Just The Beginning (Justin Bi...

By kayleebieberr

8.9K 273 28

Emma Johnson is just a young girl in love-- for the first time. She's brought on a crazy roller coaster ride... More

Poor Kid
It's a Date!
That Just Happened
I Really Like You
The Perfect Guy
I Will Catch You If You Fall
I Love You But--
How Am I Gonna Tell Her?
One Thing Out Of The Way
Catching up with friends
Making music
Breaking the news
Life as we know it
Game day
That split second decision
My Beliebers
U Smile
Rehearsals & Reunions
Saying Goodbye
First Night
The Concert
A Day With Jazmen Pt. 1
A Day With Jazmen Pt. 2
The Day it all Goes Down
You Broke Me
The Hospital
Reuniting and it feels SO GOOD
Back Home
Truth Or Dare
Date Me
Part Two
Here's to New Friends
Date Night Gone Right
Girls Night Out
Guys Night Out
Will You Still Love Me If...
The Break Up Blues
I Promise You
Third Wheelin'
You Again
You Give, Get, and you Lose
The End of it

Right by my Side

141 4 0
By kayleebieberr

Chapter 34

~Justin's POV~

So it's been two days since Emma said she'd take me back if I could make a good enough attempt to get her, and so far everything I've tried... I've failed miserably. I know she wants me as much as I want her, she's just playing hard to get which I guess is okay, at least i know it wont be as easy for anyone else to take her away from me, cause damn, she'll make you work for it.

Tomorrow I go back on tour and I have to get her back before then. What can I do to win her back that's special on a bus? So basically I have one day. But I'm not worried, I have a plan.

It's been exactly two months since I first sang "Never Let You Go" to Emma but failed because I couldn't go on. So now I'm going to sing it over for her, and I know this has to work since shes a sucker for that song.

It's 2:00 in the morning right now and I just left my house to head over to Emma's. I'm only doing it this early cause it might make my chances a bit better if she's tired and doesn't really know whats going on.

I have my guitar and my charm, and I'm in Emma's backyard, right underneath her balcony.

"They say that hate has been sent,

So let loose the talk of love.

Before they outlaw the kiss,

Baby give me one last hug." I started to sing.

~Emma's POV~

Life sucks. One minute you have everything: A home, a family, people who love you... You think its all going great and your the happiest you've ever been, and then the next minute it's all taken away from you. Just like that. Faster than you can snap your fingers, God can take away anyone he wants.

I found out about an hour ago that my Aunt Clara died of a heart attack. I barely knew her but I just felt so close to her... I felt like she payed more attention to me than my parents did. And that's all I want, attention from someone who will love me. And that's gone.

I've been hysterically crying for the past hour and I think I'm all out of tears. Just once in a while a tear will roll down my cheek and remind me of her.

~Justin's POV~

"Let the music blast, 

We gonna do our dance,

Bring the doubters on,

They don't matter at all..." This is my second time to the chorus and Emma still hasnt come out. I guess she's a heavy sleeper.

"Justin?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked up and saw Emma's mom standing on her balcony. Shit.

"Uh... Mrs. Johnson.. Good--Good morning," I stuttered. I put down my guitar and stood up straight.

"Justin, what are you doing here?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I was um.. Looking for Emma."

"At 2:00 in the morning?"


"Hun, she's not here. She just found out her aunt passed away so she said she went to Jazmen's for some air," she explained.

"Oh... Okay. I'm sorry, I'll go now," I said awkwardly and ran out the side gate. I left my guitar there cause all I could think about was Emma. I know shes not at Jazmen's, I know her better than that. If her aunt just died, she went somewhere to think. And I know exactly where that place is.

~Emma's POV~

I rode a horse out to the spot Justin and I first kissed two hours ago and I don't wanna leave. I always come out here to think, and it usually calms me down a little cause I get to thinking about Justin. But this time, I cant stop thinking about Aunt Clara. It just doesn't make sense... I remember her being perfectly healthy when I saw her. I just hope she knew how much she meant to me.

All of a sudden I heard rustling behind me and when I turned around I saw Justin walking towards me, breathing heavily and his face red since it was around 40 degrees. I turned back around and watched the pond.

