A K-Pop Utopia (A Black Kitty...

Door Mbita4

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The Toxins and BigBang are back. And with the likes of WINNER and BlackPink, The Toxins' journey into the k-p... Meer

Word to the Readers
Chapter 1: Guess Who Was In The Closet
Chapter 2: In The Halls Of YG
Chapter 3: Hanging Out With BlackPink and WINNER
Happy One Year Anniversary, Toxins
Chapter 5: BTW (BlackPink, The Toxins and WINNER)
Chapter 6: BigBang's Dorm
Chapter 7: Bumping Heads....with BTS
Chapter 8: "We Are EXO."
Chapter 9: Lovestruck
Chapter 10: We Meet Again
Chapter 11: F.U.N
Chapter 12: The First Teaser
Chapter 13: Being an EXO-L
Chapter 14: The Second Teaser..... And Monsta X
Chapter 15: The Hero Challenge
Chapter 16: Boys' Night Out (Part 1)
Chapter 17: Boys' Night Out (Part 2)
Chapter 18: Cream Coloured Doughnuts.... And B.A.P
Chapter 19: As Red As RedVelvet (Part 1)
Happy 2nd Anniversary, Toxins!
Chapter 20: As Red As RedVelvet (Part 2)
Chapter 21: Before The Party Begins
Chapter 22: Let The Party Begin
Chapter 23: Surprise Me
Chapter 24: A Double Surprise
Chapter 25: Getting Ready
Chapter 26: The Big Day
Chapter 27: "Sweet Like Sugar."🍭
Chapter 28: We Are Making An Album
Happy 3rd Anniversary, Toxins!!πŸ₯³πŸŽ‚πŸ’ƒπŸ•Ί
Chapter 29: Distractions
Chapter 30: Johnny Jerkins
Chapter 31: Last Saturday Night
Chapter 32: Bang Yong-guk's Doppelganger
Chapter 33: Collaboration
Chapter 34: The Power of Music
Happy 4th Anniversary, Toxins!!!πŸŽŠπŸŽ‚πŸ’ƒπŸŽŠπŸ₯³
Chapter 35: Christine's Crisis
Chapter 36: Yong-guk's Offer
Chapter 37: The Outdoor Movie
Chapter 38: A Movie Disaster
Chapter 39: Held Down
Chapter 40: YG on lockdown
Chapter 41: Johnny Trouble
Chapter 42: Finding Lee
Chapter 43: Fool Us Once
Chapter 44: Off To Hongdae
Chapter 45: Before It Happens
Chapter 46: Another Disappearing Act
Chapter 47: Christine's Date

Chapter 4: From Times Square to Dance Square

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Door Mbita4

Lee's P.O.V

I was so tired as I sat on the chair which I had been sitting on for so long that my butt hurt so bad and all I wanted to do was stand. I was just piling up the last documents Collins and I had been passing through earlier on in the morning in a file and I had never felt so relieved that I was done. I leaned back further on my chair and blew out a sigh. A sigh of relief.

The past two days have been pretty packed and I've been up and down all the time without a chance to relax. The only time I ever did was when it was time for bed. But even then, I still had to wake up early and get to work. Well, being Collins' assistant is what I signed up for. So I had no reason to complain.

Why should I complain? So far, being an assistant manager isn't as bad as I thought it was when I signed up for the job two years ago. That was almost the same time The Toxins were discovered and signed their record deal.

I really love my job. It's pretty involving and requires me to be here and there all the time. When I not only got to work with Collins, but also with The Toxins, my job became a concrete part of my life that I never wanted to let go of.

Collins is strict and wants everything to go according to plan, but he isn't half as bad. I got to see that when he first discovered The Toxins and those five monkeys managed to break him down, bringing up a softer side of him only a few people ever get to see. I know as manager, you always have to set your limits and put up a straight face, but I can tell you, that Collins is one heck of a friendly person and we became very good friends over the years.

