bad || the housekeeper series...

By diamondprince

2.5M 38.9K 21.2K

They're back! After confessing their love to each other, Aliyah and Jacob have been almost inseparable! Jacob... More

Bad || the housekeeper series. (2)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
I'm DONE with this book x(
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight (Part One)
Chapter Twenty-Eight (Part Two)
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
?!?!?!?!?!trilogy?!?!?!??!?! and other news.

Chapter Forty-Three (Finale)

14.1K 676 734
By diamondprince

"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months over-analyzing a situation; trying to put the pieces together, justifying what could've, would've happened... or you can just leave the pieces on the floor and move the fuck on." - Tupac Shakur.

~Aliyah's POV

"I'm happy for them." I say, as Kaylan and I walk arm-in-arm back to the car. I was bummed that we lost, but we both all worked hard for it. It was only fair...

"Yeah, I gotta admit I am too. Prodigy was crying." Kaylan agrees. "But how'd they get past the curse rule?"

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders. She stops in her tracks. "I'm gonna go ask one of the judges."

"Kaylan that's not necessary. You'll come off as a sore loser."

"They said FUCK! I wanted to say fuck but I didn't because I follow the fucking rules! I could've said fuck! Fuck this!" She goes back into the building, leaving me outside. I groan and turn around, to be met with the sight of a parent covering her child's ears, giving me a stern look. She must've heard Kaylan's outburst.

"I'm...sorry." I say with an apologetic smile. She just rolls her eyes and walks off with her young son.

"MINDLESS BEHAVIOR! MINDLESS BEHAVIOR!" A group of students from our school continuously chant, accompanied by none other than the newly assembled group, Mindless Behavior.

I walk back to Kaylan's car, waiting for her to come back so we can go home.

"Aliyah!" Emerald runs up to me, squeezing me in a hug. "You guys did amazing."

"Thanks, Em."

"So, Dana, 'Mindless Behavior', and I were gonna go celebrate at McDonalds or something. You wanna come?" I'm sure Kaylan would want to, but I reject the offer anyways.

"Oh, well have a good night. And great job again." Jacob passes by, cheerful as ever. His shades are off, and huge smile is spread on his face, only to be decreased when our eyes meet. Our hug inside felt so good, I wish it would've lasted forever.

But nothing good in my life lasts forever, the last few months have proved that.

~Kaylan's POV

"I'm just saying, shouldn't the fact that they used curse words have been put into consideration?"

"Miss Kaylan," one of the official judges starts, "the penalty for using profanities was sudden death round, but since you were the only two left, that was clearly not an option. If Courtney Jones had not dropped out, it would've happened. " I walk her all the way to her car, trying to prove my point. Damn you, Courtney.

"But they said fuck! That's like...the worst one! And kids were there! I literally just passed one asking her mother what it means!" She turns to face me.

"Honey, you did a great job, alright? You and Aliyah are very gifted young ladies, but Mindless Behavior won. I'm sorry." And with that, she get's in her car, thus ending the conversation. I watch her car drive away, and make my way towards mine when a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Congrats." I say, already knowing I was talking to Roc.

"Thanks boo." He leaves a trail of small, wet, kisses on my neck, but I pull away. I'm just not in the mood. As much as I hate to admit it, Aliyah was right. I was being a sore loser.

"You cool?" He asks, knitting his brows in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He sighs, and crosses his arms. "Remember what you promised?"

"I know, but I can't help it! I lost to you." I joke.

"That's karma. It's what you get for making fun of Prod's hairline."

"Whatever." I laugh. There's an awkward silence, causing me to look around out of habit.

Woah, that is a nice tree. I wonder what kind it is. I like that tree.

"So, what happens to us, yanno. When I leave for touring?" Roc says, breaking the silence and my evaluation of the tree I was staring at. That question hit me. What happens to us? Not just us, but Dana and Ray Ray, Emerald and Prodigy?

he wraps his arms around me , his comfort soothing me. I take a deep breath, and sigh.

"I don't know, but I'm not ready for you to leave." I whisper.

When Mindless Behavior do leave, that's it. Most of our group is gone. We'll all be graduated, and off in different directions.

