Part time thief

By SashaSpittle

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(F/n) came from a wealthy family of artists but decided to go out into the wide open world on her own, to mak... More

Chapter 1- the beginning
Chapter 2- fitness is a b**ch
Chapter 3- unexpected Date
Chapter 4- hard worker
Chapter 5- why so serious?
Chapter 6-thief!
Chapter 7- to be a gentleman
Chapter 8- two faced
Chapter 9- limits
Chapter 10- first mission
Chapter 11- the pain of an artist
Chapter 12- a mans lust
Chapter 13- friendly competition
Chapter 14- well that came unexpected
Chapter 15- stranger danger
Chapter 16- assassins are jerks
Chapter 17- help me
Chapter 18- that little bit of hope
Chapter 19- found you
Chapter 21- friends
Chapter 22- home sweet home
Chapter 23- goodbye my friend
Please do not skip!!!
Chapter 25- Never a moment of peace
Chapter 26- Christmas cheer
Chapter 27- Hajime's story
Chapter 28- plans and invites.
Chapter 29- one game, two kisses
Chapter 30- Aneko the professional
Chapter 31- masks mean more.
Chapter 32- bad parenting
Chapter 33- a garden walk
Chapter 34- words linger
I'm sorry
Chapter 35- a son has a duty
chapter 36- words are hard
chapter 37- A Job?
Chapter 38- going solo
chapter 39- a recovered memory
chapter 40- a confession
chapter 41- drama queen
chapter 42- what type?
Face reveal!
Chapter 43- Misunderstanding
chapter 44
chapter 45- attempted murder
chapter 46- obsessive love
Chapter 47- Walking on thin ice
Chapter 48- a storm is coming
Chapter 49- Traitor!
Chapter 50- Run b*tch Run!
Chapter 51- I am not a traitor
Chapter 52- Here we go again
chapter 53-Plagued thoughts
chapter 54- Run rabbit run
Chapter 55- fight!
Chapter 56- Riki to the rescue...again
Chapter 57- Blind
Chapter 58- so close and yet so far away
Chapter 59- A fight to the death

Chapter 20-'s complicated

278 14 4
By SashaSpittle

Jun stood up and protectively held his arms out in front of (f/n) as a man and a woman swaggered into the room. The man dragged along an unconscious doctor and smirked at the vigilante members his ice blue eyes held a dangerous spark, whilst a smirk widened when he dropped the doctor. He ran a hand through his black hair with an air of confidence and his lean frame was relaxed. (F/n) noticed a spiked choker around his neck, almost looking like a collar you would put on a dangerous dog and then nervously looked at the woman next to him. She too had black hair, which cascaded down her back in soft waves, and pale skin. Her eyes were a darker shade of blue and she seemed less confident than the male. But the high amount of weapons strapped to her body said otherwise. The male stuffed his hands into his pockets and chuckled when Riki aimed her sniper at him. "I feel so welcomed." He took a step forward but the female he was with grabbed his wrist and yanked him back, just a split second later Riki fired the gun and growled when she realised she had missed. "Wow you're vicious."

"Noah, stop fooling around and just get the girl. The authorities will be here soon." The females voice was small but stern whilst she placed a hand on his shoulder. "The boss said he wants her without any delay."

"Oh come on Zoe, it's been a while since we were out on the field." Noah slowly pulled out a handgun and a knife with his free hand. He shrugged off Zoe's hand and grinned at the targets in front of him. (f/n) had no idea why, but she seemed more scared of Zoe than Noah even though he pulled out those two weapons, maybe it might have been her deadly glare and murderous air around her. Jun pushed (f/n) behind him further when Noah prowled closer to the female, his finger resting on the trigger. "Give us (f/n) or we'll be forced to kill you two." Riki spat on the floor between her and the deadly male and kept her weapon ready. "Ugh disgusting! Try to act like a lady."

"Screw you! I'm not taking lessons on manners from a little bitc-"

"Riki!" Jun suddenly warned and the pink haired female shut her mouth, following his unspoken order out of shock.

"Look we just came here for (f/n), hand her over and everything will run smoothly." Zoe pointed at the female and Noah rolled his eyes at her way of dealing with this. "What do you say?"

"I'll shoot you straight in the eye if you dare lay a finger on her." Riki growled and glared at Zoe. The blue eyed female returned the anger filled glare and pulled out a dangerous looking machete out of a strap on her thigh.

"Fine...Noah remember the plan." Zoe stated before rushing forward. Her speed seemed more monster like than human and her body moved in one flowing movement, the blade of the machete reflected the light in the hospital room whilst being thrusted forward. Riki jumped back and gasped when her weapon was shot out of her hand by Noah, his triumphant smirk sent her irritation levels to the roof. The female was about to lunge towards the male, but was stopped when Zoe was in front of her whilst holding a knife to the pink haired females throat. "Noah hurry up!"

