Part time thief

By SashaSpittle

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(F/n) came from a wealthy family of artists but decided to go out into the wide open world on her own, to mak... More

Chapter 1- the beginning
Chapter 2- fitness is a b**ch
Chapter 3- unexpected Date
Chapter 4- hard worker
Chapter 5- why so serious?
Chapter 6-thief!
Chapter 7- to be a gentleman
Chapter 8- two faced
Chapter 9- limits
Chapter 10- first mission
Chapter 11- the pain of an artist
Chapter 12- a mans lust
Chapter 13- friendly competition
Chapter 14- well that came unexpected
Chapter 15- stranger danger
Chapter 16- assassins are jerks
Chapter 17- help me
Chapter 18- that little bit of hope
Chapter 19- found you
Chapter 20-'s complicated
Chapter 21- friends
Chapter 22- home sweet home
Chapter 23- goodbye my friend
Please do not skip!!!
Chapter 25- Never a moment of peace
Chapter 26- Christmas cheer
Chapter 27- Hajime's story
Chapter 28- plans and invites.
Chapter 29- one game, two kisses
Chapter 30- Aneko the professional
Chapter 32- bad parenting
Chapter 33- a garden walk
Chapter 34- words linger
I'm sorry
Chapter 35- a son has a duty
chapter 36- words are hard
chapter 37- A Job?
Chapter 38- going solo
chapter 39- a recovered memory
chapter 40- a confession
chapter 41- drama queen
chapter 42- what type?
Face reveal!
Chapter 43- Misunderstanding
chapter 44
chapter 45- attempted murder
chapter 46- obsessive love
Chapter 47- Walking on thin ice
Chapter 48- a storm is coming
Chapter 49- Traitor!
Chapter 50- Run b*tch Run!
Chapter 51- I am not a traitor
Chapter 52- Here we go again
chapter 53-Plagued thoughts
chapter 54- Run rabbit run
Chapter 55- fight!
Chapter 56- Riki to the rescue...again
Chapter 57- Blind
Chapter 58- so close and yet so far away
Chapter 59- A fight to the death

Chapter 31- masks mean more.

245 15 3
By SashaSpittle

What Aneko said, was most certainly true. She didn't joke around when it came to her job. (F/n) had been shouted at, glared at and even pulled around by the professional. But as she walked out of her bedroom, with her hair pinned up and light make up on her face, it all seemed worth it. Aneko crossed her arms and proudly smirked at her work.

"Can't I just have my hair down?" (F/n) sighed and played with the necklace Daichi had given her.

"Nope. With your hair up, the main focus is your eyes. I must admit they are you best feature." She flicked (f/n)'s forehead and smiled at the female. "You look absolutely beautiful." Daichi clenched his hands into tight fists upon hearing those words and seeing all of (f/n)'s attention on Aneko. The white haired female just really got under his skin without her even realising it. Well, there was also the fact that it was nearly time for (f/n) to leave and that put him on edge. Suddenly a loud knock came from the front door and Aneko squealed before running to open it. When she did so Hiro stepped inside with a bouquet of flowers, wearing a black suit and a dark blue fox mask with silver accents. He gave        Aneko a smile in greeting and then his pink eyes landed on (f/n). His mouth was held agape as he took in the sight.

"Take a picture, because you're never gonna see me dress up like this again." (F/n) laughed and Hiro slowly handed her the bouquet, his eyes unable to rip themselves away from the female. "Aneko, do you have my mask?"

"Oh yeah, here you go." Aneko quickly grabbed a box and pulled out a (f/c) fox mask, a more feminine version of Hiro's. Daichi once again tensed up, not liking the sight of Hiro and (f/n)'a matching masks. He needed some kind of way to keep an eye on her, because he was pretty damn sure that men would try and make a move.

"It's time to go to the ball Cinderella!" Hiro happily said and graciously held out his arm for (f/n) to hold onto. The female smiled warmly as she snaked an arm around his and the two set off out of the apartment. Daichi was left alone with Aneko, but he didn't waste any time to go to his room and rummage through his wardrobe.


(F/n) patiently sat in the car whilst Hiro blabbered on about random things, the conversation even turned to politics which made the females head explode. However, when she thought that the journey would never end, the car stopped outside a large Manor House. Lights lit up its body and front garden, as a sea of people flowed into the front entrance. Chauffeurs elegantly bowed to each guest as the received the key to their car before straightening themselves and turn towards the car they needed to park. (F/n) slid out the car after Hiro's driver opened up the door for her and the female linked arms with Hiro. She quickly threw a thank you over to the driver and the male tipped his hat in recognition. Even from the outside she could hear the chattering, laughing and the distant sound of a instrumental band playing within the Manors main hall. With a deep breath, (f/n) stepped forward and the two proceeded to walk towards the front door. Puffy skirts, heavy with lacing and decoration, scraped her body and the occasional shoulder nudged her into Hiro. The female did not like the situation she was in at all. Just being surrounded by silks and expensive jewellery, whilst the trained eyes of many stared at her, just made (f/n) nervous. Finally the two made it to the door and a large bouncer stopped them both, his large hand gripped onto a clipboard of names as he held the other out in a silent command.

