Save You Tonight

RedVelvetCake tarafından

124K 2K 254

Alaine Saunders has dedicated her life to Luna's restaurant. She grew up with unsupportive parents and was in... Daha Fazla

Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
Chatper Three
Chapter Four.
Chapter Five.
Chapter Six.
Chapter Seven.
Chapter Eight.
Chapter Nine.
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven.
Chapter Twelve.
Chapter Thirteen.
Chapter Fourteen.
Chapter Fifteen.
Chapter Seventeen.
Chapter Eighteen.
Chapter Nineteen.
Chapter Twenty.
Chapter Twenty-One.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three.
Chapter Twenty-Four.
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven.
Chapter Twenty-Eight.
Chapter Twenty-Nine.
Chapter Thirty.
Chapter Thirty One.
Chapter Thirty-Two.
Chapter Thirty-Three.
Chapter Thirty-Four.
Chapter Thirty-Five.
Chapter Thirty-Six.
Chapter Thirty-Seven.
Chapter Thirty-Eight.
Chapter Thirty-Nine.

Chapter Sixteen.

2.9K 48 8
RedVelvetCake tarafından

I was out of work in a jiffy, hoping I could make it to the jewelry store as quickly as I could. The rain was coming down kind of hard, but thanks to my amazing umbrella I made it to the store. I left my umbrella outside and made my way in, William greeting me right away.

"Alaine, I have just what you came for." he said, going to the back and coming back with two small boxes.

"Are they as pretty as I ordered them to be?" I said happily.

"Better. Here you go." he handed me the boxes. I safely put the boxes in my bag and said goodbye to William. On my way out I had only one place in mind, the boys' hotel. I tried my best to avoid traffic but a red light caught up to me. I stood there waiting, while the other intersection was crossing, I saw a familiar face.

It was Sarnia. And to my surprise her nose was fine and she had a boy wrapped around her hand. No surprise there, if only he knew he was being used. I looked away before she noticed me in the crowd. When the walk sign lit up I sped walked to get to the other side. After that I kind of jogged most of the way. When I reached the hotel I was half relieved, when I made it up to the door I stopped.

Today Harry was leaving. Not just Harry, but Louis, Niall, Liam, and Zayn as well. Their vacation had come to an end and as they had said, they had to go back home. After Harry and I got back home late three days ago, he spent the night in my place. I still blush when I think about our night together. I think it is a memory I will always hold dear and near to my heart. We spent the morning together and then later that night Louis came to sleep over.

I had told him everything that happened, between the dates, how I felt about Harry, to how I ended up making love with him. Yes, making love. Because nothing about what we did was less than that. I felt it- we felt it. I remember at some point Harry was holding me and all he could say was "Making love to you is better than eating your pancakes." I couldn't stop but laugh at the memory. I had really fallen for this guy and quite fast if I do say so myself. But what else could I expect? He was very charming, cheeky, romantic, and overall an amazing person.

I frown at the door, I was about to let this person fly away from me instead of keeping him close to me. But he promised he would come get me and I really do believe him. I reach for the door with the key card when it flings open and I see Louis's beautiful blue eyes.

"Laney!" he screamed and hugged me.

"Lou!" I said, hugging back.

"Alaine? She's here?!" I heard a husky voice running to the door.

Louis let me inside and I saw all the boys coming to give me a hug. At last I got to hug Harry, the one I really wanted. "Babe, I'm so glad you're here! I thought you were going to get out late?"

"Shannon let me off earlier, I told her about your departure, and without hesitation she let me go free! She promised to tell my boss the reasons why and to put in a good word of how great of a worker I am." I smiled.

"Well, come on babe! I want to cuddle with you for the last time." Harry said, pulling me towards his room. I giggled and followed him.


We closed the door and I took off my shoes and undid my hair bun along with putting my bag on the night stand. I laid down next to Harry in his really fluffy bed. We relaxed, me in Harry's arms and mine wrapped around him. I looked up at him. His eyes closed, his curls perfectly hanging and sprayed on the pillow, he looked so perfect, I wish I had a camera for this.


"Yes love?" he said opening them and grinning at me.

"I'm going to miss you."

He kissed my nose. "I'm going to miss you more. You don't know how bad I don't want to leave. But I have to get back home."

"I know, I want to give you something." I sat up and reached for my bag, I pulled out the little black box. I took a deep breath, I can do this, I can do this! You've put all your work money into it and there's not turning back now. You got this! I turned to face Harry, hiding the box.