"Alright alright! I'm on it!" Noah ran towards (f/n) with his gun and knife ready. Jun did not like this one bit and suddenly slammed his fist into the males stomach, causing him to cough up blood. Noah however recovered quickly and swiped his knife towards Jun, growling when his blade did not meet flesh. The hand holding his gun was suddenly twisted, making the male drop his weapon, but he still had his knife. His weapons blade grazed Jun's thigh, causing blood to seep out of his cut. (F/n) gasped and couldn't process any movement when she saw the knife heading straight towards Jun's throat, it all went in slow motion and a second knife, that was much larger than Noah's, was flung into the males hand. He dropped the knife yelping in pain and yanked out the machete buried into his limb. Riki suddenly jumped out of nowhere and flipped the male to the floor, whilst Zoe was unconscious a few meters away.

"Remind me never to get on your bad side." (F/n) sighed in relief and Riki gave her a quick smirk, her face became serious as she turned her attention to Noah.

"Who is your boss!" She growled and glared down at the floored male she was pinning down.

"Me." An unfamiliar voice announced and everyone in the room looked up to see a tall male. His pink eyes were locked onto Riki whilst he played with the one strip of pink in his black hair. "Hello Riki."

"Rea?" Riki had let go of Noah and took a step towards her half brother, her hand was outstretched and disbelief made her completely open to attack. But strangely Noah didn't do anything due to Rea's hand gesture. "You can'"

"I bet you thought I was somewhere saving a bunch of were always the gullible one." The male sighed and walked up to the female, he placed a large hand on her head and held a serious expression. "Why are you protecting that woman? She could quite possibly lead us to the answer for all our problems." Rea bent down slightly and placed his lips near Riki's ear, whispering "join me. Our father will be proud."

"Him...proud...don't make me laugh." Riki suddenly pulled away and put some distance between her and Rea. "That man will only be proud of his business, it's never his children."

"That's why finding the mask is important...Riki...your need for our fathers approval will finally happen." Rea smiled and then moved his gaze over to (f/n), his smile suddenly turned into a smirk as he beheld her fine features. Her (h/l) (h/c) was slightly frizzy and her beautiful (e/c) eyes were wide and unblinking. He could see why the angels were protecting her with such ferocity. Rea slowly walked past his half sister and headed towards the female, her slightly bruised face still perfect and full of unreadable emotions. Suddenly a large male was in his way, towering over him and glaring down with red eyes.

"Back off." Jun growled and strongly gripped onto Rea's shoulder, but when the male wouldn't rip his eyes off of (f/n) Jun grew a little irritated. "Now."

"(F/n)...please do the right thing." Rea ignored Jun and smiled at the female. "If you come with me, nobody will get hurt. You would also do me, Riki and Hiro a'd make our father very happy when you tell us where to find the mask." He brushed off Jun's strong grip as if it were dust and stared deep into (f/n)'s eyes. "Don't you think there has been enough violence?"


"She's not going with you." Jun interrupted the female, but suddenly felt something sharp pressed against his back. He winced and looked over his shoulder to see Noah pressing the tip of his knife against the males back.

"(F/n)! Jun!" A sudden voice roared and Goro sprinted into the room, tackling Noah to the ground. "You guys okay?" He looked up and all of the colour in his face drained. His eyes were locked onto the sight of Rea, his old friend and comrade. "Rea? What are you...wait...are you their-"

"Leader? Yes I am." He twisted around and smiled down at the bewildered male. "It's quite fun seeing all of your reactions. First Riki and now you. Your faces are priceless."

"Bastard!" Goro turned his shock into rage and jumped up to swing at the male. His blow landed into Rea's cheek, but what surprised him was that Rea didn't even try to move. "Why didn't you dodge!?"

"Why did you even hit me?" Rea chuckled and rubbed his sore cheek. "I'm really the one who's supposed to be angry. First you leave my organisation to join Riki's vigilante, then slept with her and broke her heart by leaving my half sister and joined Hiro's vigilante. You're not a very nice person are you Goro."

"That's all in the past. Riki and I are over it." Goro growled and Riki nodded along to his statement.

"Over it you say? Didn't you two sleep together recently?" Rea smirked at Goro and crossed his arms. "I wouldn't exactly call that 'over it'." (F/n) snapped her gaze over to Goro and Riki, the female saw the look on their faces. The two were completely mortified that their secret had gotten out. They both uncomfortably shifted their feet and shared a quick glance.

"Yes we did sleep together. But that meant nothing." Riki spoke up and (f/n) couldn't quite wrap her head around all of this information. It was all coming in too quickly and she had no time to process it. Suddenly the sound of sirens shattered through the awkward silence that had fell over the group and Rea had let out a long over exaggerated sigh.

"It's time we leave. Come Noah." He waved his hand in the direction of the door and the male he referred to got up and scooped the unconscious Zoe in his arms. Rea looked over towards (f/n), "you coming dear?"

