The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Dadd...

By Pink_Crayon

4.1M 144K 39.6K

❝I wish I wasn't so average, I want to be original.❞ A simple birthday wish causes chaos for Terrance J. Arch... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Not A Chapter But A News Update!
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Fourty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Date Night For Cloud & Terrance
How Terrance Met Cloud

Chapter Seven

117K 3.8K 1.1K
By Pink_Crayon

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy

November 23rd 2012
Chapter Seven -
Terrance Archibald

''I've always wanted to travel around the world.'' I blurted out loud, turning my head to face Cloud only to blush crimson as I realized he had already been staring at me. Cloud and I were laying side by side on top of my roof, starring at the starry night sky -or rather I was-  above us while the beautiful full moon hung further in the distance.

''I know and it'll happen.''

Not as soon as I'd like. I thought, my hands traveling down to rest on my stomach which was still thankfully flat but that wasn't much of a shocker considering I was only entering seven weeks. I wasn't far enough along to show drastic changes in my appearance but when it came down to my emotions I was screwed which was why I had a film of tears blur my vision.

Having a baby had never even crossed my mind. I had never even thought about adopting let alone being able to conceive my own. I had future plans I wanted to accomplish and succeed, places I wanted to travel, languages I wanted to learn, food I wanted to eat and people I wanted to meet. I was going to be my own priority and make my own decisions whether they'd be rational or not.

At least I would have known they were my decisions, chosen for myself. But now, it wasn't just myself and that thought weighed down upon my shoulders so heavily I didn't know if I'd be able to hold myself up on my own. I needed help with this baggage--no. Not baggage but this child, this small, helpless little person inside of me. The little person growing inside of me.

The thought was terrifying when I came to the realization on just how much this little person was depending on me. I was it's source of just about everything to help keep the little person inside of me growing, to help keep it alive and well.

But, I couldn't do all of it alone.

''Hey, why are you crying?'' Cloud murmured, turning over onto his side. ''You'll get to travel the world, Rex. You've been saving up all of your pay checks and tips from the diner, you're only a few steps away.''

''What do you have planned for the future?'' I whispered, my throat closing up as I realized I had only ever spoken to Cloud about my plans but never questioned him about his which only seemed to make me feel worse.

''Well, I met this amazing guy at school. Almost--actually scratch that--did hit me in the face with his locker door. He was flustered, stuttering over his apologies while he insisted he take me to the nurse's office and wouldn't take no for an answer. He was--still is-- incredibly stubborn.'' Cloud stated with a small smirk that caused my stomach to erupt with butterflies.

''I don't know where you're getting at, Cloud--''

''This amazing, stubborn guy also tends to interrupt his boyfriend but that's just one of the many things I love about him.'' Cloud said. ''Anyway, back to my story. So, I'm sitting in the nurse's office annoyed with this guy because he's rambling about non-sense while I'm holding tissues up to my bloody nose, thinking of ways to shut him up but just before I can squeeze a word in...these beautiful bright blue eyes peer up at me and I'm lost in his trance.''

''Since that day, this amazing, stubborn, beautiful, intelligent guy has been the center of my attention since day one and I don't plan on letting him go.'' Cloud murmured, reaching out to take my hand in his while his dark blue eyes stay locked with my baby blues. ''So, you're asking about my future and I know it has to involve you, Terrance Jeffery Archibald--''

''You only just learned my middle name.'' I breathed, holding back a teary laugh which I didn't know was of happiness or sadness. ''We barely know each other.''

''Again with the interrupting.'' Cloud mused, a quiet chuckle leaving past his lips while he reached his free hand up to wipe my damp cheek. ''All I know is that my future has to involve you. So, if you're gonna go and travel the world I'll follow you--you know in a not stalkerish way.''

I laughed, though it sounded more like a sob as Cloud pulled me in against his chest while I buried my face into his neck. ''If those plans change and you decide on a college or whatever, know that I'll be there with you because I don't think I could survive a day without the boy whose stolen my heart.''

I held my breath, daring to move my head and meet Cloud's sincere dark blue eyes. ''I love you, Terrance and I'm willing to spend however long it takes to get to know you but I can assure you, I'm gonna love every detail you have to share.''

