Rocked (Rock & Romance II.)

By carte_blanche_milady

367K 18.3K 1.8K

Hazmat is the biggest band in the world - on top of every chart, with sold out concerts and their own line of... More

Chapter 1. - Grand Entrance
Chapter 2. - Playing the Game
Chapter 4. - Blind Desire
Chapter 5. - Morning After
Chapter 6. - Honest Deceptions
Chapter 7. - Cognition & Behavior
Chapter 8. - Cat's Out The Bag
Chapter 9. - Enigma
Chapter 10. - No Sleep for the Wicked
Chapter 11. - Historically Correct
Chapter 12. - Dangerous Games
Chapter 13. - Claiming the Prize
Chapter 14. - Cats Out The Bag
Chapter 15. - Stripped Bare
Chapter 16. - Bootycall
Chapter 17. - Carpet and the Drapes
Chapter 18. - Later, Red
Chapter 19. - Late Night Confessions
Chapter 20. - Conflict Resolution
Chapter 21. - Week of Shame
Chapter 22. - Key to My Thoughts
Chapter 23. - Caught Red Handed
Chapter 24. - Birthday Behavior
Chapter 25. - Birthday Presents
Chapter 26. - Birthday Transformation
Chapter 27. - Birthday Party
Chapter 28. - Birthday Song
Chapter 29. - Birthday Queen
Chapter 30. - Out of Left Field
Chapter 31. - New Beginnings
Chapter 32. - Controlled Seduction
Chapter 33. - Off-Chance
Chapter 34. - Intruder
Chapter 35. - Painting the Town Red
Chapter 36. - Fitting Right
Chapter 37. - Something Bad
Chapter 38. - No Good Deed
Chapter 39. - Dysfunctional
Chapter 40. - Firecracker
Chapter 41. - No Sinner Like a Young Saint
Chapter 42. - The Devil and I Get Along Just Fine
Chapter 43. - Fall Like Rain
Chapter 44. - Temptation
Chapter 45. - Allured
Chapter 46. - Yes Games I.
Chapter 47. - Yes Games II.
Chapter 48. - Yes Games III.
Chapter 49. - Happily Ever After
Chapter 50. - Soul Crusher
Chapter 51. - New Day
Chapter 52. - Legally Bound
Chapter 53. - Unexpected Direction
Chapter 54. - Shoot Me I.
Chapter 55. - Shoot Me II.
Chapter 56. - Pieces of a Puzzle
Chapter 57. - Irrevocable Shift
Chapter 58. - Backstage Pass

Chapter 3. - Dare

7K 313 31
By carte_blanche_milady

A/N: Here we goooo! This one's dedicated to HannahWard700 ! Thank you for the support!



Ash took his time as he made his way around the table and came to a stop in front of me. My palms were sweaty, my body buzzing with alcohol, anticipation and - shamefully - desire.

He walked like a panther, his movement fluid and quiet, yet he carried himself in a way that suggested you would do better than to be caught in his path. He looked gracefully irresistible, but dangerous.

I had to crane my neck to be able to look him in his black eyes. "Ready to get out of here?" His voice was deep, but smooth - like a velvet scarf that caressed my neck, but tightened just enough to make me thankful for the air I've taken for granted.

"Let me say bye to the girls."

Ash's eyes were searching mine for a moment, assessing whether or not I was going to try to get out this. After a few heartbeats, he nodded. "Don't take too long."

He didn't have to tell me twice. I've been counting the minutes until I could leave, ever since I got here. I made my way around the downstairs area of the house, looking for either of the girls.

I spotted Callie by the foosball table, with an eye candy on either sides of her as she battled against a famous actor, who played a vampire in a TV series. She gave me a full-toothed grin when she spotted me.

Without saying anything to either of the men around her, she bounced over. "Having fun yet?" She asked, her gaze moving over my head, letting me know that there was someone tall standing behind me. And judging by the pricking of my scalp, I knew exactly who that someone was.

"I'm leaving. Have you seen London around?"

"She's been hiding upstairs with Lukas LaBelle." Callie informed me, but her eyes stayed on the shadow over me. She threw her arms around my shoulders, and gathered me into a giant hug. Her lips brushed against my ears, her words coming out rushed and nervous. "Be careful with him, Ginger! He's dangerous."

I nodded. "Don't worry about me."

She pulled back, her worried gaze searching mine. "Are you sure about this?"

I gave her a reassuring smile. "It's not like that."

I didn't have time to give her a full update on our bet, what with Ash hovering over us, but I didn't want to worry her either. Ash was known to be kind of a loose cannon, but it wasn't like I was off to marry him! It was just a stupid bet.

