Can you fix my heart? 💙ChaeL...

By moonlune05

228K 7.5K 3.2K

I guess people were right when they told me that the one you love the most, will hurt you the most. And I gav... More

Day One: Monday💔
Day Two: Tuesday💔
Day Three: Wednesday💔
Day Four: Thursday💔
Day Five: Friday💔
Twenty- Eight
Thirty- Two
Thirty- Three
Day 2💜
Day 3💙
Day 4💜
Day 5💜💙

Day 1💙

4.6K 142 42
By moonlune05

"Have a safe trip and enjoy!" Dad kissed my head after he helped us put our suitcase in the compartment.

"Thanks, dad! See you after 5 days." I kissed his cheeks and walk towards my mom.

"Lianne, honey, gwany's going to miss you. Send me letters, okay?" I don't why but I burst out laughing, mom's feigning to wipe off her tears, as if she won't be able to see us for a year😂

"I'll miss you too, gwany. Mom and I will be back after 5 days." She kissed mom and dad carried Lianne " be a good girl, my Lily. Don't give your mommy and your Mama Lisa a hard time" Lily hugged him. "I'm a good girl, always."

Lisa came to us hesistantly. She smiled at me.

"Uh, Ma, Pa. I'm sorry to interrupt but I think we need to go. We have to catch our flight."

Mom held both Lisa and I hands and looked at us with hope in her eyes. It's new to me, I never saw her like this.

"Always remember that every cloud has a silver lining, it's not too late to start over. You both deserve to be happy." With that, she both kissed our cheeks.

We're currently on the plane and Lianne is sleeping on Lisa's lap. It's my definition of a beautiful view😍 You can clearly tell that they do adore each other but I can't seem to enjoy it as I'm searching for things to do to calm myself. Flying really makes me anxious, I really hate it Lianne and I were a complete opposite as she's sitting next to the window, she told me that she loves to see the sea of clouds.

In case you're wondering, Here's our sitting arrangement
Me | Lisa | Lianne

Lisa noticed my uneasiness as I keep changing my sitting position. She puts her arm around my shoulder and moves me closer to her. I'm not being flirty when I say that she makes me feel calm, she sure knows how to.

"You still hate flying. Don't you?"

"Sorry, you know I love to travel but flying is really a challenge for me ever since then." She smiled at me and kissed my forehead

"I remember when you threw up on the plane on our way to Japan, you said you felt dizzy and you started to cry."

"I remember that, it was so embarassing. Imagine all the passengers were looking at me. Hahaa but you patiently took care of me, rubbing my back and sing me to sleep."

"I was so worried because you look so pale at that time and you were crying endlessly. I don't want to see you cry."

"You made me calm down, thank you for being patient with me and always keeping up with me." I sincerely said.

"I will always be here. Don't worry, Rosie. Just sleep. I still love you when you wake up." She placed my head on her shoulder and I held her hand. Even if I didn't look, I know she was surprised by my sudden act. When her senses came back, she held me tighter and kissed my head; a sign of love and respect.

I know you're wondering how did we get here, that night when she asked me to spend 5 days with her, at first, I was hesitant, I mean I'm decided to not go with her but my heart keeps telling me that I'll forever regret it if I say no and not gonna lie that I missed Lisa so much and I'm badly curious how will it all turn out so I said yes.

Because I'm always caught between two stools; a tough mind and a flimsy heart.

Suvarnabhumi Airport > Manoban's Residence

"Marco, can you get the..." Mama Chit's voice echoed the room and she was cut off by none other than..

"HELLO, MOM" she really has a full energy. Mama looked behind her and boy, it was epic. She looked so astounded.

"MYGAD, ROCHAE! YOU ARE HERE!" she ran towards us and kissed my face for I think 5 times. I admire how she shows her affection


"Mom, calm down. 1st, I'm your daughter why didn't you notice me first? 2nd, We're on a 5 day vacation here with Lianne." I nearly laughed at her 1st point, her face looked like her business got bankrupt. Hahaha

She walk towards Lisa and kissed her cheeks

"Don't be such a jelly, you were here last year and I haven't got to see Rochae for years. I missed her."

"I miss you too, mama"

"Are you together now? I'm so happy." We saw how her eyes glittered. I looked at Lisa awkwardly.

