New Here • JB

By 1-800-hotlinebizzle

255K 7.5K 1.3K

Lane Leilio Wakes up in an alternate timeline. It seems that she has assumed the identity of a girl named So... More

Sneak peak
Cast / Explanation
Get Used To It.
Sí Gigi
Rager @ Bizzle's P.1
Rager @ Bizzle's P.2: All That Jazz
In Kimye We Trust.
In Kimye We Trust Continued
After The Party Is The After Party
Penthouse Vibin'
Started With A Pizza
That's a Rap
Hold Tight Part 1
Hold Tight Part 2
Hold Tight Part 3
Best Male Artist Part 1
Best Male Artist Part 2
Best Male Artist Part 3
I Made It.
The Wests Part 1
The Wests Part 2
The Happening Part 1
The Happening Part 2
The Happening Part 3
Be Alright
Home To Mama
The Wrong Lane
Choked Up
Rain Drop... Drop Top... Choke Me & Don't Stop Stop
Barbie Girl
Bad and Birthday
The Bruja
Dr. Jay Part 1
Dr. Jay Part 2
Maybe Baby
New Direction
Pulling A North West
The Mark
She's Up To Something Part 1
She's up to Something Part 2
Oh, Canada!
Dear Mama
Big D!ck Energy
He's or She's What Will We Be?
And So It Ends

All Good Things...

2K 82 14
By 1-800-hotlinebizzle

kimkardashianwest e x c i t e d. (Remember when my babies were babies ? ! I wish South and East were still this little!)
Liked by eastyourheartout, lordisickaf, northstar and 2,090,082 others

Username1 : ok someone is preggers right?! We haven't seen South in a hot minute 🤔
Username2: I think all three are pregnant ^ 👀
Username 3: the mother daughter trio we deserve

"Do you need anything? More ice chips? Another pillow? Fuck what can i do?" Justin paces around my hospital suite in Cedars Sinai medical center and I lay totally relaxed taking selfies for my snapchat.

"Babe I'm fine. My contractions are super far apart and when they come it's kind of like a period cramp"

"I just feel so helpless"

"You aren't baby. C'mere" I reach out my arms and he rests his face right between my breasts.

"I'm gonna miss these" he mumbles and I pinch his ear.

"What! It's just facts..."

"go get me some ice chips freak"

"finally. A task." I roll my eyes and watch him leave. In the corner of the room North stirs awake and lets out a yawn before walking towards me and lifting up the blanket on my legs and peeking beneath.


"Am I an auntie yet?"  She presses and I snatch my blanket back

"Really?" North then presses a hand to my belly.

"Listen up West and Dash. Auntie Nori has a music video to finish shooting so if you could pop out of your mom's pus-"

"North!" She holds her hands up in defense before retreating back to her chair.

"In all seriousness I cant believe this is happening. Mom and dad and East are probably freaking the fuck out"

"ugh I know. I hope they'll make it in time for these guys to- ohhhh my god!"

"Baby? You good?" Justin sets an oversized cup of ice chips on the dresser next to my bed and presses a kiss to my forehead before squeezing my hand.

"I'm okay. I think the bad part of all this is happening"  North looks intrigued.

"What does it feel like?" I lay my head against the pillows and cradle my huge stomach.

"God it feels like I'm getting shanked. And there's so much fucking pressure down there" Justin gives me a sympathetic kiss on the lips and north sighs.

"Brooklyn and I are going to do surrogacy. And then adoption."

"You don't want to try it even once?" Justin presses and North shakes her head.

"I'm only busting this think open for my mans. No babies are shooting out of here sir."

"You're such a lady Nori." I say with an eye roll and she shrugs. A few hours pass and after awhile the pain becomes borderline unbearable and all of my pent up fears and doubts of being a mother start to attack my mind. The doctor squeezes my thigh and lets me know that it's time for an epidural.

"I'm not ready for this Jay" I whisper and in a pathetic attempt to not cry I let out a loud and obvious hiccup.  He cups my face between his hands and wipes my tears away with his thumbs.

"I know you're scared. I'm terrified. But if anyone can do this. It's you babygirl. I wouldn't want anyone else on my team. I wouldn't want anyone else to be these boy's mommy." My brave face collapses and I burst into tears.

"I want my mommy" I sob and I hadn't really admired it to myself before, but by Mom I meant Kim and Kim only. Lane's Mom was by no means a mother to me anymore. It truly wasn't my life anymore. The revelation felt amazing.

"I know babygirl. She's on her way she-"

"Sweetheart!" Kim bustles into the room and Justin moves out of the way so that she can smother me with kisses.