"Names." He demanded in a low and deep voice. (F/n) could have sworn the ground shook at such a threatening tone.

"Hiro Hakazami and (f/n) (l/n)." Hiro replied, completely unfazed by the bouncers cold gaze. He smiled at the large male and walked past him, practically dragging (f/n) along. The music grew louder with each step and Hiro walked down the halls with a familiarity in his movements, it was quite obvious that he never forgot his way around the house. He soon stopped outside a set of large doors, the music was now so loud the band could have been playing it right in front of them. But being this close to the hall also meant (f/n) could hear the guests on the other side. She wouldn't be lying if she were to say that she felt rather threatened by them. "Ready?" Hiro pulled the female out of her daze and she cautiously looked up. The only features she could see on his face was his mouth and eyes, both perfectly fixed on her direction. The dark blue fox mask complemented every feature she could see and it perfectly suited his personality.

"Ready." She finally answered and a shiver crawled up her spine when Hiro pressed his hand on the small of her back, using his free hand to push open the doors. The pair walked into the hall and even though the band was still playing its soothing music, all eyes were on the male and female. Her face reddened under her fox mask and her movements became restricted. Hiro noticed this and slid an arm around her shoulders, giving her a reassuring squeeze, as they walked further into the hall. There were so many of them. It felt like every rich person in the world came to this one party and they all had an eye on the pair. Something about their gazes made the female feel like she was being brutally judged.

"They're looking more at me than you...also you've got nothing to be ashamed of." Hiro suddenly whispered in her ear and continued, "you are the most beautiful person in this room." He pulled back and continued to guide (f/n) in the hall and she heaved a sigh of relief when she noticed that the people became bored with staring at the two, continuing their previous conversations.

"Hiro!" A familiar voice called out and a red haired male with a white bunny mask suddenly squeezed past two business men, completely oblivious to their disapproving glares. He happily smiled at Hiro but when he looked over to (f/n) his smile dropped. "Oh...I guess (f/n) didn't come then. What's your name?"

"I'm (f/n)." She chuckled and the bunny was silent before laughing rather loud whilst his hand slapped the forehead of his mask. "Who are you?"

"It's Hajime! had me fooled there (f/n)." He placed both of his hands on his hips and his smile turned into a grin. "I don't normally see you dressed up all fancy."

"Well take a good look because I'm never dressing like this again." (F/n) chuckled and played with the end of her hanging sleeve. "Where's Jun and Goro?" Right after she had said those words two men, that towered over the rest, walked over to the three. One was wearing a black wolf mask whilst the other wore one of a tiger.

"Oh hey guys." Hiro greeted them and the one in the tiger mask cocked his head to the side, a smile barely seen but (f/n) could see the tips of his lips curling upwards and the flash of white teeth.

"Hey Hiro." Tiger guy replied and turned his attention to (f/n). A large hand ran through his combed back hair, that was Raven black and caught the light of the room perfectly. "Care to introduce me this lovely lady?" He gently grabbed her hand and lifted up to his lips, placing a lingering and delicate kiss to her bare knuckles. Everything he said and did screamed out trained grace, even his smile looked calculated. But that was the very essence with these types of parties. A rich man's game is a dangerous and cunning one, which he cannot reveal his cards to anyone.

"Goro...its (f/n)" Hiro blandly said, obviously not liking the contact between the two. Goro suddenly straightened and dropped the females hand, his whole demeanour returning to his natural self. His purple eyes burned (f/n) through his mask and she saw a muscle in his jaw feather.

"What I find funny is that when you first met me you called me a pig and fat, but in one of these parties you become such a gentleman." (F/n) teased and Goro crossed his arms over his broad chest, grumbling words under his breath. With a breathy chuckle she turned to the male with the wolf mask, who hadn't said a single word. However, his red eyes were locked onto the female and his lips parted as if he was trying to say something. "Hmm...hey Jun." When her silvery voice traveled over to Jun, his heart pounded against his chest. Inside his mind, he was absolutely over the moon to hear his name on her tongue but on the outside he calmly bowed his head in greeting. However, he wasn't exactly happy to see what she was wearing on her face. A fox mask, matching Hiro.

"Hiro? Why is (f/n) wearing a fox mask?" Hajime's spoke up, as if he read Jun's thoughts. (F/n) arched an eyebrow, even though they couldn't see it, and looked up at Hiro. His shoulders tensed up and he glanced down at the female.

" there something wrong with me matching Hiro?" (F/n) voiced her confusion and all of the vigilante members passed a glance to each other, their bodies unsure on what to do. Just as Goro opened his mouth a sudden presence stole everyone's attention towards a woman with long pink hair in a familiar style. Her dress was a baby pink colour and had a large puffy skirt that circled around her waist. But what really stuck out to (f/n), was the fox mask that covered her face.

