Camila Cabello Imagines

By camrenjaurello1213

210K 4.9K 610

The title says it all! Can't promise they're any good, I try my best! Enjoy! ⚠️WARNING CONTAINS⚠️ ✔️Same Sex... More

Under Cover Love
Under Cover Love Pt. 2
Miss. Cabello (GirlxGirl)
Insane (GirlXGirl)
Insane Pt.2 (GxG)
Bad Mistake (GirlxGirl)
All These Years
All These Years Pt. 2
Secrets We Hide
In Love With My Best Friend
No Regrets
Fixing It All
Stockholm Syndrome
My Boyfriends Mom
Long Time No See
Long Time No See Pt. 2
Coming Out?
Sexual Desires
Sexual Desires Pt. 2
New Year
Careful Who You Fall For
Never Be The Same
Heal The Pain
Eternal Love
Find You Again (GxG)
You're My Past, Present & Future
Past Always Haunt

All These Years Pt. 3

7.1K 180 17
By camrenjaurello1213



About a year and a half ago, my girlfriend and I broke up. She broke up with me if I'm telling the truth, she over heard Lauren and I talking about my relationship with Camila and wanted the truth. She was hurt and heartbroken, the least I could give her was the truth.

I told her everything from the first kiss, the first time, my crush growing into something more. Everything, including that I was in love with Camila.

But by the end of twenty-sixteen, Camila left the band. She had different reasons for doing it, but never gave a valid answer. In the beginning the girls had this while 'she said, they said' thing going on. I had to first hand watch their friendship break apart, just because of fucking management, starting the whole drama shit.

In the last two years, not only my acting career but my photography career has taken off. Last year I got my big break and became a part time photographer for 'Guess', that's the first time I saw or talk to Camila after she left the band.

In the beginning it was a little awkward, but a few hours in and we started talking again. After we finished the shoot, we went out for dinner, to catch up. But I don't know how we did it, but we ended back at her hotel room. Doing what we did in the beginning, sleeping together.

It went for a week till I had to leave for London, I had another gig there and I couldn't pass it up. Even though we had each other's number, we lost contact. It felt amazing to see her again, to be with her in such an intimate way.

  Lauren and her weird way of knowing my tell, figured out what happened between Camila and I. She lectured me about how if I wanted to get over her, I had to stop giving into temptation. But Camila had me wrapped around her finger, I was in a trance by her saying just one word.

  After that week we spent together, I rarely ever saw her. Only in passing at award shows, we didn't speak to each other. Only looked at each other from afar, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from looking at her.

  "I can see the gears moving in your head. Think to hard and your head will explode." I heard Normani joke breaking me from my train of thought.

  "Haha. Very funny." I smiled sarcastically. "What're you thinking about so much?" She asked as we both got ready for the BBMAs, she was performing Love Lies with Khalid  tonight and I was going as support.

  The main reason was because she wanted me to get out since I really haven't been active in the media this year, mainly just doing a few guest spots in shows or recurring roles and a few shoots.

  "Nothing. Just random things I guess." I shrugged, I still haven't had the guts to tell the girls other then of course Lauren, that I was sleeping with Camila.

  "Mmhm. Okay." Mani hummed not believing me. "Hush child. Finish getting ready." I laughed standing up from the chair I sat in and walked into the hallway outside of her hotel room. I was already ready to go, I just went a casual black suit and barely styled my hair. Leaving it in its natural waves and had it flipped to one side.

  I walked till I found a vending machine, I put a dollar in and pushed the button for a bag of M&Ms. "You're addicted to those." A shiver went down my spine at her slightly raspy voice.

I turned my head and saw her standing there looking as beautiful as ever in a black and white gown with a fringe that made her absolutely gorgeous, with her hair pulled back.

"Can't blame me." I shrugged as my eyes continued to look her over, I still couldn't believe that I'm just almost six years. She became this absolutely gorgeous, beautiful young women, from her cute little nerdy clumsy self.

We just stood there staring at each other, not knowing what to say or do. It took everything in me from going up to her and kissing her. Like always, her lips were so tempting to kiss. She, herself was tempting, I would always be addicted to her.

"What're you doing going to the awards tonight?" Camila asked breaking the silence, with this cute confused face.

"Mani, wanted me to get out of the house and also wanted support tonight. So she invited me." I answered, "I better get back, I'm sure she's done getting ready." I mumbled before walking past her, but stopped.

"Camila?" I turned around to look at her, "I'm proud of you. You've done amazing on your own." I smiled at her, causing a smile to appear on her face.

"Thank you." She said looking down for a moment, "Can I please get a hug? I really miss my best friend."

I didn't say anything, I just walked up to her and wrapped her up in my arms. "I've missed you to." I mumbled as her arms wrapped themselves around my waist.


The award show went on and every performance was absolutely amazing to watch and dance along to, Normani and I were having an amazing time.

