Just The Beginning (Justin Bi...

By kayleebieberr

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Emma Johnson is just a young girl in love-- for the first time. She's brought on a crazy roller coaster ride... More

Poor Kid
It's a Date!
That Just Happened
I Really Like You
The Perfect Guy
I Will Catch You If You Fall
I Love You But--
How Am I Gonna Tell Her?
One Thing Out Of The Way
Catching up with friends
Making music
Breaking the news
Life as we know it
Game day
That split second decision
My Beliebers
U Smile
Rehearsals & Reunions
Saying Goodbye
First Night
The Concert
A Day With Jazmen Pt. 1
A Day With Jazmen Pt. 2
The Day it all Goes Down
You Broke Me
The Hospital
Reuniting and it feels SO GOOD
Back Home
Truth Or Dare
Date Me
Right by my Side
Part Two
Here's to New Friends
Date Night Gone Right
Girls Night Out
Guys Night Out
Will You Still Love Me If...
The Break Up Blues
I Promise You
You Again
You Give, Get, and you Lose
The End of it

Third Wheelin'

122 4 0
By kayleebieberr

Chapter 44

-4 Months Later (December)-

~Justin's POV~

Nominated for two Grammy awards.

Sold out Madison Square Garden.

Made memories with my Beliebers.

Made the cover of Seventeen Magazine.

Came out with two successful albums.

Kept strong with an amazing girlfriend.

Caught my dream and made it my reality.

2011 has been a crazy year, but definitely the most memorable. I cant believe all that has happened... I'm living my dream, and have many more incredible memories to come.

"Justin, would you pass me that silver one?" My mom asked, pointing to a round silver ornament. I knocked myself out of my thoughts and grabbed it, handing it to her. She placed it carefully in the middle of the tree. I've been helping my mom set up the Christmas tree for about an hour now.

"Okay," she smiled, taking a step back to admire her work.

"Looks good, mom," I said, hugging her for behind and kissed the top of her head. 

"Thanks Hun, now your free to go," she sighed and grabbed her water bottle taking a sip.

"Really? You don't want me to stay?" 

"No, its okay. I know you want to see Emma, go ahead," she smiled practically pushing me out the door. I walked out and closed the door behind me and started walking to Emma's house. I really do want to see Emma right now, more than anything. It's been about a week straight since I haven't seen her since my tour just ended and we've both been spending time with our family's since its around the holidays. Only four days until Christmas.

As I approached Emma's door, I let out a puff of air watching my breath nearly freeze in the air. I wiped the snow off of my shoes on their mat outside and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, the door swung open revealing Emma's dad.

"Oh, hi Mr. Johnson, good to see you," I slightly smiled, shaking his hand.

"Yeah.. Your here to see my daughter, correct?" He said in a straight tone, looking me up and down.

"Well, I mean-- y-yes, but you know--"

"--Calm down, kid. Its just a question."

"Dad? Dad, leave him alone," Emma sighed as she came up to the door. I got so excited to see her and was so anxious.. God, I've missed her. "Dad.. Go now, please." Emma said staring him in the eyes. He finally agreed and walked away.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Bieber!" He yelled as he walked up the stairs.

"Hi," she giggled and jumped into my arms. I didn't respond, I just let out a huge puff of air and held onto her as tight as I could, my big puffy jacket holding me back. "Justin, let go," she giggled after I kept holding on for another minute.

"No. I missed you," I whispered holding on tighter. 

"Justin, I'm cold, come in," she whined, shaking her legs. I pulled away and saw that she was only wearing short shorts and a sweater since it was 9:00 and she was probably getting ready for bed.

"Okay fine."

We walked inside and sat on the living room couch. Emma cuddled up to me as soon as we sat down and stretched her legs across mine.

"You're so quiet," she said breaking the silence.

"Sorry.. Just, does your dad hate me?" I asked, whispering the last part.

"Justin, no. Of course not.. He.. Likes you," she hesitated.

"Honestly, Em, does your dad like me or not?"

"Okay, maybe he doesn't exactly like you but who cares? Hes gonna have to deal with you because your my boyfriend and I love you," she shrugged.

"I'm your what?" I smirked.

"Boyfriend?" She said unsure of what I was asking.

"Say it again," I smirked, leaning closer to her.

"JUSTIN QUIT PEER-PRESSURING ME!" She yelled, tilting her head to make sure her dad heard.

"Emma! Shhh," I whispered, covering her mouth. Shit. Hes gonna hate me even more.


"Fuck you, Emma," I sighed and let my head hit the pillow on the couch.

"Now or later?" She smirked, teasing me.

"Well I would agree with now but then your dad would yell at me so later," I smirked back.

"Justin!" She gasped, hitting my arm.

"Hey! You asked!" I laughed.

"Whatever," she rolled her eyes. "Oh and by the way Ariana's sleeping over tonight so.."

"Oh cool. What time is she coming?" 

We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. 

"Now," she smiled and left to get the door. "Hey!" She smiled hugging Ariana. 

"Hey, good to see you! I missed you!" She squealed and broke away from the hug. As they walked back into the living room Ariana layed eyes on me and smiled.

"Hey Justin," she said coming over to give me a hug. I lazily got up and hugged back.

"Hey," I gave a weak smile and broke away from the hug.

Not to be mean but I'm actually kinda bummed that shes here. Don't get me wrong, I love Ariana, shes a great person and its awesome that her and Emma are friends but I wanted to be alone with Emma tonight.

"Lets go upstairs, yeah?" Emma said leading Ariana up the stairs. I followed behind them and shut the door behind me when we got into Emma's room. They both plopped down on the bed and showed each other things on their phones. I decided to just take a seat in Emma's desk chair and spun myself around. 

