Rocked (Rock & Romance II.)

By carte_blanche_milady

367K 18.3K 1.8K

Hazmat is the biggest band in the world - on top of every chart, with sold out concerts and their own line of... More

Chapter 1. - Grand Entrance
Chapter 2. - Playing the Game
Chapter 3. - Dare
Chapter 4. - Blind Desire
Chapter 5. - Morning After
Chapter 6. - Honest Deceptions
Chapter 7. - Cognition & Behavior
Chapter 8. - Cat's Out The Bag
Chapter 9. - Enigma
Chapter 10. - No Sleep for the Wicked
Chapter 11. - Historically Correct
Chapter 12. - Dangerous Games
Chapter 13. - Claiming the Prize
Chapter 14. - Cats Out The Bag
Chapter 15. - Stripped Bare
Chapter 16. - Bootycall
Chapter 17. - Carpet and the Drapes
Chapter 19. - Late Night Confessions
Chapter 20. - Conflict Resolution
Chapter 21. - Week of Shame
Chapter 22. - Key to My Thoughts
Chapter 23. - Caught Red Handed
Chapter 24. - Birthday Behavior
Chapter 25. - Birthday Presents
Chapter 26. - Birthday Transformation
Chapter 27. - Birthday Party
Chapter 28. - Birthday Song
Chapter 29. - Birthday Queen
Chapter 30. - Out of Left Field
Chapter 31. - New Beginnings
Chapter 32. - Controlled Seduction
Chapter 33. - Off-Chance
Chapter 34. - Intruder
Chapter 35. - Painting the Town Red
Chapter 36. - Fitting Right
Chapter 37. - Something Bad
Chapter 38. - No Good Deed
Chapter 39. - Dysfunctional
Chapter 40. - Firecracker
Chapter 41. - No Sinner Like a Young Saint
Chapter 42. - The Devil and I Get Along Just Fine
Chapter 43. - Fall Like Rain
Chapter 44. - Temptation
Chapter 45. - Allured
Chapter 46. - Yes Games I.
Chapter 47. - Yes Games II.
Chapter 48. - Yes Games III.
Chapter 49. - Happily Ever After
Chapter 50. - Soul Crusher
Chapter 51. - New Day
Chapter 52. - Legally Bound
Chapter 53. - Unexpected Direction
Chapter 54. - Shoot Me I.
Chapter 55. - Shoot Me II.
Chapter 56. - Pieces of a Puzzle
Chapter 57. - Irrevocable Shift
Chapter 58. - Backstage Pass

Chapter 18. - Later, Red

7.3K 326 19
By carte_blanche_milady

A/N: Welcome back! First of all, thank you for the hilarious comments on the last chapter!! I was literally laughing out loud like a moron while reading your wild fantasies!

But, alas, this chapter is dedicated to cherryknotts whose detailed prediction was probably the closest. Enjoy!


I rolled my eyes, the question that meant to insult me entered in one ear, then out the other. As a natural redhead, this very unimaginative rhetoric has followed me all my life - and while it was never amusing, now it had exactly zero effect on me.

But apparently, Ash hasn't heard this before. And he didn't take it well.

Before I had the change to speak, Ash pushed his body to a standing position, sidestepping me easily as he threw himself on the unsuspecting moron. Although, if Dylan really was as big of a Hazmat fan as he claimed, he should've seen this coming from a mile away...

Ash's right arm went over my head, missing me by just a hair, before his fist connected with Dylan's nose. The tell-tale crack of his bones breaking reverberated in the air around us, replacing the chilling silence. The music was still playing, but the guests were now watching in silence as Ash pulled his hand back, going in for the kill again.

They somehow fell on the ground, tangled together in a bunch of limbs and movements. I saw Dylan trying to shove Ash off himself, and swinging back just as much as he was getting, but Ash's fists flew in a speed I've never seen before.

I should've interfered. I should've thrown myself in there to stop the nonsense.

But logically, all that would've gotten me was a black eye. Or worse... I just didn't have the physical strength or size to match up with these two, and getting myself in there would've caused more damage than good.

