Chapter Forty-Eight
Book Five Chapter Forty-Nine
Book Five Chapter Fifty
Book Five FINAL!
Book Six Start
Book Six Chapter One
Book Six Chapter Two
Book Six Chapter Three
Book Six Chapter Four
Book Six Chapter Five
Book Six Chapter Six
Book Six Chapter Seven
Book Six Chapter Eight
Book Six Chapter Nine
Book Six Chapter Ten
Book Six Chapter Eleven
Book Six Chapter Twelve
Book Six Chapter Thirteen
Book Six Chapter Fourteen
Book Six Chapter Fifteen
Book Six Chapter Sixteen
Book Six Chapter Seventeen
Book Six Chapter Eighteen
Book Six Chapter Nineteen
Book Six Chapter Twenty
Book Six Chapter Twenty-One
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Two
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Three
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Four
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Five
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Six
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Seven
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Eight
Book Six Chapter Twenty-Nine
Book Six Chapter Thirty
Book Six Chapter Thirty-One
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Two
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Three
Book Six Chapter Thirty-Four
Book Six, Final! The end!
Next books in the series

Book Five Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Door HeatedErotica

    Nodding, I leave checking my car quickly before I do, everything fine, I get back to the house, everything quiet, there have been no issues I sit in the kitchen, the babysitter still here. 

Sitting a couple of hours later, my phone rings, Alena? Why is she calling me? Answering I go to say hello hearing a male voice than hers.

"Just leave it Jake, I am married, I have kids, let me out the office" 

I can hear the panic in her eyes, getting up I run outside to get in the car, what the hell is going on? I put the call on speaker, so I can hear everything while I drive there

"Jake, enough, move out my way, or I swear when I am out, I am calling the police" Everything silent, a thud coming through the phone, my foot pushing harder on the pedal trying to get there quicker, why isn't she talking?

 Why isn't he talking and what the hell was that thud? I grab the other phone calling Jackson, nothing, no answer at all, I keep trying but there is nothing. Calling the police I gave the address, hanging up I try Jackson again, where the hell is he?

"Just kiss me, one kiss and I will let you out Alena, one kiss and I will leave forever" Jakes voice coming through the phone, he has no idea I am listening no idea she has called for help. How the hell is this happening with so many people there and where the fuck is Jackson again?

"Jake your hurting me" I should hang up, hearing this is killing me I can't stop it. Her screams of no getting louder as I pull up to the building.

"Stop it, seriously, I am not going to hurt you, especially not how Jackson does, even your mum says he is bad for you"

"Jake just let me go, seriously your hurting me, my wrists are hurting from your hand" What the hell is he doing? I should have killed him that day, opening the car door, I run in hearing his voice behind me from the speakerphone

"No, they don't, you are forgetting, I have seen little clips of you in action, you take whips harder than that" 

I can't see Jackson anywhere, pushing through the crowds, I go to her office she has to be in there, pulling the handle down the door is locked, my foot kicking against it, the door swinging open and banging, them both jumping, Jake running to leave, my hand grabbing him pinning him against the door, fighting the urge to rip his head off.

"Not a chance shit stain" My grip tightening on his neck.

"Where the hell is Jackson? He is meant to be watching you" I swear I could kick his arse right now, how could he fuck up tonight?

"I don't know, he was at the bar with Liam, that was like 20 minutes ago when I came in here though" Alena stumbles up, trying to sort out her clothes.

"Most people are gone, I didn't see him when I came in, the police are on their way as well" She nods, looking around unsure what to do.

"You need to find Jackson, I don't want you out the room without me though, does this door have a key?" She nods at me, good I can lock him in here while we find Jackson.

"Yes, but you possibly just broke the lock" Turning a crowd has gathered to watch what is happening, Georgina and Liam push through.

"What the hell has happened now?" Georgina looks at Alena and then Jake.

"Have you seen Jackson?" Alena looks at them, clearly worried for him.

"Yeah, he went outside to check our car before we set off, there was something wrong with it, he's fixing it" I won't be as pissed off now, but why would he not think to tell one of them to stay with her?

"Seriously, Liam go get Jackson" I turn looking at him, common sense would be to find him straight away. Jackson comes through the crowd, looking in business mode at the crowd that has gathered.

"Please can everyone go back to the lobby, we have everything dealt with" Everyone looked around and walked away. He walks past me wrapping his arms around Alena.

"Sorry Alena, I didn't even think, honestly, I am a bloody idiot, I swear I will kill him"

"Don't bother, seriously, the police are coming at least now we know it was him, trying to hurt us, with the cars and everything" Alena explains, clearly, he has said something that makes her believe it is him yet Jake tries shaking his head.