I just hope he'll still love me.

Two weeks later...

~Jacob's POV

"Jacob Perez to the office please." The intercom announces during class. I get up from my seat and make my way down the hallway. The past month has been nothing but pure sweat, blood and tears as we prepare for this tour. I can assure NONE of us were expecting the amount of work we'd have to put in to make Mindless Behavior work. Endless dance rehearsals, songwriting, producing, that ain't even the half of it. It's a shitload, but it's all worth it.

I walk in and are met with the principal, as well as Ray Ray, Prodigy, and Roc. Instantly it hits me. I have to do all of my end of year exams before we leave in a week, probably today. I groan out of habit before she even opens her mouth.

"Well, hello to you too Mr.Perez."


"Gentlemen," she starts. "First, I'd lie to congratulate you on your future touring opportunity. This is great and I bid you all best of luck. But, we still have a bit of school left, and during that time, you are to complete your end-of-year exams. Since you'll be departing next week, I've made the decision to give you yours early. So, tomorrow during third period, you all will be called down to take those tests. I suggest getting in a good grip of studying in tonight."

"Hold up. We have to take ALL of them exams in one sitting?! Damn!" Ray Ray says.

"You will have ten minute breaks in-between, and free period. Any questions?" The room goes silent.

"Alright, have a great day." We leave her office, and immediately start tugging at the ends of my hair in frustration. I'm a good student, believe or not, and actually give a damn about grades.

"Ima go home now to study. I can't fail this." I pace back and forth.

"Good lookin' out, ima head home too." Roc agrees.

That whole night, I turn on my iPod, and memorize all of my textbooks and notes from the whole year 'till 3am, chugging down Monsters to keep me awake. Just as I'm about to fall asleep at my desk, my phone vibrates, jerking me awake. I unlock it, revealing a text from Prodigy;

Party @ my place, friday startin at 10. nigga we made it!!!!

I turn off my phone, take my shirt off, and jump into bed.

"We made it." I say to myself before falling into a deep slumber.


"Psst... Psst!" Ray Ray hisses, trying to get my attention while we take our third final exam. They split us up, so I'm stuck with Ray Ray in the library while Prodigy and Roc take theirs someplace else.
I'm barely focused, the fact that I'll be leaving soon to go on tour keeps making it's way into my thoughts.

Holy shit, I haven't even started packing. I gotta do that when I get home.

Aliyah pops in my mind. I haven't said shit to her since we broke up,
and it's evident she's miserable. What will happen to her when I leave? Will she find someone new? The thought of her with Jayden makes me grip my pencil so hard it almost snaps.
Will she go to prom? Has she even made plans for college? I've never heard her talk about it. I run my hands through my thick hair in frustration.

"Nigga I know you hear me!" Ray Ray continues to whisper.

"What?!" I whisper back, careful not to get caught.

"What time we get out of here?" He asks.

"I'on know!"

"No talking." The librarian warns us. I turn around and try to concentrate on passing with at least a B average.

~Aliyah's POV

"Have you talked to him since then, at least?" Kaylan says. I shake my head as I grab my books for English. It's beginning not to hurt as much when he's mentioned, but my heart can't help but skip a beat. I haven't seen him today, is he even at school?

"Oh my God, Aliyah. You're going to have to. They're leaving soon, you don't want him to leave without some type of closure, do you?"

"There is closure. He broke up with me, remember?" I close my locker. "That's closure if you ask me."

"Well, Prodigy is throwing their going-away party, and you are attending."

"Kaylan, I really-" I sigh.

"Shut up, you're going." she interrupts me. I still can't believe we're over. After everything that's happened. It doesn't seem real. It feels like he'll sneak up behind me anytime now and wrap his arms around my waist, laying a kiss on my cheek.

"When do the guys leave?" Maybe I don't have to go to the party, but we can have a small kickback before they leave.

"Next week. They're finishing up exams now." I freeze in my tracks.


"Already?" I manage to get out, despite the huge lump growing in my throat. It hits me that not just Jacob, but Ray Ray, Roc, and Prodigy will miss Graduation, Prom, and so much more.

"Oh. Wow, it hasn't been that long."

