The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.5K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Fifteen

95.4K 3.1K 620
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

December 18th 2012
Chapter Fourteen - Terrance Archibald

''It's almost Christmas and you haven't even started shopping for gifts,'' Carmen said with a pointed look, dipping a french fry in ketchup before popping the fry into her mouth. ''And you have quite the list of people to shop for.''

I nodded, glancing down at my mixed meal which consisted of various food items I had ordered from the different fast food places in the food court. Of course, by passers did double takes on my rather disgusting looking meal but I couldn't help my sudden pregnancy cravings as I scooped up some Chinese noodle mixed in with bits of a burger patty that was topped with gravy and cheese sauce.

But, back to what Carmen was saying about Christmas gifts I have still yet to purchase.

''You don't even know what your going to buy for the people on the list, do you?'' Ryder asked, smirking as he brought his fountain drink to his lips and glanced at Carmen. ''Well, when in doubt gift cards always save the day.''

''Yeah, but gift cards seem so impersonal.'' I admitted. ''And I have yet to even think about what to buy Cloud. I want it to be amazing and perfect.''

''You could always buy some sexy lingerie and wear it for him.'' Ryder suggested, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner which had my face flaming in embarrassment while Carmen shot him a dirty look and threw a half eaten french fry at his face.

''It's Christmas not Valentines day.'' She retorted, shaking her head. ''I'm sure you'll find the right gift for him, you just have to keep your eyes peeled.''

''I guess.'' I mumbled, though I felt like a horrible boyfriend. I hadn't the slightest clue what to buy him and from what I heard from Starr, Cloud already had my present which made me feel even worse.

''Anyway, enough Christmas talk,'' Carmen said, snapping my attention onto her. ''How did Cloud's family take in the news of your pregnancy?''

''Surprisingly great.'' I admitted, recalling the few days ago Cloud and I sat down with Gennifer, Starr and Wind to reveal the news of the little person.

''I'm gonna be a grand-mama.'' Gennifer gushed and Starr exclaimed. ''I'm gonna be an auntie!'' while Wind deadpanned. ''How the fuck is that even possible?'' Of course, that caused both Gennifer and Starr to whack him upside the head which made him wince and shoot them both a look of disbelief.

''How far along are you?'' Starr asked, her dark blue eyes down casting to my stomach or well she tried but the island counter top was in the way of her viewing.

''Twelve weeks along.'' I said, my hands moving down to caress the small growing bump.

''Please, please, tell me you have pictures.'' Gennifer asked. I nodded, sliding the envelope in her direction which she snatched up in a hurry, pulling the sonograms out and cooed at them before passing them to Starr who eagerly took them and scanned them over with a smile.

''Do you know the gender yet?'' Starr questioned, showing Wind who eyed them like he didn't understand what he was suppose to be seeing which Cloud sighed at and leaned over to explain, moving his pointer finger along the sonogram while he murmured about our baby, a small smile tugging at his lips.

''Are you sure it isn't a tumor?'' Wind asked dryly which caused Cloud to glare at him. Gennifer rolled her eyes at Wind before averting her attention back to me while I answered Starr's earlier question.

''We're going to see Araki—my doctor on the twentieth to find out.''

She nodded while Gennifer asked. ''Does your family already know about the baby?''

''...Yeah, they've taken it fairly well; except my dad.'' I admitted, frowning as I recalled I still haven't heard word from him. Though, I'm certain my mom is still in contact.

''Shame, but at least you still have plenty of support which includes me.'' Gennifer said with all seriousness and Starr added. ''And Wind, Eugene and I.'' I nodded, giving them all a small and grateful smile.

''They didn't even question how you're pregnant?'' Ryder asked with a raised eyebrow. I nodded, forking another bite of my meal into my mouth and took a drink of water before clearing my throat.

''As Cloud said afterward; once they heard baby, that was their only train of thought.''

''Sounds like a bright bunch.'' Carmen muttered and it was my turn to shoot her a look to which she held up her hands in defense. ''Sorry, sorry, I'm still not able to warm up to your boyfriend.''

