Part time thief

By SashaSpittle

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(F/n) came from a wealthy family of artists but decided to go out into the wide open world on her own, to mak... More

Chapter 1- the beginning
Chapter 2- fitness is a b**ch
Chapter 3- unexpected Date
Chapter 4- hard worker
Chapter 5- why so serious?
Chapter 6-thief!
Chapter 7- to be a gentleman
Chapter 8- two faced
Chapter 9- limits
Chapter 10- first mission
Chapter 11- the pain of an artist
Chapter 12- a mans lust
Chapter 14- well that came unexpected
Chapter 15- stranger danger
Chapter 16- assassins are jerks
Chapter 17- help me
Chapter 18- that little bit of hope
Chapter 19- found you
Chapter 20-'s complicated
Chapter 21- friends
Chapter 22- home sweet home
Chapter 23- goodbye my friend
Please do not skip!!!
Chapter 25- Never a moment of peace
Chapter 26- Christmas cheer
Chapter 27- Hajime's story
Chapter 28- plans and invites.
Chapter 29- one game, two kisses
Chapter 30- Aneko the professional
Chapter 31- masks mean more.
Chapter 32- bad parenting
Chapter 33- a garden walk
Chapter 34- words linger
I'm sorry
Chapter 35- a son has a duty
chapter 36- words are hard
chapter 37- A Job?
Chapter 38- going solo
chapter 39- a recovered memory
chapter 40- a confession
chapter 41- drama queen
chapter 42- what type?
Face reveal!
Chapter 43- Misunderstanding
chapter 44
chapter 45- attempted murder
chapter 46- obsessive love
Chapter 47- Walking on thin ice
Chapter 48- a storm is coming
Chapter 49- Traitor!
Chapter 50- Run b*tch Run!
Chapter 51- I am not a traitor
Chapter 52- Here we go again
chapter 53-Plagued thoughts
chapter 54- Run rabbit run
Chapter 55- fight!
Chapter 56- Riki to the rescue...again
Chapter 57- Blind
Chapter 58- so close and yet so far away
Chapter 59- A fight to the death

Chapter 13- friendly competition

320 16 3
By SashaSpittle

I have had a few people ask me on what personality type is Daichi, he is a yandere but hasn't exactly snapped. He doesn't know he is insane. Also I have been asked what personality type is Hajime, he's the kind, brotherly type, I hope this clears some of this up and if you have any other questions please ask me them. I love to interact with you guys, makes me feel like a rare unicorn!

With Heat beating down at the female, (f/n) fanned herself with her hand. She had been wearing a black throw over her body to cover what she had been wearing underneath. They had made it to Rome and Hiro instantly wanted to go to the pool, (f/n) however wasn't as eager as all the men. She refused to swim in the pool and stayed in the shade, drinking a glass of champagne. If she wasn't going to do anything, she at least wanted to do nothing in style. She suddenly felt a wet hand grab her ankle and squealed at the contact, her eyes looked up at Hiro's large grin and she batted his hand away.

"Come on (f/n)! Join the fun." He gestured over to all the males splashing each other, well all except Jun. The poor guy was the main target and didn't even flinch when the water hit him.

"No." the female refused whilst crossing her arms and looking away.

"Then you leave me no choice." Hiro pulled back and looked over to the pool, "Goro...she refused. Time to go with your plan." The male he called out to twisted around, a smirk clearly evident on his face. He jumped out of the pool and walked past a bunch of giggling, googley eyed women. Droplets of water fell down his toned body and the image of him running his hand through his wet hair made the women around the pool swoon. All except (f/n). She just sat there, watching him with a bitter look and continued to cross her arms. But then her stubbornness was no match for Goro. He picked her up from the sun bed and hung her over his shoulder, despite the fact she was struggling and hitting his bare back, and threw her into the pool. (F/n) shrieked when she flew through the air and held her breath when she felt the impact of the water. She swam up to the surface gasping and glared over to Goro. But the female was taken slightly aback at the fact that Goro was laughing, with a hand to his stomach and his eyes were closed. Suddenly she felt a splash from behind and twisted around to see Hajime laughing as well. She couldn't help but have a little fun of her own, so she splashed back. But then two large hands grabbed the soaked throw that was slightly floating around the female and pulled it off of her, revealing a black and white bikini. She squealed and tried to get the throw back, but to her dismay she was dealing with the tallest vigilante member Jun. He threw it out of the pool, with no expression whatsoever and (f/n) crossed her arms. Her cheeks burned from embarrassment and she tried hiding herself, but the soft hand of hajime took a hold of her own hands.

