Dragon Age Inquisition: The L...

By Julianne_Winters

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Started: June 9/2017 (On hold)[Not completed] **Warning: Contains spoilers for DA2: Tale of the Hawke** #1 in... More

1: Lord Trevelyan
2: Your Worship
3: Herald of Andraste
4: Lord Pavus
5: Felix Alexius
6: Gereon Alexius
7: The Chosen One
8: Red Templars
9: Inquisitor
10: Warden Stroud
11: Magister Halward
12: Birthright
13: Adamant
14: The Grey Wardens
15: Old Gods
16: The Mark
17: Foci
18: Burdens
19: Herald's Rest
20: Chess
21: Dinner
22: Dessert
23: Winter Palace
24: Orlesians
25: Andraste
26: Lady Morrigan
27: Solas
28: Curses
29: Demons
30: The Barracks
31: Fears
32: Abstinence
33: White Wolf
35: Escalating
36: Confessions
37: False Identity
38: Ancestors
39: Nobles
40: Snowy Wyvern
41: Wolves
42: Visitors
43: Abelas
44: Dread Wolf
45: Creators
46: Champion
47: Lyrium Ghost
48: Secrets
49: Dreamers
50: The Fade
51: Dreams
52: Corypheus
53: Archdemon
54: Proposals
55: Mythal
56: Eluvian
57: Joined
58: Cure
59: Missing
60: Carriages
61: Somniari
62: Sanctuary
63: Qarinus
64: Help
65: Maevaris
66: Fen'Harel
67: New Friends
68: Plans
69: Compelled
70: Magisters
71: Rescue
72: Barrier
73: Reunion

34: Compulsion

174 10 2
By Julianne_Winters


Outside Dorian's tent I stripped off my armour and piled it neatly by the door. Grabbing my bedroll, I tucked it under my arm and ducked inside. I paused a moment, letting my eyes adjust to the gloom.

I could hear Dorian breathing, but didn't sense anything amiss. I laid out my bedroll beside him before removing my shirt since I tended to sleep hot most nights. I stretched out beside him and snuggled in against his back, careful not to wake him.

The smell of him hit me and I moaned in frustration. I'd forgotten about that but shoved all thought of intimacy away. As tempting as it was to nuzzle and kiss his neck, I was more concerned about the nightmares - if that's what they really were.

But I was even more annoyed he hadn't told me or maybe I was annoyed with myself for not noticing sooner? I growled at myself. This wasn't the time for self-recrimination. I'd deal with that after I knew Dorian was safe. I just wanted to hold him close so I pulled him to my chest, burying my face in his hair and breathed deeply of his scent.

He sighed in his sleep, but didn't stir. After a moment, I let my body relax and began to drift off. I was just thinking Bull may have exaggerated when Dorian suddenly lashed out at something in his sleep.

"No!" He cried. "You can't have him!"

Maker's breath, what was this?

He moaned again and began making horrible whimpering sounds. If I hadn't been beside him I would never had heard it given how quiet he was. "No! I won't help you. I won't!"

The pain and fear I heard in his voice was raw and broken. It was the most awful sound I'd ever heard. I made to wake him and gather him in my arms when he cried out again.

"I'll kill you first wolf. Don't think I won't."

Andraste's flaming ass! The damned wolf again.

"No!" He cried, only this time it was the sound of a soul lost, a future destroyed and a heart whose reason for beating had been taken away. It was so painful to hear that tears sprang to my eyes and I'd had enough.

"Dorian." I whispered, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Dorian, wake up. It's your amatus."

"No." He whimpered. "Can't be. The wolf killed you. You're dead."

"Dorian please. It's me. It's just a nightmare. Wake up, my heart."

He twitched in his sleep as though he were fighting with something and I turned him onto his back, putting my hands to his cheeks.

"Dorian! Wake up!"

He stopped thrashing then and his breathing slowed as his eyes fluttered open and looked at me.


My heart was in a vice. It was as though he couldn't tell if he were awake or dreaming still.

"Yes, my heart." I said, feeling my eyes well with tears. "It's me."

"Amatus." He said again as tears rolled down his cheeks. "What are you doing here? Am I dead too?"

"Maker's breath Dorian." I whispered. "Who's done this to you?"

