Dragon Age Inquisition: The L...

By Julianne_Winters

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Started: June 9/2017 (On hold)[Not completed] **Warning: Contains spoilers for DA2: Tale of the Hawke** #1 in... More

1: Lord Trevelyan
2: Your Worship
3: Herald of Andraste
4: Lord Pavus
5: Felix Alexius
6: Gereon Alexius
7: The Chosen One
8: Red Templars
9: Inquisitor
10: Warden Stroud
11: Magister Halward
12: Birthright
13: Adamant
14: The Grey Wardens
15: Old Gods
16: The Mark
17: Foci
18: Burdens
19: Herald's Rest
20: Chess
21: Dinner
22: Dessert
23: Winter Palace
24: Orlesians
25: Andraste
26: Lady Morrigan
27: Solas
28: Curses
29: Demons
30: The Barracks
31: Fears
32: Abstinence
33: White Wolf
34: Compulsion
35: Escalating
36: Confessions
37: False Identity
38: Ancestors
39: Nobles
40: Snowy Wyvern
41: Wolves
42: Visitors
43: Abelas
44: Dread Wolf
45: Creators
46: Champion
47: Lyrium Ghost
48: Secrets
49: Dreamers
50: The Fade
51: Dreams
52: Corypheus
53: Archdemon
54: Proposals
55: Mythal
56: Eluvian
58: Cure
59: Missing
60: Carriages
61: Somniari
62: Sanctuary
63: Qarinus
64: Help
65: Maevaris
66: Fen'Harel
67: New Friends
68: Plans
69: Compelled
70: Magisters
71: Rescue
72: Barrier
73: Reunion

57: Joined

145 12 0
By Julianne_Winters


"I was passing through the hall earlier when a serving girl saw me and squealed. Dropped her laundry and everything. Such a mess. She was completely breathless. "You were at the battle with the evil one weren't you?" I didn't even get a chance to answer. She hugged me. Hugged me. This is your influence." Dorian said with a frown.

"Admit it." I smiled. "You're having a ball."

"I don't trust camaraderie. All these people smiling, buying me drinks... it's unnatural. Mind you, I can't say I hate the notion of being the Good Tevinter. "I suppose you can't all be evil bastards." The blacksmith said that and he spat when we first met. I hope my father hears. He'll shit his smallclothes from shock I swear."

"I'm happy you're here after all that's happened." I said, interrupting his tirade.

"I fully expected to die. It would have been thematically appropriate. And you! You could've been a martyr. Oh, the songs they would have composed."

"There will still be songs." I countered.

"Yes, but they won't have the same gravitas. We'll just have to be satisfied we're alive. And together. I'm staying by the way. I still can't believe I said all those horrible things to you."

"It wasn't your fault Dorian."

"I'm not so sure amatus. Regardless, there's no you in Tevinter. Nothing else matters."

"I feel the same way about you Dorian."

"Well of course you do. I am me after all." He teased.

I laughed and left him to talk to Varric who had joined us, crossing the room to where Vivienne was talking to several nobles I didn't know. Of all my companions, it seemed she would be the only one leaving the Inquisition.

With a new Divine chosen and soon to be ordained, she was anxious to return to Orlais to help rebuild the mage Circles. Seeing her excitement and determination, I chose not to share my doubts about her success. Given what I knew of Leliana, restoration of the Circles was not high on her list of things to do. Rather than say so, I merely smiled and nodded and wished her success, thanking her for her help with the Inquisition.

As she returned to her conversation with her friends, I paused to take in the laughter, song and smiling faces which filled the grand hall. I smiled as a wave of pleasant exhaustion washed over me. I'd spoken to everyone and they all deserved to continue celebrating long into the night. But I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than a good night's rest away from all the excitement.

Turning, I headed for the door leading to my quarters when Dorian's voice rang out behind me.

"Leaving so soon amatus?" He asked, closing the distance between us.

I smiled. "I am. I'm tired Dorian."

"Tsk tsk." He said, clucking his tongue. "You didn't really think one brief chat would be enough did you?"

"Define enough."

Dorian smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Insolence. I like it." Taking my hands in his, he kissed me firmly before pushing me backwards through the door, his eyes filled with happiness.

My heart felt close to bursting as Dorian gathered me in his arms in my quarters, pressing his lips to mine possessively. Maker. It felt as though it had been an eternity since we'd been alone together. The feel of his arms around me, with his lips pressed to mine, I never wanted to let him go.

"My heart." I whispered. "Maker, I've missed you."

"As I've missed you amatus." He murmured, his voice gruff with emotion.

"Are you sure you're all right Dorian?"

"I feel fine amatus." He smiled. "Being with you I'm always all right. Better than all right actually."

"It's just that we still don't know who's after you Dorian. I don't like that you're still in danger."

"Hush amatus." Dorian crowed. "I'm safe enough now. I'm with you. No one can reach me here."

A thought occurred to me as he spoke, remembering I'd left Hawke and Fenris in my quarters. I had no idea where they were now.

Dorian frowned at my sudden tension. "Are you all right? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"I... I'm fine." I stammered. Dorian didn't know about Hawke being here. I couldn't tell him what had just occurred to me. It was then I noticed the note on my desk, marked with a Kirkwall seal. He was still watching me, his brow creased with concern. "It's nothing." I said, drawing him into my arms. "I just thought I'd forgotten something."

"Are you sure amatus? You don't look relieved."

"I'm fine Dorian. Better than fine with you in my arms."

He smiled, lowering his lips to mine as his hands moved to remove my shirt. My heart thudded in my chest as I reached for the fastenings holding his own garments in place.

