The Dragon Slayer ( highschoo...

By ThewolfofDreams1127

578K 7K 3.6K

A high school dxd fanfic I put together with some changes such as the dragon slayer magic from fairy tail All... More

The day I died
Im a what now???
Saving Asia
Dragon vs Fallen Angel
Special 1- we go to the beach
The Unusual
Rating Game
Dragon vs Phoenix
Ova 1 Dragon vs plant chimera
Ova 2 Hey You Stole my body
A day with Chisato
The holy sword
The News
The Vanishing Dragon and The Demon Slayer
Pool Day
Open House
The Dark Truth
Dragon vs Dragon
Ova 3 The Legendary Sage
Summber break lets go to the underworld
Young Devils Gather
Dragon vs Cat
Dragon vs God of Mischief
He who is responsible
The Raging Dragon
The Dragon of the Apocolypse
A Plague On Your House
Dimensional Gap
I Love You
Ova The Unressurected Phoenix
Sick Days
50 Shades of Grayfia and Venelana
Dragon King vs Doom Lord
Showdown: (Y/n) vs Issei and Saji
Our Special Kitty
The Strongest People! The Five Emperors of Mythology!
A Devil's Christmas
The Blue Haired Wonder
Happy Valentines Day from the Apex Preadator- Wolf and Friends
Please the Master
The Missing
Angel and a Child
The Three
The Ones Who Give My Life Meaning
Happy Birthday (y/n)!
Master and Lover
Lets go to Kyouto/(y/n) vs Sairaorg and Jiren.
Attack in Kyoto
Alliance in Kyoto
Hero Is Just a Word
I am Darkness
The King Rages
Preparing for the school festival
Pain For The Heart
The Question
I got tagged
The Sairaorg Game
The Phantom Games
The Birthday of our Priestess
Changes to the peerage
Long Time No See
An Angel's Wish
Lucky Black Cat
Poor, Little, Rich Family
Have A Holly Jolly Christmas
The Disastrous Honeymoon Arc: The Arrival
The Disastrous Honeymoon Arc: The Meeting
New Stories

A Not So Friendly Reunion

9K 118 14
By ThewolfofDreams1127

Kiba's pov

Freed is just staring at me, waving his wretched sword around and laughing like the psychopath he is. "Time to die!" He says charging at me and our swords lock in battle. "Hasn't anyone ever told you to heed the faces you make. We wouldn't want our prince to get stuck like that would we? Luckily Excalibur isn't picky, just hungry for your blood." He says mocking me. "THATS ENOUGH FREAK!!" I say pushing him back. "Holy eraser." I chant and unleash my sword on his but my holy eraser just smashes and breaks apart. "Oh hasn't anyone ever tell you that this sword absolutely despises devils. Phooey." He mocks cutting me. "Shut up." I say sweeping his legs. "That's cheating." He whines. "That's what devils do!" I say but he jumps up. "As much I would love to catch up,someone more important is calling. That's all folks." He says throwing a flash bomb and disappearing.

My Pov

My alarm rings waking me up. "Huh? Why are my arms heavy?" I ask and turn my head to a naked Rias and Asia on either side of my arms and scream in shock waking them up. "Good morning (y/n)." Rias says casually. "Did you sleep ok?" Asia asks. "Why are you guys here?" I ask back in my calm state. "You didn't tell us what to do before you went to sleep last night so we just stayed here." Asia explains. "We each made the best of the sleeping arrangements and used each of your arms as a pillow and I must say your muscles are quite comfortable." Rias compliments. "Very. Huh? Oh no we should get breakfast started it's already late." Asia exclaims. "Oh right." Rias says getting up and using my sheets to cover herself. "Thanks again we'll talk to you later." Rias says exiting and Asia puts her nightgown on. "I hope we didn't keep you from something important." Asia says following Rias. "Agh. I have no idea how much of this I can take. Rias, I can handle but Asia acting the same as her puts me in an awkward position. She's so pure and delicate, like a flower. She's making it so hard." I say to myself. "You love them don't you?" Happy says. "Watch it or I'll punch your face in, cat." I say. "I'll keep my mouth shut for a mackerel." He bribes. "" I say getting a mackerel out of my mini fridge and he goes to the room I had made for him and when he leaves a notice a strand of red hair on my bed. "The best thing to do for now, is focus on Rias. So far I've done a good job of hiding our intimacy, but it makes me wonder how long before the bomb goes off." I say to myself. "Dunno, could be sooner then you know, Numbnuts." A familiar voice says. "We could do without the name calling, Metallicana." I say to one of my dragon spirits. "Your mind is heavily burdened by this holy sword incident." Weisslogia says. "Yeah, do you know anything about it?" I ask. "Unfortunately, no. But that is not our main issue here." Igneel states. "Then what is. Wait is it that white one you were talking about before?" I ask. "Indeed. The vanishing dragon and the red dragon emperor, the welsh dragon, better known as the twin sky dragons. Long ago there was a war between the two and many people have lost their lives to end the fight and now that war may begin again." Grandaney says. "So it's my job to put a stop to that battle." I say. "Correct but that job just got much harder now." Venominaga says. "How so?" I ask curious. "The Demon Hunter is wide awake." Skiadrum says. "Demon hunter? What does that mean?" I ask. "Like your dragon slayer magic, there are other arts to slay creatures, such as God Slayer and what we just mentioned, Demon Slayer. Luckily the god slayer arts are so long forgotten, it's impossible to find out one technique." Wattail explains. "Since in part devil and dragon it could be deadly to me or not. Better be safe then sorry." I say. "You won't stand a chance against the demon hunter at your current strength, your previous balance breaker cannot be obtained for a while but maybe there is a way to earn that same strength without it." Igneel says. "Until we find out. Look sharp." Metallicana says. I soon get up and ready for the day.

