Got Me In Chains

By alyssa-san

58.4K 1.7K 2.3K

LeoPika Fanfic The phenomenon with Kurapika and the Phantom Troupe is over. All 13 members were killed, inclu... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 36

743 19 23
By alyssa-san

It was July 7th, Leo was two months old and Luca turned a year old today. Back at Whale Island, the Freecss family was celebrating Killua's birthday. Knowing the two shared a birthday, Leorio figured they go to Whale Island to celebrate both birthdays.

Leorio and Kurapika were up early, baking a cake that they can have for later when they get back from the party at Whale Island. Luca and Leo were still asleep in the bassinet, the older brother's small arm wrapped around his baby brother.

Kurapika put the finished cake on the counter,covering it "Call Gon. I'm going to go out and buy some more clothes for our boys!"

"Kurapika, I think they have enough c-" Leorio stopped, noticing his husband was no longer there. He already ran out to go to the baby shop close by. The doctor chuckled, pulling out his phone and calling Gon.

Gon answered his phone, helping Mito decorate the huge chocolate cake for Killua as he slept. "Leorio!"

"Do you mind Kurapika and I coming over? Since it's Luca's birthday too, we figured we come over and celebrate Killua's and Luca's. What do you say?"

"Sounds like fun! I can't wait for you to get here!" Gon said happily. "Mito San, add Luca on that cake too! Leopika is coming over!" He shouted, combing the married couple's name

Leorio blushed, scratching the back of his head and laughing. "Alright Gon, we'll see you in a few hours or so."

"See you soon, Leorio!" Gon said, hanging up his phone.

Leorio put his phone in his pocket, then grabbing the wrapped presents for Luca and putting them in a suitcase. He didn't want a bad scenario happening on the boat again, so he packed many things such as small peaches and a muffin for Luca to snack on and warm milk for Leo.

"Papa!" Luca called out for his father, sitting up in the bassinet.

Leorio walked inside the bedroom and smiled, picking him up and hugging him tightly. "There you are, my birthday boy!"

Luca hugged his father and giggled, not having any idea what a birthday was. "Bur,thady?" The boy tried to say.

"Birthday. " Leorio repeated. "You get presents. One year ago, you joined Kurapika and my world. You turn one today."

"Yay!" Luca clapped, not understanding it fully yet but he figured he'd be happy.

"I'm home!" Kurapika called out, walking with several bags in his hands and laughing. "I did it again..."

"Kurapika!" Leorio facepalmed, letting out a sigh. "Whatever, I couldn't stop you... $

"Papi Pika!" Luca shouted, Leorio putting him down. The boy ran to his blonde father and hugged his leg, looking at the bags. "Me?"

"Only these." Kurapika said, waving the three bags and then lifting Luca up. "Happy birthday Luca." He hugged him, then kissing his forehead.

Luca made baby noises for manners, not able to say them out fully yet. "Gon? Kill?" He said the names of their friends.

Leorio nodded. "Yes, we are going over to see them." He said, picking up Leo who was still asleep. Keeping him wrapped in his light blue blanket, he held the baby close to his chest, keeping his other hand on his suitcase. "Let's go."

Kurapika looked at the suitcase. "What's in their Leorio?" He asked.

"Mostly food and medicine. I don't want either of them to get sick." Leorio responded, watching as Kurapika put at least 5 outfits for each in there.

"Now we can go." Kurapika said with a laugh,putting Luca down and holding his hand. Leorio shook his head and sighed. "You and the clothes. They don't need 5 pairs for 1 day." He said, but laughed.

The family walked to the dock, getting on boat. Luca sat on Kurapika's lap and Leo started to awaken, crying of hunger.

"There, there, it's okay." Leorio whispered, kissing his forehead before grabbing the bottle of warm milk from the suitcase, bringing it to Leo's mouth.

The baby boy took the nipple inside his mouth, drinking the milk but not as fast as Luca would. He couldn't even place his small hands on the sides of the bottle because he couldn't move them that welI .

After an hour or two, the family of four reached Whale Island. Killua just woke up , walking down the stairs with his messy white hair and rubbing his eyes. Then he heard a few words that suddenly woke him up. "Happy birthday!" Gon and Mito yelled simultaneously.

