I Can't Seem To Let You Go

By HibaHadi

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[UNDER SLOW EDITING] As soon as she sets foot through the gates of Miami's International Music Academy, sixte... More

1| Camila Cabello✔
2| Shawn Mendes✔
03| Day Four✔
04| Changing Minds✔
05| New Impressions✔
06| Glances✔
07| Breaking Rules✔
08| Party✔
09| Shopping✔
10| Brown Eyes✔
11| Another Chance Missed✔
12| Gold Rush✔
13| Clarity✔
14| Plus-One✔
15| Beautiful Stranger✔
16| Movie Night
17| Two Can Play This Game
18| Breakup
19| Mistake
20| It Was Her Fault
21| Prove It
22| Assignment
23| You'll Thank Me Later
24| First Session
25| Innocent
26| Jordan
27| A Dream Was All It Was
28| Messy
29| If Jealousy Could Kill
30| Complications (Pt. I)
32| Complications (Pt. III)
33| Close
34| Becky From The Block
35| I Over Trust
36| Mercy
37| Bridges
38| What Friends Are For
39| Rock Bottom (Pt. I)
40| Rock Bottom (Pt. II)
41| The Beauty Of Our Love
42| All We Have Is Love
43| Secret Love Song
44| What Matters The Most
45| Making Peace
46| Without A Doubt
47| Perfect
48| Promise Me
49| Assumptions
50| Christmas C'mon (Pt. I)
51| Christmas C'mon (Pt. II)
52| Christmas C'mon (Pt. III)
53| In Your Arms I Belong
54| Before I Could Fall
55| My Real Dream
56| Safe Haven
57| Only You
58| Something Special
59| Lies Are Underrated
60| Seventeen
61| I Don't Like You
62| Losing Trust In You
63| When In Rome
64| Who Are You?
65| Silver Lining
66| Actions Speak Louder Than Words
67| Sweet Revenge (Pt. I)
68| Sweet Revenge (Pt. II)
69| Sweet Revenge (Pt. III)
70| Bottled Up Emotions
71| Reality Check
72| Control
73| As Love Fades Away
74| Way Down We Go
75| Photograph (Pt. I)
76| Beginning Of The End
77| Outbreak
78| Love Will Stay
79| Things I Say When You Sleep
80| Blood On Our Hands

31| Complications (Pt. II)

1.4K 54 47
By HibaHadi

Rap on my window, come home

It's been a while, so stick around

Why don't you?

'Til the end of time

Say that you'll be mine

An uphill climb fighting what the heart really wants to do.

- Alessia Cara♡


Lauren's P.O.V.

I don't know if Camila will believe me even if I showed her the video of Austin and Alex talking. I mean, we aren't even that close! And besides, why would she believe the girl to tried to separate her from him by force? It's best if I leave this to someone closer to Camila. And I know exactly who it is.

I head out of my dorm and downstairs towards Camila's dorm. I knock on the door a few times before it's opened by Camila. "Oh, uh... hey, Lauren." She says, look I a bit takenby surprise at my sudden visit.

"Hi. Um, I was, uh... wondering if... I could borrow some... hair conditioner!" I say nervously then mentally slap myself. So this really the best excuse I could come up with. Classy, Lauren. Real classy.

Camila looks at me weirdly. "Sure. I think I have an extra bottle here somewhere." She says then invites me inside and goes to the bathroom to get the conditioner. I sit on the couch and spot her phone lying next to me. This is my chance.

I make sure that Camila's still looking through the drawers and cabinets and not paying attention to me then snatch her phone and unlock it. It luckily has no password on it. I flip through her contacts and find her mother's then quickly pull out my phone and copy the number down. When I'm done, I save it then lock Camila's phone and place it back right where it was.

After a moment, Camila comes out of the bathroom empty-handed. "Sorry, but I couldn't find it." She says shrugging and I wave her off.

"It's alright. I just remembered that I have one in my cabinet." 

Camila nods. "So, I'll be heading out now. Sorry to disturb." I say and Camila shakes her head as she walks me to the door. "No, not at all."

I smile at her. "Have fun on your break." I say before I give her a hug. "You too." She says after we pull away. We say goodbye to each other before I head up the stairs. I pull out my phone and call Camila's mother before leaning back against the wall.

It rings three times before I hear a gentle voice on the other line. "Hello?"

"Hello, Mrs. Cabello?" I run my hand through my hair. "Yes. Who is this?" She says.

