Just The Beginning (Justin Bi...

By kayleebieberr

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Emma Johnson is just a young girl in love-- for the first time. She's brought on a crazy roller coaster ride... More

Poor Kid
It's a Date!
That Just Happened
I Really Like You
The Perfect Guy
I Will Catch You If You Fall
I Love You But--
How Am I Gonna Tell Her?
One Thing Out Of The Way
Catching up with friends
Making music
Breaking the news
Life as we know it
Game day
That split second decision
My Beliebers
U Smile
Rehearsals & Reunions
Saying Goodbye
First Night
The Concert
A Day With Jazmen Pt. 1
A Day With Jazmen Pt. 2
The Day it all Goes Down
You Broke Me
The Hospital
Reuniting and it feels SO GOOD
Back Home
Truth Or Dare
Date Me
Right by my Side
Part Two
Here's to New Friends
Girls Night Out
Guys Night Out
Will You Still Love Me If...
The Break Up Blues
I Promise You
Third Wheelin'
You Again
You Give, Get, and you Lose
The End of it

Date Night Gone Right

132 4 0
By kayleebieberr

Chapter 37

~Emma's POV~

"Good luck, Ari!" I waved. She smiled back and ran backstage since she only had 20 minutes until she had to go on. Her and Justin are performing one of Justin's new songs "Overboard." He usually sings it with Jessica Jarrell but I guess hes changing it up a little for this concert.

After Ariana left to go get ready, I found Pattie who was waiting for me so we could go find our seats.

"Ready?" She smiled. I smiled back and nodded and we followed Kenny who was showing us to our seats. We had to kinda squish in between fans who wouldn't let us past them to our seats in the first row but eventually we got there.

I hummed along to Justin who was singing "That Should Be Me" as Pattie and I found our seats. I held up my poster I brought with me that said "Forever and always your biggest fan <3" and waved it around to catch his attention. Once he saw me and the poster, he smiled and winked at me. 

"That should be me, 

Holdin' you hand,

That should be me, 

Makin' you laugh,

This is so sad, 

That should be me..." He sang. This has always been one of my favorite songs by him. Just him and his lyrics can make me fall in love with him over and over again.

Once he was done with the song, everyone in the whole arena clapped and cheered, including me, as loud as we possibly could. 

"Thanks for coming out tonight guys!" He exclaimed into the microphone. You could tell he was really tired cause of how heavy he was breathing. Even louder cheers. "Now this last song... I'll be singing with a friend of mine. Now I usually sing it with someone else, but tonight I decided to try something a little new... So, please give it up for.... Ariana Grande!"

"WOOOOOOOOH ARIANA!!!!!" I screamed. Some people around me looked at me weird since I screamed so loud but I just waved at them to freak them out.

Once she came out on stage, the screams got even louder. People were chanting her name, cheering for her, and some girls were even crying. Wow, I guess we got some Ariana fans in here too.

"It feels like we've been out at sea, oh,

So back and forth that's how it seems,

And when I wanna talk you say to me,

That if it's meant to be, it will be." Ariana started to sing. Everyone took out their phones and started swaying them back and forth and Pattie was even doing it to, so I took my phone out and did the same.

"I'm overboard,

And I need your love to pull me up,

I can't swim on my own,

It's too much.

Feels like I'm drowning without your love,

So throw yourself out to me, my lifesaver." She finished singing. The music kept on playing while there was a short pause until Justin began to sing.

"Never understood you when you'd say,

You wanted me to meet you halfway,

Oh, I felt like I was doing my part," He sang with his hand on his heart, pulling Ariana closer to him which caused the crowd to freak out and they cheered even louder for a few seconds until he pulled away. I admit that I got a little jealous but hey, its for a song. I'm not gonna be one of those crazy, over protective girlfriends, Its no big deal...

Once the song was over, both Justin and Ariana took a bow and ran backstage together while Justin said goodbye to everyone. I looked to Pattie to see if we should head backstage now and she nodded, grabbing my hand so she wouldn't lose me while we made our way through everyone.

"Emma!! Omg, Emma!" Someone shouted. I turned around to see three girls about my age standing behind me smiling. "OMG HI!!!" They fangirled.


"Can we get a picture with you? Please, it would be so cool!" They smiled.

"Uh.." I looked to Pattie who nodded, "sure." I smiled. They took out they're phones and I posed for a picture with each of them and ten one group photo. "There ya go," I smiled handing them back their phones.

"Thanks so much!" They squealed running away. I furrowed my eyebrows and went back to Pattie.

"Why did they want pictures with me?" I asked her, confused.

"They like you."

"But why... I'm not famous."

"Well you pretty much are now. Get used to it girl, this kinda thing will be happening a lot. I get mobbed almost every day when I go shopping just cause I'm "Justin Bieber's mom." I know its weird, but you'll get used to it." She smiled. I shrugged as we walked backstage. I looked around for Justin but all I saw was Ariana so I decided to congratulate her first.

"Hey, great job! You did amazing!" I squealed, hugging her.

"Thanks! I saw you with your sign, your so supportive, Jai hardly has time to come to my concerts." She sighed.

"Its okay, I'm sure he'll make ti--"

"--BOO!" I was cut off by Justin screaming behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He startled me a bit, but I don't think to the point where he noticed. 

"There you are," I smiled.

"Did I scare you?"

"No? Why would that scare me?" I said acting like I knew what was coming.

"Are you kidding me? Emma, every time I do that you ge--"

"--You guys are so cute," Ariana giggled.

