You Are Exactly Who I Think U...

By IM5erforever8

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Hey, i'm Alex Jones. I was just a normal girl before i moved to LA. I had to start a new life. On my first da... More

You are exactly who i think u r. ( Cole Pendery love story )
Chapter 2, NEW HOUSE
Chapter 3 New school, New life
Chapter 4 hai, im cole pendery
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 guy frends and devils
chapter 7 HOW?
Chapter 8 Jerk and a bully
Chapter 9 damaged
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11 getting ready for prom
Chapeter 12 The Start Of Prom
Chapter 16 sleepovers
Chapter 17 your my gravity from here on out
Chapter 18
Chapter 19 HELP!
Chapter 20 the switch
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chpter 23 OMG ITS YOU!
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 torture day 3
Chapter 27 love hurts
Chapter 28
Chapter 29 Escaping
Chapter 30 Home At Last
Chapter 31 Everything is Going Back to Normal
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 Secrets and Lies
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 Back to School
Chapter 37
Chapter 38 Back To School..... Kinda.
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 dance class
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 explaining
Chapter 43 relaxing
Chapter 43 pranks
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 was it worth it?
Chapter 47
Chaprter 48
chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51 Waking Up to Love
Chapter 52
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Just Thinking
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
CHAPTER 59 trails
Chapter 60 part 1. Arrivals
Chapter 60 part 2
Chapter 60 part 3
Chapter 61 why did she bring us here?
Chapter 63 GALEXY
Chapter 64 Together at last
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70 END

Chapter 66

1.6K 27 2
By IM5erforever8


I looked on the floor and the gun was by Dana's foot.

I looked at Dana and he looked at me. I stared at him and then the gun. He saw it and exactly kicked it to me without Jane knowing.

"Gabe, call the police. I'm done with this." Will said.

Gabe took out his phone and I just kept seeing Jane swarm trying to escape the grasp but she was too weak.

I picked up the gun and held it making sure Jane couldn't take it away from me and try to kill us for the 3th time.

"SHIT!!" Gabe yelled.

"What?" Alex#2 said with a worried look.

"No signal. Now what?" Gabe replies.

"I don't know." Dalton said. I could tell we were all frustrated. Dalton sat on the floor with his hands on his face looking annoyed. Cole and Dana were struggling to hold Jane. Madison and Alex#2 were talking to Gabe on a way to get the police. Will was just staring with a sad and tired look. For me, I just wanted to die. I can't stand every bad thing happen to me. If i went away, everyone would probably be safe. If I didn't come here, none f us would be in this mess. I wouldn't be in this mess. If I didn't move, I would still have alot of friends. My parents would still be with me. i would be happy. But but, i wouldnt have cole Is he worth it? am i worth it? if i wasnt in this situation, i would be free. I mean, I do have a gun in my hand. Should I do it?

Dana saw that I had a very serious look on my face while I was griping onto the gun with more strength. I was starting to lift the gun a bit.

"Alex, don't!" Dana yelled at me.

"WHY NOT! Everything is already fucked up. I don't want to live like this. I mean, just look where we are standing right now!" I yelled back. I started to cry from my own fear and life.

"Because it's not worth it. What will happen to the people who love you? You didn't even get to live yet. Going like this, isn't going to help. Just put down the gun for me. For dalton. For will. For Madison. For Alex#2. For Gabe. For your parents. for your friends. For COLE!" Dana tried to convince me.

I looked at cole and he was crying. It breaks my heart to have to see him like this, but if i do this he will get to live, just without me. I looked at will and he looked at me with a sad ace and had his hands up telling me not too. I looked at Dana and staring at me not to do it. I looked at dalton, Madison, Gabe, and Alex#2 and they all had the same face. I looked at Jane who smiled at me with a evil look.

"Alex, please! Don't do this. We need you. I need you!" Cole cried.

I looked at everyone. Still deciding. I had the gun toward me by my side. Cole still couldn't contain his crying but it was slowing down.

"I'm sorry." Was all I said before pressing the button a little more.

"WILL! HOLD JANE!!!" Cole yelled. He ran over to me and pushed me down making the gun fall out of my hand before I could trigger it.

Cole was on top of me.

"GEt off me!!!! Please. " I squirm.

"Alex!! Calm down!" Cole mp said grabbing my arm and pinning them against the floor.

"Just let me die. I don't want to be here. Please. Let go." I said crying my eyes out.

"I can't lose you Alex! Not anymore. I lost you to many times because of me. If I lose you this time,I will never see you again. I can't live without you. Alex, please don't do this. I can help you get though this. This isnt you, i know you. you would never hurt yourself. I just need you in my life. We went though to much for this. You can't quit now. I love you." Cole said.

I just laid there quiet, crying. Why couldn't he just let me go. I don't want to live like this. I don't want to live at all.

He let go of my hands but he was still on top of me. I covered my face for a while.

