Innocent Torture

By ellipticall

97.6K 4.9K 1.6K

republished, but also PAINFULLY unedited disclaimer, story does deal with self harm, explicit language... More

1|stumbling in
2|new bruises & bullet wounds
3|meeting again [I]
6|chocolate peace[es]
7|caught & shattered
8|one time
15|loose ends
16|shaken up
20|speaking up
26|new feels
28|a familiar name
31|putting pieces together
32|guilt and affection
33|signed statements
34|lies and secrets
35|subtle truths
36|to lose a heart
37|patching up
38|escape [II]
38(love making)
39|love and heartbreak
40|old names
Dreame Tea
44|the end
45|the new beginning
47|matching names to faces
48|sullen visits
50|meeting again [II]
51|basket of goodies
52|partial truths
53|see you soon
update update lol

13|escape [I]

2.7K 163 66
By ellipticall



"Find a PlaCe inside whEre there's joy, And the joy will burn out thE pain." - J.C


I waited for Jackson to come back after doing whatever he had to do so urgently. But that wasnt the case as some random men came into my hospital room, with a nurse who said that my 'cousins' were here to discharge me from the hospital.

Long story short, Gale hired some men to come and drag me out of the hospital and back to the house where he was, sitting relaxed and at peace.

"That boy, he's a keeper I can tell you that much." Gale chuckled as he still sat in his chair, faced away from me.

I felt the rough hands of the men on my arms as I tried to stay as still as possible. But I also felt their hard gazes running up and down my body.

Then Gale spun in his chair, and dropped his boots onto the wooden floor as his eyes found mine. "But he's not your keeper. He isn't going to protect you from me, mutt." He spit out the name as he stood up and made his way to me as I gulped and watched him come closer a as I stood on shaky legs.

"These nice men here are going to escort you to your room. Where you'll be unable to leave for the next, few forevers maybe." A smirk formed on his face as he eyed me and then his face lit up with fake excitement.

"Oh! Wait one moment here, I have a gift for you." He turned and walked into the kitchen, turning the corner and disappearing as I heard the crashing of utensils and then a drawer slam shut.

He then appeared again and walked out of the kitchen with his hands behind his back. "I didn't forget about our little deal since you didn't tell the hospital about me." He pulled his hand from behind his back, and as I looked down at what used to be my MP3 player, I felt my insides crumble.

"But I maybe did forget to pick it up off the floor before I stomped on it multiple times. Just as you forgot to keep your trap shut to that boy!" His voice had risen, as the tears fell down my cheeks.

She was gone now. My mother was officially gone. That MP3 player was the only last bit of her soul that I had left, and now that it's destroyed, the memory of her, with it.

"No!" I screamed, trying to pull out of the men's grip, and lunge at Gale. Which shocked him the slightest as his eyes widened and he chuckled.

"Did you just try to fight against me?" He shook his head and looked at the men behind me, before looking back down at me and coming in closer.

"That hasn't happened in years Ebony. And remember what happened that one time you tried before?" He tapped my cheek with his finger as he began to talk to me like I was a child again.

But none the less, I remembered the pain that I went through for trying to escape his wrath. I still have the burn mark on the lower part of my back to show for it.

"Don't test me anymore than you have." He sneered, as he stepped away from me and pointed to my bedroom. "Take her." And with those final words the men pulled me to the small room, and pushed me inside as their smiles grew and their eyes darkened.


Suicide had always been a thought on my mind, but never an act I could fully go through with.

I've never cut, or tried to hang myself because I thought it would be too painful for me. I've tried pills, but immediately I spit them right back out as my gag reflex was pretty limited.

And I was always afraid of the inevitable thought of not being 'successful' and ending up being in a worse predicament, than I was before.

But as I sat in the shower, watching the blood flow from my cut up hands and legs, I wondered what it would be like to just be asleep for a while. Not having to worry about the next moment of pain I'd have to endure, or even how I could try to avoid it.

Eventually I got out of the shower and bandaged up my hands, and wrapped up my legs also. The scratches would heal, but I knew it would be a memory I wouldn't be able to keep away for long.

I avoided the messy bed, wanting to burn the sheets along with the images that stuck in my mind.