"The doctors told me that you're almost ready to start pushing. How are you feeling?" Kim wipes tears from my lashes and I lean into her warm nurturing touch.

"I'm okay. Scared to death. But I- I can do this." Kim squeezes my hand and presses a long kiss to my forehead.

"That's my girl."

"Hey ma. Where's Dad and East and Saint?"  North asks looking at the doorway. Kim turns to her and answers.

"Justin told us that the two of you hadn't had time to pack any overnight bags or even buy the car seats so they're taking care of it."

"Thank god" Justin mumbles and I give a weak smile.  The doctor enters the room again and the needle she holds makes me want to pass out.

"Dear god. You know what. Just put me to sleep. Knock me out and wake me up when these kids are out of me" I beg and the doctor laughs. Kim and Justin help turn me on my side and countdown the epidural needle. It's a quick pinch followed by a slow burn of fluid and then... nothing.

"Okay Miss West. You're fully dilated and these kiddos are ready to make their big debut." My legs are rearranged in the stirrups and Justin gives me a breathtaking kiss.

"You're the love of my life South" he whispers intensely and I nod before squeezing his hand and Kim's. North stands behind Justin biting her nails.

"Push on the count of five. 1 2 3 4-"

"AHHHHH!" Though the epidural number a majority of the pain the pressure was barely lessened.

"You're doing amazing sweetie" Kim coaxes and I take a long breath before pushing harder.

"I can see a full head of hair! Baby A is crowning!"

"Oh my fuck" North days when she peaks at my exposed vagina. I couldn't blame her. If it looked like what it felt like she had every right to freak out.

"First baby boy is almost here SoSo c'mon" Justin encourages and with a long, Strenuous push and scream the doctor holds up a wriggling baby.

" holy shit " I gasp as the nurses rush to clear his lungs of fluid and place him on my bare chest.

"Hi you!" I say with tears before kissing his head of hair and looking up at Justin.

"Oh my god. " Justin says in awe touching the baby's back and tearing up. I don't get much of a break between pushes because the second baby is ready to come out too. He comes out in one agonizing push and soon I have two babies squirming and whining on my chest.

"Hi guys. I'm your mommy" I say in a small voice and they both coo. Justin takes a turn at holding the both of them, whispering sweet nothings into their tiny ears before the nurses insist on taking them to clean them up. The doctor goes to work at cleaning up my down stairs area and soon I'm feeling fresh and ready to cuddle my boys.

"Sweetie. Your Dad is outside with your sister  and brother along with Justin's siblings too"

" tell them to come on in" I say with a tiny yawn and Justin kisses my IV hooked hand.

"Congratulations!" East squeals when she walks into the room and the entirety of my family and friends pile in behind her carrying presents and balloons.

"Babygirl" my dad says kissing me on the forehead  and kissing my sons afterwards. Then he pulls Justin into a tight hug. There are a few laughs, tons of tears, and even declarations on who was getting pregnant next. Apparently it was going to be Kylie.

"Do we know who is who?" Bobby asks and Justin and I shake our heads.

"No clue."

"What if you name the wrong one the wrong name and they grow up with some kind of identity crisis?" Jaxon asks and before Justin can berate him Jazzy flicks the back of his head.


"Your mother and I decided after a few hours. You two will just... Know"  Kanye offers and Kim kisses him on the nose.

It's nearly midnight by the time everyone decides to head out and I'm relieved when the nurses leave as well and give Justin and I time alone with our boys.

"What do you say little man. Do you want to be Kardashian or West? Both names are pretty dope, but I mean its all on you" Justin whispers  to the sleeping baby in his arms as I breastfeed the other. The baby in my arms coos and fusses.

"You're okay Dash" I soothe before freezing and smiling.

"This is Dash Jay" I say with confidence and Justin smiles rocking West back and forth.

"Then this must be West. Nice to meet you kiddo." We place both  babies in their clear cribs and then settle onto the bed together.

"Marry me?" Justin says out of the blue. His head on my chest and his arms snaked around my waist.

"Of course. I've said yes already."

"Marry me tomorrow?"

"Not with the way my vagina feels."

"Next month?"

"I want a big wedding Justin"

"Then we get a wedding planner to handle it all. You don't lift a finger you just put on a dress and say you'll be mine forever."



" I like the sound of that. You have a deal  Mr. Bieber."