"Could you get off now?" I ask.

"Only if you promise you won't kill yourself. If you kill yourself, I will too. Just don't do it." Cole Said. Wait, what? He would kill himself if I do.

"Ok." I said.

Cole got up and then helped me up.

He held me close and then I just pulled him into a big hug.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you to. don't ever hurt yourself. i cant lose you." cole said,

I stopped crying a bit and looked at Jane.

"That was almost too easy. Instead of me killing you. You almost killed yourself. Round of applause for me everyone." Jane said.

"Shut up! If you want to live." Dalton said angry.

"I'm not scared of you Rapattoni." Jane said back.

"You should be if you want to keep your ugly face." Dalton said.

"You can't hit a girl." She whined,

"Wanna bet." Dalton said. I could tell she felt a bit defeat.

I walk over to dalton.

"Thanks." I said and gave him a hug.

"What are friends for right?"

I then walk over to Alex#2, Madison, and Gabe. I hug all of them individually.

"Are you ok? Don't ever do that again. You scared the shiz balls out of all of us." Gabe said.

I laugh because Gabe said shiz balls.

I go back to cole and he puts his arms around my waist and pulls me to him.

"Can we just tie her up? My arms are tired of her." Dana complained.

"Oh oh oh!!! I have rope in my car." Dalton yelled.

"Why?" Will asked.

"Don't ask. My car has everything." Dalton said.

"Ill come with you." Gabe said.

--------------------30 mins later-------------------

Madison, dalton, Gabe, and Alex#2 were all sleeping. Will was sitting by a tree and I could tell he was falling asleep. Dana was playing with a knife and swirling it around. where did he even get that? the gun was safely by Will so i wouldn't take it or jane. Jane was sitting , tied up to a tree and i swear her face looks so creepy at night. I was sitting next to cole, we took first shift and and we were just talking about stuff to keep our minds off things.

None of us knew what to do. All of our car tires are flat, none of us have signal, all of us are tired.

I got up from taking to cole and went over to Dana and sat down next to him.

"Why aren't you sleeping like everyone else?" I ask.

"Not tired." He replied.

"Can I ask you something." I said.

"You already did." He joked.

"Seriously?" I ask.

"I'm kidding, you can ask me anything." The said.

"Ok, where did you get that knife?" I ask.

He laughed. " I had it this whole time. When I was at home, I brought a knife for Incase." Dana said.


We just sat there in silence.

"Hey? Are you ok? Please don't ever do that again. You scared me to death when you held up the gun. I didn't want my best friend killing herself" Dana asked.

"Yeah. This isn't the first time I thought about killing myself." I said. Dana looked at me with confusion.

"What do you mean? Have you thought about killing yourself before this?" Dana asked concerned.

"Only a few times. It wasn't before I moved here tho. Every time I felt defeat here, I would think about it. I was always too scared to do it because I hate pain and it scared me but today was different, I had enough and I thought if I just killed myself, I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. Things use to be normal, now everything is. Different. I can't even see my parents anymore. I haven't even talked with them for months because I was too scared to tell them what's been happening." I said.

"Alex, you know things always gets better. I am here for you. Cole is here for you. Cole loves you so much, I think he wouldn't feel the same if you were gone. I know he wouldn't be happy anymore. Just by losing you for a few day, cole said that it felt like years. We will all get though this together no matter what. All of us are stronger together. I mean, just look at all the obstacles we went through and we got past them together. I don't want you to even think about killing yourself anymore because all of us will miss you so much especially cole." Dana said.

"I know, but it just felt so right at first. Ps Dana, your really good at giving advice." I said.

"Thank you." Dana said a little cocky.

"What now. I don't want to stay here in this creepy place." I ask.

"I don't know." Dana said.

"What time is it?" I asked,

Dana pulled out his phone. "Um, it's 2:17am"

"Ugh, it's so late" I complained.

"I know but we will get through it together." He said then winked. I giggled.

I got back up and went back to cole. I sat down next to him and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"You know the stars are really pretty today?" Cole asked. I looked up and saw how bright it was.

"It would be better if we didn't have a killer here but it is really pretty." I said.

When I looked back at cole, I saw him staring at me. His eyes were shining and he was sorta tearing up.

"Why are you crying?" I ask.

"Nothing. Just the thought of you gone made my heart sink. Alex, I swear, if you died, I wouldn't be able to live. I would have killed myself from depression. I love you." Cole said.

"I love you so much too." I said. He leaned in and kissed me. We didn't even read it for air. I didn't want to stop. It made me forget about all the things that has just happened. I love cole. He was the only encouragement to keep me going.

We finally stopped when I saw some green and red lights coming toward us.

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled.

"Guys wake up!!! The police is here!!" I yelled really loud causing everyone to have a heart attack.

All of us were wide awake staring at the lights coming toward to us.

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