Lirry's suprise bundle of joy

By ilangel1

83.1K 2.1K 398

Harry and Liam as parents to Niall and Louis and it is just about family life. Harrys parents and sister and... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chpater 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 76
Chapter 75
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115

Chapter 83

381 12 1
By ilangel1

Louis was now falling asleep on Liam. Luckily for Liam before Louis fully fell asleep his name was called and the boy opened his eyes hearing his name. "Where we going?" Louis asked rubbing his eyes. "We're going to see a doctor who can tell us what you've managed to do to your foot." Liam said kissing the boys hair before carrying him into the room. Louis nodded but was scared.

The doctor noticed louis was scared and smiled softly at the boy as Liam sat down with him on his lap. "You the little boy I've got pictures for?" The doctor asked and Louis shrugged. "Do you want to see the pictures yourself?" He asked and louis nodded at that. The Dr got the picture up and showed Louis who was very intrigued 'What's that " Louis asked. "That's the inside of your foot so we can see all the bones." The dr explained and Louis nodded.

"So has he managed to do any serious damage?" Liam asked. The Dr decided to show Liam the x-ray to look for himself as he was a Dr "Oh lou." Liam said looking at the X-ray and seeing a small break but it was a break none the less. "What Papa?" The boy asked and Liam pointed the break out. "What's that?" Louis asked. "It's a break baby." Louis said. "What that mean?" Louis asked thoroughly confused with what was going on.

"Sometimes when you fall your bones can break and one of your bones has a very small break" Liam explained. "We will put a special cast on it and all your friends can sign it" the Dr said. "But how walk" Louis said.

"Well how old are you louis?" The Dr said. "5." Louis said happily. "I think we're try you with crutches but we're have to see Okay as if you're not safe on them then it will probably be more dangerous and then we're think about a wheelchair but I'm sure a big boy like you will be able to cope with the crutches." The Dr said and Louis smiled. "Big boy how you use crutches' Louis asked.

Let's get your foot in a cast first and then we will show you" the Dr said. Louis nodded and Liam smiled at the boy as he snuggled into his lap and closed his eyes again. "No baby stay awake for a bit longer, we just need to get you in a cast and then a small lesson with the crutches before we're go home and you can sleep." Liam said and louis huffed but nodded.

"You get to choose your colour on the cast" the Dr said. This made the boy more awake. "Really?" The boy questioned and the doctor nodded. "Yep What's your favourite colour?" The Dr asked the boy who thought about it carefully for a couple of minutes. "Blue" Louis said. "I'm sure that can be arranged." The dr said before a nurse brought the stuff in for louis' cast to be fitted.

The nurse came in with three different shades of blue. "That one." Louis said pointing to the middle shade of blue and she nodded. "Course." She said as she began the process of getting the plaster cast around Louis' ankle It was a bright blue one.Louis whined as his ankle and foot being put in the cast. "It's Alright Baby." Liam said rubbing the boys back. "How long will this be on for?" Louis asked/ "6-8 weeks." The dr said as the nurse finished setting the boys cast. "That ages." Louis whined not impressed with that at all. "You will get all your friends to sign it " Liam said. excitedly. "I guess." Louis mumbled before the Dr came back in with a set of crutches for the boy. "Right I can see your sleepy so shall we see if you can use these?" The Dr asked and louis nodded as the dr adjusted the crutches so they were louis' height.

"How use them" Louis asked not knowing. "They basically hold you up and you hop along without putting the foot that's plastered down." The dr explained as Liam got louis in position and helped the boy to begin with before the boy much to Liam's surprise managed to do it on his own. "That how?" Louis asked as he sat back down and Liam nodded. "Exactly like that baby." Liam said kissing his hair and louis beamed"Sleep" Louis then asked.

