Innocent Torture

By ellipticall

97.7K 4.9K 1.6K

republished, but also PAINFULLY unedited disclaimer, story does deal with self harm, explicit language... More

1|stumbling in
2|new bruises & bullet wounds
3|meeting again [I]
6|chocolate peace[es]
7|caught & shattered
8|one time
13|escape [I]
15|loose ends
16|shaken up
20|speaking up
26|new feels
28|a familiar name
31|putting pieces together
32|guilt and affection
33|signed statements
34|lies and secrets
36|to lose a heart
37|patching up
38|escape [II]
38(love making)
39|love and heartbreak
40|old names
Dreame Tea
44|the end
45|the new beginning
47|matching names to faces
48|sullen visits
50|meeting again [II]
51|basket of goodies
52|partial truths
53|see you soon
update update lol

35|subtle truths

271 17 17
By ellipticall

** Poorly written and barely edited , be advised!! **


Ebony woke up before Jackson with his arm around her, and her body pulled tightly and close to his chest.

Turning in his arms Ebony didn't notice that Jackson had then began to wake up as she felt him pull her closer out of instinct.

She turned, staring at his face and examining his features and noticing how he let out soft subtle snores as he slept.

He looked so calm. So at peace at this very moment that it made her sad to think that these moments between them, probably wouldn't last long.

She then thought about the day before, and the way Jackson had been acting, as well as how she had acted also.

She didn't like it when Jackson lied to her, but she also didn't want to lie to him in the way that she did ever again.

Before she knew it she was tracing his features with a gentle touch. The curvature of his nose, made her notice the slight slant that meant it was broken before.

And the long lashes he had, along with his thick eyebrows made her softly smile at the fact that his were predominantly longer than hers.

"Good morning to you too." Jackson whispered, smiling at Ebony as she quickly tried to pull away out of surprise, but he didn't let her as he held her tightly around her hips and opened his eyes to see her shocked expression.

"Don't scare me like that." She said, letting out a soft breath as she brought her hand to her chest, and Jackson softly chuckled at her.

"I like when you do that." He said, staring at her hands as she brought them to down to his chest and eyed him as she lay her chin on them.

"When I jump in fear?" She asked, as he shook his head and removed his hands from her waist and to her hands as he brought them back to his face.

"When you touch me like that. It's such a soft and gentle touch, that I can't help but have to stop you because then I'd end up doing something that we don't need right now." He said, as she ran her fingers under his eyes, on the bags there as if she was softly trying to erase them and smooth the skin out.

"What don't we need right now besides each other?" Ebony whispered, staring into his eyes then as he couldn't hide the ghost of a smile on his face as he brought his hands back to her waist, resisting bringing them lower as he squeezed her sides and leaned up, kissing her softly on the lips as he stared into her eyes then.

"You wear your innocence very well." He said, as she furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head at the thought of being innocent.

"I'm not innocent." She whispered, looking away from Jackson as she pulled her hands away from his face and began to sit up, as Jackson let her, but followed in suite as he kept his hands on her sides.

"Your innocence is what makes you who you are." Jackson said, grabbing her hands as she couldn't help but feel like what he was saying meant the total opposite.

"But it also makes me weak. And vulnerable." She looked up into his eyes then, noticing the hard look he was giving her. "You know this Jackson. That's why I got abused all those years, and why I let those men do things to me. Because I'm innocent and because I'm weak-"

"Being innocent doesn't mean your weak. It means your pure to the world, your being saved for something much better than everything you've had to go through." He said, as if trying to get that thought embedded into Ebony's mind as she sighed and shook her head.

"Sometimes i feel like my innocence is a torture in disguise. It's just waiting for the right moment to turn against me, and end up bringing me back to the dark house I was forced to call my home." Her words seemed like she was talking more to herself than to Jackson as he tilted her head up to his, and brought his face to hers as he kissed her softly against her lips, taking her out of those thoughts.

"I'll never let that happen. I promise you that." He said those words with seriousness, and at those words, and as Ebony stared into Jacksons eyes, she hoped his words could be the truth.

But somewhere deep down, she felt like it wouldn't be him to lose her. But herself that would cause her own pain.

"Guys we've got a problem." Ravinoff rushed into their room then, startling Ebony and causing Jackson to hop out of the bed with Ebony in tow as they both came into the living room, where Eliza was frantically searching through a mess of papers, and running back and forth to the laptop on the desk.

"What's going on." Jackson asked, holding Ebony's hand tightly in his as Ravinoff looked on the ground, and found the picture he was looking for as he picked it up.

"This, is what's going on." He handed the image to Jackson, who eyed it with hard eyes, and when he looked closer his eyes slightly widened.

"What is it." Ebony then came forward and grabbed the image from Jackson's hands, and as Jackson tried to keep it from her she pulled away from him, and as she looked at it she felt the breath in her lungs, escape quickly.

