Sherlock: The Next Generation

By FernStone

233K 4.9K 1.8K

Sherlock had never expected to fall in love. Emotion, sentiment, had never really been a thing that had affec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Valentine's Day - Johnlock
Valentine's Day - Martin x Max (Aka Maxin)
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Author's Note
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 74

1.1K 45 36
By FernStone

Chapter 74

Martin was nervous. It was quite easy to tell, considering the fact he was pacing up and down the room, worrying away at his lip with his teeth as he did so. He had gone over everything, what, three times? Speech, what he had to do, everything that was going to happen. Hell, he'd gone over every conversation he would have with every person who would be there. It didn't make him feel any better.

"Calm down, Marti," Hamish spoke from where he sat perched on the edge of a table, discarding sitting on chairs for something less ordinary. His words were both amused and worried. Of course. "Yeah, this is a big day, but it's also supposed to be a very happy day! So quit worrying. Max isn't going to care if you mumble your speech or mess something up."

"But it should be perfect! Everything has to be perfect."

With a slight sigh Hamish stood and moved over to his twin, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Look, Martin, it is going to be perfect. From now on, everything will be perfect. You're about to marry the love of your life. Stop worrying." Martin gave him a slightly smile, and nodded.

"Thank you, Mish. Also, thank you for agreeing to be my best man."

"There was no way I couldn't agree," Hamish laughed lightly. "You just have to be mine when, if, I get married."

"Done," Martin smiled. There was a knock on the door and Molly poked her head in the door, normal golden curls no longer framing her face due to being braided back in all sorts of fancy ways.

"You guys all ready? Everyone else is and ready to head down to the church."

Both nodded. Martin took a deep breath. This was it.

He was not close to tears. Nope, he wasn't. Sherlock Holmes never cried. But seeing his son, one who had had so many problems at school in his early years, about to get married was the one thing that almost caused that. Not quite. John was a mess beside him. He had always been far too sentimental. It was why Sherlock loved him so much. They sat, of course, in the front row. Hamish was sat to Sherlock's right and Molly to his left, with Mycroft, Greg, Arianna, Myc, Molly, Benny and Karina in the row behind them. Across the aisle was Max's family. It was quite a small service, mostly family and friends. There were a few more people invited to the reception and meal afterwards, but it was overall a rather small affair. Just as Martin and Max wanted it.

"Do you, Martin James Watson-Holmes, take Maxwell to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do," Martin's voice was barely more than a whisper at first, but one look into Max's eyes and he gained enough confidence to repeat it louder. "I do."

"And do you, Maxwell Angus Adams, take Martin to be your lawfully wedded husband."

"I do."

"I now proclaim you married. You may kiss."

Martin felt a blush spread across his cheeks and he shuffled forward. Max was the one of initiated it, leaning forward to give Martin a quick peck on the lips. Even though they had been together a while Martin wasn't completely comfortable in the things like kissing, never mind in front of people. A quick look around by Martin told him that John had broken down into tears, Molly's smile was so wide that it filled up her entire face and both Sherlock and Hamish were trying to be strong and resist the tears. Martin just felt... elated. He was married. To Max, whom he loved so much.

Max and Martin Watson-Adams. It had quite a ring. When they had passed their chosen surname by Martin's family his dad had, of course, thrown a small fit. Why had they cut off the Holmes?! Martin's response had been that Watson-Adams sounded far better than Adams-Holmes or Holmes-Adams and it was how they had decided to do it. He'd added a snide comment about how Álavrez-Holmes had quite a ring to it so he probably didn't need to worry about Hamish cutting it off the name. Hamish had denied that he had any plans to marry Ollie and Molly had just looked over the moon about the whole thing. Martin was sure she was about as happy at him, and Hamish, being relationship as their dads were.

They moved to the main hall where they were having the dinner and holding the reception. Once the married couple were sat at the table at one end of the hall with those they had decided would sit with them, the speeches started. First off was Max's best man, Franklin, a friend he had had since he was quite young. Frank talked about Max as a boy, how happy he had always been and how happy he was for him. Normal stuff really. Then it was Hamish's turn. He stood up, clearing his throat and pulling out the note cards he had brought with him.

"I have, quite unfortunately, known Martin for my entire life. This is a total of twenty two years and is of course quite obvious due to the fact that we are twins." Hamish smiled slightly. Martin rolled his eyes up at his brother. "Martin and I are very different from each other. He has always been artistically talented and quiet, something that I am definitely not. I cannot remember a time when Martin wasn't painting masterpieces or banging out some beautiful tune on the piano, or violin, or whatever other instrument he decided to play. It has always been part of Martin and I have no doubt that he will go on to do brilliant things in the field of musical composition now that he has graduated. I do, however, remember a time before Martin met Max. Martin was always very quiet, he still is. He barely spoke to anyone apart from me, dad, papa and Molly. His only friend at school was Karina." He made a slight nod in her direction. "Bad things happened at school and yeah... You wouldn't blame him for not wanting to talk. But then he met Max. It was almost like something had sparked inside of him when he came home from his first year at boarding school. He was more snarky, more annoying and generally more happy. He talked more, which is weird because he always talked loads to me. What I'm trying to say is that... Max brought the best out of Martin. At first I was rather suspicious of him, after all how come I hadn't caused this change in my own twin brother? But when I met Max I found out why. Max is perfect for Martin, as Martin is perfect for Max. I couldn't imagine anyone else for my brother and that is why I am more than happy to welcome Max as my brother-in-law."