"Tell London thanks for inviting me, will you?"

"Sure." Callie replied absentmindedly. Her eyes remained glued to Ash, who stepped closer. A large hand wrapped around my waist, gently tugging me back against his gigantic, hard body.

"Are you ready?" His deep voice sounded in my ear.

I inhaled. "Yes."

"Call me when you get home!" Callie made a sign of a phone with her hand. "No matter the hour!"

But we were already walking away. With Ash tugging me in front of him, we maneuvered through the crowd. "Blondie is under the impression that I'm going to kidnap you tonight?" He asked, his voice low in my ear, so only I could hear.

"You are kidnapping me." I pointed out, while trying to peel his hand off my body. "And she's just worried."


"Me, obviously. I'm her friend - and that's what friends do." I commented sarcastically, my body relaxing as I felt him chuckle. His hold on me was surprisingly gentle, but his arm was made of iron. I pretended to give removing it another half-hearted try, just for appearance's sake.

Ash led me in front of him, bumping everyone out of the way, until we reached the door. As soon as we stepped outside, he released me. I was suddenly too cold. "She's worried because you're with me. I bet she doesn't tell you to call her when my brother takes you out!"

Ash, of course, had a very good point. His younger brother, and the drummer of Hazmat, became kind of a fourth member of our little friend group. Jesse spent a lot of his free time with the girls and I, and even camped out on my couch a couple times, when life became too complicated in his rock star world.

But Jesse was never threatening.

He was a shameless flirt by nature, no doubt about that, but we never had a physical attraction to each other, which made his perverted, over-the-top-comments harmless. Jesse was all bark and no bite-

-but the same couldn't be said about his brother.

The safety and comfort I felt in Jesse's company was replaced by edginess, worry, and red, hot sexual arousal around Ash. And judging by the cocky smile on his face, he was very much aware of my thoughts.

"Your brother is a proud member of our squad." I said, matter of factly, because it was true. "And you are-"

"Scary?" He guessed. "Out of control? A maniac? Insane?"

"-unpredictable." I replied.

Ash walked us to a blackened car, idling by the curb, and I was thankful for the cool air, and the fact that he didn't attempt to drive.

That was, until he slid in the backseat, right next to me.

His thigh pressed against mine, as he did that annoying man-spread thing I would've chewed him out for, if I didn't enjoy his closeness so much.

What was in that beer back there?! It wasn't like me to just lose my head over some hot guy who looked at me pretty. "Where are we going?" I asked instead, hoping to be distracted from the sudden wetness between my legs.

The drover took off, completely ignoring us, and keeping his eyes on the road ahead. "You'll see." The corner of Ash's lip quirked up in a secret smile, which made his handsome features smooth out to an almost innocent expression.


Then there were those black eyes of his.


We pulled up outside of this mansion that people like Ash called a 'house'. The driver - who still hasn't said a damn word to us - parked the car outside, and turned off the lights. "Wait out here. We'll take Ms. Walsh home after." Ash ordered, and he nodded.

I let myself get pulled out of the backseat, and from the safety of the company of a third wheel. Not that I thought for a second that would stop Ash from doing anything outrageous...

The neighborhood was eerily quiet - something too suburban and strange for the city girl embedded within me. "You gotta keep it down, red. Wouldn't want the neighbors to place a complaint, would we?"

While I doubted people like Ash got in much trouble with the law that they couldn't have gotten out of, the last thing I wanted was some stupid adventure on my record. I planned on applying for an internship with a very prestigious company after I was done with this semester, and I needed to have a record cleaner than the freshly bleached private hole of the social climbers Callie hung out with.

We entered through the gate at the corner of the house. Ash let me in front of him like a gentleman we both knew he wasn't. "What are we doing here?" I questioned, glancing over my shoulder at him.

"Something you've never done before."

I sighed. "I told you, Ash. I'm not sleeping with you."

He rolled his eyes. "I heard you the first three times, baby." His voice was raspy and deep, and something about it coming from so close to me in the dark gave me shivers.

"So why else would you bring me to your house?" I asked, wanting to keep the conversation going. Somehow, it felt safer. While he talked, he couldn't use that bad mouth of this to do-

-I wasn't sure what. But I didn't want to find out.

The comfortable buzz of the alcohol I drank earlier was slowly fading, awareness taking over me. I was alone, in the dark, in Ash's house. There was no way this could end well.

"I can do other things besides fuck bombshells, Gia." My name sounded so foreign, but beautifully exotic from his lips. Only my parents used to call me by my first name. And it wasn't that I minded the nickname I got back in the first grade and since carried on... I just enjoyed the way Gia rolled off Ash's tongue.