"Markus." She said, looking at the image of Markus at a cemetery. He was on his knees, at two tombstones, and in the far corner you could see what seemed to be men with weapons coming up on him.

"We got the notification just a few minutes ago from the tracker Markus had on him." Ravinoff went and picked up another series of images, that showed the moments after where Markus was grabbed, and tried fighting them off.

"Is this the Darwin's?" Ebony asked, looking up to Ravinoff and Eliza as they both nodded, and Jackson ran his hand through his hair.

"Do we have a location based on the tracker?" Jackson asked, letting out a sigh as Eliza went to the computer then, and typed in a few things before she pulled up a page.

"It says, the phone is here." Eliza looked back at Ravinoff as he furrowed his eyebrows and Jackson and Ebony did the same.

"How could that-" before Jackson could finish, a phone rang in the room.

The ringing came from the couch behind Ravinoff as he turned around and dug through the pillows, throwing them around the living room.

Then he found the phone as it still rang, and on the screen the caller ID said 'unknown'.

Ravinoff then hesitantly answered the phone, as no one said anything. Then a bone chilling scream was heard from the phone.

And Ebony felt chills run down her spine at the thought of that screaming voice belonging too Paris.

"We've got two of the quad that we need. And one of them just gave himself to us." The voice on the other end of the phone said with a maniacal laugh as everyone in the room stayed silent out of shock.

"What do you mean gave himself to you? Where is Markus?" Ravinoff pointed at Eliza as she caught on to whatever he was doing and she went typing away on the computer.

"He's right here. Watching the woman that he cares about so much, get tortured while he can't do anything about it." The sound of a muffled voice was then heard in the background as the screams of Paris were also heard as well.

"Our cells are getting fuller by the day. Would any one of you like to join the party?" Darwin said, causing Ebony's skin to crawl at the thought of what was happening to Paris, and now Markus.

"Why would Markus risk himself to go with you willfully?" Ravinoff said, as Ebony immediately knew the answer.

"Because of Paris." She said, as Eliza looked back at her with wide eyes. "Markus cares about Paris, and he'd do anything to save someone that he truly cares about. We've seen that happen with his family." Ebony continued, as the voice on the other end went silent for a second, and then the laughing was back.

"Is that the famous girl we've all been looking for? Our dear Ebony Parrish? Your voice is beautiful by the way babyg-"

"Shut the hell up and tell me where you are right now so I can pull up and put a cap in you." Jackson said, snatching the phone from Ravinoffs hand and held it in his hand tightly, staring at it with wild eyes.

"Now now Jackie boy, let's all be civil here and let the real boss tell you what your next move is." Darwin said, causing Jackson to hold the phone even tighter as his knuckles were bone white. "Bring the girl, and you get the both of your people back. Two for one deal." At those words Jackson looked back at Ebony then, as her mind was running off on what decision would better.

"I'll give you one day. Or plan on getting your friends back piece by piece. Oh and tell Eliza goodbye for me, will you." With those words Darwin hung up, as Jackson then averted his eyes from Ebony, and to her aunt, Eliza.

All the anger he had felt towards the monster on the other end now was towards the woman who claimed to care for Ebony with everything in her.

And who at this very moment looked scared, and overall shaken up.

"Why." Jackson whispered, his hand still clenching the phone with a deadly grip as his upper lip twitched as he resisted throwing the phone in Eliza's direction.

"Jackson, you can't get too worked up over that phone call-"

"Tell me right FUCKING NOW!" Jackson threw the phone and it crashed against the wall; It's contents flying everywhere, and in turn pieces ending up at Ebony's feet as she covered her face on instinct to protect herself from the debris.

At the sight of Ebony's fright, and Jackson's anger, as well as Ravinoff who was preparing to put his hands on Jackson if things got out of hand, Eliza knew what the right thing to do was.

"Okay I'll tell you." She said, wrapping her arms around herself as she got up from her seat, and stood in front of the window as she felt the intense stares on her, from Ebony, Jackson, and finally Ravinoff as she closed her eyes, trying to tell herself that everything would be okay once this secret was out.

"Eli you don't have too-"

"No Martin. This has to be let go of." Eliza looked up to Ravinoff, her eyes watering and her heart pounding as she averted her eyes to Ebony. "For Ebony's sake." She whispered.

Staring at Ebony she felt her heart ache. She was disappointed in herself, and pained to think that she'd abandoned such a beautiful and innocent soul because she was afraid of herself. She was afraid of bringing her into the life she lived.

All she ever wanted was for Ebony to be protected and loved. To grow up never knowing about who she was, and never knowing about what she did in the dark, to protect and provide for her.

"Ebony, I'm sorry for lying to you baby. But the t-truth is that, I'm your moth-" Before Eliza could finish, the window shattered into pieces from behind her, and blood splattered across the room as Eliza looked down to her chest.