Killua raised an eyebrow, his eyes widened as bit. "Wow guys, thanks..." he said with a smile. "Where's Ging?"

"He had to go do some 'important hunter business as he puts it.' " Gon said, letting out a long sigh. "But Leopika is coming over to celebrate your birthday with us, and Luca's too!"

Killua nodded and smiled. "Alright, I'll go change." He ran up into Gon's bedroom where he changed into new clean clothes. He looked out the window, noticing the married couple was already here. His eyes widened as he saw the baby in Leorio's arms. 'Another one so quick?!' He thought to himself.

The white haired teenager ran down the stairs, grabbing Gon's arm. He pulled them to the door, opening it and smiling. "Happy birthday Luca!" Killua said to the boy.

"Bur thday, chu, Kill!" Luca tried to say, Leorio and Kurapika also saying happy birthday to him.

Gon looked over at the baby in his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Another one, how cute!" He yelled out. "What's his name?"

"Leo!" Luca answered, giggling and clapping his hands.

"Gon, I believe he shares a birthday with you, May 5th, correct?" Kurapika asked for clarification.

Gon smiled brightly, nodding. "Yes! We both share the same birthday! It's still a bit ironic though...that your children share a birthday with us..." he then looked at Killua. "Come on, let's have a child!"

"Baka! I just turned 16 and you did 2 months ago as well. We don't know anything about children or how we can have one." Killua mumbled. "Forget about it..."

Gon frowned, pouting. "Fine, but we'll have a child eventually!" The black and green haired teenager said.

Leorio and Kurapika once again laughed like they did on their last visit. They walked in after Gon and Killua, the first thing they were doing was eating the cake.

Killua then became interested on what the couple has been doing for all the time. "So, let's been going on lately?" He asked. "Tell us everything from when you left until now."

Kurapika looked down for a moment, instantly remembering Luca's sickness. That happened as soon as they left. He dropped his fork, standing up and finding his way to the bathroom. Then the other bad thought; Leo having a disorder.

"Was there something I said?" Killua asked, finishing his peace of cake.

Leorio shook his head, feeding Leo warm milk and caressing his cheek, Luca now on his lap. "We've been through a lot...and Kurapika has gotten really emotional lately."

"I see..." Killua frowned, looking at Leorio. "But you will tell me everything, right?"

Leorio nodded. "Yes. It started when we got home. We instantly went to sleep after the long day with you guys. Luca woke up crying, and he was sick. He took him to the hospital and figured out he had hepatitis A. But Chidzu, a mother of my friend is a great doctor. She is like a fortune teller doctor. It's her type of Nen. A rival of ours, named Goro, was the one who got our sunshine here sick, either by bad milk or a sickness from nen..."

Killua and Gon's eyes widened. "A sickness of nen?" The black and green haired boy teen said.

"Is that even possible?" Killua asked.

"We aren't sure. We went to court, and Goro has prison life for 10 years. Kurapika went insane. He was going to kill him. But I just used my own Ten and Hatsu."

"Wow..." Killua said, looking at Luca. "We're glad he's okay now."

Leorio nodded. "Yes. We did do a lot of fun things too. Luca learned words and learned to walk already. Then he started to say the word bro, which got me and Kurapika confused until Kurapika conclude he wanted a brother."

"And that's where Leo comes from." Killua said, looking over at the baby who was once again asleep.

"Yes, but..." Leorio started. "We took everything harder. His mood swings, cravings, and sicknesses were just awful...and once it reached the fourth month, we were told Leo has a disorder..."

Once again the teenagers eyes widened at what they heard; shocked, confused, and curious. "Disorder?" Gon asked.

"A mix ceberal palsy and nonfluent aphasia. He will only be able to make noises, sometimes say words, and won't be able to move a lot either, possibly just kick his legs and arms around. Kurapika took it hard when we figured out. He went..." Leorio stopped, trying to find the right word as he remembered the scarlet eyes, his heavy breathing, and fainting, and then the fever afterwards. "Sick...with sadness? Yeah..."

"Damn..." Killua mumbled. "I'm sorry to hear that about the little guy..."