We soon get to school and in the hall I'm approached by the perv trio and they mention something fun for once. "Karaoke?" I ask. "Yeah I'm ready to get my sing on." Matsuda says. "We should to the one on front of the train station, they get new inserts every week. They even have contests." Motohama explains and then aika shows. "I always love a good insert. You were talking about having a contest to see who gives the best insert? I bet (y/n) would win." She says. "We were talking about hitting the k-roke after school." Matsuda says. "Oh my gosh that sounds like fun, what time are you guys going. What do you think Asia?" Aika asks the approaching Asia. "Karaoke? I'd love to go." Asia says.

After school issei, Asia, and I go to the club.  "Ok that looks clean enough." I say. "Look how shiny the floor is." Asia says. "Oh yeah love that shine." Issei says looking at the reflection of asia's panties. "What's that.?" Asia asks about a locked room at the end of the hall. "They call the forbidden room. It's never been opened." Issei says. "It's locked up hard. I can't hear, smell, or see anything in there with my enhanced senses." I say and we report to Rias. "They dida real good job with the place wouldn't you agree?" Rias asks. "Yeah. Where's Kiba?" I ask. "Looks like someone decided to take the entire day off, must be nice" koneko says. "I hope he's ok." Asia worries. Soon we talk about how there were more children invilved in the holy sword project and how Kiba became the devil he is now. "He has as much a messed up life as I do." I say. "Sorry to interrupt." Akeno says walking in. "I thought you went home." Rias says. "I was about to but we have some guests." Akeno explains and in come sona and tsubaki. "Rias would you mind coming with me to my house. There is a matter of importance I'd like to discuss." Sona asks. And they leave and the rest of us head home. "Was it just me or was sona acting weird?" I ask. "No it wasn't I saw it too but there's nothing wrong with Rias talking to somebody. But I'm more worried about Kiba." Koneko says. "Me too. I know what Rias says but still I want to help I mean we're friends." I say. "Agreed..." koneko says before leaving the group to go home. "What do you guys think was their reason. Koneko and Akeno I mean." I ask. "Dunno but it does strike me curious to wonder why they became devils." Issei says.

Rias's pov

Akeno and I go to Sona's house and enter her bathhouse. "Haven't been here in a while." I say undressing. "Really, did you use to come often." Akeno asks undressing as well. "In the past, Rias and I would come in here so we could trade secrets." Sona says. "All I ever talked about was getting in trouble with my mom and I think all sona complained about was her sister." I say. "Oh my, i didn't think you two were so close." Akeno says. "That was the past." Sona says. "So what's up. Something tells me this secret's a good one." I ask. "This morning we were approached by members of the church." Tsubaki says. "What? Why would they come here?" I ask. "They said they would like to discuss some matters with you and what's worse was that they weren't just members of the church but they were carrying holy swords as well." Sona reveals. "Well that is something to consider. But why here, are members of the church from this area." I say then remembering. "I have to get home immediately." I say.