He blinked again and this time I knew he saw me and where he was. His body tensed and he looked at me with such confusion, I didn't know if I should laugh or cry.

"Nathaniel? Why are you sitting on me? Did Bull put you up to this?"

I didn't know what to make of his use of my given name, so shocked was I by the change in him. "Maker." I whispered again. "Get up Dorian. We need to talk."

I rolled off him and waited as he rose to a sitting position. Most of his earlier confusion was gone, but his cheeks were still damp with tears.

"Well I feel rather silly." He said. "Here I am half-asleep and you're here in my tent. Does this mean I win the bet?"

"Bloody mage." I growled. "Why didn't you tell me you were having nightmares?"

He paled at the mention of his dream and looked away. "I didn't want to tell you amatus, you've been so stressed and tired lately. It's just a few nightmares. I didn't want to burden you further with my dreams."

"Burden me?" I was angry now. "Nightmares? Plural? So Bull was right. This has been going on all week?"

He nodded, his eyes still haunted. Likely from sleep deprivation, I grumbled to myself.

"Bloody arrogant, stupid mage!" I roared. "How could you possibly think you're a burden? I love you dammit!"

"I'm sorry amatus. Please don't be mad at me."

"Ugh!" I reached for him then and kissed him hard. I didn't know what else to do to make him shake off whatever the nightmares had done to make him sound so beaten. I pulled away, keeping my face close to his.

"I'm not mad you bloody dense man. You scared me to death! How can I help you if you don't tell me what's going on? Did it not occur to you that maybe someone is messing with you again? That same someone who tried to kill us both?"

A light went on in his eyes and he look both terrified and ashamed and then to my horror, his eyes rolled back in his head and he sagged in my hands, falling unconscious. My heart stopped and I called for Bull.

"Dorian!" I said, my hands holding his face. "Dorian! Dammit mage, wake up!"

"What do you need boss?" Bull asked, poking his head inside the tent.

"Dorian's fainted I think. Do we have anything for that?"

"Sure. Be right back." He returned a minute later with a vial of blue liquid clasped in his giant hand. "Wave this under his nose a bit." He said. "When he can sit up, make him drink it."

I nodded and did as he instructed as Bull ducked back outside. A minute later Dorian was awake and upright, once more utterly confused.

"Drink this." I said, my tone brokering no arguments. "Now."

He did as I asked, downing the contents of the vial in one swallow.

"How long until it works Bull?"

"Not long. Maybe a minute or two."

I sat there watching Dorian, not sure the vial had been enough and terrified he would faint again. After a few minutes, I was pretty sure he was all right - for now. Trouble was, he didn't look all right and I hated seeing it.

Gone was his quirky smile and the twinkle of mischievousness he always had in his eyes. He looked haunted, beaten - his eyes smudged with dark circles, his skin pale and dry and his hair disheveled. It looked as though he'd been fighting for his life every night we'd been here and I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed before.

"Amatus." He whispered, sounding lost.

I went to him and gathered him in my arms, crushing him to my chest. He was shaking and after a moment, I felt him tremble as he cried. "I don't know what's wrong with me." He choked. "I feel like a lost and broken puppy."

"Someone's messed with you in your sleep Dorian." I said, pulling back to look into his eyes. "Do you know of any spell capable of something like that?"

He frowned, then nodded. "A spell applied to a person's dreams would have to be powerful, but it is possible. It would also need a focus point. Like something the victim carried or wore."

"Can it be detected with a counter spell?"

He nodded again.

"Good." I said, moving away from him. "Remove all your clothes."

A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I understand the necessity amatus, but are you sure that's wise?"

I broke into a wide grin. "Wise or not, I want everything off. You're going to check your clothes and everything else you brought with you for magic not your own."

"Always taking the fun out of things." He teased, some of his balance returning.

I knew he was doing all he could not to break down again and because it made me feel better, I played along with him.

"Tell you what." I said. "If it will make you feel better, I forfeit the bet. You win."

He paused long enough to stare at me before stripping everything he wore off and tossing it into my lap. "Now that's something worth my dignity." He said, his mouth twitching. "I cannot wait to return to Skyhold."

"That makes two of us."

"So amatus, do I check my things buck naked or...?"

