By SakuNaga

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šŸ› EditingšŸ›  Park Han Ni is a girl who has everything right from the day of her birth. She had lost her parent... More

怌Chapter 1: It's A New Day怍
Chapter 2: Can you give me a tour around?
Chapter 3: Ehm Ai Dee Academy~
Chapter 4: My New School [M.I.D]
Chapter 5: Idol Friends
Chapter 6: Legna Thaumaturge
Chapter 7: Time Control
Chapter 8: Frost
Chapter 9: Telekinesis
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Light
Chapter 12: Water
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: A Princess who has been hiding from the spotlight
Chapter 15: Flight
Chapter 16: Wind
Chapter 17: Teleportation
Chapter 18: Little Boy
Chapter 19: M.I.D Special A Class
Chapter 20: Healing
Chapter 21: Lightning
Chapter 22: Flame
Chapter 23: We're off to our planet
Chapter 24: EXO Planet
Chapter 25: Here comes trouble!
Chapter 26: Training? or Treasure Hunt?
Chapter 27: I'm a deadly weapon?
Chapter 28: My first kiss got stolen by him.
Chapter 29: The kiss means nothing. Nothing. Nothing..
Chapter 30: The Witch
Chapter 31: Happy Birthday Sehun~
Chapter 32: We're gonna get sucked in!!
Chapter 33: Earth..we're coming back
Chapter 34: Strange Dream
Chapter 35: Happy Birthday Baekhyun~
Chapter 36: VIP SaeRyun
Chapter 37: Promise?
Chapter 38: What do you want to do?
Chapter 39: What is LOVE?
Chapter 40: Messages
Thank you for suggesting!
Chapter 41: M.I.D Talent Competition.. start!
Chapter 42: Competition Part 1
Chapter 43: Competition Part 2
Chapter 44: Don't you remember me?
Chapter 45: Who am I, really?
Chapter 47: His Story
I'm baaaack!!
Chapter 48: She's changing?
Chapter 49: The Kingdoms
Chapter 50: The truth about what happen that day
Chapter 51: My.... brother?
Chapter 52: Ari's real identity (Part 1)
Chapter 53: Ari's real identity (Part 2)
Chapter: YO?
Chapter 54: "I won't ever leave your side.."
Chapter 55: Welcome Home
Chapter 56: The twins' day out
Chapter 57: Say 'hello' to them
Chapter 58: For you to see I'm falling in love
Chapter 59: Bish he's really back
Chapter 60: I don't mind listening
Chapter 61: We're Getting Ready
Extra Chapter!
Chapter 62: Demon's Double Sword: Kurotama
Chapter 63: "It's impossible"
Chapter 64: Death Gods
Chapter 65: What is this feeling?
Chapter 66: The Rules
Chapter 67: Squad 1
Chapter 68: Everything Starts Now Pt.1
Chapter 69: Everything Starts Now Pt.2
Chapter 70: The Revelation
Chapter 71: Brother
Chapter 72: Emergency

Chapter 46: The guy with wings... Ari?

6.2K 197 9
By SakuNaga

As days passed by, Kris still hasn't return to HanNi's house. The EXO-M promotions and activities in China continued with only five members as they haven't heard any news from him. The fans were wondering and rumours started flying around. But EXO themselves, told the fans that he's just on the leave because of health problems.

But somewhere on Earth, in the small ran down building, there's Ari sitting having complicated thoughts inside his head. He was startled when he heard something beeping then Dark Lord Zehturg's shadow figure appeared.

"A-ah. My lord." Ari bowed. "What brings you here?"

Zehturg cleared his throat and small smirk appeared on his face. "I heard you found something...rather interesting."

"What do you mean, my lord?" Ari asked.

"The box. The box you found on the basement of The School." He answered.

"Oh, that. What's the matter with it? Is there something inside that you want?" asked Ari.

"What's in that box?" Zehturg asked. His deep, rough, bone-shivering voice send Ari a shiver down his spine.

"A-ah. Uhm. Photos. And some letters." answered Ari.

"That's all?" Zehturg asked.  "Yes, that's all, my lord." bowed Ari.  

Zehturg disappeared in the shadow before Ari could even ask him something. Something that keeps bothering him since the day he opened the box. The letters, the photos, the necklace that has the name 'HanGyuk' engraved infront and a mysterious, yet beautiful and royal-like mark at the back.

Out of frustration, Ari opened the cracked window big enough for him to fit. A pair of white wings behind him. He flapped his wings as the baby feathers came out. Sniffing the air of one confusing nights, he jumped off the building and flapped his wings and flew up to the clouds.

As he was up above, the moonlight hit his wings. His wings sparkled, every feather twinkled in the night sky that people below thought of it as stars. Ari's mind was back again thinking about the box and his head began throbbing. Loosing the strength and control of his wings, he fainted and began falling. He was up high above the ocean and if he falls, he'd drown.


Underneath the moonlight, there was HanNi walking around near the beach. She couldn't stop thinking about Kris and EXO. She didn't mind herself at all. She couldn't even pay attention in class. She's a mess. Everything's a mess.

While walking with her bare feet, her ability to hear things from far away got activated. She heard some sort of painful groan. Turning to where the noise she thinks it's coming from, HanNi saw a person..with wings..a bird? A creature with wings falling down 500 feet high. Her instincts strike and flew in the sky in such speed to catch whoever or whatever is falling.


-Ari's P.O.V- 

As soon as I opened my eyes, my head started throbbing again. I held it tightly hopping that it would go away. Realizing what happen a while back before I fainted, I looked around trying to figure out where the heck am I.

