By SakuNaga

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🛠Editing🛠 Park Han Ni is a girl who has everything right from the day of her birth. She had lost her parent... More

「Chapter 1: It's A New Day」
Chapter 2: Can you give me a tour around?
Chapter 3: Ehm Ai Dee Academy~
Chapter 4: My New School [M.I.D]
Chapter 5: Idol Friends
Chapter 7: Time Control
Chapter 8: Frost
Chapter 9: Telekinesis
Chapter 10: Development
Chapter 11: Light
Chapter 12: Water
Chapter 13: Earth
Chapter 14: A Princess who has been hiding from the spotlight
Chapter 15: Flight
Chapter 16: Wind
Chapter 17: Teleportation
Chapter 18: Little Boy
Chapter 19: M.I.D Special A Class
Chapter 20: Healing
Chapter 21: Lightning
Chapter 22: Flame
Chapter 23: We're off to our planet
Chapter 24: EXO Planet
Chapter 25: Here comes trouble!
Chapter 26: Training? or Treasure Hunt?
Chapter 27: I'm a deadly weapon?
Chapter 28: My first kiss got stolen by him.
Chapter 29: The kiss means nothing. Nothing. Nothing..
Chapter 30: The Witch
Chapter 31: Happy Birthday Sehun~
Chapter 32: We're gonna get sucked in!!
Chapter 33: Earth..we're coming back
Chapter 34: Strange Dream
Chapter 35: Happy Birthday Baekhyun~
Chapter 36: VIP SaeRyun
Chapter 37: Promise?
Chapter 38: What do you want to do?
Chapter 39: What is LOVE?
Chapter 40: Messages
Thank you for suggesting!
Chapter 41: M.I.D Talent Competition.. start!
Chapter 42: Competition Part 1
Chapter 43: Competition Part 2
Chapter 44: Don't you remember me?
Chapter 45: Who am I, really?
Chapter 46: The guy with wings... Ari?
Chapter 47: His Story
I'm baaaack!!
Chapter 48: She's changing?
Chapter 49: The Kingdoms
Chapter 50: The truth about what happen that day
Chapter 51: My.... brother?
Chapter 52: Ari's real identity (Part 1)
Chapter 53: Ari's real identity (Part 2)
Chapter: YO?
Chapter 54: "I won't ever leave your side.."
Chapter 55: Welcome Home
Chapter 56: The twins' day out
Chapter 57: Say 'hello' to them
Chapter 58: For you to see I'm falling in love
Chapter 59: Bish he's really back
Chapter 60: I don't mind listening
Chapter 61: We're Getting Ready
Extra Chapter!
Chapter 62: Demon's Double Sword: Kurotama
Chapter 63: "It's impossible"
Chapter 64: Death Gods
Chapter 65: What is this feeling?
Chapter 66: The Rules
Chapter 67: Squad 1
Chapter 68: Everything Starts Now Pt.1
Chapter 69: Everything Starts Now Pt.2
Chapter 70: The Revelation
Chapter 71: Brother
Chapter 72: Emergency

Chapter 6: Legna Thaumaturge

16.9K 406 37
By SakuNaga

-Han Ni's P.O.V-

*The last bell rang*

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the school, I pulled my phone out and plug in my headphones, I played EXO's songs and started walking. I didn't took a bus and decided to walk home myself so I can get use to walking alone. 

While I was walking, I saw an old lady trying to cross the road. I went to her and help cross the road, since I'm crossing the same road too. The old lady thanked me.

"Aah..You look like Leewon and Jae Mah.." The old lady said.

"You know my parents....?" I asked her.

"So your the daughter of Park Lee Won and Park Jae Mah?" She asked.

"Uuhh..yes I'am. Who are you? How do you know my parents? sorry I'm not trying to be rude..just curios" I said.

"It's alright dear. First let's go somewhere where we can talk." The old lady said.

We walked to my house and opened it. I let her inside and asked for drinks. I led the way to the living room and let her sit down. I came back with drinks and some snacks.

"Do you live here alone, dear?" She asked.

"Yes, I moved here in our holiday house, not too long ago." I replied.

"Aren't you lonely living alone?" she asked again.

"Well..since my parents died, I'm always alone. But my uncle took care of me since then. i'm use to it." I replied.

"I have known your parents for a long time. After Leewon and Jaemah got married, they moved and finally had you. I've been always wanted to see you, but I just can't find spare time." she said.

"Oh, so your close friends with my parents ." I said.

"Yes, did your parents told you about something important? a secret?" she asked.

"Yongseo? something important? a secret?" I asked confusedly.

"So they didn't tell you, about being a Legna Thaumaturge (It means Angel Magician)?" she asked

"Legna...what?" I asked really confused.

"Legna Thaumaturge" she said again.

"ahh..Legna Thaumaturge..what's that?" I asked.

"Some people are called Thaumaturge, people who has magic or powers. The people who are called Legna Thaumaturge are the ones with multiple power/magic and your one of them. Apparently, your parents are Thaumaturge they only have one power/magic. Every 200 years a Legna Thaumaturge will be born. There's only one Legna Thaumaturge every 200 years, sometimes there's 2 of them and they are the ones who will save the world from destruction." she explained.

"Why didn't they tell me? How am I going to save the world from dectruction? Who's going to destroy the world?" I asked really confused and worried.

"Calm down, you are not going to fight alone, along with 12 thaumaturge who will be your companions. I am for sure that they are around here, you need to look for them before it's too late." she warned me.

"How would I know if they are thaumaturge?" I asked.

"When the time comes, you will see or feel different aura when your around them." she said.

"What kind of auras? bad aura or good aura? what color are their aura?" I asked..again.

"You'll find out soon. You will feel it on your own." she said.

"So, it depends on me." I said

"Yes, and once you confirmed that they are one of your companions, a ring with their power symbol will appear in your hands. But ONCE you CONFIRMED it." she said.

"Zehturg, the one who's going to destroy the world and humanity's existance is powerful and will do everything to get what he wants, but since you are a Legna Thaumaturge, you are powerful and with companions you will be the most powerful Thaumaturge in the world." she said

"Ok, I don't know what to feel, should I be scared, happy, sad, excited, nervous or shocked?" I said.

"You are just like your mother, doesn't know what to feel." she said and smiled.

"Thank You for telling me about this,halmeoni. I still need to more about this, but thank you." I thanked her.

"Good Luck to your little adventure, Park Han Ni. And be carefull Zehturg's soldiers might come and hunt you and your companions." she warned me and disappears.

"W-w-what...? where did she go? I looked around and she's completely gone.

Now, all i need is to find my companions, save the world from Zehturg and.....find out my powers..But how?. I told myself to relax and go to sleep. As I did lay down to my bed and instantly fell asleep....

When I closed my eyes, I heard a soft mellow voice.

"Savior, don't let Zehturg take over the world..." the voice said.


Find out what will happen in the next chapter.

D_____O  Han Ni found out that she's a Legna Thaumaturge.


If you guys are asking what's Legna Thaumaturge is I'll tell you..

Legna is the word 'angel' spelt backwards.

Thaumaturge is the other word of 'magician'.



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