'A couple more things and then you can go home" the Dr said. Louis sighed just wanting to go home and go to bed. The Dr told Liam to return to fracture clinic in a weeks time. Also not to get the cast wet. Liam nodded and once the appointment was set for next week Liam picked the Tired boy up resting him on his hip being careful of his cast. "Say thank you Lou." The dr said. "Thank you." Louis mumbled sleepily and the dr smiled before waving as Liam headed for the car Liam held the crutches ad he carried Lou to the car. "Sleep now?" Louis asked once Louis was in his car seat. "Yeah I'll carry you to bed if your asleep when we get home." Liam said and louis nodded instantly closing his eyes. Liam smiled at the sleeping boy as he got into drive sending Harry a quick text. Harry sat up from his daze on the sofa when his phone buzzed and sighed when he read the text.

"Louis managed to break his ankle so he's in plaster cast and on crutches we're on way home now." The text read. Harry sighed as he read this text knowing they would have a very frustrated and bored Louis. When Liam got home he picked Louis up out his car seat as the boy had fallen asleep and carried him indoors where harry was waiting. "Oh bless him." Harry said taking Louis into his arms and cuddling the sleeping boy close.Liam smiled. "I'll just carry him up to bed and prop his foot up" LIam said. Harry nodded. Liam carefully got the boy changed into pyjamas before gently placing him into his bed and making sure his foot was propped up and he was comfortable Liam tucked Louis in and made sure he had his sheep and blankie with him. He then went into Niall's room to find him asleep.

"Hey mum thanks for staying with him." Liam said and Karen turned around smiling when she saw Liam. "It's no problem how's Louis?" Karen asked. "Small brake in his ankle so it's been casted and he's on crutches so it's going to be interesting." Liam said."Poor boy." Karen said. "He'll be alright, it might teach him to be more careful." Liam said. "I very much doubt that he's a little boy that's very energetic." Karen said and Liam chuckled.

"How's Ni been." Liam then asked. "Slept pretty much the whole time. I'm fine here will text you if I need anything go and spend time with your husband" Karen said. Liam nodded and thanked his mum before heading downstairs and sitting down next to Harry on the sofa Harry snuggled into his husband as they watched tv.

"Come on let's go to bed I can't stay awake any longer I haven't stopped all day." Liam said and Harry nodded heading up the stairs with Liam following close behind. "I've just got to give Niall his last dose of antibiotics before bed and then check on lou and I'll be in." Liam said and Harry nodded heading into his and Liam's room while Liam headed into Niall's.

Liam felt sorry he would have to wake the boy but he needs hid antibiotics. Karen smiled seeing Liam and Liam told her she could either head home or spend the night. "I'll stay the night it's late anyway and I'm sure you're going to want help tomorrow." Karen said and Liam smiled thankfully at his mum as she left the room and Liam set to work on gently waking Niall up.

Niall groaned as he was woken but took the medicine and fell back to clinging to Liam. Liam was a bit stuck on whether to risk Niall waking up or to just stay put as he didn't want the boy to wake again but he also still had to check on louis and he knew Harry was waiting for him. Liam sighed and grabbed his phone to tell Karen to keep an eye on Lou and tell Harry Niall was clinging to him.

Karen responded saying that was fine and headed to check on louis who was sound asleep and then went into the master bedroom where harry was watching tv. "Hey love Liam's staying with Ni as he's fallen asleep clinging onto him." "Oh right that's fine." Harry said although he was hoping his husband was going to sleep with him that night as he couldn't remember the last time it had just been him and Liam as Liam was either with Niall or Niall was in their bed. "Your get your husband back soon just give a shout if you need anything, want a bucket at reach incase" Karen said. "Yeah I better." Harry mumbled and karen nodded sorting that out before leaving Harry to it and retreating to the guest bedroom. Harry had fallen asleep and Karen went to check on a sleeping niall. Karen smiled at the sleeping boy before leaving him be not wanting to risk him waking up. Liam was quick to fall asleep and it wasn't long till the whole household was asleep Everyone was peacefully asleep.

Niall woke up whimpering around 1:30am. Liam who was usually a pretty light sleeper was so tired he didn't wake up to the boys whimpers so when Niall did wake up and he discovered just how much pain he was in and how hot he felt he set about waking his papa up as he didn't really know what to do with himself.

Niall shook on his papa and hugged at his top. Liam eventually woke up and was a bit disoriented at first. "Hmm Ni?" Liam mumbled just about being able to pick out Niall's figure. "Hurts and hot." Niall whimpered and Liam sighed really wanting to go back to sleep but knew his son was more important. Liam took the boys temperature which was 38.8.

