The Prophecy Luna

By OverlyDramatic12

27.8K 1.7K 468

Harry Styles | Selena Gomez | Zayn Malik Strongest amongst men Fiercest amongst wolves One born, one made One... More

Teaser Trailer & Cast
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Bonus Chapter: Alternate King
Bonus Chapter: Finding Elle
Bonus Chapter: Cat & Liam

Chapter Twenty-One

409 23 5
By OverlyDramatic12

I stood at the edge of the red circle Liam had just finished making using the sand we had dyed red. The four of us were a mile from the edge of the forest in front of my house.

Louis had said my backyard would be ideal, it being the center of Seralune. However, Harry pointed out that my neighbor could peek in and see what we were doing so this was the closest but safest place we could do it.

It was pretty dark in here. All four of us had flashlights but because of the thick trees, it was still pretty hard to see for more than a few feet from where our flashlights shone. It was very quiet too, only the crunching leaves under our feet were heard. It was weird how I couldn't even hear any crickets, like even they knew we were about to do something and they were watching quietly.

Louis placed the large white crystal we borrowed from Gummy in the middle of the circle. Then he scattered some moonflowers around it.

Louis shone his flashlight on his watch, "Almost time."

I nodded then I undid the ribbon on the dark blue cloak Gummy had given me, revealing the white thin strap silk dress Gummy had also given me. She told me it was appropriate to dress the part and had given me a few of these that had supposedly been in the family for a few generations.

I just hoped I wouldn't stain it with blood.

I heard a sharp intake of breath on my left. I saw Harry staring at me, unmoving and his eyes intently on me like he was drinking in every bit of my appearance.

"Erm, Gummy gave this to me," I explained when Harry didn't say anything.

"Good job, Sybil," I heard Louis say. "She helped get Harry all hot and bothered."

Harry didn't say anything, as if he didn't even hear Louis teasing him. I tucked a stray strand of hair on my ear, hoping it'd hide the deep blush that was blotching my face right now.

Harry took a step forward, never removing his eyes on me. He walked closer and closer until he was barely an inch away from me.

He lightly ran a finger against my cheek, like he was savoring the blushing he had caused. His finger stopped under my chin and he raised my head so that my eyes were on him. Even in the dark I could see the emotions swimming on his eyes. There was curiosity, wonder, pride... and so much desire.

"Stop distracting her, Harry," Louis said, interrupting the moment.

"Yeah, sorry to break it, but it's almost midnight," Liam added.

Harry sighed, and dropped his hand to his side. He reluctantly took out the small silver dagger that was wrapped in black wool cloth that was tucked at the back of his pants. He handed it to me, holding my hand tightly as he did so.

"Be careful, and don't cut too deep," Harry said. "I'll be with Klaus and the others. We'll be surrounding this place to make sure nobody interrupts."

"Thank you, Harry," I said with a small smile of assurance.

"Just call me when you need anything. I'll come running to you," Harry said before he finally left us.

I turned to Louis and Liam.

"You ready, Elle?" Liam asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I said, feeling my heart start to pound.

"Relax, my fair maiden," Louis said while gently patting my shoulder. "You'll do fine."

I didn't reply but instead just walked inside the circle. Both boys followed suit, Louis on my right and Liam was on my left. The circle was large enough for all three of us to fit with room to spare.

I looked up at the sky and I saw the moon peeking through the dense leaves. A slow, cold wind began swirling around us, shaking the leaves and letting more moon light seep in.

Es tempu.

And for the first time, I smiled when I heard her voice.

"It's time," I repeated.

I knelt down, both boys followed after me. I slowly unfolded the wool cloth and revealed the simple dagger that Gummy had given me. It was small, just about the length of my palm. Its hilt to its tip was made of silver, with a small crescent moon carved in the middle. It gleamed against the moonlight.

I took hold of the cool hilt with my right hand, positioning the sharp tip on top of the crystal that was in front of us. Liam and Louis placed their hand on top of mine.

I looked at both boys, searching for any hesitance or any sign of wanting to back out from this. The two of them just looked solemnly at me, eyes filled with determination and unwavering loyalty.

I took a deep breath.

There's no backing out now.

"Against the Northwaters, the Westwind, the Southfire, and the Eastearth," I started, my voice surprisingly clear and strong. "With the powers of the Moon Goddess imbued in my seer blood. I, Selene Brooks of Seralune, call upon the wolves of Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne to hereby banish all ties born or made to others of their kind."

The wind around us grew stronger, as if enveloping our little circle and letting us feel the Moon Goddess' presence and telling us that she was there with us. The crystal began emitting an ethereal glow that only made the dagger shine brighter.

"Mark this day as the moment of their eternal loyalty and servitude – death being the only punishment fit for betrayal," I continued. "Do you, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne, accept the conditions of this ritual?"

"Yes," Louis proudly answered.

"I do," Liam replied, determined.

"Let my blood be the seal to the oath made under the moonlight," I raised the dagger, their hands falling onto the crystal as I cut across my left palm, only feeling the cool dagger against my skin and not a single scratch of pain.

I closed my fist, and watched as drops of blood fell on Liam and Louis' hands. The drops of blood flowed on their skin, forming thin lines that seemed to form a shape. My unblinking eyes saw how my blood trickled along Louis' wrist, forming curves and lines just like how it was doing so on Liam's wrist as well.

I saw the red lines creep across their skin, until they took shape.


My blood on their skin seeped in and it was now permanently inked on their wrists. The moment it did, the same skulls appeared on either of my wrists, glowing for a couple of seconds until disappearing altogether.

The wind swirled once more, murmuring the finality of our ritual, "Factu es."

"It is done," I repeated, finally blinking as I looked at my two werewolves. I didn't notice that I was heavily breathing. I slumped back, feeling the toll this ritual had made on my body. Louis was next to me in less than a second, catching me before I hit my head on the forest ground.

