
By devilssinner

49.7K 801 304

Before the accident they were the perfect couple. He was charming, smooth, always did whatever he could for t... More



1.1K 20 7
By devilssinner


Grayson's POV

What the fuck just happened?

I stood in the empty room alone with my thoughts running wild. I looked down at my feet seeing the two pregnancy test in the floor wrapped in a ziplock bag. I kneeled down to pick it up to examine it further. I looked at the small plus sign that appeared in the box as it read 3-4weeks.

3-4 weeks what? Whoa. 3-4 weeks pregnant? Wow. No shit dumbass.

I shook my head at the thought of me actually being a dad. Luckily my parents weren't home at the time Emari came so they didn't hear the arguing. Thank god because I would never hear the end of it.

I picked up the ring she threw into the room and inspected it. It was nice for sure, I wish I could remember where I had gotten it though. I threw it up on the counter as I walked to the fridge to grab a water but instead a bottle of José Cuervo Tequila caught my eye.

I pondered for a minute debating whether or not I should drink some. Fuck it.

I grabbed the half empty bottle and a two liter of sprite from the fridge. I put some ice into a metal bowl and grabbed a shot glass just in case and walked to the living room turning on the Tv. I poured the glass with half sprite and half tequila after putting ice chips inside.

I brought the drink to my lips taking a long swig letting the carbohydrates and alcohol burn my throat on the way down. I scrunched my face in disgust but took another long swig trying to get used to it.

I sat in the living room for about an hour chugging drink after drink until I noticed I never actually found anything to watch. I laughed at myself while trying to stand up only to trip and fall back down to the floor. I once again fell into a fit of laughter trying again and succeeding.

I slowly walked over to the Tv turning it off and began to walk back towards the couch until his picture caught my eye. I stood staring straight not wanting to turn my head slightly to the left to be face to face with his picture.

I ended up looking anyway and I grabbed the picture frame and examined it. It was one of his school pictures with him wearing his football uniform showing his cheesy smile.

I smiled a bit as I studied the picture until I noticed her in the background in a cheerleading uniform. Figures. I scoffed to myself. I found myself growing more angry the longer I looked at it. I held the frame tightly in my hand until rage completely took over causing me to send the frame into the wall across the room.

I let out an agitated scream as I pulled into my hair. "WHY THE FUCK DID SHE HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING!!" I yelled as I walked over to the bottle and began chugging the rest of it. When I finished I sent the bottle flying into the Tv screen shattering both into pieces.


I walked around the living room continuously gripping my hair out of stress.


I heard a small whisper come from inside the house. I whipped around to find no one there. "Who's there?" I asked my voice trembling.

No answer.

I gripped my head as I began to shake. My back met a wall and I slowly slid down it loosing my ability to stand any longer. I looked to the side seeing the shattered framed picture of Ethan and that's when I lost it.

Tears were falling endlessly down my face as I gripped his picture tightly in my arms.

"Why the fuck did you leave me E?" I asked barely audible due to my sobbing. I hugged my knees tightly to my chest still holding his picture with my fingers. I suddenly felt a cold feeling on the nape of my neck and I jumped back slightly still looking around finding no one once again.

I tried to stand up but falling straight back down as I felt a small amount of pain in my foot. My vision blurred as I tried to look at it but only seen red.

I walked back into the kitchen only to find the test laying on the counter. I tried to grab the bag but the alcohol had completely taken over my body and I stumbled around losing my balance and falling towards the tile floor.

"Shit fuckkkk." I groaned as I clasped my now pounding head. I laughed like a psychopath as I laid on the cool tile.

What the fuck is wrong with me? Oh yeah that's right you drank half a bottle of tequila.

I laughed at my subconscious and sat up looking towards the clock barely able to read it. It was already 10:03pm. Where the fuck did time go? I completely stood up looking for my cell phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I came across a name I haven't heard in years.


Josh and I used to party together all the time when we were in high school. We went to the best parties, hooked up with the hottest girls, we even used to do the best drugs together. I found my self already clicking his contact number hearing he dial tone coming from the ear piece.

"Yo! Grayson what the hell man? Where have you been at?" He yelled through the phone. I immediately heard music blasting from the background as I knew he was at a party. I chuckled at his reaction since he seemed excited to hear from me. "Hahaha going through some fucked up shit man where you at right now?" I asked as he hollered through the phone.

"Dude I'm at this crazy ass party you should totally come! For old times sake!" I quickly sat up still drunk as I stumbled through the hallway towards my bedroom. "Fuck yes dude text me the address and I'll be there ASAP." "FUCK YEAHHHH!!!!!" He screamed through the phone as he hung up.

A few seconds later I heard my phone buzz and I picked it up seeing it was Josh sending me the address. I ripped my pants off and made my way towards the closet. I flung shirts out until I found my red crop shirt and ripped denim jeans and flung them both on the bed. I put on my deodorant and sprayed a shit tone of cologne and left my hair floppy. I threw my red converse on and grabbed my phone and keys.

The alcohol was wearing off but I still shouldn't be driving, but fuck it who cares. I put the keys into the ignition and backed out of the driveway. I sped off making the tires squeal loudly. I blasted the radio and rolled the windows down enjoying myself for a second.

After driving for twenty minutes I pulled into a neighborhood that was filled with mansions everywhere.

Where the fuck am I?

I came up to the biggest house at the end of the block where music was blasting and lights flashed intensely. "Whoaaaa." I mumbled to myself as I stepped out of the car. I locked the car and basically ran to the front door. As I swung the door open I was introduced to the familiar smell of sweat, alcohol, and marijuana.

