
By devilssinner

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Before the accident they were the perfect couple. He was charming, smooth, always did whatever he could for t... More



1.1K 18 2
By devilssinner

A/N You guys can play the song if you want! And I'm sorry it took so long to update, life has been so crazy lately. But I'm going to try to update more. Anyway hope you guys enjoy:)

Grayson's POV
I sat in the hard tattoo chair waiting for the tattoo artist to get done with the new ink I came up with. I was getting it in memory of Ethan. We always had a secret handshake with each and I figured why not?

"Alright brotha I'm done." I sat up looking at the new addition smiling down at it. I decided to get it on my thigh since I didn't really have a good place on my arms. "Thanks man it's perfect." I looked at the two skeleton hands holding one another as the index fingers pointed towards the other one.

My mood suddenly became down as my thoughts traveled to Ethan. I understand it's been 7 months, but you can't just let that go. I remembered the last moment we spent together too.

Although I wish I hadn't.

I remember jamming out in the car on our way to Ethan's house. I just can't remember the exact details.

Where were we coming from? What were we doing? What did we do that day?

It bothers the shit out of me. "Hey buddy you good." The tattoo artist roughly smacked his hand on my shoulder breaking me from my thoughts. I looked at his hand then back to him.

Who in the fuck......

"You tattoo with that hand yeah?" I asked him meeting his eyes. Anger completely taken over me. I slowly stood from my seat and pulled my pants up clasping my Gucci belt. "Uh obviously dipshit." He chuckled.

This fucking bitch.

"Oh that's cool man so you wouldn't mind if I just-" I grabbed his arm twisting it and holding it backwards while shoving him down face first in the tattoo chair causing a loud bang being heard in the empty shop. "Arrrrghhhhhh!!!!" He screamed as I applied more and more pressure to his arm.

"You see" I paused looking at his name tag. "JT, when people like you fuck with people like me, they regret it. I'm a very dangerous person, and I could easily break your goddamn arm in a split second. All I have to put a little more pressure." I pushed down farther on his arm hearing his shoulder dislocate.

"AGHHHH!! FUCK! I'm sorry man I'm sorry please stop!" I cackled loudly filling the empty room. He thrashed in my hold but his weak ass wasn't going anywhere. "And why should I do that? Let you believe you can disrespect me and just leave you be?" I asked smirking sinisterly.

"Consider this a blessing to you." I said before completely snapping his arm. His screams was all I heard as I made my way out the tattoo shop with my leather jacket over my shoulder and a joint in between my lips. I inhaled deeply as I lit it up and blowing the smoke up towards the setting sky.

I ran my finger through my blonde hair as I made my way towards my Ducati.

Jesus Christ she's beautiful.

I thought to myself as I sat on the seat of the motorcycle. I turned the key letting the small engine roar to life. I brought my glasses to my face as I kicked the stand up and sped off on the busy street.

As I cruised the street I decided to take the backroad home avoiding all traffic. As I made my way through the long road of nothing bu trees and well more trees, I took in the sweet aroma of nature.

I looked off to the side seeing the trees passing quickly letting. I turned my gaze back to the road seeing a dark figure standing in the middle of the street. I slammed on my brakes causing the tires to skid and the motorcycle falling to the side. I skidded across the road until I met bed of rocks as my head smacked roughly against a large rock.

I laid on my stomach groaning in pain. I coughed a couple times as I tried to sit up looking around me. "What the fuck." I said as I stood to my feet. I brought my hand to my head feeling a warm liquid touching my hand. "GREAT! Fucking great!" I yelled as I stormed towards the road.

"You fucking arrogant piece of-" I went to yell at the person only to stand in confusion as the road was empty. I looked around only to be surrounded by trees. It was getting darker and fog was starting to build up around me.

This isn't sketchy as fuck

I shook my head in frustration as I made my way to my bike. I inspected the damage only seeing a few scratches and a small dent on the side. I hoisted the bike upright throwing my jacket inside the seat along with my now broken glasses. I walked over to the rock seeing a bloodstain on it where my head hit.