"So, I've been thinking and I decided this shouldn't be the last time to see each other." I said.

"Babe, I'm coming back for you, that's a promise."

"Yes but who knows how long that's going to be for. I wanted to give you something, something that whenever you looked at it, I would come in mind. That whenever you saw it, you would remember how happy you have made me. And that the gorgeous memories of our night together would mend the sadness you have and make you stronger." I said, I pulled out the box from behind me and opened it.

"Alaine is that-"

"A ring? Yes. Is it weird I'm the one giving you a ring? Yes. But I don't care, because its our relationship, we get to decide who gets what our way." I smiled. "It's a band, no diamonds, sorry to disappoint babe. But it is very real and it's yours to keep forever."

He grabbed the box and examined the ring. "Does it say something on the inside?"

"Yes." I answered.

"To my one and only love, Harry. So our love may never die." he read.

"Harry Styles, I promise to love you everyday for the rest of my life because I know you are the one that was meant for me. Your flaws are ever so perfect in my eyes and I promise I will fight so long as you do too." I grabbed the ring and put it on his left ring finger. "it's a promise."

Harry kissed me, he kissed me and it felt so great feeling his lips against mine. His hands pulling me closer to him until I could feel the need he had for me.

"Alaine, this should be me giving you this. So I will." he reached into his pocket and took out a pink box, inside was not what I had expected. The ring was a simple silver band with two hearts intertwined connecting both ends of the ring. I was speechless.

"I also wanted to leave a piece of me with you, to never forget all the love we shared that amazing night, and to give you patience with me, love." he gave me the box.

I noticed some engravings as well and I started t read out loud what it said. "To my love, Alaine, you will forever be in my heart. Xoxo" I felt my eyes get watery, crap, am I really about to cry? I didn't want to cry in front of him right now!

He took out the ring and slipped it onto my ring finger as well. "Alaine Saunders, I promise to love you for the rest of my life because I was born to make you the happiest person alive, as you have made me feel like the happiest person alive. I will never stop fighting for our right to love. It's a promise." he kissed me.

I had already been crying when he kissed me, but now I just felt like crying some more. I couldn't believe I had found someone as perfect, caring, nice, and sweet person as Harry. I never thought this would work out, as far as I was concerned I didn't think it would last this far but with luck finally playing on my side, and my leprechaun just outside, I feel like I was finally getting what I had wished for as a fifteen year old.

A true love.


Harry and I fell asleep, holding each other from the promises we had just made. I got up and snuggled a cover near Harry, simulating as though it was me. I grabbed my bag and went out to find the boys playing video games, quite loud. I saw Louis in the kitchen with Niall.

"Niall, mind if I borrow Lou for one second?" I asked.

"Of course Alaine, but I'm taking his cake." he grinned taking Lou's plate.

"Niall! But Laney he's going to take my food."

"I owe you then." I said pulling him to the balcony they had.

We sat down in some comfortable chairs and looked out to see the dark clouds. At least it had stopped raining. "Louis I don't know how to say this other than I'll really miss you. I'll miss you so much, I got you this." I said, taking out the box and opening it to show Lou the silver bracelet with a tiny square hanging on it.

"It says my name. so you wont ever forget you have a friend on this side of the world." I smiled.

"Oh Laney I'll never forget! You are my other half I swear! Its perfect!" he hugged me and put on the bracelet. I put on mine that had Lou's name in it. I couldn't help but feel a bit of happiness coming from the atmosphere.

We got up and made our way back to the kitchen to find Harry screaming from the living room because he beat someone on a FIFA game. I laughed. The boys would only be here for another four hours and then they would leave, I wanted to spend as much time with them as possible.

"Hey guys, can I play?" I said.

"You play FIFA love?" Harry asked.

"If you teach me how to use the control I think I'll master this."

"Isn't someone over confident." Zayn joked.

I smiled and went over to Harry who taught me how to move around, kick, pass, dribble, and head butt the ball. Once they got another controller out for me, I was ready to play. I decided to be on Liam and Niall's team, while Lou, Harry and Zayn were on the other. They picked England and I told Liam we should be Spain. As Liam started dribbling the ball with his feet, he passed it to me, getting a bit confused I passed it to Zayn.

"Thanks love!" he said, scoring a goal on Niall.

"Alaine!" Niall wined.

"I'm sorry! I spazzed! I got this next time!"