"What is this place?"

"Oh, you're awake?" a calm and soft voice of a female spoke from behind. I turned my head and saw a girl probably around my age, carrying a tray of food.

"How are you feeling?" she asked and placed the tray next to me.

". . . . .um. . . ." I mumbled. She smiled at me brightly.

"Don't worry. I'm not a monster or someone who would turn you over to the government. I'll keep your secret within me. It won't be leak." she said and gestures her hands on her lips, making a zip closing.

"Secret?" I asked.

"Yeah. Your wings. I saw your wings." she answered.

Then I realize, my wings are still out. I quickly hid it but I stopped when she touched it. "It's beautiful..."

"I've never seen someone who has wings. And the pure white wings is just... beautiful" she said in admiration.

"Thank... you.." I mumbled quietly.   "Don't mention it." she smiled once again.

She stood up and told me to eat to regain my energy. Before I could even ask her name, she was out of sight already. I started eating the food on the tray and soon finished it. I've never had that kind of meal ever in my life. That's probably why I'm skinny. Am I skinny? No? Yeah? Nevermind.

My legs wobbled for a second when I stood up, I tried walking outside then planned to fly away and go back to the hiding place. But there she was, she's sitting on the rocks while looking up in the sky. I took that chance to open my wings and fly away when she suddenly spoke.

"You're going now?" she turned.

"....yeah.." I replied.

"Already? Are you okay now? Can you fly now? Are you not feeling dizzy or anything? Do you want me to come with you?" she bombed me with questions.

"Uh no! It's okay! I'm fine! Really! I swear! And thanks again... for everything..." I mumbled the last words.

"Hm? Oh, it's alright. If you need something, we can meet up here?" she offered.

I nodded. "But even if you want to come with me to make sure, you can't fly anyways." I chuckled.

"Hmp! Let's see about that!" she stuck her tongue out.

"What? Wait! W-where are you going? T-that's dangerous! Come back! Yah! I'm not kidding! I'm sorry for showing off or whatever! You m--" tha't's when she jumped off the cliff. Yeah, the cliff. Oh, did I mention we're up in the mountains? No? I'll tell you the story later. Let's go back to the story.

I looked down at edge of the cliff where she jumped off. I feel bad. I'm sorry for not saving you. My leg wobbled at the sight underneath, it's dark and scary. I took a step back as I heard as swooshing sound coming from below. 

*swooosh!* And there, a person came flying up into the sky. She landed infront of me with a smirk on her face.

"Did you say something earlier? Sorry I didn't hear it." she giggled.

"Y-you can fly?!"

"No I can't. Like yeah..duh?" she rolled her eyes playfully.

"Not funny. Yah...come to think of it, I don't know your name." I said.

"I'm Yu."


"No. Yu."

"You're me? What?"

"Ahaha you're a dummy! I'm just joking. My name is not Yu. It's...HanN-- Han...yeah! Han! Ahaha.." she laughed nervously.

"Han? What a weird name for a girl." I said.

"Then what's your name?" asked Han.

"They call me Ari. Yeah, Ari. That's my name." I answered.

"They call you Ari? Then what's your real name?" she asked again.

I sighed and looked down then answered. "I don't know."

She paused for a second and stared at me confusedly. "What do you mean?"

"Huh? You know. I don't know. I don't know who my parents are. I don't know what my real name is. I don't know where I was born. I don't know where my family is. Are they dead or not? How did I ended up being someone's slave--well not that kind of slave. Did they voluntarily gave me away? Or was I taken away from them? Do they love me or not? If they do, are they still searching for me? Or they already gave up long time ago? I'm wondering if they're happy without me. And do I have a sibling? Like a younger one or an older one? If it's a younger sibling, they probably don't know I exist or of it's an older sibling, they're probably filling in my spot. I don't even know where they live. I don't know if they live here on Earth or in EXO Planet and---"

"EXO Planet? You live there?" Han asked.

"Yeah. Do you know EXO Planet? Do you live there?" I asked.

"....no. But my grandmother live there. My parents were born in EXO Planet. I was born in EXO Planet as well but, I didn't know anything about it. I've only been there once, about few months ago. I grew up here on Earth and my parents died here when I was six years old so I grew up with my relatives that live on Earth." she answered.

"Oh.. sorry."

"No it's okay! At least I know that my parents are not coming back, but you, your family, your parents are probably alive. You still have a chance to meet them, don't you think?" she smiled.

"Uh..yeah. You're right. But what if... they're also dead? Then, I wouldn't even have a chance to see them, talk to them or even hug them. That's just...sad."

"I hope not." Han patted my shoulder.

"Now that you're okay, you can gget going to wherever you're suppose to be going. I'll see you soon? Now go!" she said.

I took one last glace at her and took off. 

"Thank you, Han." 


*drum roll*


Sorry again. I probably will be saying sorry whenever I update XD. I think I'm giving out too many clues about Ari, aren't I? And who do you think Xhin is? What do you think "The School" is for? Why do Ari have mask on his face that can never be remove? What's the mask for? Do you  guys have any idea?

And big thank you to LadyBubbleTea for giving me ideas for my next chapters! Although your idea might not be in this chapter, but I surely will put it in my next few chapters. THANK YOU!

And ParkChanFei, I know you love me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ And P.S. If you ever read this fanfic, please don't meantion it or even talk about it when we're at school. Just don't. 'Cause I know you love me. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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