''I understand but don't drag Cloud's family into your brooding over our relationship; they're great and supportive and non-judgmental.''

''Seems like Carmen could actually learn a thing or two from them.'' Ryder said which earned him a smack to the arm along with a murderous glare from Carmen. I smirked, however as we finished up our meals before tossing our trash away.

''I think we should start looking at Old Navy.'' Carmen said, glancing at me before eyeing my stomach that was hidden underneath one of Cloud's sweatshirts. ''They have a maternity section.''

''Won't it look a little odd if Terrance is looking through that section?'' Ryder pondered. I blushed and realized it would look odd and downright strange having a male look through those clothing racks and I couldn't even image the questioning looks I'd receive going into the changing room to try them on.

''Which is why I'm going with him, dip shit.'' Carmen deadpanned. That eased the embarrassment that had started to creep up on me as we entered Old Navy, getting greeted by an employee who told us of the various sales in the store before Ryder and I followed along after Carmen whom led us towards the maternity section. There was only one women in the section, pawing through a rack of long sleeved shirts and I could tell she was closing in on her due date, due to the sizing of her swollen belly that she cradled in her free hand.

''Shit, she looks like she's gonna pop at any given moment.'' Ryder whispered lowly.

''Shut up, Ryder.'' Carmen murmured under her breath causing Ryder to pout while she turned her attention to a rack of jeans that had a dark blue stretchy fabric lining the waist area. ''You're still in the first trimester but in a week you'll be entering your second where you'll start to notice your clothing getting tighter and more uncomfortable, especially wearing skinny jeans, you'll have to try on some of these jeans.''

I nodded silently and watched as Carmen started taking down a few different styled jeans and draped the items over her arm before she moved on to the simple long sleeved shirts that were specially made for pregnancy. The pregnant lady took notice of our presence and gave a small smile towards Carmen before moving on to another rack.

''I think you should get some of these, they stretch in the stomach area and you could wear them underneath large sweaters if you'd like.'' Carmen said, holding up a plain white long sleeved shirt. I nodded and picked out a few more subtle color ones. We'd spent another half hour plucking clothes from different racks before heading into the change rooms where a female employee stood behind a counter looking uninterested.

''I'll just wander around the store while you try on the stuff.'' Ryder said. Carmen and I nodded while we approached the employee and got a little pass before heading around back to the changing rooms. I took the clothing from Carmen and hurried into a single stall to try on the numerous amount of clothes while Carmen waited outside the door, pestering me every other minute about the item I tried on.

''The pants are a little loose where my stomach is concerned.'' I admitted, holding out the stretchy dark blue fabric a few inches outward.

''That's fine, your stomach will get larger.'' Carmen said casually and I sighed. Boost my self-esteem much. ''What about the shirts? I got them in a small because well, you're on the tinier side.''

''Yeah, the shirts are fine. Though, I think I might want another black one.''

''Alright, gather up the stuff you're getting and leave the ones you aren't. I'll grab another black shirt and we'll meet up at cash.'' Carmen said.

I nodded even though she couldn't see me while I started going through the clothes yaying and naying the numerous clothing items before I departed the changing room and headed to the front of the store where Carmen stood in a line up; only her eyes were set on Ryder whom of which was flirting up a cashier.

I stepped up beside Carmen and nudged her hip with my own to gather her attention. ''He's just--''

''Let's just pay and move onto another store.'' Carmen interrupted and I nodded silently, setting the clothes on the counter for the cashier to scan through just as Ryder made his way back over with a smirk. I rolled my eyes at him, wanting to smack that smirk right off his face and shake him until he returned Carmen's feelings but instead I ignored him while he boosted about getting the chick's number.

''You're gonna have to carry the bags, Ryder.'' I said, thinking it would be a start to his punishment. Before he could protest I added. ''I'm pregnant and Carmen is a lady, you're a strong guy, take the bags.'' And with that I shoved them into his hands, ignoring his pout and complaining about not being a mule.

(Really just a filler chapter)

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