"You okay, Elle?" he asked.

I nodded, still gripping the dagger. I felt Liam carefully take my wounded hand and he wrapped a bandage he had ready around it.

"Thanks, Li," I said as he finished tying it up. I sat properly and waited until my breathing was back to normal. I placed the dagger on top of the cloth and saw that both boys were staring at their wrists.

"Holy shit, that was wicked sick," Louis said, touching his skull tattoo.

"Yeah it was," Liam grinned.

They both had skulls but they were different. Louis had crossbones underneath his, while Liam had roses surrounding his.

"What do those mean?" I asked. "Skulls? My symbol is a skull?"

"Don't worry about it, my fair maiden," Louis said, glancing at me. "I'm sure it's not what you're thinking."

"Oh yeah, sure, a skull isn't what I think it is," I worriedly said.

"I'll look into it if it makes you feel better," Liam said. "But really, Louis is right. If anything I feel stronger."

"Plus, the ritual worked! I could actually feel your presence," Louis added.

"What do you mean?" I curiously asked.

"Hmmm, like I have a general grasp of your well-being. Maybe it's because our skulls matched with yours," Louis said.

"But mine disappeared," I said, showing them my wrists.

"No, they didn't," Liam pointed. "They're right there."

"Huh, I guess only werewolves can see them. Figures. Now you have a permanent tattoo protection on you, Elle," Louis laughed.

I groaned.

Liam stood up and kind of jumped a few times, "Your blood is pumping up my wolf. I think I need to go for a run. But first, we need to take you home, Elle."

"Hey, why don't we do a little test run before going home?" Louis suggested.

"Like what?" I asked, wrapping up the dagger on the cloth.

"A little hide and seek," Louis grinned as he stood up.

"I don't know, Louis. Elle's probably already tired. Not to mention that she's injured."

"I'm fine, it's just a little cut. And just as long you guys don't make me run. What do you have in mind, Louis?" I asked as Louis helped me up.

"Just go hide and we'll see if we can track you real quick."

"Yeah, as if your super senses can't help you with finding me," I rolled my eyes.

Louis shrugged, "We'll carry some moonflowers with us. That'll seriously tone down the use of our senses. We'll see if we can track your whereabouts. But don't go too far. Just beyond those trees is fine."

"We can do this tomorrow, Elle," Liam said.

"We can do it now," I said. "It's fine, Li. It'll only be a few minutes. I want to see if this ritual really works."

"Yeah, Liam. Let's test out how much these skulls our dear Elle gave us work." Louis handed a moonflower to Liam. "Besides, Northwaters wolves are circling a perimeter around us. Now's a good chance."

Liam finally relented and took the flower from Louis. I told them to turn around and count to 20 before I scurried to disappear behind the thick clump of trees.

Louis was still counting out loud when I found a hiding spot. I chose a corner behind a thick Sycamore trunk. I wasn't that far from the boys. In fact, I was near enough that I could somewhat still see Liam if I peeked from the side. It was what I was doing until I suddenly felt dread enveloped me.

But before I could react, I felt someone press against me from behind.

"All alone, Selene?" a low, gravelly voice whispered menacingly behind me.

I froze and realized I didn't recognized the voice.

Before I could scream, a foul-smelling hand covered my mouth. It was like inhaling a mixture of grease and dirt.

"I've been waiting to have you all to myself," the man said. "Now let's get Louis' rune out of the way."

He forcefully tilted my head to the side, and I felt his slimy tongue slide against my neck.

I could feel my skin crawl at the contact and I was trying with all my might to move away but he had me pinned against the tree.

"Harry!" I thought, paralyzing fear creeping up in me.

I felt the hand on my mouth get ripped away and the pressure eased up off of me. I almost crumpled on the forest floor but Louis caught me again. The next thing I knew, Liam, in his wolf form, was also in front of me. His fangs were bared as he growled towards the direction where the man was thrown off. Four other wolves came running, stopping in front of me as if forming a barricade. All of them had their teeth bared, ready to attack at a second's notice.

Harry was also there. He was still in human form, standing in front of the man who was crouched on all fours. The unidentified was wearing a white mask that covered most of his face, except for the small slits on the eyes and a small crack on the mouth. Harry kicked him on the chest, and it sent the unidentified man flying against a tree.

Harry looked so angry, like he was ready to murder someone. He was about to attack again but I felt fear and dread once again.

"Stop!" I screamed, trying to get away from Louis' hold to get to Harry.

A knife came flying down, missing Harry by half an inch. Another masked intruder came from above the trees, dropping down next to the man against the tree.

The man stood up, like getting kicked by Harry didn't even faze him. He grinned menacingly and I just knew he was looking at me.

"Next time, Selene," he said.

And they both ran. Harry growled and three of the Northwaters wolves ran after them. Liam went with them.

"No, Liam!" I called after him but he was already on their tail.

"Elle! Elle, are you okay?" I heard Louis ask.

Harry was in front of me, and took me in his arms. His eyes did a quick inspection of me before his nose twitched.

"Fuck," Harry said, barely containing his anger once again. He gently tilted my chin to the side and wiped off the side of my neck using his thumb.

"You need to get back to the house," Harry said.

"But Liam and the others-" I started.

"I'm going after them," Harry said then he turned to Louis. "Go take her back. And fucking make sure she's safe this time!"

Louis scowled but didn't comment.

"What, you're not coming with us?" I asked, my eyes widening.

"Jackson, stay with them. Make sure no one comes near the house," Harry ordered, his anger still clearly evident and radiating off him.

He turned to me, "We'll be back soon."

"Harry-" but he was already sprinting away, turning into a wolf as he ran faster and faster away from me.

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