"Well, they don't tour until like, early June- late May." Kaylan informs me.

"So why is he leaving now?!"

"They have stuff to take care of. Well, that's what Roc told me."

"Hey, Aliyah?" Yasmine calls from behind me. I turn around to face her. "Yeah?"

"Can I talk to you for a second? It won't be long." Every time she says this something goes wrong, but I have nothing to lose.

"Let me know what she says. " Kaylan whispers in my ear, giving Yas a stern look before walking away.

"I know it's super late, but I just want to apologize for what Jayden did. It was wrong, and I'm sorry for what happened after." she can't manage to look me in the eye, so I'm not even sure if she's being sincere or if she's just bored and wants to fuck around with someone.

"I accept your apology."

"Um, I don't know if you noticed...but Jayden hasn't been in school for a while..."

"I didn't care to notice." I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh. Well, I did. So I called his parents yesterday, and they said he's been checked into a rehabilitation facility. Jayden was strung out on crack cocaine since before he even moved in with you and Kaylan." Her eyes are glossy, but I can tell she's willing herself not to cry.

"I don't know if you care or anything, but I just wanted to let you know." And with that, she walks away, leaving me dumbfounded.

All those times everyone made jokes about him snorting coke, and it turns out being true. I pull out my phone to call him, but then I remember he's in rehab.

I take a deep breath, try to take this all in, and slowly make my way to my next class.

~Jacob's POV

"Alright, you're free to go." The librarian says to Ray Ray and I after checking to see if we completely finished all the tests assigned to us. We still have one more, but Ray Ray convinced her that he was going to have a heart attack if she didn't let us go for free period.

"Thank GOD." Ray Ray runs out of the library. I follow him down to the cafeteria, where Prod and Roc are waiting for us.

"There they are. What took y'all so long?" Roc says as we exchange dap. We walk to our table .which is surrounded by girls that we usually never see. Since we won the talent search, flocks of girls have bombarded our every move. I don't pay them no mind though, they just groupies.

We decide to eat out instead, and walk to the McDonald's right across the street. We order our food, and sit in a booth.

We just chattin' it up, having a good time, when my phone vibrates. I unlock the screen, and I have a twitter DM from @bahjaprincess

hey prince (:

Bahja? I haven't talked to her since she got eliminated.

hey bahja, whats up?

"Oooh who you talkin' to?" Roc says, peeping over my shoulder.

"Back up, man."

nothing, just thought id say hi. whats up w/ you? I heard MB won.

yeah, I dont mean to brag or nothin, but we woooooon , & we bout to go on touuuuur

Ray Ray gets our food and I instantly dig into my fries.

"Prince talking to a girl y'all!" Roc announces.

"You a snitch nigga, I don't like you. " I joke, pushing him with my elbow.

damn, Congrats! fr, y'all earned it.

"For real? Who is it?" Prodigy asks.

"Bahja, from the talent search."

"Bahja... Bahja... Was she the one with the blue hair?"

you guys were good too.

"That was Nique, dumbass. Bahja was the one wit' the purple." Roc butts in.

eh, whatever lol. when are you leavin, maybe we could chill b4 then.

"Now there's two dumbasses, Bahja was the one with the pink hair." I correct both of them.

"Oh! She cute bruh." says Prodigy.

I leave next week... I think for a little bit then continue my message, hoping it won't be a mistake. There's a party this Friday, why don't u come through?

I know Prodigy will be cool with it.

sure! what are the details?

I would text u, but I need your number...

"Princeton? You gon' eat your burger?"

"Yeah, don't touch it."

aw, u aint slick cuz, lmao. alright. She ended up giving me her number, and we kinda sorta kept the conversation going all night long. I didn't even mean for it to happen, she's just so down-to-earth, and different. Bahja told me all about herself, and was interested about me. She'll be going to the party on Friday, and I'm excited to see her. Maybe, just maybe, I might be starting to move on...

~Aliyah's POV

"Hey y'all, drinks and snacks in the kitchen, pool outside, enjoy. " Prodigy greets us. I give him a hug and enter his party. All I can think is this is dope! The lights are off, and neon colors glow everywhere,kind of like a rave theme.