"Remember what i said (f/n)." He said in a sure voice and (f/n) bit her lip, nodding her head in response. A slight weight lifted off her shoulders. The females body relaxed and she smiled widely at all the guys. Hiro and Goro joined them back into the pool and then a large splash war started. Because of the vigilante members competitive side, all of the people left the pool and returned to their sun beds, leaving the group with the pool all to themselves. (F/n) was suddenly up in the air again and looked down, seeing that she was Goro's shoulders. "Chicken fight!" Hajime jumped onto Jun's shoulders and (f/n) laughed as she grabbed onto hajime's hands. The two kept on pushing each other, trying to get the other back into the pool. With one final push (f/n) was victorious as Hajime fell off Jun's shoulders, a victory cry came from both the female and Goro. The male high fived (f/n), who was still on his shoulders, and slightly bounced her to the music coming from the speakers around the pool. Suddenly Hiro grabbed her shoulders and pulled her down into the water.

"Ahh Hiro!" (F/n) squeaked and playfully shoved him. The vigilante group were all laughing and playing around in the pool like children until (f/n) saw a petite Italian woman jog up to the side of the pool. (F/n) watched her carefully and analysed her features. Her tanned skin had the occasional bruise and her body was so thin that it was close to being a bag of bones. The woman pulled nervously at her long bony fingers and her short black hair was just able to scrape her sharp shoulders. There was something about her that seemed small, despite the fact that she was rather tall, the way she held herself just gave off the impression of prey. Her slightly sunken in eyes, that were a dark chocolate colour, darted around the area and she couldn't make eye contact as her teeth occasionally sunk into her dry and cracked bottom lip, obviously sore from the amount of times she bit into it. The artist couldn't watch the woman's strange display and got out of the pool to confront her. She reached out a soft hand to lay on the Italian woman's shoulder only for it to be ripped away in one abrupt move moment.

"S-sorry." The lady repeatedly bowed and her voice held a certain air of urgency. "I have come to deliver a message to the angels."

"Hiro." (F/n) called the male over, knowing that this was his job. But when Hiro walked over, his pink eyes narrowed down on the stranger as his eyebrows furrowed. The mere sight of her told him that she was under someone's control. "She has a message."

"Yes." Her voice was barely audible as her eyes were fixated on the ground, her fingers still being nervously pulled. "We want (f/n)."

"Huh?" Hiro crossed his arms and put all his weight on one leg, "why?"

"I was not told sir." Her accent was thick, clearly she hadn't learned English very well. "They just want her." She pointed at (f/n) with a shaky finger, still not holding eye contact.

"And who are they?" Hiro's question made the woman nervous and she flinched at the littlest noises. Her teeth sunk into her lip so hard that it drew blood.

"They are not nice people." Her voice was just a whisper and a car let out a loud beep. Her head snapped in the direction it came from and she became more fidgety.

"We need more information than that." Hiro's stern voice made her flinch again and the car was once again beeping. Her fidgeting became more desperate and her fingers were all pulled out of their sockets with her nervous pulling.

"I'm sorry." She ran off, making Hiro and (f/n) run after her. Something just seemed completely off, it wasn't really every day they would see a woman act that way. The woman was surprisingly fast despite the lack of muscle on her thin legs, her frame suddenly jumping into a large black car and they sped off in a rush. (F/n) stared at the back of the car, noticing that it held no number plate.

"This is bad." Hiro grumbled and suddenly grabbed the females arm, practically dragging her back to the pool area where all of the guys were waiting.

"What happened?" Hajime asked in a voice laced with concern. His first instinct was to walk over to (f/n) and check her for any injuries. "All we saw was you two running."

"(F/n) is no longer having her own room, she'll have to share with one of us." Hiro pulled the female by his side and his eyes carefully scanned their surroundings. "She cannot be left alone."

"Why?" Goro spoke up and his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, his hand was balled up into a tight fist.

"There is some person who wants her, I don't know why or who they are. But by the looks of their little messenger, they are not good people."

"Fine...she'll share a room with me." Goro reached out to pull (f/n) over to him but the large body of Jun blocked his way.

"No...she's with me."

"Hey I'm the best fighter in this group! She is safer with me." Goro growled as the red eyed male coldly stared back at him.

"Look, it's quite obvious that she's more comfortable around me sooo...she's rooming with me." Hajime suddenly pulled (f/n) away, the poor female was at a complete loss of words at the situation.