Then there was another, much darker part of me, that didn't interfere because I thought Dylan deserved it. And while I was never going to admit to this out loud, Ash looked ridiculously hot going all alpha on a guy to defend my honor. There was something sensually twisted about it that I found alluring - just like most of the little pieces I've had the privilege to learn about him.

Lukas and Jesse rushed onto the scene, each grabbing a hold of one of Ash's arms. Despite their toned muscles, I could tell that they had a hard time containing him.

The scene was bemusing, really - Jesse yelled obscenities at his brother, while Lukas was trying to calm him down. Ash didn't seem to hear either, as he kept trying to drop his weight down on the groaning Dylan, who was sprawled out on the ground – covered in blood.

I couldn't tell if it was all his own, and I didn't get a chance to look. London was next to me in an instant, talking to the 911 dispatcher frantically while ordering for everyone to get back and give the man some room to breathe.

In the midst of all the yelling, running around, the chaos, and flashing phones, I was the voyeur - calmly observing everything around me. I noticed that someone brought ice for Dylan, and pressed it against his already swelling face. I saw Ash being dragged away, while he breathed through his nose like a raging bull, his muscles flexing and a vein throbbing in his neck with the effort to reign himself in.

I stood there, completely frozen in place, mesmerized, and wet as hell.

The boys managed to pull Ash into the house, just as Callie walked in out to the garden. "What the hell?!" She cried, as she ran up to us. "What happened now? I'm a half hour late and the party is already in full swing!"

Meanwhile, London finished with the call and turned to me. Her expression was a mixture of confusion and annoyance. "Yes, that's an excellent question. What the hell happened?"

I knew I should've explained.

It was her house - her party after all - and London has been my best friend since I could remember. These girls were like sisters to me, and I should've been honest with them.

But how would I explain the reason Ash jumped this guy's throat for an inappropriate comment, without revealing why?!

How would I make them understand why Ash got so proprietary, without them realizing that I've been sneaking behind their backs this whole time?? When London started seeing Lukas, we all knew about it – perhaps a little too much, if you asked me. And fuck knew Callie wasn't shy about sharing the details of her sexcapades.

But I wasn't like them. And I knew they would've never approved of what I was doing with Ash, especially since I was always the level-headed one.

So instead of trying to make them understand, I just said. "London, I'm so sorry! Excuse me." And without giving them the details they were so desperately craving, I walked around them, and into the house.

Lukas and Jesse were jogging down the stairs and paused when they saw me come in. "I'm sorry about him, Ging." Lukas LaBelle started, then shook his head. "He's not a bad guy, I promise. I have no idea why he loses his shit like this sometimes."

"It's not a big deal. Is he doing ok?"

The surprise was evident on Lukas' face, his brows furrowing after a question he clearly didn't expect. "Erm... Yes. He's upstairs. I thought he should take some time to calm down."

Jesse's half smirk was very knowing as he slapped his bandmate in the back. "Let's get something to drink, shall we?" And with a final wink my way, he led Lukas back to the party.

I found Ash on the third floor, in one of the guest bathrooms.

He was washing off the blood from his knuckles. The dark shirt he wore before was carelessly tossed to the side – probably covered as well – leaving him bare from the waist up. Except with Ash, I never felt like he was the one who was exposed. He radiated confidence, from the way he walked to the cocky smirk on his lips when he caught me staring. "Is any of it yours?" I heard myself asking when his dark gaze met mine in the mirror.

One corner of his lips quirked up. Ash shut off the water, grabbed a towel, and took his time drying himself before he turned around and leaned back against the sink.

My eyes scanned his huge, muscled body. That handsome, charismatic face, those wide shoulders, long arms, that toned midriff. My gaze caressed the hands he just finished cleaning-

-and found no scraps or bruises.

The only indication of the fight he has just been in was his slightly reddened knuckles - but that could've just been from the ferocity he was scrubbing himself with. Other than that, not a single piece of hair was out of place. I shook my head, relieved. "He will press charges," I added, without judgment.