One Month Later

"We are gathered here today to celebrate with Justin Drew Bieber and South West  as they proclaim their love and commitment to the world. We are gathered to rejoice, with and for them, in the new life they now undertake together. Prior to this moment you each have  walked a separate path. Now, you embark together on a shared path. Yet the journey is not yours alone, for you have already been blessed with two  beautiful children. It is the strength of your love that shall nourish you all together as a family."

" Do you, Justin take South to be your lawfully wedded wife,  to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do"

" Do you, South take Justin to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do"

8 Years Later

"Mommy?" I ask the stylist who's tailoring my dress for a small break before thanking her and looking down at my daughter as she calls a break for my photoshoot.

"Yeah baby?" My daughter reaches for my hand and I take it and allow her to pull me to my dressing room.

"Sit please" she says and I let out a small laugh and sit on the couch. I pat my lap and she crawls onto it.
I sniff her curly hair and squeeze her to me. The hair products  they'd used to attempt to control her mane made her smell like a little fruit cocktail.

"When is daddy coming home?" She wonders and her eyes, an exact carbon copy of Justin's get wide and questioning.

"Beverley, mommy told you daddy is on business he should be home in a few weeks." I pinch her little cheek and then pepper her face with kisses when I see tears starting to roll down.

"Okay, okay, one minute!" I say reaching for my phone and FaceTiming my husband. He answers immediately and I'm shown the inside of his hotel room.

"Love of my life!" He screams and before I can respond our daughter yanks the phone from my hand and grins a toothy smile.


"Is that my Bevvy?" She nods and Justin continues to gas her up.

"Why are you looking so pretty girl! Just like your mama!"

"Pictures daddy pictures!" She says excitedly and I take the phone from her and readjust her on my lap.

"My love" Justin sings and My heart skips a beat.

"Hi hubby. Beverly Drew and I are shooting for Vogue." I say and he lays down on his bed and yawns.

"I miss you girls. Mostly you mama" he says in a deeper tone and I clear my throat with a smirk.

"Counting the days baby"

"How are my boys? I didn't get a call from either of them last night" I frown and set a self reminder to tell the boys to call their father. He misses us so much when he goes out of town.

"They've been over at Selena and East's house. They're so obsessed with baby Ara.  Lena and East like having them around because Hana has been a little lonely lately." My sister and her now wife Selena had adopted a newborn baby from Korea and were currently adjusting to life with the new addition and their 5 year old daughter Hana. My eight year old boys couldn't believe someone  as tiny as Ara could exist.

Beverly soon grows bored with her daddy's questions and wriggles her way off of my lap and towards the mini fridge for a juice box. Leaving me to speak with her father.

"I miss you so much Jay." His new album, a collection of him singing instead of rapping  had become a smash hit and his absence was proof. The world loved him, but I liked to think I loved him first.

"I'll be home sooner than you think SoSo. How are you feeling?" I sigh and rub my stomach.

"Baby number four is still cooking."

"I had a dream that the baby is a little girl"

"I had a dream that after this baby you got a vasectomy."

"Hell no!"

"Only way for you to stop knocking me up."

"If you weren't so damn sexy I wouldn't knock you up all the time. Shit babe it's really on you if we are gonna get technical."

"Boy..." A knock on my door interrupts me and I begin my goodbyes with Justin.

"Call me tonight? Jazzy and Reign offered to watch the munchkins. Maybe daddy and mommy could have some... play time?"

"Oh word?" Justin asks biting his lip and I wink before blowing a kiss at the phone camera.

"Love you always"

"Love your forever. Bye baby mama." Before I can remind him how much I hate the term he hangs up.

"Bevvy. Let's go finish taking pictures sweet girl!" My daughter sips the last of her juice box before jumping up and following me to the set.

Once the shoot is over I drive to Selena and East's house to scoop up my sons.

"I love your kids SoSo. Potty trained and they can eat without completely missing their mouths. How I wish that were us." Selena says cradling Ara to her chest as East holds Hana.

"Barely potty trained. My bathroom is full of misses. Thank you guys for having them I know they have so much fun here. Boys, Beverley , so bye bye to Auntie Lena and Auntie E" my kids chime their goodbyes and I spend the next fifteen minutes buckling them into my 'mommy car'.

they babble the entire car ride home with eachother before falling asleep. When I park in the garage I have to ring my security guards to pick up each sleeping baby and place them in their respective rooms.

Once I kiss and tuck in each child I waltz to my room with the full intent to pass out before realizing that I can't due heaps of presents, rose bouquets, and more romantic paraphernalia.

"Love, Justin" i read aloud from an attached card before I jump when i realized that he had been hiding behind the door .

"Surprise babygirl!"

TBC —one more chapter 🗣🗣

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