I walked all over the large house trying to find Josh. After about fifteen minutes of walking around I got pushed into someone by a drunk asshole. "So-sorry m-mannnnn." The idiot slurred messily. "Fuck off jackass." I said as I pushed him back causing him to fall over. I snickered at him as I walked away finally finding Josh in the living room sitting on the couch surrounded by a bunch of other people.

"GRAY-FUCKING-SON!!!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs while he embraced me into a tight hug. I laughed at him while hugging him back. "Dude you smell like alcohol, have you already been drinking?" He asked as he smirked. "You fucking know it man." I said as I playfully punched his shoulder. "Where's E? How come you didn't bring him with?" He asked and I suddenly became saddened. "Uh-uhhh he couldn't make it man." I gave a small smile. He just shrugged and turned back to the people he was hanging with. "Yo! Guys this is Grayson he is- or WASSS a serious party animal back in the day. He's cool." He introduced me to everyone.

They all smiled towards me and gave small waves. "So this is Skyler, Dakoda, Zane, Oscar, and Scarlett, but we call her Scar for short." Scarlett caught my eye instantly. She was beautiful. She had bright red hair at the roots and it slowly faded to a bright orange. Her eyes held the brightest green color with a hint of yellow in the middle.

They kinda reminded me of someone else's eyes....

I shook the thought away and held my hand out to shake her hand. She blushed lightly as she shook mine gently. "It's really nice to meet you." I said as I kept my gaze one her. She giggled a bit as she replied "it's nice to meet you to Grayson."

After a while we danced and drank. And drank. And drank. And drank. I was completely shit faced. Everything was a blur, I couldn't make anyone's faces out as I stumbled through the house. "Yooooo Grayson lets turn this up a bit." I heard josh slur a bit. I laughed manically and followed him back to the living room. We both fell to the ground laughing at one another and tried to sit up properly.

"Here man. For old times fake." He slurred. "Bro I think you mean old times sake." I began cackling at his remark. "Whatever fucker." He said as he rolled his eyes.
He reached into his pocket and held a small bag to my face. I couldn't tell what it was but if I knew Josh it was some good ass shit. "Wanna hit?" He asked smirking at me. "Hell yeah." I said scooting closer to the table. He poured the substance onto the table and made it into a line and sniffed it up quickly. "Now I know you may be out of practice so I'll put it slowwwww." I looked at him confused. "Josh what the fuck do you mean you'll put it slow?" He laughed at me and shrugged. "I don't fucking know man just here." He laid another line down on the table. I bent down coming face to face with the white powder. My adrenaline then kicked in as I held one side of my nose and began sniffing the powder up. My eyes watered a bit so I shook my head a bit as I took in the feeling. "Holy fucking shit." I said as I leaned my head back on the couch. "Hell yeah dude hell yeah." Josh said patting my shoulder.

After a couple more lines we walked back over to the room were everyone was dancing. Everything felt more enhanced. The lights were more prominent, the music was blasting making my eardrums wanting to pop, my energy became higher than before.

I heard one of my favorite songs begin to play over the system so I pushed my way through some people trying to find a spot to let loose and dance my ass off until as I laid my eyes on her.


She swayed her hips to the rhythm of the music holding her hands high up to the air and dipping low to the floor. My mouth hung agape as I pushed my tongue to the side of my teeth. She had a bright blue, skin tight crop top on with a black leather skirt hugging her thick hips perfectly. I was getting turned on just watching her dance. I slowly made my way towards her wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me.

She laid her head back on my chest as she wrapped her arm around my neck pulling my face down towards hers. She pushed her ass closer to my lower area making me let out a groan of frustration. I held her waist even tighter as I began to grind my hips into her. She let out a breathy sigh as she turned towards me slamming her lips against mine.

I kissed back swiping my tongue across her bottom lip begging for entry. She accepted immediately letting our tongues fight for dominance. We continued to make out in the middle of the dance floor. I soon felt her hands slid up my shirt but I soon stopped her. "Eager are we now babygirl." I smirked down to her as I pulled her head closer to mine so I could whisper in her ear. She nodded quickly grabbing my hand leading me elsewhere. I snickered at how fast she was pulling me through the house. Everything was becoming blurred and as if I was going in slow motion.

I stopped for a second and pressed the palms of my hands to my eyes rubbing them ferociously. "Grayson?" I heard a feminine voice call out to me but it sounded more distant. I looked up and seen her. I gasped as I stepped back away from her. "Em-Emari?" I asked shocked she was even here. She looked gorgeous. He hair fell effortlessly down to her rib cage. It looked like she had almost the same outfit on as Scarlett but she pulled it off so much better. Her body was sexy as hell. She walked up towards me placing her small hands on both sides of my face. I sighed in comfort as I watched her every move.

"What the fuck are you doing Grayson? Why are you here? You can't be here! Go home now!GO!" She screamed at me. I pulled away from her quickly becoming defensive. "Fuck you bitch you don't control what I do with my life!" I yelled in her face. She walked up to me slapping the shit out of me making me stumble backwards. I went to look back at her when I didn't see her standing in front of me anymore but a very distraught Scarlett.

I quirked my eyebrows up in confusion. "What the fuck was that for Scarlett?" She scoffed "Fuck you asshole you called me Emari and then proceeded to yell at me for no goddamn reason!" She yelled as she walked away holding her middle finger up as she left me standing there in shock.

Why the fuck am I thinking of Emari?

Maybe she does mean something to me.....

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