''I...'' I stared at Cloud, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest with each moment that passed.

''I understand if you don't say it yet.'' Cloud began, smiling faintly. ''I'm not upset or anything but I had to let you know because I don't want to just accidentally slip it up which leads you to wondering if I meant it because now if it does leave past my lips, know the words are true.''

''Thank you.'' I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck to bring his head forward. ''You don't know how much I needed to hear all that.''

''I'm here for you, Rex. Don't forget that.''

★ ★ ★

Beep Beep Beep.

I grunted, snuggling deeper into the warm blankets that cocooned around my body while the alarm continued to go off, alerting it was time to wake up. I heard Cloud faintly mutter curse words under his breath as the bed shifted along with his movements before the sound of his hand slamming down onto the plastic alarm clock sounded, ceasing the obnoxious beeping.

''Hallelujah!'' I moaned in delight, curling my body around my pillow.

''Nah-uh, if I have to wake up than so do you.'' Cloud's husky morning voice stated with a snort. I shivered, turning on my back to glare angrily at Cloud with one eye peaked open.

''I don't wanna wake up.'' I grumbled, closing my eye in reluctance. I still felt dead to the world and I just wanted to lay in bed for the rest of the day to catch up on much needed sleep. I buried my head into my pillow and let out a content sigh before nausea hit me like a tidal wave.

''Wake up, Terrance.'' Cloud commanded, nudging my side with his hand. I groaned, jerking myself up from my laying down position and hurried into the bathroom to release the foul sickness into the toilet. If there was one thing I could go without during this pregnancy; morning sickness would be at the top of the list.

''Why me?'' I mumbled, spitting into the bowl as I heard Cloud near the bathroom before entering, his bare feet padding against the white tile.

''Terrance, are you alright?'' He questioned. ''I'm gonna get you some water, okay?''

I flushed, wiping the back of my mouth as I watched Cloud from the corner of my eye, he only wore a simple pair of neon orange boxer-briefs which hugged his tight ass perfectly. I didn't pay attention as he filled up a glass cup from my sink with water, my eyes souly focused on his tight ass that begged to be bitten.

I cleared my throat. ''Uh, thanks.''

''It's fine. Do you still have a virus or something?'' Cloud asked with a small frown, passing the glass into my hands so I could rinse my mouth out.

''Ah, no. I think I just woke up too fast is all.'' I lied smoothly, taking a sip to swish the fresh water around in my mouth while I avoided his questioning gaze. ''Hey, did you want to stay for breakfast? I'm more than positive I'm the only one home.''

''Yeah, that sounds good but are you sure you're okay? If you're sick you shouldn't push yourself to go to school.'' Cloud said, brushing my bangs back from my eyes. ''I could skip the day with you if you'd like, make you some chicken noodle soup.''

''Uh....'' I trailed, my mind drifting off to naughty land as Cloud in nothing but a white apron and chef hat flashed before my eyes. God, with nothing covering his behind I could really take a few nips out of his firm butt. ''...No, I'm okay. School actually sounds appealing to me.''

''Really? That's a first.'' Cloud mused with a wicked smirk, taking the glass from my hand to set on the counter before he helped me to my feet. ''Wash up, I'm gonna go get dressed.''

''Okay.'' I murmured, my cheeks flaming as Cloud leaned down to kiss my forehead before departing the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I sighed, opening my drawer to pull out my toothbrush, my mind drifting to last night which was still fresh in my mind and the guilt of not confessing my pregnancy to Cloud was eating at my insides.

I mean, the man confessed his love to me, told me he'd be by my side through our future together. Now, his confession should have probably scared the living hell outta me but it didn't, it only made me realize how serious our relationship was developing. He was opening up to me more, making our relationship grow and the fact that he was thinking further into our own futures as one only made keeping this baby a secret more torturous.

Our relationship wasn't public, yet Cloud had no problem being outed where I was terrified to leave the confines of my closet to keep my sexuality hidden from the prying eyes of all the homophobic boogers that seemed to lurk around in the shadows. Also, I wasn't just any average homosexual guy--no. I was a pregnant homosexual guy that still hasn't even had the courage to out himself to his own parents.