"I hate to break it to you but we're still not together yet but hopefully soon." I felt my cheeks flushed as she emphasized the word yet.

"You are so slow, Lisa. You already wasted many years, make it right this time, okay?. Oh wait, where's Lianne?"

"She's in the garden, you know what ma? she loves butterflies too, just like you and Rosie. Everyone told me that we have a resemblance and I can clearly see myself from her when I was younger. She's so kind and understanding and matured for her age. I instantly felt a connection towards her." And there's Lisa the story-teller everyone. Can I just say that I was totally amazed on how Lianne impacted her but by a short period of time, she speaks with so much adoration.

"You really look like her, dear but wait I'll go find her, uhm, Rosie can you stay on Lisa's room? We only have 2 rooms here, one for us and one for Lisa. I hope you don't mind." I really don't mind, I got used to the fact that Lisa and I had a lot of sleepovers back then when we were still a trainee and shared a room when we bought a house, so it's no biggie. I just felt it awkward now, it's different.

"It's okay, Ma." I saw a sigh of relief from Lisa. Mama Chit was about to walk outside when

"I'M HEREEE!" why are they so full of energy? Lisa, can you give me some? Hihi

"Lianne, my love, is that you? You're getting bigger and beautiful. Come give glama a kiss."

Lianne hugged her and kissed her cheeks

"I love you, glama" that's one thing I love about this child, she's naturally sweet.

"I love you too, my dear Lily. What do you want to eat? I'm sure you're tired. Go to grandpa and give him a kiss too, okay? We'll play later" Lianne went to the kitchen "GLAMPAAA" and after a minute, we heard the two giggling.

Mama Chit looked at me and held my hand
"Thank you for bringing her here, Rochae. It feels wonderful to see her in person than using that skype all the time. She really is a ray of sunshine. You raised her so well." She said with so much admiration just like Lisa. It feels good knowing they love my daughter so much.

"I was really planning to take her here, Mama when things are okay. I really wanted you to see her." I took a glance at Lisa and she's looking at me "Never knew this day would come." I continued.

"I wish she could just stay here. It feels good to have a child in our house. Eversince Lisa went to Korea, our house is filled with emptiness."

"Don't worry, Mama. We'll always pay you a visit. Lianne always asks me when will we go here, she also wanted to see you too."

"Sure, sure, Rosie. You should go upstairs and rest. We'll catch up later. Are you sure you're not hungry?"

"No, mama. Don't worry about us, we ate on the plane. I'll just take a nap first." I kissed her cheeks and went upstairs.

Lisa's room is colorful, it is filled with her favorite color, yellow, reflecting her personality. I saw my picture on her bedside table and there were pictures of us too. After a while, Lisa went inside our room, with our suitcases on her hands. She looks tired.

"I'll just head down, I don't want to disturb you, call me when you need something, Rosie." She walked towards me and kissed my forehead.

"Sleep tight, my love."

I woke up and went downstairs. It wasn't my intention to listen to Lisa and her mom's conversation.

"How did you know about Lianne?"

"Chae and I still have a communication even after you broke up. She told me that she wanted to adopt a child and I told her that it was a good idea. You know what? When she showed me Lianne through skype, she looked exactly like you and I instantly felt a weird connection towards the child." So it's not really me who felt that way.

"Me too, ma. Lianne walked up to me when I was cooking breakfast for them. I saw how shocked she was when she saw me, her mouth wide open. I know for sure that she's the one that Rosie's referring to as her daughter. It was my turn to feel perplexed when she suddenly hugged me and started to cry. She's as soft as Rosie, you know what she told me when she calmed down?"

"What?" And I can see the enthusiasm Mama Chit's face.

"Thank you." It was a simple 2 words but it leaves me wondering why did she say that.

"Maybe because she knows that you love her mom." Mama chit patted Lisa's back.

"I regret what I did in the past. It was our idea to adopt a child but I turned my back to Rosie and she's left raising Lianne alone."

"I really admire Rosie for being so strong. She really is one of a kind, it's like her heart is made of gold. A wife material, and everything you could ask for a woman is within her. You made great choice on loving her."

"I know I made a stupid mistake in the past but I won't get tired of making her feel loved."