And another reason I love my job is because of The Toxins. Those five came like an unexpected wrapped up bundle of joy in my life. With them, there is never a dull moment and they always make my work easier. Well, let me rephrase that: most of the times harder. But that only makes everything about them so memorable. I remember the first few months after they signed their record deal and they were all put under pressure to do their best. That period was nerve wrecking for them and even for me. But the one thing I loved about them was that they never gave up on who they were and that's how they have managed to make it this far.

As I remained seated and thought of all those times with The Toxins, I finally realised how much I missed them. I haven't been around them a lot these past days and I really wanted to know what's up. I felt a little left out and I didn't like that at all.

Not that I'm acting like a mama bear or anything, I've always cared for The Toxins. We are all like one big family. And as a friend, they also tend to confide in me for anything. Mostly Sam because she's a leader and always has to look out for her team. Whenever she needs advice or help, I'm always there to help in any way I can.

I looked at the time on my wrist watch and I realised it was fifteen minutes past twelve. I was supposed to check up on The Toxins and I completely forgot.

I quickly grabbed my phone on the dining table in front of me and I quickly dialled Sam's number. I put my phone to my ear and waited for her to pick up the call.

"Hi, Lee," said Sam when she finally answered.

"Sam, hey," I said. I was so exhausted, I rubbed my forehead. "Are you done with practise? It's lunchtime."

"Ya, we're done with practise."

I waited for her to say something else and then realised a strange noise in the background.

"Sam, where are you?" I asked. "You seem to be in some noisy place. Are you in the dance studio?"

"No, we aren't in the dance studio."

"Then where are you? In the live room recording something or what?"

"Truth be told, we aren't at YG."

Whatever ounce of exhaustion I had in my body disappeared as I sat upright. These guys weren't at YG so they were probably hanging out somewhere. And obviously without Collins' permission. Oh, boy.

"Where are you? You know perfectly well that you can't leave without either Collins' or my permission," I said.

"I know and we are so sorry," said Sam. "But we met TOP at YG and decided that we should just hang out."

I sighed as I leaned back on my chair again. "I guess if you're with TOP it's fine. But you should've informed me first."

"Is Collins with you?"

"No, he left an hour ago to attend to something. Don't know what it was really. He'll tell me about it later."

"Good. I've something else to tell you."

I sat upright on my chair in panic mode again. "What is it?"

"Well, I don't know how I should tell you, so don't get mad."

"Sam, tell me. You know I don't tell Collins if it's something serious."

"Ya, well, this is pretty serious."

"Tell me then," I insisted.

"Awwh, Lee, I don't know how to tell you! It's so complicated."

"Did you and TOP kiss?"

"What! No! No way!"

"Okay, eish." I almost pulled my phone away from my ear from her outburst. "I was just assuming that it happened."

"What makes you think that?"

"Well, it's obvious he flirts with you all the time and maybe he had the chance to finally kiss you."

"I'm not ready for that kind of drama like I had last time, Lee."

"Then if that didn't happen, what's going on?"

Sam took a deep breath over the phone and hesitated for a few seconds.

"Lee, a lot has happened that you don't know about and you're going to freak if I tell you."

"Try me, Sam. I've been around you guys like forever. There is always something funny that goes on that I won't be surprised this time around."

"No, Lee, this time it's different."

"What are you waiting for then? Spill the beans already! Now you're making me nervous."

"Okay, okay. Yesterday something happened. Ummm, where can I even start? Okay, so, there was someone in the......."

Before Sam could say anything more, she was interrupted by someone in the background. For a moment, I thought it could be TOP or any of her two brothers, but I quickly realised that it wasn't.

"Sam, are you going to talk on the phone all day? We're waiting for you," came a man's voice in the background.

"Just hold on for a moment, Seunghoon. I'll be right there," said Sam.

"What the what! Sam! Whose that!" I asked. I had no idea how I had quickly stood up from my seat that even the chair behind me fell to the floor.