Martin sniffed slightly, now the one trying not to cry. There was quite a lot of applause before Hamish began to recall various stories about Martin. He talked about when they first went to nursery and pretended to be each other for the day. He went into quite a lot of detail about the time when as a family they had tried to make Molly a four tiered birthday cake and failed quite spectacularly. There was loads to talk about. Eventually he finished, sitting down to allow the newly wedded themselves to begin their speeches.

Max had chosen to go first, since he had no problems speaking in front of a crowd. He stood, not having an note cards. He and Martin had decided to keep their own speeches short. "I first met Martin when I began boarding school. He was the only other boy in the dorm when I walked in and helped me carry some of my various instruments. It was then that our friendship began. Martin was always one of the best friends I had, we have so much in common. I began to like Martin romantically in fourth year, but didn't have the confidence to tell him until just before the fifth year ball. We've been in a relationship since then. I think we'd both been kind of tiptoeing around it for ages. Martin is a wonderful person. He's sweet, he's so talented and even if he has his fair share of problems he's happy. I love Martin with all my heart, and could not think of anyone else to spend the rest of my life with. Thank you, Martin." Martin smiled, a watery one as tears filled his deep blue eyes. Wow... Martin had known this would be an emotional day, but not this emotional. Max wanted to spend the rest of his life with Martin... He really couldn't be happier.

Martin hesitated a moment before standing. Max gave his hand a quick squeeze before sitting again. Martin cleared his throat, taking a few deep breaths to calm down. "Max is a wonderful person. I've never known someone quite like him. I've grown up around wonderful people, my dad catches murderers before they can kill people and papa regularly saves peoples' lives. Max is like them in my eyes. He is always happy, always smiling and can always cheer everyone up no matter how bad the situation. He doesn't let anything bad affect his optimism. I think we should all be a little bit more like Max, just take life as it comes and enjoy it. Meeting Max changed me, as Hamish said. Max brought out the best in me and for that I am thankful. I only had one friend before Max, who will also forever be in my heart. I still do not have many more friends, but Max helped me build my confidence. I now have him, Karina, the other boys from boarding school, Catriona and more. I have Max to thank for it all. I never thought I would find someone special. Truthfully I never thought I would marry. But here I am and... Max, I love you more than ever. I will love you forever no matter what happens." He sat down, exhaling and breathing properly again. Max smiled warmly at him and their hands clasped under the table.

The meal was nice, relaxed chatting going on around the table. The two best men were at the table, of course, along with Martin's dads and sister, Max's parents and brother, Karina and Ollie. Martin had been surprised at how happy Karina had been for him... Then again they were best friends and their own relationship hadn't worked out. And Karina and Max got on quite well, which was brilliant.

After all the food Sherlock got up with his violin, along with Molly on her flute. They played a duet together for the married couple to dance to before the ceilidh band came on and everyone else joined in.

Martin and Max danced for a while before Max got a bit tired, his breath slightly wheezing, so they took a break and sat back down. Quite a few people came over to talk to them, offering congratulations. Martin found it quite amusing watching his dads dance, bickering over who would lead, and watched Molly as she switched from man to man having not actually brought anyone with her. She had broken up with Noel after a month of attempting a long distance relationship. It hadn't worked out.

"Congratulations, Martin, I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Ari," Martin smiled at his cousin, who was now twenty and working towards getting the job Mycroft had held before retiring. Martin's gaze flickered over to the man with Arianna. What on earth?

"So I'm sure you've already met my boyfriend, Mortimer," Arianna looked practically lovestruck as she looked up at Mortimer. Martin's gaze darted to where Uncle Mycroft sat with Uncle Greg. One look told him that neither really approved.

"Yes, I have," Martin managed to get out. Max didn't say anything, watching Mortimer with curious green eyes.

"Congratulations from me as well," Mortimer's smile was thin and didn't reach his eyes. "Do you know where Hamish is? I would quite like to talk to him." Martin pointed over to the dance floor, quite happy when he left along with Arianna.

"Didn't he almost ruin Hamish's relationship with Ollie?" Max asked, looking slightly confused.

"Yeah," Martin mumbled in reply. "I was sure he was gay."

"Obviously not."

Martin shrugged slightly. Something was off about Mortimer in general... but he didn't want to think about it. he would leave that to Hamish. This was his wedding day, he shouldn't worry about anything.

The rest of the night went wonderfully and afterwards the Watson-Adamses returned to their new flat in Edinburgh, exhausted but happy. It was safe to say it had been the best day of both of their lives.

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