He gave the boy some fever reducer and pain medicine and cuddled the boy comforting him."Go to sleep Ni." Liam said 20 minutes later after hearing the boy whimper again. "Can't." He croaked and Liam sighed Liam softly sang to get niall to sleep. Niall did eventually fall back asleep and Liam smiled. It wasn't the most comfortable position for Liam that Niall had fallen asleep in But to be honest he was so tired and was at the stage he could fall asleep anywhere and that's exactly what happened. The house remained peaceful for the rest of the night.

The next morning Louis was in a bit of a pickle as he really needed the toilet but couldn't reach the crutches as Liam had placed them at the end of his bed. Louis decide to call out for his papa but Karen cane instead. "Toilet" Lou cried. Karen quickly picked the boy up and carried him over to the bathroom where she quickly helped him onto the toilet.

"How you feeling this morning baby?" Karen asked and louis smiled at her. "Foot doesn't hurt as much." Louis said. "That's because the cast is stopping you from moving it." Karen said. "The dr said as well that all my friends can write their names on it and that's what I'm going to get them to do today at school." Louis said and Karen just smiled at the boy not sure if Liam was planning to keep the boy home or not even though it was clear Louis was up for school.

Once Louis was finished Karen picked the boy up and cleaned him before pulling his trousers up and picking him up to wash his hands. Karen then walked back over to louis' room and placed the boy on his bed. "Where you going need help getting dressed." Louis said seeing his nana leaving the room. "I'll be back lou." Karen said before walking over to Niall's room where Liam and Niall were both asleep but Karen needed to wake Liam as if Louis was going to school and be on time he had to start getting ready."Sorry to wake you Li but is Lou going to school today" Karen asked her son. "Does he want to?" Liam asked and Karen nodded.

"Alright swap places with me and I'll go talk to him if he is going though I'm going to have to drop him as I'll need to explain to his teachers." Liam said getting up and letting his mum take his place before rubbing his eyes and yawning and walking over to louis' room who much to Liam's surprise seemed to have a lot of energy that day.

"Papa need help getting dressed for school" Louis said bouncing up as much as he could. "Right are you sure you want to go to school as you can stay home if you want." Liam said. "No papa want to go as want my friends to sign my cast." Louis said and Liam sighed but nodded knowing the boy had a lot of energy anyway. "Alright." Liam said not having the energy to argue with Louis and got his uniform out for him and began helping him get dressed. Liam then carried the boy downstairs for breakfast placing him down at the bottom of the stairs to practice with his crutches.

"Right I want you to use these to get to the kitchen Okay." Liam said needing to know louis was safe with them. Louis nodded and Liam helped him get situated before he followed Liam into the kitchen. It wasn't the fastest speed ever but the boy did manage he would just have to be carefully watched when he first got up and tried to balance. Once he got going from what Liam could tell the boy was fine. Louis then waited to be helped into his chair. Liam did this then made the boy coco pops. "Thank you." Louis said as Liam passed the boy his breakfast and made himself a coffee and some toast.

Harry woke up and laid there to see how he felt. Harry didn't feel brilliant but he also knew he wasn't going to be sick right there and then and since he could hear louis downstairs decided to get up and go and see him since he hadn't seen the boy awake since Liam had taken him for his X-rays. Harry went downstairs and crept to his husband and covered his eye's Liam jumped not expecting it but smiled and turned around seeing Harry and louis was also giggling.

"Daddy made papa jump." The little boy said while giggling and Liam and Harry both turned around smiling at him. "Morning lou." Harry said going to sit down next to his youngest who smiled at his daddy. "Daddy got cast on leg going to get friend a to sign." Louis beamed. "Can daddy sign it first Lou" Harry said. Louis quickly nodded. "Papa too." Louis said and Liam smiled before digging through one of the kitchen draws searching for the permanent marker.