"Wait, hold on, give me a few seconds," I heard Sam talk to whoever it was beside her. "Lee? I know you're freaking out, but that's kind of the long story I wanted to tell you."

"Wait? Which Seunghoon were you talking to?"

"Seunghoon from WINNER."

I thought the world below my feet will open and swallow me whole any moment now. I also felt a wave of dizziness as I held my head and tried to stand steady.

"Sam, I'm going to faint right now and I'm alone in this hotel," I said. I took a deep breath. "Are you for real? Seunghoon from WINNER, like YG's own WINNER?"

"Yes! And there's a lot more that's happened, it might be worse."

"Oh no, Sam. Like what? Collins is going to freak."

"I know, but I've a plan."

"Don't you always? How bad is the situation?"

"Very bad to the point where your mind could easily be blown away. And probably not in a good way."

"Wait, Seunghoon isn't the only person with you, is he?"

"Yes, and it's much worse than that. If you want to know more, go online and see what's trending on Twitter."

"Okay, but can't I just come to where you guys are now and pick you up? Before things get any worse, I mean."

"Or you can just join in the fun. Things are already worse as it is and we're all just going with the flow. If I were you, I would be here at Times Square with us."

"Okay, I'll be there. But before then I'll have to see what kind of show you guys have put up on social media so that I know what's going on. Why of all places did you choose Times Square to hang out anyway?"

"That's another long story. You see, we were on a bus..."

"You guys went on a bus?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I am really missing out on this."

"And there is more. So you better come here quick if you want me to tell you the whole story."

"Alright, I'm on my way."

I quickly cut the call and before I could arrange for the chauffeur to come pick me up, I went on Twitter just as Sam had suggested I should. When I saw what was on the trending list, I was a little confused.

But once I realised what was trending on number three, almost made me faint for real.


Sam's P.O.V

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and when I turned around, I found everyone the same way I left them, taking pictures, mostly selfies with the fans.

Since we came to Times Square, all we did was take pictures. The picture frenzy all begun when we were spotted by fans as we walked in the massive Times Square complex.

So far so good, my plan seem to be going smoothly. I got the reaction I needed from the fans and already, we were trending all over Twitter. A good thing on my part, but obviously a bad one when our managers find out. Hopefully they wouldn't get mad to the point where it might be serious.

"It's about time you were done with that call," said Seunghoon as he came flying, landed by my side with his phone held up and his arm around my shoulder to take a selfie. "Smile."

I smiled at the camera, even when I didn't want to. Seunghoon has been acting too clingy. And as much as that wasn't a bad thing, it was somewhat worrying.

"So cute," he said as he looked at the photo. "You and I make a very cute couple."

"No, we don't," I answered when I looked at the photo with my eyebrows raised.

"I agree with Sam," said TOP, who came to stand beside me to look at the photo. "You don't."

"You're just saying that because you like her," said Seunghoon.

"You're right. I do."

"Can you two fight later when I'm not here?" I asked as I waved my hand in the air.

"Don't worry Seunghoon," said Zoey as she approached us. "You two look cute together, honestly."

"Thank you," said Seunghoon as he beamed at Zoey.

TOP and I just murmured. I ended up rolling my eyes and frowning.

"Now that we have made a statement to the whole world that we've already met, what next?" Zoey asked.

"You're in Times Square," said Lisa as she came to stand beside Zoey. "One of the biggest shopping complexes in Korea. There are a ton of stuff to do around here."

"Shopping would have been nice but we didn't carry our credit cards," said Christine as she came to join us.

"Who said we need to shop to have fun?" Mino asked as he followed Christine behind her. "Times Square is an awesome place and you can do so many things."

"Fine, then what do you suggest we do?" I asked. "You guys know the place. So, I suggest you be our tour guides."

"It will be our honour," said Rosé as she came and gave a playful little bow.

"I think I know where to start," said Jinwoo.

"Where?" Zoey asked.