(A/N: I wasn't able to watch the BBMAs because me being a dumbass, fell asleep and slept through it. So I don't know what the order of the performances went. Forgive me.)

Soon it was time for Camila's performance, I was excited for her. Me being of Latin decent, I loved her song Sangria Wine. Also because the song is dope as shit.

But when it switched off to Havana, and when she got on her knees. I nearly lost my shit, especially when the brunette started to sorta bounce up and down in her knees. Dirty images from our past times spending together cake into my mind, but I do have to say. Her dancing did become a lot better.


  "You were drooling during Camila's performance." Mani said as we walked to the dressing room shes going to get ready in, her performance with Khalid was coming up.

  "No I wasn't." I scoffed, I knew it was a lie. "Sure you weren't. Are we still going to pretend that none of us girls knew what was going on between Camila and you?" She asked rhetorically, I froze looking at her with wide eyes.

  "Don't give me that look. Obviously Lauren knew what was going on, but did you honestly think Dinah, Ally or I didn't know what was going on? Of course we knew. You and her were attached at the hip, but it seemed you two got closer when you guys were your little 'tickle fest' back in twenty thirteen." She confessed making air quotes around 'tickle fest'.

"After she broke up with Austin, you two were always sneaking off. On the summer tour, sneaking off and always being handsy. But you two became distant from each other when you got a girlfriend. You thought the three of us were oblivious to it all, but we could see the sexual tension with you two." She finished.

"Well then." I mumbled, "I didn't know we were that obvious."

"Oh you were. Ally pieced it all together halfway through the summer tour when she walked by one of the bathrooms and heard you two." Mani started to laugh when she started talking about Ally.

"Oh god! That's why she couldn't look Camila or I in the eyes." I felt mortified but also found it hilarious. "Poor Ally." I laughed.

"Damn straight, poor Ally. She walked into the cafeteria praying with a scared face. We're like family, she saw something she didn't want to ever see." She continued to laugh.

She looked in front of us, "Speaking of Camila." She nodded her head. I looked and saw Camila walking towards our way.

"Hey Y/N. Hey Normani." She smiled at us both. "Hey Mila." I smiled back. "Hey Camila." Mani smiled over at her, before they got into a conversation. I smiled at the interaction, finally, they were talking.

I saw Shawn walking around, I decided to go talk to him while the two talked.


"Hey Y/N!" I heard someone yell, I looked behind me and saw Camila walking towards me. "Hey." I smiled wrapping my arms around her as she pulled me into a hug.

"You did amazing tonight." I whispered, kissing the top of her head. "Thanks." Her response came out muffled, due to her face being buried into my neck.

I was about to pull away, but Camila stopped me, her grasp around me tightened. "No. I've missed you way to much. I'm not letting go, not yet."

"You okay?" I asked because her voice sounded vulnerable. "Yeah. I just missed you, is all." She answered.

"I've missed you two." I said back, once again kissing the top of her head. She pulled away enough to look up at me, "I'm sorry." I looked at her confused, why is she sorry?

"For what?" I asked.

"For playing with your feelings, especially your heart." She took me by surprise at her answer.


"Can we please talk about this later? Alone?" The brown eyed girl asked, I nodded. "Can I come to your hotel room later?" She asked, I nodded again.

"Yeah." I told her, "I'll talk to you then." I kissed her cheek. I was about to walk away, when she pulled me back. Before I could say anything, she connected our lips.

I was surprised at first, especially since we were back stage and there were people around. No doubt people recording things going on back here.

But I none the less kissed back, I gripped her waist pulling her closer to me as she wrapped her arms around my neck. It felt like a dream, that any moment I would wake up and none of this was real.

  But it was, Camila was really kissing me in front of a lot of people and I knew pictures and videos would surface with in the hour.

  We slowly pulled away when air was becoming an issue, our breaths mixed as we rested our foreheads against one another. "I'll talk to you later." The brunette breathed out before she pulled completely away and started to walk away.

  With a glance over her shoulder back at me, she smiled and winked before disappearing into the crowd of people that was back here.


The show was finally over and Normani's performance was hands down one of the best. I was proud of her, she was nervous. But she did flawless, like she always did.

We finally made it back to our hotel, I was a little tired after the after party her and I went to for a couple of hours. I sat on the couch in my room scrolling through Twitter.

@TMZ: Camila Cabello and Y/N Jauregui caught kissing backstage at the BBMAs!?

@PerezHilton: So apparently, Camila Cabello and Y/N Jauregui we're having a little heated make out session backstage at the BBMAs?

@HOLLYWIRE: OMG! 😱 Camila Cabello and Y/N caught locking lips backstage at the BBMAs?!

@Camila-Jauregui: Oh my god! This can not be real!

@Y/S/N: Did This seriously happen? Tell me this is not a dream!

@Mila&Y/N4life: My ship! It's finally sailing!