He had done this. Gale. And for the first time in forever, I was angry.

But I knew I couldn't do anything. I couldn't fight back.

I made a small palette in front of my bedroom door, and lay on it. My hands under my head as I tried to even out my breathing, but my breaths did a turn and ended up coming out ragged as a sob left my system.

I couldn't stop the tears as I thought about everything. From the time Jackson held me and told me to find my peace, and how safe I felt in his arms. To the taint I now have on my skin and soul.

I let the tears fall, muffling my cries in the pillow I lay on. It was hours later that I finally was silent, and I heard nothing but silence around me. I knew the sun would be coming up soon, and school would be back in session from the weekend.

I didn't want to go, as I was afraid of seeing Jackson there. But I practically had no choice between staying here and going to school. I couldn't be in this room all day, I'd go even crazier than I was at the moment.

Just as I got up to get ready, I remembered what Gale said about me staying in this room. Did that mean I couldn't go to school?

Quickly I began to panic at the thought of being trapped in here. And memories of when I was a young girl come back to me as I remember the years I stayed at this house, because I wasn't enrolled in a school.

And just as I began to pull at my hair, the doorbell rang, and a familiar voice was heard.



After what Paris explained to me, I knew Ebony was in more danger than she was before.

Paris had told me that she worked for a man a couple years ago, around the time I first met her, and that he made her do things for money. One of those things included pleasing men.

And that man that made her do these things, just so happened to be the man that 'cared' for Ebony. But behind closed doors, most likely does unimaginable things I'd be willing to end his life for.

Just the thought of him or anyone else like the Darwins laying a single finger on Ebonys delicate bronze skin, made me mad. More than mad to be exact.

It made me livid.

I wanted to rip his hand off and shove it down his throat, watching as he struggled to breathe. Just as he made Ebony in some way or form as I could tell from the bruises around her neck.

It was sick to think that way, but it was all I could see as I made my way to the place I assumed was Ebonys home from the day I saw her walk here. I made my way up the steps and looked around at the large house.

Once again, all the lights were off and shades were covering every window. One particular small window caught my eye as I saw small movement, but I pushed it aside as I rang the doorbell then.

I tried to cast away the look on my face, which resembled one that would most likely strike fear into whomever saw me. And just in case there was a fragile old woman or man behind this door, I didn't want them to croak on my watch because of the look I gave them.

But then the door opened, and a large foreign looking man stood before me. A different large man than the one that I had 'got to know' as Gale, and the one that I had seen push Ebony into that car just the day before.

"What do you want?" He bellowed, as I examined him and his stance. One hit to his tough skull and he'd go down like a tree.

"Is Ebony here?" My voice stayed steady, and without any sense of anger in it. But as I saw the way the mans eyes changed to a shade darker, and I deep down knew what he was thinking, I found myself struggling to keep my upper lip steady, as a growl almost came out.

"If she were here, you wouldn't be able to see her." He was testing me as he looked me up and down with a smirk.

I brought my hands behind me and clenched them together as I felt a ball of heat form in my chest.

"Why is that?" I titled my head, eyeing him as he shrugged and brought his tongue across his teeth.

"She's out with her father, buying some new furniture. Her room got pretty messy last ni-" My body reacted before my brain could and I attacked.

All I could see was my fist smashing into his face. And all I could hear was silence. I felt nothing but turmoiling anger inside of me as I let every piece of it out into his skull.

At one point I felt something shatter under my fist, but I didn't stop.

Not until I heard her scream. Ebonys scream.

I looked up, and there she was. Her eyes were bloodshot red and her hands were bandaged up along with her legs that were barely covered in a pair of spandex type shorts.

"Ebony." I dropped the bloody guy and walked over to her, but she took a step away from me as she stared at my hands and trembled in fear.

"J-Jackson what did you do?" Her eyes went from me to the man lying in a pool of blood behind me as I only payed attention to her and wiped my hands the best I could on my black jeans.

"What did he do to you." By now she was backed against the wall with nowhere to go as she looked up at me. Something changed in her eyes to what seemed to be a wave of realization as she began to stutter.

"Jackson y-you have to go. I-it isn't safe here." She brought her hands to my chest to push me away, but I didn't move as I only grabbed her hands and saw the bandages that had blood coming through them.