"Well well well...nice to see you guys again. It's been boring in Rome ever since you and that girl left." She remarked and crossed her arms. (F/n) widened her eyes when she recognised the voice and smiled widely over to the female.

"Riki?" She assessed and the pink haired woman nodded her head, smirking at everyone's disbelief.

"I bet you guys missed me...but um...I wasn't exactly expecting to come back to this." Riki sighed and gestured over to Hiro and (f/n). "It was rather fast I must say. Oh well...welcome to the family (f/n)."

"Huh?" (F/n) looked over to Hiro and saw some of the colour drain out of his face, her heart raced as all the pieces came together. That was why everyone was staring at her and Hiro, why the guys were unable to recognise her because they thought she was apart of his family. That was why every Hakazami was wearing a fox mask. "I need a drink." (F/n) muttered before walking away from the situation and headed towards the end of the hall where one of the servants held a tray of champagne. She pinched the bridge of her nose, huffing a thank you as she held the glass close to her pounding chest. If she was wearing the fox mask then that meant she joined the family and the only way to do so was through marriage. Why would Hiro even make her wear a fox mask if it meant that? What could he possibly gain from it?

"(F/n)?" A voice pulled her away from her thoughts and she quickly downed the champagne before twisting around, seeing Jun scratching his head whilst looking away. "Dance with me." His red eyes finally locked onto her (e/c) orbs and his expressionless face made his statement even more blunt. (F/n) giggled at his actions and placed the empty champagne glass down onto a tray of a passing servant.

"I think a good dance is needed." She grabbed Jun's hand and a burst of pink rose up on his cheeks as she dragged him out onto the dance floor. The band had just started a new song and (f/n) waited in front of Jun with a hand on his arm and the other intwined with his. The male gently placed a hand on her waist and started to lead the dance. But as the two moved to the music, he treated her like a porcelain doll that was about to break. But it was nice to be treated away. At least it was better than being forcefully dragged around, which had happened a little too much. (F/n) smiled warmly at Jun and felt the muscles under her hands tense up, his breathing became uneven which the female suspected was because of the dance. More and more people joined in on the dance floor and became a blur of colours, everything fading into the background and the music somehow became louder.

"You angry with Hiro?" Jun asked as the two continued to ballroom dance and (f/n) was rather surprised that Jun of all people was trying to make small talk. The masked female pushed herself closer to Jun and released a sigh, leaning her forehead on his chest.

"No. I'm mot angry at Hiro." She said quietly yet loud enough for Jun to hear over the music and chatter in the hall. "I'm just a bit overwhelmed with having people think I'm Hiro's wife because of a stupid mask." (F/n) shifted her head up so she could look up at Jun, only to see those red eyes staring intently at her and the rest of his features covered by the wolf mask. He released his grip on her waist and gently pushed the fox mask out of her face. But as soon as he got a look of her features he averted his eyes, blushing underneath his mask.

"I don't like the mask." He mumbled and (f/n) chuckled at his randomness, still feeling the weight of the fox mask on the top of her head. She smiled when Jun once again placed his hand on her waist, continuing with their slow dance, and could feel eyes burning into the back of his head.

Goro watched the two dance with his arms crossed and face holding an emotion he did not want to admit. His purple eyes followed the two, even though he didn't really want to continue being put in a bad mood. But there was something about (f/n) that kept all eyes on her, especially when Jun pushed the mask out of her face. Maybe it was the smile that was stretched across her lips or the look of genuine happiness adorning her features.

"The tiger keeps his eye on the prey." A female voice suddenly said beside him and Goro glanced down, seeing Riki with her fox mask in her hand. The female assassin looked up at the male with her bright pink eyes and smirked at Goro. "You haven't even blinked Goro."

"I just like watching people dance." He sighed and Riki's smirk grew wider as she turned her attention to Jun and (f/n).

"Then you would have let your eyes wander over the dance floor instead of being locked onto those two." She quipped and chuckled when a low growl came from the large male beside her. Goro straightened his back and heaved a heavy sigh. He had noticed how some men walked onto the dance floor and switched with some of the women's partners, causing an idea to form in his mind. Why not join the crowd? With a strong and confident walk, he left Riki and glided over to the pair. His eyes unable to leave them.

"Jun, time to switch." He announced and Jun slowly trailed his eyes to his face. An icy air formed around the quiet male and Goro tensed slightly at the glare aimed at him from behind the wolf mask. Luckily, Jun stepped back and let Goro take over. His feet heavy as he walked off the dance floor. Goro however, felt ten times lighter when he placed his hand on (f/n)'s waist and intwined his other hand with hers.

"Wow didn't think you would be so desperate to dance with me." She teased and Goro rolled his eyes.

"Just shut up and dance."

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