"She's a keeper. Pokpak."

"Ma, stop calling me that name."

"Hahaha. What's wrong with your nickname? It's cute, no?"

"I just don't like it."

"Whatever you say. Well, what's your plan now?"

"I made a reservation in Loy Nava. I'll take her there tonight"

"Can I go with you?"

"Sure you can but you'll pay for our food." Mama Chit threw her a sharp look, Lisa laughed they look so cute.

"Okay, thanks but I'll stay here. Can you leave Lianne here?"

"I'll go ask, Rosie."

I started walking upstairs silently and made my way to the room. I lay down and pretend to be asleep. Few minutes later, I heard someone opened the door and sat beside me. I can feel her stare even if my eyes are closed. She held my hand.

"I know you can't hear me but I want to say thank you. Thank you for everything. Even if I broke your heart before, you're still good at me. I don't know what I did in the past to have you but I also don't know what demon possessed me that's why I hurt you. I can't go back the time but I have the power to do everything to make you happy because that's what you deserve." I hold back my tears and she started hugging my hand, she's crying.

"I don't want you to run away from me. I don't know if I can't still handle that. I'm sorry, Rosie. I'm sorry, my love." There's an evident of pleading in her voice. She kissed my hands and left the room.

I opened my eyes and let out my tears, a letter on the bedside table caught my attention.


Have a date with me at Loy Nava, Please? come down at 7. I'll wait for you.😉


I took a shower and fixed myself. I opted to wear a white sleeveless dress, I waited for 7pm to come and head down.

Mama Chit greeted me with a smile, she held my shoulders and scanned me from head to toe. "You look so good my daughter-in-law. By the way, can Lily sleep with us tonight?" I felt my cheeks blushed.

"Of course.Thanks, Mama." Lianne

"Lisa! Come here! Don't make your bride wait for you!" Lisa went out of the kitchen and when she saw me, her big eyes went bigger and her mouth's wide opened. I walked towards her and clung to her arm.

"Have a good date today Mommy and Mama." Lianne winked at us. I think I have an idea who taught her to do that. I walked towards Lianne

"Baby, mama and mommy will go back later, okay? You'll stay with glama."

"Yes yes mommy. I have a lot of stories to tell to them."

"Behave, don't give your grannies a hard time" she smiled and nodded.

I kissed her cheeks and Lisa hugged her.

"Let's go, Lis?" I said since her senses are still off. Her mom kissed us, she looks so happy though. I heard her say "I should chat with Anne, My Chaelisa heart can't handle." I looked at Lisa and she's blushing😶

"You look so good, Rosie. You literally look like an angel in that white dress."

"Why, thank you. You look so good too. I sure have the hottest date." She held me by my waist and pulled me closer.

We already arrived and I didn't expect that it was a dinner cruise. I love the ambiance though, cozy and relaxing. We sat on the side of the boat to have a better view. She keeps on staring at me, I don't know how to act, why does it feel like the first time?

"I'm sorry I just can't control my eyes, it keeps on looking at you."

"It's okay, just don't look at other women here." I said

"Don't you worry, beautiful, my eyes belongs to you, No one else is captivating as you, Rosie." She winked at me. Have you seen my underwear? It felt like it flew somewhere when she winked at me.

Our food came and it was so scrumptious. I loved how Lisa is spoiling me. She was the one who peeled off the shrimp skin for me, feeding me.

"Did you see my tears? It's so delicious" she laughed at me while wiping off my tears.

"I'm glad you liked it here."

"I do and I love how you spoil me too."

"A queen deserves to be spoiled with love."

I also enjoyed the dance performance. I stood up and admire the view, the temples and thr city lights. I was so busy looking that I didn't notice Lisa backhugged me, her chin on my shoulder, we're so close and I can feel the warmth of her breath. I looked at my side and our eyes locked together, she was blushing and had to look away.

She raised both of my arms sd if we're flying.

"Look, Lisa we're flying."

"We're flying." We giggled, I looked around and saw people taking pictures of us, I didn't mind. I cherished the moment with Lisa by my side.

"Thank you for today, Lis."

"Anything for you." I kissed her cheeks, her face turned red.
It's not that bad to give her a chance, amiright?

Can I just say that she went from the blindness of hell and went back with angel wings.

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