"Has any of you seen the largest screen in the world?"

My mind started to tingle in a funny way and I felt my face lit up when Jinwoo said that.

"Wait, a minute!" I said. "This is the place which holds the largest screen in the world, right? CGV Starium, the world's largest permanent 35 mm cinema screen."

"That's correct," said Jinwoo.

"Oh, no," said Zoey as she covered her ears. "Nerd alert!"

"Did someone just say 'Nerd alert?'" Mike asked as he came to join us after taking pictures with some of the fans with Seungyoon. "What did Sam do now?"

"Huh?" I looked confused as I shrugged my shoulders and looked at everyone else staring at me.

"You're doing that thing again where you start talking about all the knowledgeable facts you know in this world," said Zoey. "Like about the largest screen."

"Try to be more clear, Zoey. Because I still don't get it."

"Well, there's a whole lot more where that came from. Remember in high school you were always up top with general knowledge."

"Ya, true," said Mike.

"What's wrong with that?" Rosé asked. "Isn't that just how Sam is?"

"I'm not going to tolerate you guys bullying Sam," said Seunghoon as he came behind me and held my shoulders. "She's smart, so deal with it."

"No, I'm scared that Jinwoo might be joining her in the nerd train. Chooo-chooo!" said Zoey with a smirk as she imitated the sound of a train.

I looked at Zoey, then at Jinwoo who was staring back at me. He also looked as confused as I was. And right now, I was so not liking this. Not when I knew that Christine liked Jinwoo. She might get the wrong idea and I was not ready for that bumpy ride again.

"So, are we going to watch a movie then so that we can go see the big screen?" TOP asked, changing the topic immediately.

"Did someone say movie?" Daniel asked as he, Jisoo and Jennie finally joined us.

"That's if you want to see the largest screen in the world," said Seungyoon with a smile.

Daniel's mouth gaped open, his eyes full of bewilderment as he looked at Seungyoon. "You're serious, right? The largest screen in the world? That's so cool!"

"Oh, ya," said Jennie. "That sounds like a great idea."

"Well, I think we can plan on watching a movie later," said Zoey. "I just realised that I'm so hungry and I don't think popcorn will do me any good."

"Same here," said Mino.

Zoey giggled. "At least I'm not the only one. Who's up for lunch?"

Everyone including me raised their hands. I hadn't noticed that we all haven't eaten yet. And for some of us who just had dance practise and never ate any breakfast needed all the energy we could get if we wanted to last the whole day in Times Square.

"There's an open food court down this way," said Seungyoon as he jerked his head to the side pointing to the other end of the wide open lobby.

"Gosh, I've now realised that I hadn't eaten breakfast," said Daniel who walked beside me holding his tummy as we made our way towards the other end.

"What took you so long to even realise it?" Jisoo asked as she ruffled his hair.

"Sometimes the excitement gets to you that you don't feel a thing until later on."

"No wonder you Toxins have a big appetite," said TOP who walked behind me. "You never eat breakfast before practise and that's why you eat so much."

"No, we don't!" Zoey argued behind me.

"Have you seen yourself eat? I'm telling you, you guys have a massive appetite."

"But that's because we use up all our energy," said Christine. "When we practise all we take is water and nothing else."

"You should have been a fish then," said TOP as he chuckled.

Zoey, Christine and the rest of BlackPink behind me gasped in the most dramatic way any girl would ever do. The rest of us kept quiet to see where all this was going.

"That's insulting," said Jennie.

"I know I'm annoying sometimes but that doesn't mean you have to call me a fish, Choi," said Zoey.

"Okay, fine I take that back," said TOP. "You're a jellyfish."

I burst out laughing with the rest of the others. Our laughs were so loud that everyone in the wide lobby and maybe including those up the first floor of the complex, looked at us. I hope our laughs didn't echo all the way up the other floors because that would surly be something.

"Good one, TOP," said Mike as he wiped away the tears from his eyes and laughed. "I wouldn't have thought of that in a million years."

