Dragon Age Inquisition: The L...

By Julianne_Winters

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Started: June 9/2017 (On hold)[Not completed] **Warning: Contains spoilers for DA2: Tale of the Hawke** #1 in... More

1: Lord Trevelyan
2: Your Worship
3: Herald of Andraste
4: Lord Pavus
5: Felix Alexius
6: Gereon Alexius
7: The Chosen One
8: Red Templars
9: Inquisitor
10: Warden Stroud
11: Magister Halward
12: Birthright
13: Adamant
14: The Grey Wardens
15: Old Gods
16: The Mark
17: Foci
18: Burdens
19: Herald's Rest
20: Chess
21: Dinner
22: Dessert
23: Winter Palace
24: Orlesians
25: Andraste
26: Lady Morrigan
27: Solas
28: Curses
29: Demons
30: The Barracks
31: Fears
32: Abstinence
33: White Wolf
34: Compulsion
35: Escalating
36: Confessions
37: False Identity
39: Nobles
40: Snowy Wyvern
41: Wolves
42: Visitors
43: Abelas
44: Dread Wolf
45: Creators
46: Champion
47: Lyrium Ghost
48: Secrets
49: Dreamers
50: The Fade
51: Dreams
52: Corypheus
53: Archdemon
54: Proposals
55: Mythal
56: Eluvian
57: Joined
58: Cure
59: Missing
60: Carriages
61: Somniari
62: Sanctuary
63: Qarinus
64: Help
65: Maevaris
66: Fen'Harel
67: New Friends
68: Plans
69: Compelled
70: Magisters
71: Rescue
72: Barrier
73: Reunion

38: Ancestors

132 10 0
By Julianne_Winters


He felt a shift in his heart as he entered Skyhold's garden to speak with Morrigan. He'd never told anyone what had happened with the magister who had used him. Not Felix, who had been like a brother to him and not Alexius, who despite their falling out years later had been like a second father to him. He was surprised how light and relieved he was having told Nathaniel his sad story.

It wasn't what he'd expected. He'd believed telling his tale of woe would only reinforce his fearful reluctance to share his feelings openly with another. Yet that hadn't happened. He felt as though light had replaced the dark place in his heart where his former love had resided. It was as though by sharing his story with Nathaniel, his love for him had banished all the pain he'd carried from both his heart and soul.

He found Morrigan in the garden where she seemed to be most comfortable. She was a fascinating woman, especially since she had also been an apostate all her life. Yet she was also a mystery. She didn't despise him like most apostates did, though she had no love for the Emperium either.

"Lady Morrigan." He said, approaching her.

"Lord Pavus." She replied, inclining her head to him.

"Please, my lady, call me Dorian."

"As you wish. I assume you've come to ask me about your enchanted objects."

"I have. Did you learn anything?"

"Not much I'm afraid. As we suspected, the spell used was both complicated and simple. I was unable to trace it back to the one who cast it, but I did learn it's origins."

"Really?" Dorian was surprised and pleased to hear it.

"It came from within the walls of Skyhold. Someone amongst us did this, though the one responsible is still hidden from me."

"Unfortunate, but not unexpected. Did you learn anything else?"

"I'm afraid not." She said, sounding annoyed. "I am not accustomed to having my magic fail me, yet fail me it did. The only explanation I have for this is the mage in question is more powerful that we know. Assuming it even is a mage."

"What do you mean? Only a mage could cast spells such as we've seen."

"I never said it wasn't a mage." Morrigan snapped. "Only that they are something more. Put it this way, the only person I've ever met who might be capable of such a spell is my own mother. But she would not do this. Antics like these are petty and inconsequential. She would never waste her time on such things."

"Your mother?"

She smiled. "If you believe the stories, she is Flemeth of the Chasind or Asha'bellanar as the Dalish call her."

"Truly? I hadn't heard this." He said, noting the tension in her eyes and caught himself before he smiled at her. "I take it you and your mother are not on the best of terms."

"That would be an understatement, but you're not wrong."

"I understand Lady Morrigan." He said, dropping it. "So our villain has magical power equal to that of your mother."

"It is the only explanation for why I was unable to trace the spell's source. Whoever this is, they are dangerous. Perhaps even more dangerous than Corypheus."

"But if true, what is the purpose behind these attacks? So far they've only gone after the Inquisitor and myself."

"True. But I believe the true target is you." She said. "Have you not yet realized this? They may have attacked the Inquisitor surreptitiously but it's clear they did not intend him any harm. You have been the focus three times now."

"I see your point, but I still don't understand why."

"You are from Tevinter are you not? Where people there still strive to be the most powerful mage? Produce the most powerful heir?"

"Yes, but..."

"I heard you were an Altus Dorian. You are also a necromancer."

"I still don't see why that would make me a target. I'm not a magister. I hold no title and no power in Tevinter and have no standing amongst my peers."

"Be that as it may, but you have studied your land's history. How many Altus necromancers have there been in Tevinter? How many are alive now?"

"Are you saying these attacks on me are because they want the power of my magic?"

"I do not know for certain. But it's not unthinkable they might be after both."

"Maker's breath." Dorian swore. "And the attack on the Inquisitor and Skyhold?"

"A smoke screen. Nothing more." Morrigan frowned. "Despite my assistance and assurances that I've done all I can to clear harmful magic from Skyhold, I cannot claim I did not miss something. If the one who did this is as powerful as I suspect, you are still in grave danger here."

"Andraste's ass." Dorian muttered. "Do you have any suggestions as to what I can do about it?"