I felt dizzy as I walked over to take a seat on some rocks putting my head in my hands. I glanced at my arms looking for anymore wounds. Until I looked down at my abdomen seeing a huge blood spot.

I went to stand but pain quickly took over. "Fuck!" I screamed out as I fell to my knees due to the overwhelming pain. I crawled towards the road hoping someone would find me. I lifted my shirt only to see the scar I once had been reopened and blood spewing out.

What the hell?

My breathing quickened at the sight as I started coughing hysterically. The pain was unbearable. I put my hand over the area to contain the blood from coming out. I tasted an iron substance in my mouth so I turned to the side to spit it out seeing it was more blood. I felt my body becoming more cold by the second as I laid on the empty road. I brought my gaze back up seeing there was railroad track not to far ahead of me.

For some reason, I gathered the strength in me and hobbled my way over to them. I felt drawn to them as if I seen them before. I looked around as the fog covered majority of the road and spread throughout the trees. As I stood on the tracks I looked down each way seeing the tracks lead on for what seemed like forever.


I heard a small whisper in my ear. I turned around quickly seeing nothing around me. "W-who's there?" I asked hesitantly. A cold breeze began to pick up and leaves danced around my feet.

I went to turn around to head back to my back still holding my abdomen. Until I stopped. I stood completely frozen at the sight in front of me. "E-Ethan?" My voice breaking. He smiled as he walked closer towards me. "Hey Gray."

He stood face to face by me. I took in the glow he had around him not seeing any form of scars or bruises. He had the same outfit on from that day, blue Golf ale Fluer hoodie with black jeans and of course his black vans. He looked happy and content and that made me happy. I threw my arms around him not caring about the pain I felt. Which I didn't even feel anymore. "Ethan I-I'm so-so sorry. I love y-you so fucking much." I sobbed into his jacket.

"Ewwh Gray you're ruining my jacket." He laughed lightly trying to pry himself away from me. I laughed at his humor that I missed so much. I pulled away from him and just stared at him. I couldn't believe I was actually standing here talking to Ethan.

My dead twin brother.

"Ok Gray your freaking me out with the staring." He said as he averted his gaze elsewhere. "Sorry E, I just can't believe I'm talking to you." I said as I embraced him again tears slowly falling down my cheeks. "It's so good to talk to you to Gray."

After a while we pulled away. I looked around still noticing the train tracks. "Is this wear it happened?" I asked as I knelt down running my fingers along the cold hard ground. "Yeah." He said almost a whisper. I shook my head as I stood to his level. "I'm so sorry Ethan, if I didn't drag you with me you'd still be here." "Gray please for the love of God stop blaming yourself. This happened for a reason, I couldn't tell you why or how but everything happens for a reason bro." He said as he gripped the side of my shoulders looking into my eyes.

God I missed his encouraging words. He always knew what to say during the difficult times. His mind was brilliant. He thought about the unthinkable. Always cared about others no matter what. I looked back down to the ground still thinking it was my fault. Because it was. "How's your stomach Gray?" He asked pointing to my blood soaked shirt. "It doesn't even hurt anymore." I said as I lifted it up seeing it completely healed. I brought my gaze back up to him seeing him smiling down at his feet.

"E, what were we doing that day? Why did we go out? Why didn't we just stay in?" I asked desperately needing to know how we spent our last day together. He laughed slightly, "where do I even begin?"

He told me everything. From start to finish. How I wanted to propose to Emari, to going to the jewelry store and being harassed by some chick named Nadia? To buying a dress for Emari to wear that night to dinner, to even setting up a spot in the beach for us both. Then us jamming out in the car as some pre-celebratory thing.

"I sounded fucking whipped." I chuckled lightly. Ethan looked at me with a smirk spread across his face. "You were bro. But you were also the most down to earth person. You put Emari before yourself, always, whether she liked it or not, she brought out the best of you Gray. Not many people can do that considering you're a hardass."