Everyone continued to laugh except from Zoey of course, who looked like like the odd one out from the rest of us with her arms folded and giving us the look showing how annoyed she was.

"I can't believe you just said that to me, TOP," said Zoey as she looked at Choi. Surprisingly her tone was calm. "You've really disappointed me."

"Don't worry, Zoey," said TOP as he came and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, giving her a brief hug. "I was just messing with you."

"Careful," said Jinwoo. "You don't want her to sting you since she's a jellyfish."

"She always stings," said Daniel. "So, TOP, you better get prepared for the worst."

"I'll sting him so bad, he will regret it," said Zoey as she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at TOP next to her. TOP just continued to smile.

"Oh, look, a stage," said Daniel, pointing in front of him. That drew our attention away from Zoey and to where Daniel was pointing at.

In the direction Daniel pointed at stood a small round stage. Daniel was even bold enough to go there and get up on it. We all followed him.

"I've missed being on stage," said Daniel as he walked around the stage with so much jolly that he even started to showcase his dance moves.

Jisoo also joined him up on the stage and started to dance alongside Daniel.

"Come on, guys, we aren't supposed to be there," said Seungyoon.

"We're just having fun," said Daniel. He turned to look at Jisoo and offered up his hand to her. Jisoo gladly took it and Daniel spun her around, dragging her close to him and in the end held her waist and bended her backwards so that she could be looking up at him and he down at her. It looked they had just done a ballroom dance and had added the finishing move.

The rest of us down the stage cheered and clapped for them. I was pretty impressed with Daniel though. I never knew he even had interest in ballroom dancing. He was one who never even had a date to his high school prom, so seeing this side of him was a shocker.

"Wow, Daniel," said Lisa. "I never knew you could dance like that."

"Thanks," said Daniel after Jisoo had finally stood up straight.

"Mum would be so proud," said Mike with a mood of sentiment in his voice. "She would think you've now grown up to be a gentleman."

"Haha, very funny," said Daniel as he folded his arms and looked at Mike. "You want me to dance again so that you can capture it on video, don't you?"

I looked at Mike and he had a smirk on his face. He already had his phone in his hand and was twirling it around like it was something light. "You know me so well, bro. Sometimes I feel we were meant to be twins."

"Thank goodness, you aren't," said Zoey. "I can't handle two Mikes."

"I'm still not going to dance so that you can capture me on video," said Daniel. "Well, not alone with Jisoo. It would look weird on my part."

"I'll join you then," said Mino as he walked up on stage and then turned around to look at Zoey offering his hand to led her up.

"Care to dance with me?" Mino asked.

Zoey folded her arms and looked away, rejecting the offer. She could be so skittish sometimes.

"No," she said still not looking at Mino. "I'm not going up there since someone called me a jellyfish. So my dance moves will obviously be pathetic."

Everyone turned to look at Zoey and suddenly us Toxins all mourned in annoyance at the same time. Mike and Daniel both hit their heads at the same time while Christine and I rolled our eyes which still landed back on Zoey. This was the melodramatic Zoey, alright. And the only way to soothe her anger was to sweet talk her somehow.

"You're still hovering over that joke?" Mike asked. "FYI, it ended a good five minutes ago."

"I never knew Zoey could be this difficult," whispered Jennie behind me in my ear.

"Trust me, this is just the scope," I whispered back.

"Come on, Zoey," said TOP. "Don't you think you're taking this a little too far?"

"No, I'm not," she replied. This time she even pouted her lip.

"It's not nice to leave Mino hanging like that," said Christine. "Don't forget that you aren't a jellyfish. You're Zoey."

"Our sweet, sweet Zoey," I added the cherry on top.

"Our sweet like sugar, Zoey," said Lisa, following my lead.

"You're sweet like sugar," sang Jisoo on stage.

"You're sweet like sugar," Jennie and Rosé sang along.

"This sugar got us sprung," Christine and I joined in.