Let alone introduce his long term boyfriend to anyone. Which really needed to change. I decided, wrapping a towel around my waist and hurried back into the bedroom where Cloud was seated on my bed, a remote in hand while he flicked through the channels.

His raven black hair was cut to the nape of his neck with bangs hanging over his forehead which only seemed to make his beautiful dark blue eyes appear brighter, his perfect cupid bow lips that only ever lifted up in a smirk but for me he'd smile a true smile. His porcelain skin had a few blemishes which only added to his dark and mysterious aura that loomed around him. He wore his signature black leather jacket with a graphic t-shirt that hugged his muscular upper body in all the right places and his black skinny jeans that hung off his narrow hips.

''Do you want to have lunch with my friends and I, today?'' I asked, catching his attention. ''I mean, only if you want too...''

''Do you want me too?''

I blushed. ''Yeah, I do. I think it's time people know, well a few for now.''

''Wait, is this coming from all I said last night because--''

''Yes and it made me realize how serious our relationship really is and I want to introduce you to the people I care about.'' I explained. ''So I want you to meet Carmen and Ryder officially.''

''That'll make for an interesting lunch.'' Cloud murmured, humming as he set the remote down to lean back on his hands. ''You know I could pack a lunch, maybe bring a fur-less cat as the main course.''

''I should have never told you about that.'' I muttered, running a hand through my damp hair with a sigh. ''Look, Carmen and Ryder don't know you. They're only basing you off rumors which I know is no excuse but I never said my friends were exactly the brightest bunch.''

''I was teasing you, Rex.'' Cloud chuckled, clearly amused with my huffiness. ''I'll join you and your friends for lunch. Now, you should probably get dressed before I'm tempted to cuff you to your headboard and take you all morning.''

I blushed, tightening my fingers around the towel. ''Shut up and turn around so I can change.''

''I've seen you naked plenty of times.'' He mumbled but rolled his eyes after I shot him a dirty look and brought his hands up to cover his eyes. ''Fine, fine but I'm only giving you a minute to dress.''

I quickly dropped my towel to the ground and opened my drawer, pulling out a simple navy blue cardigan, a black low cut v-neck and a pair of black skinny jeans and dressed quickly while keeping my eyes focused on Cloud. I know he's seen me naked many times but I was becoming more self conscious about my body.

I was eating more than I normally did because I wasn't just feeding myself--no. It was a meal, a snack and side dish for two. The side dish counting as my ice cream I seemed to need to eat after every meal and the food I was inhaling was starting to catch up with me or so I kept thinking as I stared down at my scale and noticed I gain five pounds in over a week.

You'd think I'd be loosing weight with the amount of times I've thrown up due to my morning sickness.

''I'm done. You can look now.'' I mumbled crossing my arms over my chest as Cloud fanned his fingers apart to peer over at me with a playful smile that made my heart stutter in my chest.

''Damn, you know I'm going to have to protest you wearing clothes when I'm in the same room as you.''

''Quite being a cheeky little bastard and let's get something to eat, I'm hungry.'' I grumbled, tapping my foot impenitently because I was actually suddenly really hungry. Cloud bit back a laugh as he stood, swaggering his way over until he stood directly in front of me, lacing both our hands together.

''We could go out for breakfast if you'd like.'' He suggested before pausing with a smirk. ''Don't worry if we see anyone we know I'll have you duck under a table. Can't have you embarrassing me, now can we?''

I scoffed, holding in a laugh. ''How about you duck under the table.''

''Fine, neither of us will duck under a table and we'll just call it a casual encounter.'' I shook my head in amusement, leaning up on my tippy toes to give him a quick peck on the lips before we both departed from my bedroom while I kept my ears and eyes pealed for any sign of any sibling or parents home.

And thankfully, the house was deserted so we managed to slip out the front door unnoticed. I walked alongside Cloud as he headed down the sidewalk towards his beautiful black Mercedes Roadster.

''What restaurant are we heading too?'' I asked, slipping into the passenger seat while he clambered into the driver's before he started the engine.