"You wanna watch a movie?" Ariana asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Emma exclaimed. She got up and put a DVD in her DVD player and waited for it to begin. 

"Really? Scream?" Ariana asked as the title popped up.


"This is supposed to be scary, right?"

"Yeah," Emma shrugged.

"Okay, prepare to be holding me halfway through the movie." Ariana laughed. They both giggled and sat on the backboard of her bed, holding pillows up to themselves. 

Wow, girl sleepovers suck. Is this really all they do? When Ryan and Chaz sleep over we talk about the top five girls we would fuck from school. All they're doing is giggling every two seconds and being all girly.

"Justin, come here," Emma said patting a seat next to her on her bed. I agreed and came and sat next to her.

~Ariana's POV~

About ten minutes until the movie was over Emma and Justin were making out. Literally I thought they were gonna suck each others faces off. Maybe if I knew Justin was gonna be here I wouldn't have come because this is really awkward.

"Uh.. Guys?" I said poking Emma's back, hoping she would stop. "GUYS!" I yelled in their faces causing them to jump and finally pull away.

"What the hell?" Justin said, squinting his eyes.

"Are you guys done?" I said with a 'what the fuck' expression on my face.

"No," he smirked and they started making out again. 

"Ughhhh," I groaned. I was actually looking forward to watching a scary movie but the sound of two people making out right next to you kinda kills the mood.

~Emma's POV~

"Justin," I said into the kiss.

"Hmm?" He moaned. I broke away and he looked at me like I was crazy. "Whats wrong?" 

"Ariana fell asleep," I pointed out, glancing over to see her passed out a few inches away from me on my bed.

"Shit, we barely even talked to her," Justin sighed running a hand through his hair.

"I know.. I feel kinda bad."

"Its fine, you two can hang out tomorrow I promise I'll leave you alone."

"Aw, but I had fun with you tonight," I smiled, rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

"I know I had fun too and I missed you but she goes back to California in a few days right?"

"Two days. But were going shopping together tomorrow so I'll make it up to her."

"Yeah, okay. You going to sleep?" He asked. I glanced over at the clock and it read 1:13am.

"Oh, shit I didn't know it was that late. Yeah I am," I chuckled.

I got into a comfortable position and waited for Justin to lay down before laying my head on his chest and drifting off to sleep.


"ARIANA!!" I shouted in her ear trying to wake her up. She instantly shuffled around and shot her head up searching for the sound that interrupted her sleep.

"Oh, its just you," she sighed. I laughed to myself and waited for her to adjust her eyes to the bright light. "Well thanks for last night Em, that was a lot of fun," she said sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know Justin was coming over and that was the first time I'd seen him in like a week so I kinda payed more attention to him and I'm really sorry, Ari. Hes gone now though and I promise, no more third wheeling," I smiled.

"Okay," she giggled. "We still on for shopping?"

"Yeah, definitely. I'm ready so you can go do whatever you need to do and let me know when your ready. The bathroom is right down the hall and to the left," I said pointing out the door. She nodded and quickly gathered her things and went to get ready.


"Ready!" Ariana smiled brightly, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Cool, lets go!" 

We walked out the door and into my car. I drove while Ariana sat in the passengers seat. When we got to the mall there was a lot of people here. Everyone's late Christmas shopping I guess. It was tough finding a spot at first but eventually we lucked out and got one in the very front right after someone pulled out. We hopped out of the car and went into the mall, heading for Macy's as our first stop.

"Wow, I really like this sweater.." I said to myself as I looked at a Burgundy knitted oversized sweater.

"That's really cute, you should try it on," Ariana said from behind me.

"Nah, I don't think so. I have to be strong and only by other people gifts," I laughed.

After a while of shopping around in Macy's we headed out and went into Victoria's Secret. Ariana said she had to use the bathroom so now is my chance to get her a gift. I looked around, trying to find something quickly when my eyes landed on the perfect gift. I walked over to it and smiled brightly when I saw that it was on sale.

I picked up collection of five of Victoria's Secret's full sized perfumes and quickly ran over to the cashier to pay. Luckily there wasn't a long line, so I managed to pay for it and get it wrapped before Ariana came back.

"Ooh, what'd you buy?" She smiled.

"You'll see," I smirked and we walked out of the store.


"Man, this is so hard," I sighed.


"I have no idea what to get for Justin," I sighed looking at the ground. "I literally have no idea what he wants."

"That's the tough thing about Christmas, guys are impossible to buy for," she chuckled. "You know, last year I got Jai some sort of tie and he actually really liked it," she shrugged.

"Yeah, but I want to get Justin something he'll never forget. Something he would never even dream of getting." Just then I noticed a small jewelry shop across the hallway from where we were. "C'mon, this way!" I smiled, grabbing her hand and pulling her into the shop.

"Hi, how may I help you?" A small elderly woman smiled, motioning for me to come to the counter she was behind.

"Hi," I smiled back, "I was looking for something for my boyfriend.. Maybe like a ring or something like that."

"Oh, how cute. Yes, I know just the thing," she said leading me to another counter full of male rings. "You see, this one has been a top seller for quite some time now," she said showing me a promise ring, "and also has a small place where you can engrave something if you'd like."

I examined the ring and it was beautiful. It was simple, but meaningful and had five diamonds perfectly fitted together on the top and the rest of it was an overlapping silver band.

"I love it.. Its beautiful," I gushed, holding the ring to look at it more closely.

"Yes.. Its very nice. Again, you do have the option to get something engraved and that would be $2,100 and without the engraving its $2000 flat."

"I'll take it, with an engraving please," I smiled. "Can you write 'Pinkie Promise?'"

A/N Sorry boring/short chapter.

Pic of the promise ring on the side---->


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