Kaylan is dressed in a teal zip front bustier top, black skinny jeans, and teal pumps to match, while I chose not to dress to impress, and wore a simple 'MTV' tank, ripped jeans, and my Nike High Dunks. Why should I dress up if I didn't even want to come? No offense to Prodigy, I'm sure he throws great parties.

I split from Kaylan, heading straight to the kitchen while the bass of Hookah by Tyga booms in my ears. I have to squeeze my way through, saying 'excuse me' a countless number of times.

I finally reach the kitchen, and grab a cup and a bottle of whatever I can find.

"Woah, don't drink that." A hand takes the bottle from me. I turn around and it's a Caucasian girl. She's very pretty, with a few arm tattoos, and long lavender hair. Her lips are full and plump. I want to ask if she had them injected, but it might come off rude.

"And why not? It's alcohol, I'm at a party." I say, giving her unnecessary attitude.

"Super strong, especially if you're a lightweight. And besides, you just got here." Her voice is raspy, it's like talking to Shailene Woodley.

"Then what are you drinking?" She walks to the other end of the table and grabs a bottle of tequila, and them digs in the cooler and pulls out a Capri Sun.

"Are you serious?"

"It's good! Trust me!" she laughs. She mixes my drink and hands it to me and I have to admit, it is pretty good.

"I'm Brooke, short for Brooklyn." She smiles, holding her hand for me to shake.


"Like, the late singer?" I never thought about that.

"Kinda, but one A instead of two. So, were you born in Brooklyn?"

"Yes m'aam, born and raised. I moved her about two years ago when my mom died, came to live with my dad."

"Oh my God, I'm from New York too, and I moved here when my grandma died."

"Damn, we may have a lot in common."

We sit down for at least an hour just talking and getting to know each other. She doesn't go to our school, but she's graduating this month like me and she wants to be a tattoo artist or a bartender. She's a pretty cool chick.

I've told her all about Jacob and everything that's happened. I don't know if it's just the tequila talking but it feels good to be able to trust someone. She told me if I still love him, I shouldn't just let him leave.

Numb by August Alsina starts, and we both get up to dance simultaneously.

My body moves to the rhythm, and I don't give a single shit what's going on around me. I'm having fun, I'm laughing, and smiling, and having a good time, which hasn't happened in a long time.

When the song is over, I feel a sudden urge to pee, probably because I've had five cups of tequila/Capri Sun, and I skipped on the Capri Sun the last two cups.

I find my way up the stairs into the hallway, and start opening doors to find the bathroom, accidentally walking in on at least 5 different couples getting it on.

"Shit! My bad, do your thing, use protection." I say before closing the door to the sixth room.

"Where is the damn BATHROOM-" As I turn the corner, I run into none other than Jacob. I gasp. He looks so good, I just want to feel his hair, and smell him, and feel his body pressed against mine. The urge to pee is gone. We're just staring at each other, unable to say anything.

I don't even think, I've spent too much time thinking and not doing. Life is too short for that.

I just kiss him. I miss his lips so much, and by the way he grabs my hips deepening the kiss, he misses me too. Silent tears make their way down my cheeks as our tongues fight for dominance. He pushes me roughly against the wall. It's so passionate, yet so lustful. I loathed the time we spent away from each other. I knew he missed me but I didn't think he missed me this much.

We finally pull away, catching our breath. I avoid looking in his eyes, afraid I'll break down. He looks disappointed, as if he regrets what just happened. That breaks me.

"I-" I don't let him finish. I run down the stairs and out of the house, not sure what I just did. I sit on the patio, hugging my knees. I want to go home. I shouldn't have done that, now the aching in my heart is just relapsing.

"Aliyah, are you okay?" Brooke says, sitting beside me. I don't say anything, I just cry on her shoulder, and thankfully she let's me, caressing me like a mother. Despite the large amount of people at this party, we're the only ones out in the front. No one comes out or goes in the whole time.

"Shh, it's gonna be okay. " She whispers quietly, calming me down. I may be a drunken mess, but I know one thing's for sure.

I have to let go, for good.