"Tell me what he did." I looked back into her eyes as she continued to shake her head with fearful eyes. "Jackson please, you have to leave-"

"Ebony I'm only asking one, more, time." I didn't want my voice to get lower but it just did as I thought about ending the guys life, with a quick and simple snap of his neck.

Ebony seemed to think about what I was saying before her eyes watered and she shook her head. "I-I-"

"S-she let me into her room." I heard the voice behind me speak from the ground. I saw Ebony tense up as I stared at her and she stared right back at me.

"It was me and my b-buddy Darrel." He chuckled as I then hear him spit out something hard that makes a soft clack on the wooden floor, and I know its his tooth. "Man, her body is so pure-"

And for the second time in under thirty minutes I lunged for him again. But Ebony held onto me, her arms around my waist as she tried to pull me back as she screamed for me to stop.

"Jackson don't do this!" I didn't listen to her as I pushed forward, easily, and just as I was about to raise my fist to hit the man with one final blow, she ran out in front of me.

I took in and intake of air as I almost hit her. And I saw the way Ebony closed her eyes, preparing for the hit.

Letting out heavy breaths I looked at her as she opened her eyes then, and looked at me with tears in them. "Please don't," she struggled to look me in the eyes as I only watched her with disbelief. "Don't k-kill him." I took a step forward then, and was now only a breath away from her.

"He hurt you. He put his hands on you and talked about it like it was fun to abuse you." I tried to get that into her mind, but all I could see in her eyes was the innocence she held.

She didn't want to see this man die, despite what he's done to her. Her heart was so pure that she didnt want me to kill the man that hurt her.

"I-I know, but n-no one deserves to die by the hands of another man." She shook her head and looked at me with those eyes that I could have fell into a trance with, and just agreed to let the man live.

But all I heard was, 'I know'.

And just as I brought my arms around Ebony, I said the one thing I hadnt ever said since I had last seen my brother.

"I'm sorry." And I turned around and pulled her behind me as I lifted my foot and stomped in the man's face, feeling the crumbling of his bones under my boot, and hearing Ebonys scream.

"NO!" She tried to pull me away, and this time I let her as I looked down at the dismantled body as I brought my boot away.

Ebony slowly walked around me to look at the man, but I didn't let her as I turned around and brought her into my chest, knowing how she wouldn't be able to handle the sight of him.

"Do not be hurt over him." I said into her ear as I ran my hand down her back as she cried. Her body shook with a heavy and intense cry as I held her. "We have to go."

"I can't go with you Jackson." She cried to me, as she pulled away from me and I looked down at her wet face.

"I don't believe I asked you if you wanted to come this time." The way her face went from grief to shock made something in me pull her closer, as I turned her around then and began to walk to the door.

"Lets go." As we made our way out, Ebony stopped then and her eyes began to plead with me. "I can't leave without my stuff."

I shook my head, feeling that something bad was going to happen if we stayed in this house any longer with the dead body on the ground. "You'll get it back soon-"

Before I could finish, Ebony had broken away from me and ran back to her room. I followed close behind and pushed the door open as I saw her stuffing things into her bag and putting on clothes and shoes.

The room was tiny. Too tiny for someone like Ebony, an almost adult. It was a closet, with a small window to make it a room.

As Ebony reached under the bed and pulled out a dismantled pink MP3 player, and nodded at me as we were about to leave, that's when I heard the front door slam shut, and men's voices.

Ebonys eyes widened in panic and tears  began to form in her eyes. Just as her mouth opened to let out a scream or maybe even a cry, I quickly put my hand over her mouth and pulled her to me.

'Quiet' I mouthed, as she gulped and then I glanced around the room to find a way out.

Then as a rumbling voice came from the living room, I spotted the window and I knew what we had to do.

I let go of Ebonys mouth and turned her around as I pointed at the window. "We're going out there." Ebony immediately shook her head and turned to me briefly. "W-we can't. It's too far of a drop." She was right, even if we were on the first floor there was atleast a six foot foundation pushing the house up from the ground.