"Not me" His words are useless, I believe Alena, if she says it was him then it was.

"Georgina, can you apologise to the guests, please, just explain he was not invited, but from tomorrow there will be security here to protect anyone who uses the services" 

Jackson looks at her and she nods, walking off, just as the police came towards us, grabbing Jake, handcuffing him, the female officer walked to Alena.

"I need to take a statement, anyone who was involved, witnessed anything, I need you to stay here so I can take a statement" We get sent out as she questions Alena, looking at Jackson I want to hit him, I really do.

"What the hell Jackson?" I look at him, sure check the cars and fix them but think before you do.

"See, this is what I mean I can't protect her I fuck up too much" He shakes his head.

"All you had to do was tell Georgina and Liam to watch her if she disappears find her" I try sounding kind yet hearing the fear in her voice on that call has broke me, I can't get it out my mind, but it isn't Jacksons fault and I can't blame him.

"Sorry" I don't get chance to carry on, the woman coming and questioning me, I sit and explain everything from the call to the point they arrived, then they questioned everyone else. 

Everyone leaving, Jackson sat in the office talking to Alena. Georgina and Liam sat with me, both looking at me.

"Thank you, Marcus," Georgina's voice is first looking at her I nod, I would do it for any woman, not just Alena.

"Honestly, the state of her, another minute and I hate to think of it, he would have gone through with it" I don't want to talk about it anymore, I don't even want to think about it.

11 broken angel


etting up I start checking everywhere again, making sure it is locked up and no one is left here, I hate being the one to save her, to hear the terror in her voice and see her eyes fill with fear, sitting down at the bar Jackson and Alena come out.

"We checked everything, it's all locked up, empty, no one here" I let them know as they reach us

"Thank you, Marcus, for saving her again, when I was too busy to realise" Jackson reached out his hand, shaking it I nod.

"You know, I would be the same for any damsel in distress, and Alena sure is one, except she actually broke his nose, which I think is bloody amazing" I am glad she put up a fight, I need to sleep, I need to get these images out of my head.

"My head does come in use" Alena laughs, but it is fake, so fake.

"We are going home, I think she needs sleep after tonight" Jackson points out.

"I will lock up and follow you, I checked the cars again all safe, and now Jake is gone I doubt we will not have any other issues" Standing up I grab my things following them to the door.

"Yeah, we will go as well, see you tomorrow Alena" Georgina hugged Alena, her and Liam leaving. Jackson and Alena are following behind them, me behind locking up, all in our cars we set off, driving back the same way. 

My mind is not strong enough to deal with this, not at all. Getting in I go straight to the room, lying down I fall asleep, I want to wake, and those images be gone from my mind, but I know they won't be. Waking up I go downstairs, Jackson sat with the girls, he looks at me, and I know he wants me to sit.

"Stop now Marcus" I look at him confused.

"Stop what?"

"How long have I known you Marcus? Like seventeen years, right? I can see you are blaming yourself for last night" I forget how well he knows me.

"I should have broken his legs last time, phoned the police or something" I should have.

"Past Marcus, it makes no difference now you are not to blame just forget it happened" His words anger me more than they should.

"Just forget? Sorry was you the one with her on speaking phone screaming as he got closer to raping her? Or the one who came in with half her clothes ripped off and a look on her face that was acceptance it was going to happen.

 It is my fault Jackson, and had I been one minute later he would have succeeded" I hate myself Jackson going to argue, and I walk away, sitting in the living room, I totally fucked up. Sitting Alena comes down, not long after walking through the living room with her dad and Jackson as they spoke they sat down.

"I am friends with his parents, I made you play together, maybe if I didn't then you wouldn't have been through this, so yes, I am partly to blame" Her dad is blaming himself just like me.

"Join the club" Jacksons voice joining in.

"Yeah, apparently everyone shares the blame" Yet I let him go, I could have protected her this time and didn't.

"Listen to you all, no one is to blame, just forget about it now, it really isn't worth it, he isn't worth it" She looks at me smiling, as much as it should comfort me it doesn't, her smile is no longer what it used to be, she isn't happy at all.

"Anyway, I just wanted to come to make sure you're okay" Her dad hugs her and I can see she feels uncomfortable with his touch.

"Right, drink?" Alena walks off making drinks, us all watching her I don't think she has any of us fooled. Sitting we all talk quietly.