~Jacob's POV

Prodigy's party is turnt all the way up, like more than Red. Bahja and I were on the dance floor, her grinding on me to Toot It And Boot It by YG. She didn't come off as fast, but they she's dancing right now made me think twice.

We barely talked once she got here, all she wants to do is dry-hump the shit out of me, and it's not cute. Bahja's dumb as hell, acting drunk when I've been with her since she got here and haven't seen her pick up a cup yet.

She grabs my hand when the song is over and leads me up to one of the rooms upstairs. I know where this is going, but I'm really not for it. I know the guys are gonna give me a hard time for this, but I just don't want to fuck her. She starts kissing my neck, trying to arouse me, but it's obviously not working. I have to admit, I let it go on longer than I should have, but I cut her off when she grabs my dick.

"Alright, that's enough. Stop." I gently pry her off me.

"What do you mean?" She pokes her bottom lip out.

"I'm not having sex with you, You seem cool, and I wanted to get to know you better, but I ain't down for a fast girl. Sorry." And with that, I open the door and walk out. She wasn't like that when I was talking to her a couple days ago, what the hell? I can hear Roc's voice already.

She was gon' give it up and you rejected her?! You a fuck nigga, Prince. I smack my lips in annoyance at the imaginary Roc Royal in my head.

"Where is the damn BATHROOM?!" A female voice slurs. I turn the corner and there's Aliyah. I can tell she's drunk. Even in just a tee and jeans, she's so beautiful, I just want her.

I don't know who made the first move, but next thing I know she's against the wall, and I'm feeling her up as we engage in a heated tongue-dance.

When we pull away, I realize just how drunk she is. I should'nt have let that happen. I shouldn't have taken advantage of her. If she remembers this tomorrow, it's just gonna kill her.

I start to apologize, but she runs away, not giving me a chance to speak. I stand there for a while, conflicted on what to do. I love her bad, and it's fucking me up.


"You guys ready?" My dad asks as I load my last suitcase into the car. The day for us to leave has come. It's finally here. I'm gonna miss this place so damn much, I swear. We all says yes, and they get in the car. I take a minute to say my final goodbyes to Stacey and Al.

"Come here, girl." Stacey runs to me and I pick her up, giving her the hug of a lifetime. She starts crying, tugging at my heartstrings.

"Don't cry, ima be back before you even know I was gone, alright?"

"Okay, Jakey." I put her down, and give Al a handshake, which ends up in a hug. This man cooked my meals since I was 5, and practically raised me while my dad was away.

"Ima miss you, man." I say.

"Good luck, Jacob. I know you can do it."

I get in the car, and wave until they're off in the distance.

"We really about to be famous." Roc says, taking it all in.


Emerald, Dana, Kaylan, and a few others from school are meeting up at the airport for goodbyes. I don't know if Aliyah will be there, but I hope she is, I can't leave without saying goodbye.

We arrive, and unload our stuff from the car to load onto the plane.

I see everyone's girlfriends, but I don't see Aliyah anywhere. I even say goodbye to Yasmine, Bahja, Zonnique, and Imani, who I haven't talking to in a LONG time.

But Aliyah's nowhere to be found.

~Roc's POV

As soon as I see Kaylan, I drop what i'm doing and run to her. We grip each other tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Please don't forget about me." She says, her voice cracking.

"I am forever in love with you, Kaylan Jordan, You're mine and I am yours." Tears are threatening to spill from my eyes, but I push them back. I gotta be strong.

"I love you." She says.

"I love you too." We kiss, an everlasting bliss shared between us.

~Ray Ray's POV

"I'm gonna miss you." I tell Dana.

"You better, I fucking love yo' ass." she gently pushes me, and I grab her arm and pull her into a tight hug.

"Be back soon, Ray."

"I gotchu baby, promise. Wait for me, so we can build a life together, and live in a big-ass house, and have 500 babies."

"500? My poor vagina!" We laugh, before leaning in for a goodbye kiss, that I wish was never-ending.

"I love you." We both say at the same time.

~Prodigy's POV

"How do I know you won't fall for someone else?" Emerald says against my chest.

"Because I only got eyes for you, Em. You know that."

"I'm just scared. There's so many girls out there who are better than me."