I snapped my fingers following a certain tune and the rest of the girls even Jisoo on stage joined in. Zoey's attention was captured by us all snapping our fingers. I approached Zoey from behind with Christine, Jennie, Rosé and Lisa, forming a half circle, still snapping our fingers.

The girls: Da double dee double di [x3]

Lisa: You're sweet like

All girls: Da double dee double di [x2]

Jennie: You're sweet like

All girls: Da double dee double di Sugar

We all ended up giving a Zoey a little shove in the back and she took a step forward. Mino took the opportunity to grab her hand and bring her up on stage. What a way to make an entry. When Zoey got on stage, Mino spun her around. Zoey looked confused as to what was going on until Mino started to rap out the words to Flo Rida's "Sweet Like Sugar" verse.

Mino: Hey, I've got a mouth full of cavities.
Sweet tooth, full of mama, like sugar to me.
So my love with the lips, put a bug in the ear tone.
Shawty gotta kiss, it's an emergency. Spit sprung for the taste, addicted to her gloss.

Daniel who was following suit with Mino and dancing with Jisoo also rapped the first verse.

Daniel: Won't smile this way, baby I rub it off.
Put my tongue in your face A little mistletoe, sippin Gram I A.
Im a fan all day.
Do me that favor, cuz I like your flavor.
My manage behavior; Im into your major.
Sweeter so flavor, thats good for this player.

Mike grabbed Jennie's hand and on their way to the stage, he also rapped:

Mike: My hood, now and later, throw back like a pager.
Pretty much, youre givin me a sugar rush.
Lil mama, give me high blood pressure when you blush.
Lips feel soft as a feather when we touch, Shawty thats whats up.

The three couples on stage dancing and the guys twirling the girls around got me smiling. And surprisingly, I was dancing my way on stage as I sang the chorus. I spun around and I found myself at the centre of the stage while the three couples surrounding me in a circle.

Me: My lips like sugar [x2]
This candy got you sprung [x2]
So call me your sugar [x2]
You love you some [x2]
I'm sweet like

All girls: Da double dee double di [x3]
I'm sweet like Da double dee double di [x2]
I'm sweet like Da double dee double di

Seunghoon came up on stage and joined me at the centre. I smiled at him as he held my hand. We danced together as he rapped out the second verse.

Down stage, Seungyoon paired with Lisa, Jinwoo with Christine and TOP with Rosé. Everyone had a partner and it was so fun. We faced our partner as we danced. The ladies every now and then will be twirled around and the fact that we all did that simultaneously was awesome.

The other guys continued to rap out Flo Rida's verses while we could all sing out the chorus together.

All: My lips like sugar (x2)
This candy got you sprung (x2)
So call me your sugar (x2)
You love you some (x2)
I'm sweet like Da double dee double di (x3)
I'm sweet like Da double dee double di (x2)
I'm sweet like Da double dee double di

I was staring straight into Seunghoon's eyes as he and I breathed out heavily right after we finished the song. Our foreheads touched as we looked at each other and for a moment, all I could see and feel was him until a loud round of applause brought me back from my little world. I quickly broke away from Seunghoon.

Onlookers in the lobby had surrounded the stage to watch us perform when all we did was just have fun and dance on stage. Bright lights from people's phones blinked before my eyes and there were loud screams from the fans. For a moment, I felt a little confused until I slowly took it all in.

"Wow, what's happening?" Zoey asked. I looked to my side and I hadn't noticed that she was standing next to me.

"Looks like we just performed in front of a crowd without realising it," I answered.

I looked at everyone else on stage and also those those who danced down stage. They also looked as confused.

"Isn't this where we all take a bow?" Seunghoon asked as he came to whisper in my ear.

"Ya, we really should," I answered.

"We should do what?" Mike asked as he came to stand next to Seunghoon.

"Take a bow," I said.