In the frenzy, everything slowed down as Jackson ran to Ebony, her eyes widened in shock as she saw the woman before her, about to reveal a secret she felt would change her life forever, just get shot.

Ravinoff ran to Eliza, his body moving much slower than his mind was as all he could see was her and the blood. The blood coming from her nose and mouth as he tried to get to her, to save her.

On the left side of her chest was a growing splotch of blood. And as she struggled to breathe, she looked up to Ravinoff, just in time to see his face for one last time as another bullet came and went right between her eyes, as a tear slipped from her eye and Eliza dropped to the ground, dead.



Markus was gagged, and bound to a chair. No room to move, and barely enough oxygen left in his lungs to breathe as he tried to keep his swollen and blackened eyes open, to look out for anymore of those monsters who wanted to take a swing at him.

On top of getting beaten, he was tortured with the echoing and horrid screams of Paris surrounding him.

As he tried his hardest to keep his eyes open, behind his eyelids he remembered the first day he got here. The first time in what seemed like forever that he had seen Paris, and he had also seen the room that his son was in.

He remembered how frail, and afraid she was of him. They had let her be around him, knowing that she wouldn't remember him in the state that she was in.

Her only savior was some girl, not him, and as he tried to convince her that he was going to get her out of this hellhole, all she did was beg for him to let her talk to some woman. And when he tried to tell her that he was there to save her and protect her from those monsters, she pulled away and went into the corner of the room, hugging her skinny arms to her body and rocking back and forth.

Shaking the thought out of his mind, Markus looked up just in time to get a full face of fist as he felt the bones crack in his nose and the sting shoot up to his cranium as he spit out the blood that gushed from his nose, and into his mouth, onto the concrete floor.

"Good job my brothers." A familiar voice had said, as Markus kept his head down, knowing he couldn't even try to raise it and keep his eyes open if he wanted too.

He didn't have the energy too, and the pain at this point was far too numbing to even try do anything about it.

"Remember me Mark?" The boy said, grabbing a handful of Markus' hair as he pulled his head back to look at him, and as Markus' blurry vision began to even out he saw the culprits face.

Immediately boiling anger rippled through his skin, and Markus knew how dirty this boy, who thought he was a man, was before him.

The memory of the once young and innocent child he was brought a sickened feeling to him as he saw who this kid had become.

"Who could forget that baby boy face of yours." Markus growled with heavy breaths, as he continuing trying to squeeze his hands out of the rope constraints as David smiled and nodded.

"This baby boy face of mine, was also the last face your son saw before he died." The once smile on David's face now turned serious as Markus felt his lip twitch as both him and David shared an equally intense hatred for each other through their eyes.

"Did you come back to get revenge, or to save that used piece of meat out there?" David pointed his thumb behind him to the tv that showed Paris asleep, her back moving up and down only showing that she was alive as Markus let out deep breaths to stop himself from blowing up.

He needed to plan their escape out correct and at the right time.

"Both." He spit, literally, as a wad of saliva mixed with blood hit David dead in between the eyes as he took a step back, and wiped the fluid away.

"Oh, I can see how you two have a lot in common." David joked, as he stared down at Markus. "The last time this happened, I called my men in too deal with Paris for spitting in my face." He said, causing a bubble of fury to grow within Markus at just the constant thought of how much pain she'd endured because of him.

"I guess I'll have to deal with you myself!" David screamed, getting ready to launch a fist at Markus face as Markus gathered up all his energy and pulled at the restraints, breaking the ropes as he lifted the metal chair and swung around and hit David with it.

As the chair flew, Markus' other arm got caught, and his wrist bent at an unruly angle as he ignored the excruciating pain and lifted his leg to kick David in the face, as David tried to escape to the door.

"BROTHERS!" David yelled, as immediately the sound of hundreds of feet stampeding to the room that that they were in came close and closer.

As soon as the door opened, the familiar large men poured into the room, hitting Markus with bats and two by fours as they pulled David out of the room to safety.

While getting beaten, and hit, all Markus could think of was how the first part of his plan, had now been initiated.


Woah woah WOAH man, what did I just do y'all. Are y'all shocked or did y'all kind of expect this to happen?

I made a MAJOR DECISION by taking her out of the plot right here, and now possibly, forever. And I actually was sad guys, like literally I'm currently thinking of Ravinoff and their past and i literally wanted to cry.

I'm so backwards i sweaaaaaaa.

Anywhos, thanks so much -like a hell of a ton for reading. And as a gift from me to you, here's a fresh new update!

Also lemme know what you think Markus has planned, and also how Eliza's death will take affect in the next few chapters. Cause whew Chile, get prepared for what I got up my sleeeeves.

Much loooooove, ❤️

- Ellipticall

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