"You are the most perfect girl in the entire world, Emerald. My love for you is more than words can explain. It would take centuries to express my love for you." She presses her lips to mine in a final kiss, filled with so much passion.

"I love you." She whispers.

"I love you."

~Aliyah's POV

"Emerald, Dana, and I are skipping today to go say bye to the guys at the airport, you coming?" Kaylan says as I put my High Dunks on. Ever since Prodigy's party, I've been trying to let go of Jacob. It's coming along, but I know the process is just starting. If I see him now it'll just mess me up, knowing there's no longer a chance for us.

"No, I'd rather not. Tell them I said goodbye."

"Aliyah, that is ridiculous. Just forget about Jacob, and think of them as group. Mindless Behavior are our friends, the only group of friends you had when NO one wanted to be yours. You can't just let them leave!" Kaylan's sudden outrage startles me, but I stand my ground.

"I said I'd rather NOT, KAYLAN."

"Well, you're just going to have to stay in the car until it's over, because I'm going, and anyone who would give you a ride is going also."


So that's just what I do. The car ride is silent, and when she gets out it's even worse. Thankfully, she left her keys in so I turn on the radio, switching stations.

Selena Gomez? nah.

It's too early for this bass all in my ears.

Kaylan doesn't even listen to country why is this a favorite.

I stop at an R&B station.

"Alright, we're takin' it waaay back with one of our favorite throwback jams by Aaliyah, this one's called Miss You, you're listening to 99.5 Jamz. Aaliyah! I smile, and turn it up, until I listen to the lyrics.

(play song on right now!!! those on mobile it's miss you by aaliyah [duh])

It's been too long and I'm lost without you
What am I gonna do?
Said I been needin' you, wantin' you
Said I need you
Wonderin' if you're the same and who's been with you
Is your heart still mine?
I wanna cry sometimes
I miss you

Off to college
Yes, you went away
Straight from high school
You up and left me
We were close friends
Also lovers
Did everything
For one another
Now you're gone and I'm lost without you here now
But I know I gotta live and make it somehow
Come me.

I turn it off, and bang my head on the dashboard. I'm trying to ignore the nagging voice in my head saying I need to go in there and say goodbye and soon enough, I give into it. I can'tlet him leave just yet.

A sudden burst of energy pushes me to run faster and faster with each step, dodging cars.

I get in, and look for anyone I recognize.

I spot Emerald, and speed towards her.

"Emerald! Em, where are they?! Did they leave?!"

~Jacob's POV

It's time for our flight to board. All of our luggage is loaded. It's official. We're leaving.
I try to stall for a couple of minutes in case Aliyah will show up, but it's no use. She's not coming.

"I'm sorry, bro." Roc says, patting my back. A lump grows in my throat, and I let it. I let myself feel upset, I let myself be angry, I let myself cry. I'm the last one to board the plane, and because of me and my stupid stalling, our flight is ten minutes late on departure.

As the planes lifts off, I look out the window and there she is. Aliyah came! Oh my God! I want to tell the pilot to wait, but we're already in flight. She came too late.

It's too late.

~Aliyah's POV

"Emerald! Em, where are they?! Did they leave?!" she gives me a sympathetic look.

"Emerald answer ME!"

"They're about to take off. I'm sorry Aliyah."

"What?! No! nonono! I didn't get to say goodbye!" I pull out my phone and rapidly pressed his speed dial number.

"They can't use their phones on the-" I hear the line pick up and immediately words rush out of my mouth.

"JACOB! Please, if you can hear me I LOVE YOU! I love you so much and I'm sorry I was so stupid, I was so damn STUPID! And selfish! You deserved better, Jacob please, oh my God I'm in love with you! You're my everything! I know we're only in high school but you're the one who can make everything better! The one who always finds a way to save me from a rainy day, from a rainy night! Remember? I'm sorry I didn't make it! I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye! Jacob can you hear me? Hello?!" It's not until then do I notice I've been leaving a voicemail. I hang up, and throw my phone in anger at myself. It shatters. How could I have been so selfish? He probably had to see everyone else hug and kiss goodbye. And I'm the only one who didn't make it.

I'm the only one who came too late.

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ۞ The End ۞⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

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