Dylan should. And if he had any brain cells left in that pummeled-in head of his, he was going to. Ash was rich, he could more than afford it. And I presumed this wasn't going to be the first or the last time he had to pay up because of a momentary loss of control.

"He wouldn't dare." Was Ash's reply, but he said it so casually, I suspected that he didn't care either way.

"You shouldn't have done that," I said, just for good measure. I was certain Lukas and Jesse gave him the same talking to, so I didn't bother with a whole speech. "Who the hell asked you to stand up for me?"

He cocked a brow as he regarded me, looking more amused than someone who had learned his lesson. "I didn't see you trying to stop me out there." Ash pointed out, his lip twitching into a little smile.

I bit down on my lower lip to hide my own. "So you didn't."

"Tell me, Gia." He started, kicking himself in a standing position, but remaining in place. There were about 6 feet of space between us, but from the way he was looking at me, I felt like I had no room to breathe. "Why is that, that every time I look away for a second, I come back to find some douchebag trying to get in your pants? It's like you're asking to be rescued."

I rolled my eyes at that outdated, sexist assumption. "For your information, I don't need to be rescued at all. You heard me very clearly tell the guy off. My next move would've been to knee him in the balls if he still didn't get the hint."

"Kneeing that poor lovesick moron in the balls for trying his luck with you?" Ash asked, his lips quirking up in a cocky smile. "I'm sure glad I've never gotten that treatment."

"You're not..." I trailed off, unable to finish my train of thought, as he took a step toward me.

"Not what?" Ash shot back, continuing his advances. "Not trying to get inside your pants? Or you?" He chuckled. "You know that's not true."

"Well, that's different." I said, sucking in a breath when his lips, then teeth connected with my neck.

"How so?" Ash murmured, his big hands enveloping my waist.

I reached behind me to lock the bathroom door, that tell-tale click leaving no room for speculations about my intention. "You never disrespected me."

Ash hummed, the sound making the fine hairs stand on my neck as a chill traveled down my spine. "Oh, but I want to. I want to so bad..." His hand caressed my waist, squeezing it lightly as he made his way down my side. His warm touch felt like heaven against my cooled skin as his callouses scratched my thigh, before slipping under my dress. "You'd let me, wouldn't you, red?"

I found myself on the tips of my toes, despite wearing heels, trying to get closer to him. My breasts felt heavy as they pressed against his solid chest, and I enjoyed its contact with my hardened nipples.

His fingers slid into my panties - I wore a sexy, silk black thong, just with Ash in mind - and started stroking me. "Shall we find out if the carpets match the drapes?" He grinned wolfishly as he lifted me onto the counter, and opened my dress with a single tug. The poor dress didn't stand a chance as the silky fabric slid down my arm and pooled on the sides of me, leaving me completely exposed. My panties were the only remaining clothing on my body, which Ash quickly took care of after he made me promise I would model it for him another time.

"So does it?" I asked, teasing him as I parted my legs further for his wandering eyes.

Ash pretended to ponder on the answer for a couple of seconds before his gaze met mine again and he nodded. "It appears that you are a natural redhead, indeed, Miss Walsh."

I bit down on my lower lip as a long finger slid inside me, stretching me. "That's good to know." I sighed when a second finger joined the first. "Your methods are very scientific."

"And you are soaking wet, Gia." Ash groaned, removing his fingers just enough to show me what he was talking about. "And here I was, thinking me defending you pissed you off."

"It did."

His black eyes were shining with mischief as they met mine. "You have a funny way of showing your anger." His fingers were still moving in and out of me as he reached back, producing a condom with the other.

"Very forward thinking of you."

My spicy words had no effect on him, as Ash only grinned while he pushed his pants down his hips and rolled the condom down on his hard cock. Then, he reached for me, and if I thought he was going to take me on the counter, I would've been wrong.

He yanked me to my feet and turned me around so that I was now facing the mirror. I inhaled, taking the sight of us together. This huge, built rock star, with his long, midnight black hair, beard, body full of tattoos, dark skin and nipple rings, and me... Boring, plain Gia, with nearly translucent white skin, long, red curls, glasses, boobs and hips that are too big for my size, and fucking stretch marks around said parts.