  I knew it wasn't going to be long, the media loves spreading news, gossip and drama so damn fast.

  My thoughts were broken at the sound of a knock at my door, I put my phone down on the coffee table before standing up and walking to the door. Opening it I came face to face with those addicting brown eyes.

"Hey." She breathed out. "Hey. Come on in." I smiled moving aside and letting her in.


"Your hairs gotten a little longer and your it looks like you've been working out more." Camila smiled twirling a strand of my hair before running her hand down my arm.

  I smiled taking a sip of my wine as we both sat on the couch, "Those lines sound familiar." I said teasingly. "They should. I wrote that song about you, a few songs off the album was about you." She mumbled looking down, I looked at her a little surprised that she even wrote about me.

"You were the one I always wanted." Camila whispered looking back up at me.

"What?" I asked, I didn't want it to be my mind and ears playing tricks on me. "I didn't know it in the beginning. But you're the one that I want, always have. I guess I finally realized it when you got a girlfriend, knowing we wouldn't be able to have the nights that we usually did. It broke my heart that you were completely someone else's." She told me as she looked down in her wine glass, like it was the most fascinating thing in the word.

"I was only with her because I thought I didn't stand a chance to be with you. You always denied your sexuality and it broke my heart thinking that you could never be mine." I muttered before taking a sip.

"I was scared back then, I didn't know what was going on with my feelings. But now, I do. I've looked back on all the moments we shared and I finally realized your feelings for me. Normani also told me that I needed to stop being a pussy and women up to my feelings." She laughed causing me laugh with her.

"And I have finally. Looking back through the years, I've realized that I'm completely and utterly in love you." The brunette smiled.

"Really?" I asked a smile starting to form on my lips. "Yeah." She nodded, "I love you." She repeated.

I leaned over, connecting our lips. I smiled into the kiss when she didn't even hesitate to kiss back, slipping her tongue into my mouth, I gently grabbed her waist and pulled her onto my lap.

I gripped her hips as her fingers tangled themselves into my hair, "I love you too." I panted as we pulled away resting our foreheads together.

"You do realize that we basically broke the media platform, right?" Camila asked as she started to laugh.

"Oh yeah. I mean the fans have shipped us together since the beginning. That little stunt you pulled backstage tonight, really messed them up. And that little reunion between you and Mani." I started to laugh with her.

"Wait till they find out we're dating." She smiled pecking my lips, I looked up at her and smiled. "Dating?" I asked, subconsciously running my hands up and down her bare thighs.

I internally thanked god that pajama shorts existed, along with v-neck shirts. "Yeah. I mean I did not just confess my live for you, for us not to date." She giggled.

"I've missed that giggle." I smiled pecking her lips. "Yeah? What else have you missed?" Her voice dropping an octave or two as she started to grind down on me.

"How about I show you instead of telling you?" I suggested running my hands under her shirt. "We have all night." With those words leaving her mouth, she leaned down and kissed me again.


"Shut that stupid thing off." Camila mumbled against my chest, my phone wouldn't stop ringing.

I sighed grabbing it, making sure to not to move Camila so much or hurt her. I looked at who was calling and sighed again, "Yes, my dear sister?" I asked answering the phone.

"You and Camila kissed backstage! Since when the hell did this happen! I didn't know you two were together!" Lauren yelled causing me to pulled my phone away from ear.

"Laur, it's to damn early to be yelling." I groaned as I had a small headache from the alcohol I consumed last night. "Well I'm sorry that my sister makes out with the love her life and she didn't bother to tell me!" She exclaimed.

"We only got together last night." I mumbled. "Wait! She's there with you?" My annoying but lovable sister asked.

"Hi Lauren." Camila mumbled loud enough for Lauren to hear. "We are so talking when you get back. Oh and hi Camila." Lauren stated. "Okay Laur. I'll talk to you later." I told her.

"You better. I love you." She said. "Love you too." I said back before hanging up.

"What time is it?" Mila asked as I ran my fingers along her bare back, I looked at my phone before placing it down.

"It's only a little after eight." I answered. "Then why the hell was she calling so damn early?" She asked groggily.

"Because it's like after eleven in Miami." I smiled moving her hair out her face. "Morning beautiful." I continued to smile.

"Morning baby." She moved her head so she could look up at me. "I could get use to this." She smiled. "So could I." I smiled back, "I love you."

"I love you too." She leaned up and pecked my lips. "Mm, babe, morning breath." I mumbled against her lips. "I don't care." She whispered moving to straddle me, the sheet falling exposing her naked body.

"I have a year to make up for, for not be able to kiss you. But I have nearly six years to completely make up for." She smiled as I placed my hands on her thighs.

"We have the rest of life's." I smiled leaning up to kiss her again, causing her to smile into the kiss.

After all these years, I finally got the girl.

A/N: That's the end of the All These Years! I hoped you all enjoyed it, I loved writing it even though it was horrible. Gemini Out! ♊️

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