"No!" Both Goro and Jun answered for her and Rea rolled his eye and then locked it onto (f/n) again.

"I will find the mask, even if it means following you back to your country." With that said he left the room smirking at the females scared expression.

"Come on guys, we need to go." Riki gestured over to the door as well and the three followed after her.


(F/n) was finally back to the ravens headquarters and as soon as she walked through the door she saw a bunch of suitcases packed and ready. She even saw hers leaning against the wall. The female suddenly found herself in a tight embrace and a loud voice calling her name came from whoever she was being hugged by. (F/n) could tell it was a guy due to the fact that the voice sounded masculine and goosebumps trailed down her body when his warm breath hit her neck. She was in a daze and didn't notice him repeating her name for her to answer. "(F/n)? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah." She said in a breathless voice and patted the males back. "Can I know who's hugging me?" The person holding her pulled back and the first thing she saw were his pink eyes. They were full of joy, and had a slight spark of relief. She had never been so close to the males face before and she had never realised that his pink eyes had a slight purple rim around his pupils, bleeding out into the pink pools. (f/n) smiled and ruffled the males pink hair, earning a small grunt of dissatisfaction. "Missed me Hiro?"

"Obviously, my friend was kidnapped. Of course I would miss them." Hiro chuckled and pointed over to the large mass of suitcases. "We are leaving today, it costed me a fortune to pay for extra time out here."

"Oh...I'll pay you back." (F/n) pulled out her purse and fished through the endless amount of change. 'Great, I just have to be poor don't I.' The look on the females face made Hiro chuckle even more and placed a hand gently on her head.

"A gentleman never lets the lady pay." He took away her purse and placed it back in her handbag. His smile disappeared as soon as he remembered something important. "Hajime is in his room. I think it's best you go to him." (F/n) nodded along and drifted towards the door. Her mind reeling at what she might say to the red haired male. Surely he was fine; he would have his usual smile. But the memory of the day she was taken away from the angels came to mind.

"Let (f/n) go or I will gouge your eyeballs out."

His voice was cold and threatening that night. He was a completely different Hajime. (F/n) remembered the cold hatred in his brown eyes, the way they locked onto Kei and gave the usually happy male a threatening air around him. It had set most of the angels on edge, they wasn't used to that kind of behaviour from the male. Snapping back to reality, (f/n) had realised she was outside hajime's room, her knuckles softly tapped against the door and she held her breath when the sound of distant movement inside the room. The footsteps gradually became louder and louder, however she could detect a kind of tiredness in his walk. The door was opened slightly and half of hajime's face came to view. He was looking down at the ground and didn't bother looking up to see who his visitor was.

"I'm very sorry but can you come back later." His was deep and uncaring, this wasn't the Hajime (f/n) knew. She could see a dark colouring under his sad eyes and his skin was unusually pale, his hair was messy and unkempt as well as his clothing. It looked like it was just thrown on and he didn't care if he did it right or not.

"You look...terrible." The female said in a saddened voice and hajime's eyes widened. He slowly trailed his brown orbs up from the floor and locked onto her face. The males mouth was wide open and he opened the door a little wider, he wasn't too sure if she was actually there or that he was slowly going insane. He pulled himself up from his slouch and reached out a soft hand, running it through her soft hair.

"(F-f/n)?" His voice was close to a whisper and he stepped out of his room to get a closer look at the female. "You'" He suddenly felt something wet on his cheek and swiftly brushed it away, sniffing and looking down at the floor so his hair would cover his eyes.

"Hajime are you-" the female was suddenly cut off by Hajime flinging his arms around her and burying his face in the dip between shoulder and neck.

"Its you...thank god it's you." He whimpered and tightened his hold on (f/n). "I was so worried!"

"Oh's alright." (F/n) stroked his head and rested her cheek against the side of his head as well. "I'm not going anywhere." They stood there for what felt like hours and (f/n) continued to comfort the male with a soft voice. There was a sudden cough and the female looked up to see Goro standing in the hallway. His purple eyes locked onto the sight of (f/n) holding Hajime. She slowly brought her lips to the red haired males ear and whispered, "Goro's here by the way." Hajime bolted upright and snapped his head in the direction of the black haired male. His arms reluctantly pulled away from (f/n) and ran up to Goro.

"Goro you idiot! Why didn't you let any of us see you in the hospital!" Hajime stormed up to the male and hit him up side the head. But then he rested his forehead against Goro's chest since The male towered over him. "But I'm glad you're okay."

"Thank you?" Goro looked over to (f/n) and shrugged whilst smiling at the sight. Goro however looked away from the female when he felt a slight warmth on his cheeks.

" ready to go!" Hiro called out and the three twisted around, seeing him with Jun by his side.

"Yeah, I think we should go somewhere else next time. I don't think Rome is for me." (F/n) chuckled and the four males smiled at her.

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