"My name's Lauren Jauregui, I'm your daughter's friend."

"Oh, yes! Very nice to talk to you! Is everything alright?" She says. "Um... not exactly." 

"What? What's going on? Is Camila okay?" She asks, concern showing in her tone. "Don't worry, Mrs. Cabello, she's fine. But I just have to talk to you about something." I assure her.

"Sure, what is it?" She asks. I take a deep breath before proceeding.

"Camila must've told you about her um... boyfriend." I cringe a little at the last part. I can't believe I'm calling Austin her boyfriend after all that shit!

"Yes, but all she told me was that they broke up. She didn't reveal his name or anything else about him." Mrs. Cabello says. "Well, they're back together now and um... I just-I don't think that your daughter's relationship with him is healthy." I explain.

"Why so? And what is his name, anyways?" She asks. "His name's Austin. Austin Mahone." I say. There's no reply on the other line for a while. All I hear is static. "Hello? Mrs. Cabello, are you still there?" I say as I furrow my eyebrows. "Y-yes, Lauren, dear. What was his name again?" Mrs. Cabello says on the other line. "Austin Mahone."

"So it really is him." She says as I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, no. It's a long and boring story that you probably don't want hear." She says and I stupidly nod, forgetting that she can't see me. "Okay."

"Mrs. Cabello, about the whole Austin thing, I heard him talking to his friend yesterday and found out that he's just... using Camila for the money that your family has. If I talk to her, she won't listen to me because she gets really stubborn when it comes to him. So I'm asking you to please talk her out of this relationship with him because he's bad for her." I explain.

"I will. I'm not going to let her even speak to him anymore. All his family brought us was trouble for many years, anyways." Mrs. Cabello says and I furrow my eyebrows. "What?"

"Oh, nothing. Thank you for telling me this, Lauren." She says. "No problem, Mrs. Cabello. Just is it okay if you don't tell Camila that I was the one who informed you about this?" I ask politely. "Alright, I won't. And Lauren, thank you so much for caring about Camila's feelings. I really appreciate it and I'm so glad that she has a friend like you." She says and I nod again stupidly. "It's the least I could do. Your daughter is literally the sweetest." I smile.

"Glad to hear that. Alright, I'll have to go now if there isn't anything else." She says. "Oh, no, there isn't. Thank you for taking the time to speak to me." I say. "My pleasure." She replies.

We say goodbye before the line goes dead. That went great. Camila's mother would probably be able convince her to break up with Austin. At least I now know that there's a possibility of Camila staying away from that douchebag. All I have to do now is wait and see what happens after fall break.


Camila's P.O.V.

The bus ride back home was tiring as hell! I haven't managed to get any sleep along the way because of the annoying kid behind me kicking my seat and screaming 'Peekaboo! Peekaboo!' in my ear. I descend from the bus and make my way to the entrance gate of the bus station. After I collect my luggage, I go outside the station and pull my phone out to order an Uber when I spot our chauffeur, Steve, standing near my dad's car. I should've known my father would send him after me. I mean, I'm not complaining or anything but I just don't understand why my dad doesn't trust me to get home safely by myself. I'm sixteen for God's sake!

"Hello, Miss Camila. Very nice to see you again." Steve smiles warmly at me as I approach the car. I smile back at him. "You too, how's it going? And how's Selene?" I say as he opens the backseat door to my dad's black Ferrari. Selene is Steve's twelve-year-old daughter. She and I are very close. My parents would invite her to dinner sometimes and every time they do, she and I would end up throwing popcorn at each while we watch movies in my room. So yeah, she's like a little sister to me. 

"Oh, she's doing great! She misses you a lot." Steve replies right before he takes my suitcase out of my hand. "Let me take that." He continues as I climb into the backseat.

After about thirty minutes, we stop at my house. I smile as I open the door and climb out. It feels so good to be home again. 

Steve takes my suitcase out of the back of the car and is about to take it inside before I stop him. "It's alright, I got it." I say as I take the suitcase from him. I walk to the front gate and ring the doorbell. "I GOT IT, MOM!" I hear Sofia yell and smile as wait for her to get here. Seconds later, the door is opened by my little sister.

"MILA!" Sofi yells as she runs to me and hugs me tightly and I hug her back. "Hey, Butterfly Queen One! I missed you loads! How's it going?" I say as we pull away. "I missed you too! Please don't go away for that long again!" Sofi says as she hugs my legs and I laugh.