I was hardly the type of girl that usually hung around him, yet Ash never gave me any indication that I should feel insecure. I was just realistic.

"Stop overthinking it." Ash rasped, reading my mind as his hand tightened around my shoulder, and pushed me down. He looked even larger standing behind me, but this time, he didn't give me the chance to take in the view.

He pushed into me, slamming himself all the way, forcing me to grab onto the counter for support as I struggled to get accustomed to his size. The momentary pain grounded me, reminding me of why we are here.

Ash pulled back all the way, before thrusting forward, impaling me once more. He repeated the motion over and over, never once taking his eyes off mine. I was gripping the counter, holding on for dear life as he took me, growing rougher with every slam of his hips.

I must've been loud, because one hand covered my mouth, while the other gripped my neck - not enough to choke me, but then again, by now I knew he wouldn't. He was controlling my breathing and my blood flow, adjusting me just right so he could build me up higher and higher.

My gaze left his, dropping lower to watch what he was doing with his hands. His tattoo covered, dark skin, huge size difference and the fact that his knuckles were red and still bloody did the trick.

I felt my pussy squeeze him, clamping down on him hard as I came. It was probably for the best that he kept his hand over my mouth because if I wasn't screaming before, I would've done it now. My whole body flexed, then released in a tsunami of orgasm that shook me to my very core.

My head was still spinning when Ash pulled out of me and flipped me around once more. Tossing the condom to the side, he pushed me down on my knees, barely giving me enough time to realize what he wanted before he exploded. I focused on keeping my lips apart, my eyes studying his features as he threw his head back, and emptied himself into my mouth.

There was something utterly sensual watching him lose himself - the unabashed, primal intimacy that surrounded us completely mesmerizing me.

He was huge and pulsing, with only the head of his cock in my mouth as he spurted his seed over and over.

When he was done, his lids opened, those familiar black orbs greeting me as he pumped in and out of my mouth a few more times, before pulling out completely. "You didn't have to swallow it, you know."

I didn't. But in the heat of the moment, it just felt so natural. "I know." Was all I said, and let him pull me to my feet.

Ash handed me my dress and panties, then proceeded to smoothen it before either of us spoke again. "I think we missed the countdown," He told me, and I suddenly felt awkward in his presence. We've fucked before, but never like this. Never this wildly. And Ash had actually never forced me to-

Not that he really had to. It was just... Different.

"Did you really want to be down there with those people gawking at you?" I asked, lifting a brow while he started to button up his shirt, then decided against it and tossed it to the side.

Ash groaned. "Fuck no! I only came to see you tonight."

My breath escaped me. "Stop with your cheesy pickup lines!" I said instead, teasing him as I batted at his arm. "You already got what you wanted."

Ash chuckled. "Right. If I knew I was going to get your mouth tonight, I would've came a lot faster too..."

I rolled my eyes. "Should we go back down?"

He shook his head. "I think this was about all the fun I could handle for tonight. I'm going to get out of here." I nodded awkwardly, as we both stood there, waiting for the other to make their move.

His impossibly dark eyes were searching mine, looking at me so intently I couldn't stand it anymore. So I swirled around and righted the little makeup I had on, making sure he left no visible marks on my skin. "I'll see you later, then." I said, glancing over at him through the mirror.

"Later, red." And with a final look my way, he walked out, shirtless, and kicked the door shut behind him.

I returned my attention back to my reflection, noting the frantic ways my eyes were searching the girl's in the mirror. "What the fuck, Gianna?!" I sighed, shaking my head, before rinsing my mouth and joining the party downstairs.


A/N: Everyone - I appreciate another incredible year with you all! I am sooo glad you're enjoying my stories and following me on these nutts journeys! (Especially this book...) I hope 2019 will bring you the best year yet - I wish you all health, positivity, success, and the mental strength to work your butts off to achieve all your goals!

Happy New Year!!!!

Twitter: cb_milady

Instagram: grettypop

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