"M-me too! But we will always be here for little Leo!" Gon said trying to lighten the mood.

"As Kurapika was unconscious, I took it real hard. I blamed myself for his sickness. I thought everything was my fault. I cried over and over, and Kurapika woke up and said 'don't blame yourself...' " Leorio tried not to get emotional as he was almost done explaining the story himself. "Then the nine month...the c-section was even worse...the pain was unbearable. He screamed and cried so much..." the doctor looked down, a tear running down his face. "He couldn't do it...he didn't want it happening to him again. He didn't want to be violated and broken...but we wanted to see Leo...his face was filled with fear and scared me...I thought he was going to die..."

"Papa?" Luca looked up at his father, standing up on his lap to wipe his tear away, and Gon now handing him a tissue.

"Thanks.." Leorio took the tissue, blowing his nose and rubbing his eyes. "Leo was out. And Kurapika laid there violated and hurt...but he had some happiness, that our second came out beautiful...we were all there to comfort him...and then he was sealed back up."

Gon was crying himself, wiping his eyes. "All of that really happened to you? I'm so sorry...."

Killua nodded in agreement. "Yes, I am too..." he frowned. "You guys went much pain. I apologize for asking..."

"It's fine. Come on, it's your birthday, Killua and Luca's too! Let's take this time to be happy." Leorio smiled.

Kurapika was a mess. It started with him crying and his scarlet eyes, but he started to feel pain. He took his robe off and then his shirt, his eyes widening. They opened up...the marks on his stomach were no longer sealed. Blood slipped out of his stomach, coughing up blood as well. The blonde dropped onto his knees, screaming in pain. "LEORIO!" He cried out.

Leorio heard the screams and got nervous. "Mito." He stood up, handing Leo to her. "Please, just watch him until I get back. Luca too." He ran up to the bathroom, opening the door and his eyes widening as he saw the bloody mess his husband was. "KURAPIKA!"

Gon and Killua decided they would go up too, running after Leorio to the bathroom. Seeing the blood everywhere reminded Killua of his assassin family, and what happened when he took the first hunter exam. As for Gon, it reminded him when he fought Pitou. They didn't let their bad memories get in the way of Kurapika though,but yelling simultaneously "Kurapika!"

Leorio rushed inside the bathroom, sitting on the floor and laying Kurapika onto his lap. He examined his stomach, tears rushing down his face. "They...opened...."

"Leorio...I think...I'm done...I'm bleeding out..." Kurapika whispered, putting his head close to his husband's chest.

What he said made Leorio cry even more. "No, you won't die! I won't allow you!" His tears dripped onto Kurapika's face. "Gon, call a doctor! I have to do the best I can until one gets here..."

"Don't bother." Chidzu said, appearing in the bathroom and kneeling down in front of them. "I teleported, yes I can do that. Don't waste your breath asking." She looked at Kurapika. "I have to reseal his wounds, and quick too. Leorio, if you want Kurapika to live, do everything I say. The first thing is, help me perform the operation."

Leorio was surprised that he was going to help, but nodded in agreement because this was for Kurapika's life. "Right...Gon, Killua, play with my son's. If Luca figured out this happened on his birthday, he would be devastaed..." Leorio said, Kurapika squeezing his hand and screaming in pain.

"Right!" The teens said, running back down stairs. "Mito San, we are going to watch over them!" Gon said in his usual hypeful loud voice.

"You two know nothing about a baby." Mito sighed. "You can play with Luca though."

"Yay! Gon! Kill!" Luca said, sitting on the floor and clapping.

"Alright, I'll go get some of my old toys upstairs!" Gon yelled, running upstairs to his bedroom.

'Well..I guess now we know what it's like for a child, Gon. But we still don't know how we can have one, and your father doesn't even know we are together...then again...' Killua looked down at Luca, patting his head. 'I can't let him go upstairs...and see Kurapika...' he thought.

Kurapika was on the edge of dying on his son's birthday. He wasn't afraid, just didn't want to leave his family. Especially leaving two young boys, a usually happy one and the other with a disorder all up to Leorio. Leorio promised his husband he wouldn't die...he couldn't..Chidzu and him would do everything they can to heal Kurapika...

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