"You know I can't promise you that, Sof. I have school just like you."

"Come on! Let's go inside!" She pulls my hand as I get my suitcase and we walk through the front yard where Sofi's toys are scattered all over to the front door. I open the door and look inside. I set my suitcase aside and walk towards the living room where my dad's watching T.V. My mom's probably in the kitchen making dinner since I can smell something delicious coming from in there.

"Daddy, Mila's here!" Sofia says excitedly and my father stands up from his spot on the couch and turns around towards me, a warm smile gracing his face. I smile as well as I walk towards him. "Hi, dad." I greet him as I hug him tightly and he reciprocates. "Camila, angel, welcome back!" He says as we pull away. "How was the trip?" 

"It was nice, actually."  I say as I sit across from him. "But I suppose it would've been nicer if you were with Steve instead, right?" He says and I roll my eyes playfully. "Dad, please. I'm not five anymore. I can manage." I whine and my dad laughs. "I don't care how old you get because you'll always be my little girl." I shake my head as I giggle. I really missed him.

Moments later, I get up and go to the kitchen. I see my mom chopping potatoes and wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her cheek. "Hey, mom." I say and she puts the knife down and turns around to hug me. "Mila, sweetie, you made it! How are you, mija? I missed you so much." She says as we pull away and I smile. "I'm great, mom. I missed you more." I say as hug her again.

I help my mother with dinner and set the table as Sofi bounces over to sit down. I call my dad over from the living room and sit down along with my mom. After dinner, Sofi and I help mom clear the table and I do the dishes, even though my mom insists that I don't.

"Mila, Mila!" Sofi calls me after I'm done with the dishes. "Yeah, Sof?" I reply as I go out to the living room. "Which one of my dollies should I play with today?" Sofi asks and I smile. Sofia is obsessed with American Girl dolls. Yep, that's right. She has each and every single doll and she's been collecting them for almost a year.

"Hmm... how about Rebecca?" I suggest and Sofi smiles widely. "That's a great idea! Will you play with me?" She says and I'm about to respond with yes before my mother interrupts. "Acutally, Sofi, your sister must be really tired because of the trip. Maybe you can play tomorrow." My mom says. Sofia frowns slightly but chooses not to argue and nods her head. "Okay."

I take my suitcase upstairs to my room. As I open the door, I smile. I missed being here almost all the time.

My room is very simple, actually. Well, aside from the queen-size bed it is. I have a T.V. hung on the wall, a walk in closet, a built-in bathroom and some other basic stuff. I actually prefer a white-themed bedroom. I think it looks elegant but I have to put my touch in it as well. Most of my bedroom is plain white; white comforters, white carpet, white walls, etc. But I decided to put my own touch in it; like, for example, I hung some of my personally painted pictures on my walls, I put string lights over my headboard to make it look less boring, and I also got this neon pink beanbag chair that I found at Wal-Mart for just $2.99! Wow, I really was a brilliant and creative fourteen-year-old!

I place my suitcase in the middle of the room before plopping down on my bed and unlocking my phone. I decide to text Austin and tell him that I got home safely.

[7:57 p.m.]
Me: Hi babe:) I got home about two hours ago and the trip was tiring 😩

[7:57 p.m.]
Me: How was your trip back home? xxx

When he doesn't reply for like three minutes, I set my phone on the nightstand before going to the bathroom. I take a shower and change into my panda onesie, which is my favorite one, and brush my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and plop down on my bed before flicking on the T.V.

About an hour later, there's a knock on the door. "Come in." I say. The door opens revealing my mother. "Hi, mom." I smile. My mom smiles back as she sits on the edge of the bed. "Sweetie, there are a few things that we need to talk about. Important things." She says. "Sure, like what?" I ask.

"Remember when you told me that you had a breakup and you missed school?" Mom says and I nod. "Yeah, that." She says. "Oh, right. Mom, I almost forgot to tell you that he and I got back together over the week." I say.

"I know." Mom says and I furrow my eyebrows. "Wait, but how do you know?" I ask and my mother laughs nervously. "You know what? We can talk about this tomorrow. You should get some sleep now. Goodnight, angel." She says then kisses my forehead. "Goodnight." I say before my mom exits my room. That was weird. How did she even know that Austin and I are back together? I don't recall telling her before now.