"Aw so cute," Chaz giggled in a girly voice as he walked past us. I rolled my eyes at Chaz and focused my attention back to Ariana.

"Well it was great meeting you Emma and seeing you Justin but I have to go, I have a concert in about an hour," she smiled and hugged Justin and I.

"Nice meeting you too!" I hugged back. "Oh, and I almost forgot, can you type in your number?" I asked, handing her my phone that was already set on contacts.

"Oh, yeah! You too," she handed me her phone. We both exchanged numbers and said our last goodbyes before she left.

"You ready?" Justin smirked with his hands still around my waist.

"Yup," I smiled. 

Justin said he has to change first so he ran to the dressing rooms while I waited for him out here. Once he was done, we headed outside to I'm guessing a rental car and he began driving once all the paps moved out of the way. I think he noticed I was shaking cause he put his free hand on my thigh to try to calm me down.

"You okay?" He asked, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine... Just a little nervous."

"Nervous about what?"

"Just that.. I don't know, something or someone will ruin our date. I just have this feeling."

"Em, I promise nothing is going to happen that will ruin our date. No matter what happens, this night will still end up being perfect because Ill have been with you the whole time," he reassured me, rubbing his hand up and down my thigh.

"What about the paps though? Are they gonna be there?"

"Uh... You never know. Some of them could be following us but usually they wait around my tour bus after my shows so I don't think many of them know we left the arena."


"It'll be fine, don't worry."

A few minutes later, we pulled up to a fancy Italian restaurant. Justin parked then got out to open my door for me.

"Thanks," I breathed out. Justin and I intertwined our fingers and walked hand in hand up to the restaurant.

"Hello sir, how may I help you?" An nice looking man with a few menus in his hands asked us, smiling.

"Hi, we have a reservation."

"Alright, and under what name?"


"Ah, yes, Mr. Bieber, right this way folks," he smiled guiding us to a small booth in a corner of the restaurant, a bit further away from most of the people. The man handed us some menus and filled up our glasses with water.

"Thanks," Justin said.

"Your server will be right with you," he smiled, walking away.

"This is nice," I breathed out.

"I know, supposed to be the nicest restaurant in town," Justin smiled.

"Crap," I muttered.

"What?" Justin asked looking around.

"Those girls over there. I think they're beliebers."

"Crap. I love them, but now just isn't the time to be signing autographs and taking pictures," Justin mumbled. "Here, put this up to cover your face." he handed me a menu, and I covered my face as he did the same.

A few minutes later, Justin checked to see if the girls were still looking at us and they weren't. He let our a sigh of relief as our waitress came by.

"Hi guys, my name is Kelly and I'll be your server tonight." She smiled. "Oh and also, those girls at that table over there asked me to give this note to you guys?" She said a little confused handing Justin the note. Justin just nodded and took the note, shoving it into his pocket. "I'll be back in a few minutes to serve you."

As soon as she left Justin reached in his pocket and took out the note and began reading it, putting it at an angle so I could read too.


We don't mean to interrupt your guys' date and its taking everything in us not to come over and hug you right now but we'll keep our distance so you can enjoy your night. Anyways, we were at your concert and you did an amazing job!! We hope you guys have a great dinner and we love you both. <3 Thanks for writing amazing music and always being able to put a smile on our faces:)

Love, your Beliebers<3

I could tell Justin was touched by their sweet note because he didn't stop smiling throughout the whole note.

"I love my Beliebers," he gushed, smiling wide. He looked behind him to see the girls looking at us and giggling and he waved. They freaked out when he did, and one girl even started crying. Justin took a pen out of his pocket and added onto the note.

I appreciate you guys allowing us to have time to ourselves and thanks so much for all your sweet words. If you guys are still here by the time were done eating I'd love to talk to you guys:) Thanks for supporting me, love you!

Love, Justin<3

"You guys ready to order?" Kelly asked as she took out her notepad.

"Uh, yeah. We'll both have the spaghetti bologanese," Justin said. She wrote it down on her notepad and smiled when she was done.

"Great, I'll be back when its ready."

"Oh, and also, would you mind giving this to those girls at that table over there?"

"Sure." She said taking the note. We watched as she handed the note to the girls and they fangirled.

"They're so sweet," I smiled.

"I know, they're the best. Anyways, back to our date," he smirked.


Justin and I just finished eating and talking to his beliebers. We just got back in the car and are headed back to the tour bus.

"That was a lot of fun. Thanks Justin," I kissed his cheek.

"Anything for my girl," he smiled.

Once we pulled up by the tour bus there was someone there to take the rental car back and then Justin and I hopped on to the bus.

"There you guys are, we've been waiting forever!" Ryan shouted at us.

"It was only a couple hours," I defended.

"Whatever. Justin, Scooter wants you to text him so we can go." He said, leaving the room. Justin took out his phone and texted Scooter I'm guessing because a few seconds later we started moving.

"Sooooo, how was date night?" Chaz asked, sitting next to us on the couch.

"None yo," Justin said, his eyes still on his phone.

"Sooooo, how was date night?" Chaz asked again, but to me this time.

"None yo," I said, copying Justin's response, which only made Chaz mad.

"Fine, don't tell me." He whined.

"Okay," Justin and I both said in unison.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed." He said walking away.

"You ready for bed?" Justin asked me.

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, lets go."

We both headed into my room after we changed into pajamas and hopped into bed.

"I love you," Justin whispered, wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you too."

A/N Be sure to comment, vote, and follow me!

Pic of Justin and what he wore on their date------->

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