I shook my head lightly trying to remember anything about the old me or even Emari. "You still don't remember her do you?" He asked frowning a bit. "No, and I've treated her like utter shit. I try to push her as far away from me as possible. I just don't feel anything towards her. But I keep being drawn towards her as if she's some kind of magnet and I'm being pulled in"

The wind started to pick up heavily around us both. Leaves were swirling around our feet and trees swayed violently back and forth. "No, no no no not now!" Ethan began panicking causing me to panic. "E what's wrong? What's going on?" I asked. "Gray listen to me, you have to return to your body now!" "Return to my bo- what do you mean return to it?" "JUST GO NOW GRAYSON!" He screamed at me but I stayed planted. I can't loose him again. I don't want to live without my brother in my life.

He walked over to me picking me up by my shirt my feet dangling off the ground. "Grayson I'm not going to tell you again, it's coming! Your not going to waste your life away! Go be with the girl who needs your love and support. Be there for her, she needs all the help she can get right now. Stop doing the drugs and partying. BE A BETTER ROLE MODEL FOR YOUR KIDS FOR FUCK SAKE!"

I stared wide eyed at him. He threw me back to the ground as he began to back away. "I love you gray, please remember that." He started running the opposite way. "E-Ethan wait. Wait! WAIT ETHAN!" I yelled as he vanished. I got up to my feet and ran back to my bike. Darkness was spreading across the sky and the wind began to stir violently.

I finally reached my bike until I looked to the right and seen my body lay lifelessly on the ground. I knelt down seeing the gash I had across my head. I looked back seeing everything turn even more dark. I put my hand on my body only for my hand to go through it.


I turned back seeing the darkness coming closer and closer. I quickly turned the way my body was laying and laid down. "I love you to E." I said before I closed my eyes.


I woke up coughing from how dry my mouth had been. I sat up quickly seeing I was still on the side of the road. I groaned as I went to stand.

My head hurts like a bitch.

I reached up to feel the blood hardened across the area. I winced lightly as I walked over to my bike. I brought it upright lifting my seat to throw my jacket inside. It was completely dark on the road meaning I've been out for a while. I took my phone out to check the time seeing it was dead.

"Fucking great." I said as I threw it back into the seat. After I closed the small compartment I sat on the seat and tried to start my bike. After a couple times I finally had it started and made my way back home. After a long ride I was finally back home.

I struggled finding the right key to open the door causing me to drop them. "Shit." I mumbled to myself as I knelt down to grab them. I heard the door unlock and burst open causing me to jump slightly. My eyes met my distraught mothers as she embraced me into a tight hug.

"Ok ok ma, you're crushing me." I said struggling to breath. She pulled away and smacked me across the face. Hard.

"What the fuck was that for!" I screamed at her. "You Haven't called in DAYS Grayson! Do you realize how worried sick I was about you? I almost called the police but figured you were out with your no good drug dealing friends, I can't take this anymore! I cannot lose another son Grayson! Do you understand that! You are breaking me! My heart is shattering more as if that's even possible! I thought you were dead!"

I tried to process everything she was saying. Days? I was just home earlier today before I left to get my tattoo. "Ma I was home earlier before I left to get the tattoo." I told her still holding my burning cheek.

She cocked her head to the side raising her eyebrows towards me. "Wow Grayson. You were so fucked up on drugs you can't even remember what day it is? Get some help and get the hell out of my house, your no longer welcome here. I can't have a drug dealer and drug user in my house, I can't handle the stress anymore." She said as she walked back to her room.

She really thinks I was high? I have a fucking gash across my head!

I stood in the door way baffled at what just happened. My head was spinning and my vision was cloudy. I walked to the kitchen to get some water but as I walked over I fell to the ground. I tried to open my eyes but the only thing I could hear was the frantic cries from my mother.

What the fuck is going on with me?

Was the last thought before I fell unconscious.

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