I decide not to make a big deal about it and turn the T.V. off before flicking off the bedside lamp and getting under the comforters. I slowly close my eyes minutes later, letting sound sleep overtake me.


Shawn's P.O.V.

I make my way downstairs after I shower and see my little sister, Aaliyah, watching T.V. while eating a plate of at least six waffles. This girl eats so much yet still doesn't seem to gain any weight!

"I hope you left me some." I laugh as Aaliyah shoves a forkful into her mouth. "On the counter." She says not taking her eyes off the T.V.

"Where are mom and dad?" I ask her after I grab plate of waffles and join her on the couch. "On the moon." She says sarcastically and I roll my eyes. "Aaliyah."

"They're at work, of course! Where else would they be?" She laughs and I playfully roll my eyes.

"By the way, I never asked you, how are you doing with Lucas?" I ask her and she sighs and looks down at her waffles as I see a visible frown on her face. "Not good, really. He still has no idea I even exist. He barely even looks at me when we pass each other in the halls." 

I put my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer to me in an effort to make her feel a little better, though I'm secretly glad that this Lucas kid still doesn't notice her. I don't like the idea of Aaliyah being involved with some boy, especially if it's one would be linked to her romantically. As the overprotective older brother that I am, if Aaliyah ever came home with a boyfriend, or any boy at all who might possibly have any type of interest in her, it would be kind of hard to hold myself back from punching the guy in the face. Just saying.

"Don't worry. I'm sure he'll notice you someday." I tell her and she sighs. "I don't know."

After we're done eating, Aaliyah does the dishes since it's her turn today. I grab my phone from upstairs and walk back down to see Aaliyah back on the T.V.

"I'm going to Hailee's, you wanna come along?" I ask her. And she shakes her head. "I'm going to Stacey's in a bit." I nod and head out the door and to Hailee's house. I ring the doorbell before I hear footsteps from inside. "Shawn, how many times have I told you that can just walk in?" Hailee opens the door.

"But it's rude to just walk into a house without ringing the doorbell." I smile and she rolls her eyes. And steps aside for me to come in. Hailee's currently home alone since her parents are at work and her elder brother goes to college in New York City.

I plop down on the couch as she sits next to me and lifts her legs up over the coffee table. She flicks the T.V. on to Teen Wolf as we munch on popcorn and sip coffee.

"So," Hailee says half-way into the episode. "have you thought about what you're feeling for Camila?" She just had to ask. I can't believe I almost went a day without thinking about her but Hailee just had to remind me.

"No. And I don't plan on bothering myself with it today." I say and she turns to face me. "Shawn."


"You know you're going to have to think about it sooner or later." She says. "Or I could just ignore it because I have a girlfriend." I argue. "Shawn, you can't just ignore something like that!"

Hailee sighs. "I'll ask you a simple question and you have to reply to me with either yes or no." I shove a handful of popcorn in my mouth. "Ask away."

"Do you like Camila?" She asks and I turn to look at her then turn back to the T.V. "Shawn, come on."

"Well, what do you want me to say?" I ask. "Say what you want to say. You don't have to hide anything from me." She replies and I sigh. "Well?" Hailee says when she sees that I don't say anything.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but yeah, I..." I briefly close my eyes. "I like her." I actually think I do. I never thought I'd ever feel this way towards her but I can't exactly control my feelings. I like her. I like Camila. Damn it!

"I knew you'd come around eventually, kiddo." Hailee smiles and I sigh and turn back to the T.V. "But what am I supposed to do about it? I don't know if she feels the same way or not. And besides, Ariana and Austin are obstacles in my way." I say. "Don't worry yourself about anything. I got it." She smiles at me. "I appreciate that but Ariana is a big problem for me now. I just... I don't want to let her go. She hasn't done anything wrong and she doesn't deserve to be broken up with." I say. I really don't know what the hell I'm doing right now.

"I told you that I got this, kiddo. Don't worry." Hailee says and turn to face her. "Thanks, Haiz." I smile. "Oh, and bye the way, can you keep this whole thing a secret?" I continue and she nods. "Of course. My lips are sealed."

"I appreciate that." I smile. I don't want to break up with Ariana but I'm not sure about my feelings for her. She's nice and pretty and everything but I just don't know. And I don't wanna hurt her feelings. And besides, Camila's with Austin and she seems really happy with him. And I don't want to take that away from her.


Camila's P.O.V.

After Sofi and I clear the table after breakfast, I do the dishes before heading to the living room and plopping down on the couch while Sofi plays upstairs in her room.