The ball was on our side now and Liam carried it all the way to opponents side until he was too surrounded he had to pass it to me. I saw Zayn's player and dribbled it around him and went straight for the goal, missing it completely as I hit the pole. Everyone laughed, but they didn't notice it came back to me and I shot it really hard, Lou missed it.


"What?! No! That didn't count!" Lou cried.

"Did so! Ha!" I said back to them.

"Game on." Harry said, his eyes directly on mine. I smiled, accepting his challenge. The next hour we spent trying to get each other good. Not caring how loud we were, screaming every time one of us scored. I couldn't help but feel a bit victorious as we caught up on the last goal. I gave Liam the best pass ever and he caught Zayn, who was now goalie, off guard and smashed it to the net! I high fived him and Niall, sticking my tongue out at the other team, teasing them.

"Its not over yet cupcake!" Lou said.

"It's about to be!" I immediately turned my attention to the game. I switched with Niall and this time I was goalie, I waited for the ball as it came to me. I think Harry was more into it, this was the winning point and his eyes never left the screen. Lou couldn't help but get a bit distracted but he did block a goal. Zayn starting screaming "Go Go Go Haryy!" as I noticed Harry coming towards me. I followed wherever his foot pointed too. As he shot in the opposite direction of me I threw my player and caught the ball.

"YES! GO ALAINE!" Liam shouted.

I threw the ball over my head at Niall who sweetly dribbled it to the other goal post. Zayn took a back forgot he was playing and struggled to stop Niall. Harry was just still. He finally did something when Niall passed it to Liam.

"Lou focus!" Harry shouted.

He shot the goal, Lou an inch away from catching it. We all jump with glee and chest bump, me hitting Liam hard and then laughing it off.

"How is this possible?" Zayn said.

"She's a miracle." Harry grinned at me.

I couldn't help but feel that today was complete for me. I wish it would never have to end.

"You guys, lets get going. It's almost time for our flight." Liam said, looking at his wrist watch. The boys scattered to their room, getting their luggage out and into the hallway. I helped them all as I called for service to help bring them down to the cars. A whole car took up all their luggage and we went in a black GMC XL. Louis, Niall, and Zayn in the back and Liam, Harry, and I in the front. Greg was driving. We all joked a bit in the car.

"Alaine what are you going to do once we leave?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know. Work?" I laughed. I hadn't really thought about how my life would be without them. I guess it would be kind of boring, come to think of it. I really need to make some friends. I've been alone most of my life and I never thought past the boys leaving. But the day was here and now I had to just continue with my life, just a bit happier now that I know Harry is mine.

Harry slipped his hand in mine. Yes, I was sure I would continue life with more happiness. But how long would I be away from Harry? Will the distance affect us? I hadn't thought about how long it would be until I saw Harry again, us being in different countries, him being famous, he would surely need to travel a lot. I couldn't possibly leave work. I no longer depend on parents, I have to depend on myself. How did I expect to be with Harry forever when there were so many obstacles in our way?

I got a bit panicky, wishing these thoughts had poked through my mind because all I could think about now was "is this even worth it?" We got out and heaved the luggage to get checked, before I departed from the boys, I gave them all a huge hug, telling them to text me whenever if they still wished to pay for international. I hugged Harry last, wanting his hug to make all those questions disappear.

"I'm going to miss you so much babe." he said, holding me.

"I'm sure you can try and contact me. If you don't have international, you could always send me letters?" I smiled.

He chuckled, gosh I'm going to miss those dimples. "I'll try to have it on as long as I could, if not, here's my Skype. I left a present at your place." he winked.

"Harry no!" he grinned and hugged me tightly.

"I will never forget you. I will see you as soon as I can get you there, okay love?"

"I'll be waiting."

He kissed me, longing to hold onto my lips. I didn't want to stop either, his smooth lips will always be in my heart. I looked into his emerald eyes, loving how they carried a warmth with me. He left as his luggage passed the detectors, I saw him slowly walking away, looking back at me mouthing the same words over and over again. I love you. I couldn't stop looking at him, having a small ache in my heart as he disappeared.


Author's Note:

so the boys left :C but i couldnt have them stay there any longer! i'm sorry! but i'm almost to the midpoint of my story which means its half-way over. i hope you guys like the playfulness & stay long enough to see more drama because oh man! there's more to come c; thank you for everything you guys :D 4,000+ reads & 100+ votes?! almost 100 fans! ahhh you babes help me continue to write C: comment, fan, vote, etc. i would love all your feedback babes thank you so much ♥ xx

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