He came and sat down next to me and put his jacket around me since all I was wearing was my pajama tank top. He looked at the pond with me and I rested my head on his shoulder. He didn't even need to say anything... I knew he knew and he knew I knew he knew.

"I'm sorry about your aunt," he said breaking the silence.

"Yeah," I breathed out. There were still tears on my face. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For caring enough to see if I'm alright."

"I'd do anything for you... I love you," he said, still looking out at the pond. I snuggled up closer to him and kissed his cheek. I sniffled and started crying a little more, not much, just a few tears escaping.

"Your parents are probably worried you know," Justin said, looking down at me.

"They think I'm at Jazmen's."

"Well lets go, you must be freezing out here."


"You can stay at my house," he said as we stood up, wiping a tear from my cheek. 

We rode the horse back in to the barn and walked the rest of the way to Justin's house. We walked up the stairs slowly and carefully since his mom was still asleep and probably didn't know he was gone. Once we got to his room he let me sleep in his bed and he slept on the floor with a pillow and a blanket.

"Thanks Justin," I said as he turned off the light.

"Sure. Night," he said in a raspy voice and fell asleep.


~Justin's POV~

"Justin, did you-- Justin!" I woke up to my mom screaming my name, and it startled me so much I immediately lifted my head and yelled, "YES!?"

"Justin Drew Bieber what do you think your doing!?" She yelled.

"Oh my God mom you scared me, jeez. What?" I asked in a raspy voice, running a hand over my face.

"What? What do you mean what? Why is Emma in your room, mister?" She furrowed her eyebrows. I looked over to Emma and she was still sound asleep. Aw, she looks so cute sleeping. I forgot about my mom for a second and just watched her sleep. "Justin!"

"Huh? Oh. She's only here cause her parents thought she was at her friends house and her aunt just died so I brought her here."

"What did you do to her?" She scolded.

"Nothing! I swear!" I defended, throwing my hands up in the air.

"Whatever, just next time ask my permission young man," she said, leaving the room and shutting my door.

"Yeah, yeah.." I mumbled. I looked back over to Emma and smiled at how cute she looked. Her eyes were kinda red probably from crying but she still looked adorable. I shook her a little and waited for her to wake up.

"Huh? Where am I?" She asked, her voice raspy, looking around.

"My house," I smiled at how cute she was.

"Oh yeah," she breathed out and plopped back down on the bed. 

"You hungry?"

"Uh, no not really. I should probably get back home anyways."

"Oh, okay. Ill walk you home," I said. I waited for her to get out of bed and go to the bathroom to do whatever she needs to do to "make herself look better" as she said. She already looked perfect but I guess she doesn't see it that way.

"Ready?" I asked once she walked out. She nodded and we started walking to her house.

"Hey, thanks again for being there for me last night," she said.

"I'll always be there for you," I smiled, and so did she. "And uh.. In case your mom brings it up, I kinda came to your house last night."

"Why?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"I was trying to win you back by singing to you from your backyard but then your mom came out on your balcony and asked what I was doing so yeah.."

"Aw," she smiled, "well if your still interested, I take you back. Thanks for being there for me when I needed you."

"Wait, really?" I raised my eyebrows. She nodded and I smiled as big as I possibly could. "You wont regret this, Emma I swear I'll always be there for you and I'll never hurt you again I'm gonna be the best boyfriend you've ever had and I swear--"

She cut me off by kissing me. I kissed back and held her chin when she smiled into the kiss. \

"I love you," she smiled when she broke away. I couldn't even say anything. I was so speechless I didn't even know what to say. I just smiled like an idiot as I watched her walk into her house.

A/N SURPRISE!!!! I know I said I wouldn't update for three weeks but I couldn't leave you guys without Jemma getting back together, right?

I hope you liked this chapter and let me know what you think in the comments. Okay but now I'm serious, I wont be posting for three more weeks. :(

See you guys then! Love ya :)))


(and BTW if your reading this on an iPhone or iPad then the pic I'm talking about will be on the very first page you read as the cover)

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