"Camila, sweetie?" I hear my mother's gentle voice behind me. "Yes, mom?" I reply as I turn my head towards her. "We need to talk." She says as she sits next to me on the couch. "Sure. About what?" I smile. "About your boyfriend, Austin." My mother says and I furrow my eyebrows. "How did you know his name?"

My mom doesn't say anything for a second. "I got a call yesterday from your friend saying that she saw Austin talking to his friend. He said that he's just using you for money." She says but I cut her off as I shake my head. "No, that's not true. Austin would never do that."

"Mila, there's a story behind that. And your father was going to tell you when you turn eighteen but I think you're ready to know now." She says and I nod for her to continue. She takes a deep breath before proceeding. "When your great grandfather used to live America, he found a note from his father saying that he hidden $25 million in the woods outside the city for him. When Austin's great grandfather heard about this, he claimed that the money was his and that the note was fake. And that started a feud between our families. The authorities didn't know who to believe until your grandfather proved it with your great, great grandfather's will. He then created the company that your father currently owns with this money, which brings us to now. And to this very day, the Mahones think they'll be able to get your father to sell them the company but you know how hardheaded your father is, he won't fall for it." My mother explains as my eyes widen in shock. I mean, I know we have a large income but I didn't know that we're THAT rich!

"Austin's parents must've told him about this and he must've gotten excited and decided to use you." My mother places her hands on my shoulders. "Mila, sweetie, I don't want you to get hurt so as your mother, I'm asking you to break up with him." She says and I shake my head. "No, that can't be true. Who even told you about Austin?"

"She didn't reveal her name to me." She says and I furrow my eyebrows. I bet it's Becky. She must've been behind this. She must've just made up this whole story and told it to my mother to make sure that Austin and I break up. Why can't she just be happy for me?

"No. There's no way I'm believing that Austin is just using me. I'm sorry, mom, but I can't believe this." I say as I get up and jog upstairs to my bedroom making sure to lock the door. I plop down on my bed and hug my knees up to my chest. I won't believe that Austin's using me. That can't be possible. Despite the previous fued between our families, I don't think that Austin would be using me. It's just not right!

I grab my phone from the nightstand and I see three unread messages from Austin.

Yesterday, [10:54 p.m.]
Austin❤: It was fine really xx

[10:55 p.m.]
Austin❤: I miss you already though :(

I smile at this one.

[10:57 p.m.]
Austin❤: do you want to go out tomorrow? xxx

I quickly type in a reply.

[10:15 a.m.]
Me: I miss you too💕

[10:15 a.m.]
Me: sure where to? xxx

He replies a few minutes later.

[10:17 a.m.]
Austin❤: Mall of Miami? Text me your address and I'll come pick you up xxx

I don't want him to pick me up because my mom might get a little mad if she sees him and prevent me from going out with him.

[10:17 a.m.]
Me: no it's fine I'll just meet you there in about thirty minutes xxx

[10:17 a.m.]
Austin❤: sure see ya there x

[10:18 a.m.]
Me: bye xxx

I lock my phone and place it back on the nightstand. I get up and go to my closet. I pick out short-sleeved, white crop top, skinny denim jeans and peach pink ballerinas. I quickly dress into the clothes and do my usual soft makeup then grab my phone and head downstairs. "I'm going out to get some fresh air. Do you need me to bring anything home?" I tell my mom who looks up from the T.V. at me. "No, it's alright." She says and I nod. "And Camila, sweetie," She continues as I approach the front door and I look at her.

"Please be careful." She says. I sigh and nod then go out the door to front yard and exit the house. I order an Uber and it arrives in about five minutes. I get to the mall and sit down at the garden cafés and text Austin that I got here. I look around and see the face I don't want to see right now at all.

Oh my God, you've got to be kidding me.




This chapter's extra long 'cause I'm in a really good mood today :)

Vote+comment+share and follow me if you want to xxx

Okay question of the day:
What's your current favourite song?

Mine is No Promises by Shawn Mendes :) xxx

You guys are incredible and I love you to the moon and back. Take care of yourself and have a nice day! <3


P.S. I might be going on a temporary hiatus that would last for approximately 3 weeks after updating the next chapter. I'm really really sorry but I don't want to risk my grade dropping at school. I promise I'm going to update regularly again as soon as I make sure I'm doing good.

Lots of love <3


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