"And those would be?" I questioned, ignoring the fact that he may or may not have just referred to me as a bombshell. Although, I was sure he meant the girls he usually bedded in general, as I was no supermodel.

"Strip!" Ash commanded, his voice low and full of authority.

I gasped - not because his order was so out of character, but because my reaction was. My thighs trembled, my stomach tightening eagerly at the sparks in his otherwise black eyes.

We were now in the middle of his backyard, which was decorated like a dream garden - with fairy lights hanging from the tall balcony, and plants everywhere the eye could see. A gigantic swimming pool stood in the middle, its faint blue glow surprisingly intimate at this time of the night.

Without waiting for my reaction, Ash lifted his shirt over his head, in the careless manner men did, and tossed it to the side. His bulking muscles were on full display - intricate tattoos painting breathtaking images over his tight, tan skin. Ash's long, straight black hair hung all the way down to his narrow waist, framing the strangely hot package. He had small, perky brown nipples, with a silver bar through each of them, and abs that were so defined I could've counted the squares on his stomach.

But my attention was moved lower, when his long, thick fingers hooked into his belt.

Ash undid it, throwing that to the side next. His button and zipper followed next. My mouth was watering at every additional inch of dark skin he revealed. "Are you going to join me, or you're just enjoying the show?"

My eyes flashed up to his.

I have been blatantly checking him out, staring at every part of him as if he was an exotic animal. Which, he sort of was. I surely never had this much man in front of me. And never anyone with nipple piercings!

"Did those-" I stepped closer, reaching out to touch them, but stopping myself short. "Do they hurt?"

His eyes were black orbs, staring down at me as his lids lowered. "They did." He rasped. "But not anymore." When I didn't reply, Ash added. "Now they feel like the pleasant part of a nipple clamp."

I frowned. "I have no idea what those feel like." I admitted, without thinking.

His gaze dropped to my décolletage. From the way his breathing changed, I could tell that he was imagining putting them on me - or something equally as scandalous. "They feel like a natural high on an overdose of sensations." Ash informed me, tearing his eyes away from my chest, and focusing on kicking his pants off.

I turned away to pull my skimpy little dress over my head, while Ash pretended that he wasn't staring at my ass, and I pretended that I didn't see what was in his pants. And there was a whole lot going on there...

My hands moved up to my glasses, and I hesitated. Without them, Ash would be a blur, which was an unexpected downside. I found myself wanting to examine him without his clothes on. But the same could be argued for the upside as well. I wouldn't be able to see the way he looked at me - whatever that would mean.

At the end, I slid them off, and tossed me on top of the pile my clothes made.

I was left in nothing but a black strapless bra, and a thong. To my utter pleasure, they were actually the same color - not nearly the same material, or heaven forbid, matching. But the color was close enough that maybe in the dim light, I suspected they looked presentable.

"Ready?" I heard him ask. I felt a hand tug at mine, and when I flinched, he added. "I'm just helping you up there. Relax, red."

Ash's hand was comically larger than mine, swallowing it whole as he linked our fingers. My vision may not have been the best without my glasses, but I could still see the intricate black swirls and patterns that decorated his tan skin, making it look dark and sinister in comparison to my bleach white sheath.

He pulled me towards a stairway, which I noted led to a giant outside balcony, filled with chairs, chaises, tables and who knew what else. It was much darker up here, without the soft light of the pool, and I could barely see a damn thing. I was actually thankful for his support, because I would've fallen on my face even with my eyes on properly, let alone stumbling half-blind.

"Keep your voice down for me, will you?"

"Now why do you have to keep teasing me like that?!" I snapped, then wanted to kick myself for not being able to bite my tongue. I always prided myself on my honestly, but perhaps being transparent in front of someone like Ash was dangerous.

Actually, scratch that. I knew that being transparent in front of Ash was dangerous - and even worse, extremely stupid. He ate girls for breakfast, and I was playing right into his plan by letting his little comments get to me.

Because I didn't believe for a second that he didn't bring me here to sleep with him. Oh, absolutely not. If the way his gaze dropped to my lips every time I spoke haven't given it away, the giant erection he was supporting in his tight briefs definitely did.

And the most disturbing part wasn't that he lied about his backhanded intentions. It was that I didn't even mind.


A/N: Uh-oh! Here comes trouble! So I haven't found a girl that looks like how I picture Gia. I picture her as this small, curvy girl - more on the thicker side- with long, flowing red hair, but glasses. So to those of you who like to see pictures of the "characters", I'm sorry. You may not...

Anyways. What now? Ash got your heartbeat racing? Let me know! ;)

Twitter: cb_milady

Snap/Insta: grettypop

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