"I'm so content right now I almost feel as though I'm dreaming." He murmured against my lips as his hands caressed my naked back sending tingles of pleasure rippling through me.

"You're not dreaming Dorian." I murmured back. "But I know what you mean." I said, tracing the curve of his shoulder blades with my fingers as I pulled him closer.

He smiled against my lips as we pressed against each other, leaving no doubts as to our mutual desire for each other pressing against our abdomens.

"I can feel how much you're enjoying this amatus." He teased, raining kisses along my collarbone.

"Oh Dorian." I moaned. "I've missed you so much. It seems like forever since we were alone together."

"As much as I've missed hearing you say how much you adore me." He said, his tongue tracing circles around my nipple before capturing it between his lips and sucking gently, causing a tremor to ripple through me.

"We're way beyond adoration Dorian." I laughed, enjoying his attentions. "I love you. I love you to the ends of the earth and back."

"Mmm." He mumbled absently, his hands pushing my trousers down to pool at my ankles. He gazed at my hardness, his eyes so filled with hunger I had to close mine against it. "Amatus will you make love to me?"

My breath hitched as I opened my eyes to see him staring at me, his face filled with need. "Are you sure?" I croaked, my own desire making me harder.

"I'm sure amatus. I want to know what it feels like to be made love to by someone who loves me, for me."

Not trusting myself to speak, I nodded and cupped his face in my hands, kissing him fervently. I pressed myself against him, feeling his member twitch against my abdomen in response.

"I would do anything for you my heart." I whispered. "I promise I'll be gentle."

"But not too gentle." He murmured, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"Mmm." I growled, kissing him again as a I moved us toward the bed. He sighed in response to my kisses and the feel of my hardness pressing into his back as he turned in my arms. I growled low in my throat, bending close to nibble at his exposed neck, biting him lightly.

He moaned, his eyes closing as he leaned his back into my chest, exposing his arousal to me as he did. The sight of him filled me with an overwhelming sense of possession. Dorian was mine, all mine, the evidence of his arousal filling me with lust.

I bit him, leaving behind teeth marks as I shoved him down to the bed. He moved without question as I crossed to my desk to retrieve the oil I kept there, hiding the note from Hawke under more paper as I did. I returned to him in seconds, the vial of oil in my hand.

Dorian had crawled onto the bed and was watching me through hooded eyes, his look unreadable as I crawled up the mattress to him. He turned to face me as I bent to kiss him again, moving to straddle him and trapping his legs beneath me. He pulled me down to him pressing our erections against each other, making us both moan with pleasure.

We became lost to sensation as we kissed, our hands exploring each other's bodies as I began moving above him. Desire set our pace as I applied the oil to myself and Dorian. He sighed again, his eyes losing focus as his arousal grew harder. "Oh amatus, please I can't take it any longer. Make love to me Nathaniel."

I growled low in my throat hearing the need in his voice and positioned myself above him. Desperate for my touch, he moved beneath me using his hands to guide me inside. His body tensed briefly as I pressed my tip to him, the oil serving to heighten both my arousal and my anticipation. My heart thudded in my chest as I pushed against him, both of us gasping aloud as I slipped inside him as easily as if I belonged there.

Dorian cried out, his body trembling as I filled him, his breath ragged with pleasure as my legs began to tremble. Lowering my lips to his, I kissed him while we were locked together, his body writhing beneath me making my control slip. He moaned and writhed again, his need crushing us both.

Using my weight to still his movements, I caressed his member with my free hand. Gradually, I picked up speed to match the rhythm his trapped hips were making against me. I began to thrust as he did the same in my hand and soon we were lost to each other.

With a gasp, Dorian convulsed in my hand. My control gone, I let go, my limbs weak with exertion as I collapsed on top of him, shifting my weight to the side to keep from crushing him beneath me. We cried each other's name as our pleasure crested and we lay gasping on the bed.

I pulled free of him, groping for the towel I'd placed near the pillows. After drying myself I used it to dry Dorian's abdomen while he watched me, a lazy smile on his lips. I passed the towel to him as I stretched out beside him, my hand going to caress the curve of his shoulder as I kissed him again.

He smiled at me. "I don't think this small towel will be enough amatus."

"What? Why?"

"I adore the effect I have on you as it is most gratifying to the ego. But we didn't manage to miss the bed covers during our exertions. There are several damp spots beneath me."

"Well get off it then you ninny." I teased.

"Ninny is it? After what we just shared you've resorted to name calling?"


"Very well. I agree it's not the most pleasant sensation in the world." He said, rolling off the bed. "But really amatus, we should have thought to put something else on the bed before we commenced our carnal activities."

I smiled at him as we removed the top cover from the bed. "I can't be expected to think of everything my heart. I think I'll leave those details to you."

"Just as well." He agreed, climbing back onto the mattress to gather me in his arms. "I suppose you are the saviour of Thedas. I can't expect you to remember every detail of every little thing."

"If it involves you, I will always remember Dorian."

"Amatus. You never fail to find ways to bring me joy or embarrass me." He whispered, placing a kiss to my lips.

"Good." I smiled. "It's all I ever want to bring you."

"Speaking of joy, what we just shared was beyond description. It was wonderful, amazing... I have no words for it. I love you Nathaniel."

"I love you too Dorian."

"I know. Isn't it wonderful?"

I laughed, draping my arm over his chest as I snuggled into his side. "Let's sleep now my heart. I'm exhausted."

Dorian yawned and pulled me close, his eyes drifting closed. "Splendid idea." He murmured.

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