"I'll go first then. So I can catch you." I walked to the door, locking it to give us more time, before I t then made my way to the window just as I heard loud boots rush up the stairs, checking the upstairs rooms. I pushed the emergency window up, and prayed it didn't fall and leave my fingers hanging.

Making sure it wasn't moving, I peeked down at the drop and bit my lip. I've jumped from bigger heights.

I glanced back at an afraid Ebony as she watched me. "Come right out after me." She nodded as I turned around and made my way out the window with my legs out first.

As I hung from the window, with one final breath I let myself drop and I landed on the grass seconds later.

I then looked up to see Ebony looking down at me. Her eyes held fear in them as she kept looking behind her. Just then did I hear the banging of the door and the men's loud shouts towards Ebony.

"Ebony, come down now." I ushered her down and as she tried to push herself through with her legs dangling, she got stuck because of her bag on her back.

I saw the worry she had as she kicked her legs and her sweater began to rise. I was grateful she put on a pair of leggings over the shorts she recently had on because of the view I would have gotten.

But I put that all aside as I heard the door bust open and a worried ebony continue to try and push herself out. But it wouldn't go.

"Ebony you have to let go of the bag!" She shook her head as she still tried to push herself out, ripping the bag and making her arms come loose also. Then two large hands grabbed onto her arms and began to yank her back into the house.

"You are not leaving me!" It was the voice of the Gale guy, and I knew any minute that the other guy would come out here looking for me.

"Jackson!" Ebony screamed as he continues to pull her back in, in turn making her neck turn at a dangerous angle.

"Ebony let go of the fucking bag!" And as I said that, the front door opened and another guy walked out. He had a bat in his hand and I just knew it was the other guy that his now dead partner mentioned.

I looked from him to Ebony, and just as he began to make his way towards me I heard something rip open and then I glanced up just in time to see Ebony falling down towards me. Along with heaps of clothes.

"Jackson!" She screamed, and then she fell in my arms as I quickly set her down and began to pull her away. "We've gotta go!" I screamed, as she looked over her shoulder while trying to catch her breath, and as she saw the man now chasing after us she picked up speed as I did also and we ran as fast as we could.


We somehow got away, and we were now walking towards the pub. Ebony at first stuck close to me once we came to a walk, but after about ten minutes she then began to distance herself as I saw her staring at the ground, and she played with her fingers.

I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but that would be a dumb question when I knew the answer.

Just as we made it to the pub, I stopped at the front doors and turned to Ebony as she almost ran into me. "When you go in here keep your head down, hood up, and follow me. Don't stop for anyone." I pulled her hood over her hair, and she nodded briefly as I turned around, and made my way into the busy bar.

Not before feeling Ebonys hand slide into my own.

I looked down at it, and then at her as I nodded and we both walked past the two familiar bouncers at the door, and they didn't seem to ask me about the girl that I was pulling in behind me.

I too avoided everyone, although I did notice some odd looks the people gave me. They were probably remembering yesterday's events, and wondering if I would just start shooting out of nowhere.

That was the least of their problems.

Finally, once I made it to the back, I pushed open the bedroom door and let Ebony walk in first, and then me after her.

As she stepped in, she slid her hood off and tried to fix her hair. But then she stopped and ran her hand down her face.


"Jackson please." She said, as she looked at me with pain in her eyes before she turned away and looked around the room.

I got that as the message that she didnt want to talk right now, but I knew we had to talk sooner or later.

I then clenched my jaw and nodded as I pointed at the bathroom door. "Bathrooms through there. I'll get you something to eat, and then we can talk." I heard her sigh, as she nodded and walked past me and into the bathroom, as she didn't look back before she softly closed the bathroom door behind her.


GUYS! TELL ME WHAT YOU THOUGHT OF THIS CHAPTER! I made it extraaaaaaa long, so I hope you liked that.

Don't expect them to be this long allll the time. ;)


- why do you think Ebony is a little distant with our baby boy Jackson now that shes practically living with him?
- how do you think Paris and Ebony are going to get along now?

Anywaaaays, keep doing what y'all do best. And that's voting and commenting what you all think!

Much loooooovveeeeee

- Ellipticall 🌻

(P.s I apologize for any mistakes, after this book is finished I will most definitely go back and fix it up ;)

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