"As much as I would enjoy seeing that, I don't want you exposed to the cold. I'll find something of mine you can wear and we'll get started."

"Amatus..." He smirked, his eyes alight with suggestion.

I smiled, tucking his clothes under my arm and left the tent.

Once he was dressed, he joined the rest of us in the light of the fire. The pain in my chest eased slightly then. Much of his normal colour had returned and the hunched look he'd had when I'd first woken him had disappeared. He worked his magic on every item he'd worn, then moved on to his bedroll, the tent and his personal belongings. When he was finished, he'd found all the items marked with magic not his own.

"Now what?" Bull demanded. "Is this stuff contagious?"

Dorian frowned, staring at the pile of his corrupted belongings. He was angry now, which for me was a massive improvement to how he'd been feeling a short while ago.

"Not contagious, no." He said. "But whoever did this was very thorough and very powerful. Magic like this is very old. I've only ever read about it and then only in history books."

"Andraste's flaming ass." I swore. I was going to kill Solas.


"This is the third time someone has said old, powerful, magic in one sentence. It is no coincidence and I'm almost positive Solas is behind it."

"Solas?" Dorian echoed.

"Yes. Solas." I repeated. "It's not important why I think it's him. But this has gone too far. I'm confronting him when we return to Skyhold."

"Uh boss?" Bull began. "You sure that's wise? I mean, if you kick him out, confront him, won't he be harder to track? I mean, the guy is already slippery."

"Vishante kaffas!" I swore. "Bloody arrogant, meddling elven arse-hole!"

"Uh Inquisitor?" Varric said. "We get it. He's a dick. But Bull has a point."

"Well I hate it." I snapped. "He's already tried killing Dorian twice, this makes it three times. I don't want him anywhere near me and I most certainly don't want him near Dorian. I can't... I just can't let him stay and pretend I don't want him dead."

Everyone stayed silent and looked just as upset as I did, but didn't disagree with me.

"Whatever you decide, we're with you Inquisitor. All the way." Varric said, Bull nodding in agreement.

I looked at Dorian and his eyes told me everything I needed to know. "Then it's settled. Solas is out when we get back. I'd much rather lock him up, but we have no proof he's behind any of this. Now, what about these things he's corrupted Dorian? What do we do with them?"

"All the fabrics must be burned." He said, resigned to losing more of his possessions.

"What about the buckle, ring and raven amulet?" I asked.

"The buckle will have to be destroyed. Give it to Dagna, but tell her what's wrong with it first. As for the ring and amulet, I can put a protective ward on them to keep the magic active but harmless. If we desire any hope of tracing it back to it's source, we need to keep them intact."

"You can do that?" Varric looked impressed.

Dorian shook his head. "Not alone and not when I'm the spell's target."

"Shit. Does that mean Vivienne again?"

"No. I was thinking we might ask our newest ally, Lady Morrigan."

"Morrigan?" I repeated. "Why her?"

"Because I am not entirely certain Vivienne is strong enough to trace this kind of spell. Not to mention that I also don't trust her, but Morrigan is a powerful apostate who has studied the ancient magics. And we cannot redo the spell if it fails. If Vivienne can't trace it, the spell used will destroy the original enchantment."

I nodded agreeing with his reasoning. "I agree Dorian. Alright. I guess cast your warding spell and get this done. Bull?"

"On it boss." He said, gathering up the clothing and other fabrics and tossing the entire pile into the fire. He ducked a moment later, the rest of us jumping in fear as the sound of shrieks filled the air.

"Bloody maker's ass!" Varric swore. "What in holy Andraste was that?"

"The corruption spells dying." Dorian answered, looking pale. "Each spell required the agreement of a spirit. They likely were all protection spirits."

I frowned. "Protection? That doesn't make sense."

"Yes it does amatus. By agreeing to protect, the spell transmutes into trap."

I frowned, my teeth gritted in anger as a pulse began throbbing behind my eyes. "Fine. Whatever. I don't want to hear anymore. Finish your spell Dorian and come to bed."

When we were finally tucked in together inside my tent, I held him tight to my chest, burying my face in his hair. Silent tears coursed down my cheeks and I trembled, unable to control myself any longer.

"Hush amatus." Dorian cooed, threading his fingers through mine and holding tight. "I'm all right now."

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