''Mm, Billy Bub's Pub believe it or not has a good breakfast menu.'' He suggested with a shrug. ''Plus it's only a few minutes from the high school.''

''Alright, sounds fine.'' As long as the place had food, it was all good with me.

★ ★ ★

''Good morning, I'm Lillian and I'll be your waitress this morning. Is there anything either of you would like to drink?'' Lillian asked, staring directly at Cloud and mentally undressing him.

Not that I could blame the girl, Cloud was a fine looking guy.

But that's all she could do is stare because if she touched, the bitch'll be loosing a hand.

''I'll have coffee, black.'' Cloud replied, smiling at the blushing waitress.

''I'll have orange juice.'' I mumbled. Lillian nodded and scribbled down the order still smiling at Cloud dreamily.

''I'll be back with your drinks and take your orders, here the menu's.'' She said, setting down the menu's and hurried off towards the back, hopefully she slips and falls on her face on her way back there.

My god, I'm such a terrible person.

I blame pregnancy.

Yeah, that'll work.

''Have you told you're friends we're together?'' Cloud asked, bringing me from my terrible thoughts as I looked up to lock eyes with him.

''Well...they sorta found out a little while back when you went off but I thought we had silently broken up and I sorta relayed that to them''

''Definitely gonna be an interesting lunch hour.'' He murmured, picking up the lunch menu and scanned it over briefly.

''It'll be fine.'' I assured, giving him a light tipped smile as Lillian returned, setting our drinks down in front of us and it annoyed me how she purposely leaned further in to show off her cleavage before slowly righting herself while running her hands down her body with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth to appear sexy and seductive. The whore.

''Have you both decided on your orders?'' Lillian asked, taking out her notepad while running her tounge over her pearly white teeth.

''I'll have the special.'' I mumbled, reigning in my tongue as I resisted the urge to snap and declare Cloud was mine.

''And I'll have the omelet.'' Lillian nodded, giving Cloud another hot stare before she departed from the table to go fulfill our orders and maybe return with an ounce of respect for herself. ''You do know that she has nothing on you, right?''

I flushed. ''I dunno what you're talking about.''

''So you aren't jealous?'' Cloud asked, raising an eyebrow in clear amusement.

''I'm not jealous.'' I grumbled, slouching in the booth with a stern glare. ''I just don't like her hair, you can totally tell she's wearing hair extensions. Not even the expensive kind.''

''Mm, I see where you're coming from.'' Cloud nodded in agreement. ''I've seen better hair on hookers.'' I was momentarily stunned before I laughed out loud which caused Cloud to burst into laughter as well, causing a few curious folks to focus in on us with interest or annoyance.

''I can't believe you said that.'' I chuckled, covering my mouth. ''It sounded''

''It made you smile and laugh didn't it?'' He replied, shooting me a small smile. ''I don't like you upset so I keep it in my best interest to make sure you're happy.''

''You're cheeky and corny, who would have known.'' I murmured with a teasing grin which he merely replied with a smirk and a playful eye roll, leaving the rest of breakfast in silence aside from the glances we'd shoot one another but it was a comfortable silence.

Upon arriving on school ground, I watched students scurry around laughing and hollering their friend's names as they entered the school building. Cloud pulled into his usual parking space, clambering out of his sleek black Mercedes Roadster while I leaned against the hood of his car as he mindlessly searched his back seat for a late assignment he wanted to hand in. I smirked in amusement as he cursed like a sailor before ripping out a piece of paper in victory.

''Congrats, I'd thought the back seat would've pulled you in and eaten you.'' I teased, watching him close the car door with a huff as he followed me towards the front doors. We were a few minutes late but I didn't really care if I'd get a tardy or a detention, my time spent with Cloud would be well worth one.

''Oh you'd miss me.'' Cloud retorted, holding the door open for me. ''I have to head to the office but I'll find you at lunch, yeah?''

''Okay, yeah.'' I nodded, staring at him for a short brief moment and I itched to leap forward and kiss him but we could get caught which is why I gave him a quick smile before scurrying off like a coward towards my first class.


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