"An amulet." She said, handing him a parchment. "Have your spymaster search for it in the Kokari Wilds. It's not much, but it will offer you some protection."

"Thank you Lady Morrigan. It's refreshing to speak with someone as knowledgeable and passionate about ancient magic as you."

"I have enjoyed our conversation as well." She said, giving him a rare smile. "But I must take my leave. I need to see to my son. If you will excuse me?"

"Of course."


Though initially I thought myself too tired to do much other than sleep, I found I couldn't relax once I reached my quarters. Knowing Dorian's love of conversation, I knew it would be hours before he returned.

Changing into something a little more comfortable, I left my quarters in search of distraction. There was no pressing business to attend to for the moment, so I headed out to the practice yard. I had time on my hands and decided to pass that time speaking with some of my companions.

I was surprised to find Cassandra sitting on a stool reading a book as I approach.

"Interesting reading?" I asked.

She startled at the sound of my voice, jumping from the chair and turning her body to hide the book in her hand. "No!" She lied, her face flushing red. "It's just field reports from Commander Cullen."

"Of course, because I was suddenly struck blind."

"It's a book." She grumbled.

"Yes. I can see that."

"It's literature. Smutty literature. One of Varric's tales, the latest chapter."

"The latest chapter?" I repeated. "You've read them all?"

"Not all of them. I had almost finished when Haven was destroyed. I haven't had time to read until recently."

"I see."

"It is a distraction, nothing more." She paused, her face lighting with excitement. "I know Varric is working on the next chapter. He must be. You! You could command him to..." Her face fell, her brow creasing into a frown. "Forget you know this about me."

I let her go, a smile on my face as I hurried back to the castle to speak with Varric

"Why hello your Inquisitorialness." He said. "Something I can do for you?"

"Cassandra wanted to know if you were working on your next book."

"I think I must have heard you wrong. Are you talking about our dear Seeker? The one who likes to hit people with giant swords?"

"She seems to be a big fan."

"You don't mean my romance serial? She'll be waiting a long time on that one. I'm not working on it and had no plans to continue. It's easily one of the worst books I've ever written."

"Cassandra seemed to be enjoying it and is looking forward to the next chapter."

"Wait. Are you saying you want me to write this? That is such a terrible idea I have to do it. But on one condition, I want to be there when you give it to her."

I grinned. "You have a deal Varric."

"Good." He smiled, pausing. "I don't mean to pry, but speaking of romance, you and Dorian seem to be getting along well."

I frowned. "We are actually. Why do you ask?"

"I just wondered if you'd given any thought to what you want after we deal with Corypheus. Assuming we don't die of course."

"I... don't know. I know I want to be with him and can't imagine not having him at my side."

"I kind of figured that." Varric smiled. "But can I give you a word of advice? Don't wait to tell him that Inquisitor. I've seen too many good things end over a simple lack of communication."

"I appreciate that Varric. I assume because you're a writer you would have observed this at some point?"

"More times than I thought possible." He admitted. "Anyhow, that's all I wanted to say. If you'll excuse me, I have some writing to do."

Varric was right. Though I'd thought fleetingly about "after," I hadn't given it much attention. My initial goal had been to reassure Dorian I was sincere in my affection for him. Perhaps it was time to tell him how committed I really was.

I headed for the tavern to speak with whoever might be available. Sera had a room there while Cole and Iron Bull just sort of hung out at all hours of the day. Cole didn't sleep, but I had no explanation for why Iron Bull never seemed to sleep.

"Inquisitor!" Sera smiled as I joined her and Bull at the bar."Nice to see you here with us little people."

"Hey boss." Bull greeted. "Come to join us for a drink?"

"Sure. What are you drinking to?"

"New friends." Sera cried happily. "And kicking Coryph-enus in his stupid darkspawn arse!"

"And dragons!" Bull roared.

I laughed. "Well I can drink to all of that."

"Speaking of celebrating, what are you planning with Dorian?" Sera slurred. "I mean, you're serious and he's serious and everyone's seen how you two look at each other."

"Funny." I said, surprised by the question. "Varric just asked me the same thing."

"We like you boss." Bull slurred. "We just want to make sure you're happy and want you to stay that way."

"Yeah." Sera nodded, her eyes glassy. "Are you happy Inquisitor?"

"Yes Sera. I'm very happy."

"Well good then." She nodded, downing the last of her drink with a loud smack of her lips. "To being happy!"

"How many has she had?" I whispered across to Bull.

"Uh, not sure boss." He said, looking embarrassed. "I might have forgotten to pay attention."

"Well I think she's had enough. Think you can convince her to return to her room to sleep it off?"

"Sure boss. I got it covered."

I left them to their continued revelry, my mind whirling. So my companions could see how serious Dorian and I had become. I frowned when I thought of the rest of them though. I couldn't imagine Vivienne thinking it a good thing. Leliana likely had some contrary thoughts on the subject, but given how much she'd softened since Haven, I realized that might have changed.

I then thought of Blackwall and kicked myself. I'd forgotten about him and wondered if Josephine had been successful in securing his release, so I headed to her office to check.

"Inquisitor." Josephine smiled. "Was there something I can do for you?"

"I just wanted to know if you'd had any success with the business of Blackwall."

"I have Your Grace. He's currently in our dungeon waiting on your judgment."

"I see." I frowned. "Thank you Josephine. Have him brought up, I'll deal with it now."

"As you wish Inquisitor. Give me a moment to notify the guards."

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