Liam passed the pen to Harry and got him to write on it first. "My big brave boy love daddy." Harry wrote. "What does it say?" Louis questioned not really being able to read it due to it being words he didn't really know yet and it was on an angle for the boy. "It my big brave boy love daddy as that's exactly what you are." Harry said kissing the boys forehead before passing the pen to Liam. Louis beamed as Harry said that.Liam wrote on his cast but had to think what to write. Liam wrote "papa's little star." And when Liam told Louis what he wrote the little boy smiled and reached for a cuddle as he'd finished eating. Liam smiled and cuddled the boy. Let's go and do your teeth and then we will go to school" Liam said. Louis nodded waving at Harry as Liam carried him upstairs deciding crutches on the stairs was just asking for problems.

Harry smiled as his cute lou was waving at him as he made himself a drink. "Go and give daddy a cuddle before we leave for school." Harry heard Liam say as he heard people coming down the stairs and soon Louis appeared who was using the crutches again. "Aw look at you go baby, Your pretty good on them." Harry said picking Louis up once he was close enough. Louis cuddled his daddy before asking to be put down and used his crutches to the door.

"I won't be long, my mums in Niall's room if you need her." Liam said and Harry nodded as Liam went to take Louis to school. Liam put Louis in his car seat and his crutches in the back next to him.

"Right louis I need you to be careful at school Okay and you need to be extremely careful when your walking around as your still not great on those crutches and if someone knocks into you could fall over." Liam explained as he headed for the school. "I will papa." Louis said and Liam nodded.

They soon parked up and Liam got the boy up and steadied him and passed Louis his crutches. "Right let's go." Liam said as they set off for louis' classroom where the teacher was already letting students. "Oh louis." The teacher said noticing the boy coming towards her. "Hi." Louis mumbled as the teacher called out for miss Simmons. "Morning." She said smiling which slightly dropped when she saw Louis. "Morning I can imagine you can probably guess what I'm about to say." Liam said. "I'm guessing it's not just bruised." Miss Simmons said helping the boy into the classroom and taking his bag from Liam.

"No he was in a lot of pain when Harry's sister dropped him off yesterday so I took him to A&E and he's got a small break in his ankle." Liam explained. "He doesn't seem to bothered by it." The teacher said looking at the boy who was talking to his friends like nothing was different. "No he's not, I think he's quite excited as he's been told he can get people to write on his cast so he's got some permanent markers in his bag." "We're make sure he gets time to do that." The teacher said and Liam smiled at her. "He seems to be using the crutches fine but when he first gets up he is still very unsteady on them. "That's fine we're keep a close eye on him." Miss Simmons said and Liam smiled thankfully at her. Liam went to say bye to Louis before heading home.

Niall woke up in pain. Karen noticed the boy waking up and gently rubbed his back as they boy began to cry softly. Karen decided to give the boy the first dose of his antibiotics. "Here Ni." She said giving the boy the required dose and he took it without complaint. "Where's papa?" The boy then croaked and Karen sighed. "He's taken lou to school." Karen replied. Niall nodded he then took his antibiotics and reached out for water afterwards "Here Love." Karen said giving it to the boy who took it eagerly. Niall then snuggled back into his nana. "Story read to me" Niall croaked. "You want Harry Potter again?" Karen asked and Niall nodded so Karen grabbed the book and started reading from where Liam had last left off Niall snuggled into his nana as he listened to his story.

When Liam returned he found Harry asleep on the sofa so decided to head upstairs and check on Niall who looked up when Liam entered. "Papa." Niall croaked sadly and Liam went over and took his mums place letting Niall cuddle into him. "I've given him more antibiotics." Karen said and Liam nodded. "You feeling any better this morning?" Liam asked but Niall shook his head. "Want it to stop hurting." The boy said sadly and Liam smiled.

"It will love, I promise." Liam said "When" Niall croaked being fed up now "In the next couple of days your be as good as new." Liam said and Niall huffed. "Want to go to school." Niall croaked and Liam chuckled. "Didn't think I'd hear you say that." Liam said but Niall shrugged. "Sorry love, But when your well enough again you can go back but for now you need to stay home and get better." Liam said grabbing Niall's book and continuing to read it hoping to distract Niall Niall listened to his book as he snuggled into his nana.

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