My pov

As we approach my house I suddenly get the chills down my spine. "I just got the chills." Issei and Asia say. "Yeah me too and I know this feeling. It was when I met Asia, but also when..." I begin and remember freed. "My servants!" I say running inside. "Hey everyone here?" I yell. "There is the young master now. Good evening master (y/n)." My head butler says. "What's going on is a man with silver hair here?" I ask anxiously. "No, but I think you'll be surprised to see who is." He says and he leads us to the living room where two women are. "It's been a while hasn't it (y/n) and issei?" The pigtailed hair girl says. "Who is she?" Issei asks. "How can he forget this face. You remember me right (y/n)." She asks. "How can I forget you...irina." I say and she hugs me. "(Y/n) you know her?" Issei and Asia ask. "Remember that photo from yesterday, this is her." I explain. "What I thought she was a boy!!!" He says shocked. "Ok so how about we catch up. I just love reunions." Irons says but my focus is on the blue haired girl. "Alright then." I agree to her and we just talk about our lives so far and send them and issei on their way.

"I'm so glad you three are ok." Rias says hugging the three of us. "I should've paid more attention and I was scared to see what I would find home when I came today." Rias says. "Um...Rias." I say. "What is it?" She asks. "Your breasts." I say. "Of course. Do you have any idea how much o spoil you?" She says beginning to take her clothes off. "You can't do that." Asia jumps in. "Yeah, ok." I say. "Why were they here?" She asks. "Dunno. I doubt irina came here just to catch up and show me how much she's matured." I say. "I think that too. And we can ask them tomorrow. They'll be at the clubhouse" she says and I get a summon order. "Who is that. Your new client?" Rias asks. "No, issei and I came to an agreement. He can take the guy from the yesterday and I still have Chisato." I say and then get glares from them both. "You seem to have a close relationship to her don't you." Rias says. "Yeah, we do. I've known her a long time and she's who got me through my brother's death." I explain and soon depart.

I go to Chisato's apartment and she asks me to cook her dinner and so I do that. "I can't believe that someone I've known since I was a kid is a follower of the church." I say to myself. "It's rare to see you worried about something. It must be serious." Chisato says. "Yeah, I suppose, but can't say for sure. Dinners done." I say and we have dinner together. The next day after school, just as Rias said, irina and the other girl were there. "Thank you for agreeing to meet with us today. My name is xenovia." She introduces. "And I'm irina shidou." Irina introduces. "It's fascinating to see followers of the church to want to have a meeting with a devil." Rias says. "It does seem kind of random, here's the thing. There are seven swords we can account for. There are with the church, three are in the hands of fallen angels, and one is with (y/n)." Irina says catching my attention. "Oh, is that a fact?" I say. "These are from the ones we have left. They are made of Excalibur, This one is mine, it is called the sword of destruction." Xenovia says showing a heavily wrapped sword. "And this one is mine, its known as the holy sword of mimicry, it's an Excalibur mimic." Irina says showing a band around her arm. "So what would like for us to do for you today?" Rias asks. "Our business is with the dragon slayer." Xenovia says. "What can I do for you ladies." I ask. "We were wondering if you could give us The whereabouts of your Excalibur sword." Irina says. "Ok, yeah sure and while I'm at why don't I give you my house, my fortune, and my familiar." I say sarcastically. "So that's a no." Xenovia says. "I'll going to tell you the same thing I told my friends. It is in my brothers grave and that is where it will remain." I state. "(Y/n), I know how much your brother meant to you, but if you give us the sword then god will reward you even though you're a devil." Irina says. "Sorry, no." I say. "Anything else we can help you with." Rias asks. "If not the sword location, then stay completely out of it, we certainly don't need devils against us." Xenovia  says about to leave but notices Asia behind me. "I was wondering if going to the home of the dragon slayer would lead us to you, witch." She says making me mad. "Oh yeah aren't the saint that could heal devils and fallen angels. So you really became a devil huh." Irina says. "Do you still believe in god?" Xenovia asks. "Yes I still believe in him." Asia says. "Then allow me to behead you in his name." Xenovia says. "Ok that's enough. You made her a saint not Asia. It wasn't her choice. So who the hell are you to judge her?" I ask. "Big talk from such a little devil." She insults. "This is perfect. I'll take all of you on." Kiba says from out of nowhere. We all then head outside for a sparring match. "I won't be fighting, issei will take my place." I say . "This is merely a sparring drill, got it?" Xenovia asks. "Got it no killing." Irina says and they both bring out their swords. And the battle began

Ok chapter over next one coming soon leave comments

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