"Stop bickering!" Hiro said over the loud men and shoved them all out of the way. "I have a higher security room. Her safest bet is with me." The group was silent and all the men stared at hiro, their eyes cold and threatening. Suddenly they roared out their disapproval and (f/n) was stuck in the middle, her arm was constantly grabbed and she felt as if she were a rag doll. But her mind was completely in a different place. What on earth could those people want with her?

"(F/n) you choose!" Goro stared down at her and then all eyes was on her. She shook her head to clear her mind, in an attempt to make a good judgement. Her eyes scanned along all of the faces of the guys and her teeth sunk into her bottom lip.

"Umm...I choose..."


(F/n) swung open the door of the room she was to stay in, slightly grouchy due to the fact that she had to share it with a guy. She tiredly face planted the bed with a groan and listened to the rhythm of the males heavy footsteps passing her, she slowly brought her head up and saw his red eyes staring deep into her own (e/c) orbs. the female instinctively flung herself back with a yelp and fell off the bed. "Jun you idiot!" her heart raced within her chest from the sudden scare and glared at the male looking over the bed at her. He held out a hand and (f/n) stared at it for a moment. Jun cleared his throat to get her out of her daze and the female quickly grabbed his hand and was pulled up.

"Sleep." He instructed and laid down on the other side of the bed. (F/n) suddenly realised that there were no other beds and that Jun expected her to share one with him. Her heart hammered in her chest and her cheeks burned, she tried to ignore the males presence by turning her back to him but for some unknown reason she couldn't even close her eyes. From a young age (f/n) had always been told not to share a bed with a man you aren't married to. The female felt too uncomfortable and rolled to her other side, seeing Jun's sleeping face. His quiet and heavy breathing was all she could hear and her eyes wouldn't leave his face. She was amazed at how peaceful and vulnerable he looked asleep, it was as if his usual expressionless face was gone and was replaced by a soft and content face. (F/n) tucked a strand of his brown hair behind his ear and continued to stare at his face. 'Wait what am I doing! Stop being a creep!' The artist buried her face in her pillow, internally screaming. She suddenly heard a grunt and then a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around her body, pulling her into a strong chest. (F/n)'s eyes widened as her internal screaming grew louder and a slight squeak escaped her lips. She couldn't see his face due to the fact her back was against the males body and his strong hold on her made it impossible to turn around. 'Jun's so warm.' Her mind was elsewhere as her body relaxed in his arms, his warm embrace slowly carrying her into a peaceful sleep. 'Maybe this isn't so bad.'

Jun's eyes fluttered open as the morning sun flooded into the room and the sound of birds chirping became a calm wake up call. He was about to get out of bed but then realised that his arms were wrapped around the small body of a female. Her intoxicating scent traveling from her hair and engulfing him whole, his mind was set on how warm and cuddly (f/n) was. He couldn't help but nuzzle his face into her hair and inhale her scent. His eyes closing as the moment of peace became something more meaningful. He was so used to being on his own, so used to waking up in bed as the only person in it. This particular moment became the most precious memory to the male and unconsciously tightened his embrace. Suddenly (f/n) stirred in her sleep and Jun didn't know what to do other than keep the exact same position he was in.

"Jun?" (F/n) whispered and the male was silent as usual. "Jun, you awake?" Yet again no answer. (F/n) carefully tried to get out of the males embrace but he reflexively tightened his hold on her. "God damn it."

"Be quiet." Jun grumbled in a kind of whine and his face was buried in the females hair. "Go back to sleep."

"But what about the others?"

"Forget them." The male was strangely talkative and (f/n) actually considered on staying in that bed. It felt so warm and comfortable. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and (f/n) moved to get out of bed, but like last time Jun wouldn't let her. "Just leave it."

"No, we need to get up." (F/n) had gotten out of his arms and opened the door, seeing Goro leaning against the door frame. "Hey Goro. How are you?"

"I'm good." He answered and stood up straight as soon as his eyes saw Jun prowl behind (f/n) and propped his chin on the top of her head. "I came here to tell you that we're heading up to the vigilante headquarters. They might be able to offer us some protection.

"Awesome!" The female beamed and left the two males alone to get ready. Goro's eyes locked onto Jun's red ones and the two continued to stare in silence.

" two a thing?" Goro struck up conversation but that was a lost cause when dealing with the silent Jun. His cold eyes bore into Goro and made the male think he could see right through him. "It's a yes or no answer."

"No." Jun grunted and slammed the door in the males face.

"What the hell is going on with Jun?"

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