"Right, I better set off home, make sure you call me next time Alena, don't try pretend crap isn't happening, I am the parent I should protect you, not you trying to protect me"

Her dad hugs her again, and this time I am sure Jackson realised.

"I should get ready to go as well" Alena grabs her things.

"I think Marcus, or I should come with you, I don't feel comfortable with you being there alone" Jackson standing in her way.

"No, because everything is fine, Jake is still locked up, so I will be fine, plus you hired security, so I will be more than safe, don't worry, it won't look good will it if I am there with you or Marcus following me" She walks past him, straight out to her car, apparently not. 

I hide away, the whole day passing by quickly, I don't want to face anyone, giving up when it gets late, I fall asleep, Alena's screams waking me again, Jackson is here, I try to stop myself going to her, yet her screams continue, as I leave the room it stops, I see Alena rushing into the girl's room, coming back out she looks at me.

"Don't worry crazy lady going crazier" She laughs it's so fake she needs to be honest with everyone about how she is feeling she walks back to her room, Jackson following, I walk to mine, that dream was different, I don't know why but it was. 

Falling asleep, her screams follow to my dreams, my night unsettled, waking up a final time, I give up and go out the room, Jackson in the hall hearing the music like me. Looking at each other confused we walk downstairs together, Alena in the kitchen dancing while cooking, Jackson smiles, yet I know that isn't Alena. Alena turns noticing us as we are sitting at the table watching her.

"Why do you need classes?" Jackson laughs.

"I need classes because while you might think I can dance, I know I can't" She replies to him laughing.

"Well, you seem happier, that is all that matters" Is he really blind, she isn't happy you can see it just looking at her.

"I am, I mean surely only good things can happen now, right?"

"Sure kitten, only good things" Jackson smiles, she walks over handing us a plate of food each, getting her own and sitting with us. My eyes watching her, this isn't Alena.

"So, how did yesterday go?" Jackson looks at her, the first day I do hope it went well.

"Well, really well, no issues, all the staff showed up, all the classes full, and Susie took over, so I could come home, it was a good first day, no police, which is an added bonus" Her joke and laugh is nothing, is that me when I try fake being happy?

"Good, I am going into work this morning, I will be back before you need to leave though, going to go get ready" Jackson got up and left, sitting I say quiet looking at her, no she needs to know I am not fooled.

"You're not fooling me, you have yourself fooled, and Jackson, but not me" She turns looking at me confused.

"It is only a matter of time before you flip back to how you felt yesterday, honestly, you need to deal with it like a person, not hide it Alena" My words are cold, getting up I walk away, I can't sit and watch her do what I do, I can't do that. I hide away again just like Alena does, only she shouldn't hide away. 

The day passes quickly going downstairs, Jackson is sat there looking worried.

"What's happened?" He looks up at me shaking his head.

"Jake is out, apparently he has told them about the lifestyle, and claiming the marks on Alena's check and arms are from me. They isn't enough proof he did anything"

 I shake my head walking to him, anger rising within me, how could they let him go. The woman saw how bad Alena was, how can they just brush it off like it is nothing.

"It will be fine, Alena is texting me when she gets to the counselor, so I will know she is fine" I nod and he walks off, sitting I see Alena's phone on the table, she is at work and has the counselor, and I now know Jackson is expecting a text from her when she gets there. 

The fact Jake has been let out isn't good, I have no idea if she knows or not. Picking it up I leave driving to her work, the security on the door refusing to let me in. A woman going to get Alena, she should be leaving now anyway, she walks out looking at me.

"What are you doing here? Let me guess, Jackson wants you to check I am okay" She laughs, and I hope she forgives me for the way I spoke to her.

"No, you left your phone, he has no idea I am here, but right about now he will be waiting for you to text him" She opens her bag searching for it, does she honestly think I would lie about that?

"Thank you, Marcus, you're a life saver, seriously" Taking the phone, she quickly messages Jackson getting in the car, I stand looking at her, I can't let her drive it knowing he is out.

"If you want to check the car, check it, I know Marcus, Jackson just doesn't know I know" Thank heavens for that, walking around the car I check it twice feeling relieved.

"All fine, shall I meet you outside the counsellor's and check again?" I don't want to risk her getting hurt again,

"No, it is a personal car park, locked at all times, so I will be fine, and thank you again Marcus" She drives off, getting in my car I drive to Seductive Vibrations, I will just escape there for a few hours, going in I get greeted, everyone knows me now, sitting at the bar I have a drink before going to my office and reading through the paperwork. 

It is nearly one AM, the house should be quiet, driving home I was right. Going straight to bed, I fall asleep,

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