Zoey who stood next to me held my hand and I saw Mino standing next to her also take hold of her's. I felt Seunghoon's fingers enclose around my hand. Mike also took Seunghoon's and Jennie's hand. And the rest of the others who were down stage came and joined us in the joining of hands. Then all together we bowed at the same time and we received an even bigger round of applause.

"Well, this just got interesting," said TOP. Somehow, I still managed to get him through the loud noise of the audience who kept on cheering.

"It's about to get even more interesting," said Mike. "Look who's in the crowd."

The way Mike said it made me think of Collins and my heart skipped a beat as I looked at the crowd. Was Collins here? But then my heart settled when I saw who was making their way to us through the crowd. Lee.

"I told her to come here," I said with a smile and I broke away from the others to head to Lee.

When I got down from the stage, Lee had already gotten away from the screaming fans. And the surprising thing was that I hadn't noticed that the security had come in to handle the crowd from getting up on stage. Noticing the commotion, I quickly grabbed Lee's hand and pulled her with me up on stage.

"Well, you guys sure know who to stir a crowd," said Lee as she looked behind her. "I even had to warn the security before I could even get here."

"Lee, you're here!" came Daniel and the next thing I know, all four Toxins had quickly surrounded Lee into a hug.

"Goodness!" Lee couldn't believe all the love she was getting that she couldn't help but smile. "I haven't been gone forever, you know?"

"We just missed you, that's all," said Zoey, they were all still hugging her. "You're usually with us but these past days you haven't."

"You're right and I miss all of you too. Been caught up with work. And now, you have all given me a much bigger mess to clean."

"Does Collins know?" Christine asked as they all broke away from hugging Lee.

"He would've called by now," Lee answered. "Yang Hyun-suk would've done the same, but so far, no calls from the grim reapers yet."

"When you put it like that you make it sound like a bad thing," said Mike as he sulked.

"It is!" Lee emphasised through the loud noise of the crowd behind her. "You better have a reason for all this. Sam?"

Immediately Lee focused on me, the other Toxins did the same. I hated such moments when everyone looks at you just because you have to give an explanation. For now, I couldn't blame them.

"We've a lot to tell you, Lee," I started.

"That's true," said TOP as he came from behind to stand next to me.

"How did you even allow all of this to happen, TOP?" Lee asked as she looked at him. "And you ended up joining in the fun and turned this place into your own dance hall."

"Can you hear us out first?" Zoey asked. "Because all this just didn't start from YG."

Lee had a horrified look on her face as she looked at Zoey. "What do you mean?"

"It all started yesterday," said Mike.

"And....?" Lee was waiting for someone to go on with the explanation until.....

"I was in Sam's and Zoey's closet," came Seunghoon who came to to stand on my other side.

Lee looked shocked. First of all, because of Seunghoon's sudden appearance and second, because of what he said.

"You were in what now!" Lee asked, looking like she was going to faint.

"I told you it was a long story," I said. "Why don't we just talk about this over lunch? We're really starved."

"No, wait, hold up," said Lee as she held her hand up. "How WINNER comes into the picture, I now understand, but what about BlackPink? Don't tell me someone else was hiding in the boy's closet too!"

"That would have been nice," said Mike with a stupid grin on his face. I threw him a look and the smile fell right away.

"No, we met them today," said Lisa as she came to stand beside Seunghoon and looked at him. "You hid in the girl's closet?"

"It was a surprise," said Seunghoon.

"That's something," said Jennie as she rolled her eyes and came to join us with the rest of BlackPink and WINNER.

"Don't blame me for being a fan," said Seunghoon.

"I told him we should've come up with another surprise," said Seungyoon.

"Well, he barely listens to us anyway," said Jinwoo.

I looked at Lee and realised that her face was losing colour as she looked at the number of people standing before her. Now that she knows she wasn't just dealing with The Toxins but now BlackPink and WINNER, it was a lot to take in.

"I think I'm going to faint," said Lee. "This is just too much even your managers will explode."

"That's why you shouldn't worry about a thing," I said. "We all know that we are in trouble and there is simply nothing we can do about it. We all wanted to hang out and even if we were to do it in secret, they would still find out anyway."

Lee scratched her head. "You're right on that one. There's nothing we can do but feel their warth when they find out."

"As long as we had fun today, I've no regrets," said Mino.

Everyone else apart from Lee agreed. Even I had to admit, we had fun and we had only just started. We had a lot of things to do in Times Square and somehow the anxiety was killing me.

After the crowd had cleared away from the stage, we were now back to the plan we had had before. And that was having lunch. We were on our way to the food court when Lee asked:

"Who came up with that hash tag on Twitter?"

"Zoey did," I answered as I pointed at Zoey walking beside me.

"What's wrong with it?" Zoey asked.

"You put up #BTW," said Lee. "Won't other people apart from your fans find it odd when they find that on the trending list and ask 'what could possibly be a by a way thing?' BTW does mean by the way."

"I don't think it's that bad," said Rosé. "I mean we couldn't make a long hash tag with the group's names so, putting it in abbreviations seemed okay."

"I didn't like the BTW thing though," said Mike.

"Well, you should have maybe put WTB or TBW," said Lee. "BTW is already taken."

"You can eat me later but that was all I could think of to prevent our managers from finding out about us quickly," said Zoey. "Not everyone knew about it before we did our little performance. I bet others still don't know up to now."

"BTW is now trending number 2 by the way," said Lee. "I don't even know how I realised that BTW was even you three all together. At first I was a little confused that that was trending until I realised there was nothing familiar trending on Twitter related to you guys."

"I think Zoey did good," I said. "Even I would have thought of a name for this little group that wouldn't capture so much attention from the normal human perspective."

"Is Sam calling me smart?" Zoey asked as she smirked. "Most people don't say that about me."

"I think she is," said TOP.

"Yay!" Zoey clapped her hands with glee.

"You're smart now but you'll be a jellyfish later," jeered Mike.

Zoey stopped clapping and she looked at Mike who was walking in front of her. Her excited demeanor changed in an instant to killer mode.

"Did Mike just say jellyfish?" Lee asked. "Where did that come from?"

"That's another long story," said Jisoo.

Before Lee could say anything else, Zoey let out a war cry and immediately she did, Mike took it on cue to run for his life. He ran ahead towards the open food court and Zoey was right behind him.

"I'm going to kill you, Mike!" Zoey called after him.

"You better catch me first!" Mike called back.

The rest of us paused as we looked at Zoey chase Mike down and a few onlookers stopped to us see the sequel before them. I smiled. Those two would never stop fighting no matter what.

"I was about to say, my day is so full of stories," said Lee and she gave a little laugh as she looked towards the food court. "But it looks like it's full of drama too."

"I hope she doesn't sting him," said Jinwoo.

"Do you think our managers would ever make BTW a real thing?" Seunghoon asked, his eyes still focused on the two Toxins running around the food court.

"I hope they do," said Jennie. "It would be so much fun."

"The fans are already loving it," said Mino. "I don't see why they wouldn't make it a real thing."

"I hope so too," said Christine.

"Come on, let's not watch these guys run around, I'm starving," said Daniel. "And we got a movie to watch on the largest screen in the world."

"Did you just say the largest screen in the world?" Lee asked with a surprised look on her face.

"Ya, I did." Daniel smiled.

As we made our way towards the court, the thing about BTW started spinning in my mind. As much as that seemed like a good idea, the others were forgetting that despite dealing with two difficult managers, us The Toxins weren't going to be here for long and there may be a lot more other issues which I wasn't ready to deal with at the moment.

I didn't want to burst everyone's bubble because they were all in a good mood, so I kept all these worries to myself. Hopefully this time I might be wrong about my thoughts, except on the part where other issues out of the blue may arise.

But the other thing that worried me was that my premonitions in most cases, were never wrong.

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